Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

OP just looking for attention...he posts one of these trolling threads every few days...

What amazes me is how they will brazenly advocate totalitarian Marxist-Communist policies, then act shocked that anyone would dare call them such a thing!
Anoither Billy Triple Zero troll thread.

Hey, Billy. Computers arent controlled by the government. I guess that means computer companies can charge whatever they want. Right?
Yes more logical fallacy from rightwing. I expected it...

Actually I believe the Logical Fallacy is yours.

Insanity was once defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - it's an inability to learn from previous mistakes.

History , in particular recent history has clearly demonstrated that Government is incapable of doing anything efficiently or effectively. Without competition and the profit motive which is via private enterprise.

The Healthcare system like all bureaucratic endeavors will never be as efficient or as effective as it could be under a properly regulated privatized system.
OP just looking for attention...he posts one of these trolling threads every few days...

What amazes me is how they will brazenly advocate totalitarian Marxist-Communist policies, then act shocked that anyone would dare call them such a thing!
It's all a theoretical exercise to them. Naive partisans marching in lockstep...

Naive partisans marching in lockstep.. a/k/a Useful Idiots
OP just looking for attention...he posts one of these trolling threads every few days...

What amazes me is how they will brazenly advocate totalitarian Marxist-Communist policies, then act shocked that anyone would dare call them such a thing!

All of the national health care systems in the West, Canada, Australia, NZ, Taiwan, SK, Japan, etc., are totalitarian Marxist-Communist systems"
OP just looking for attention...he posts one of these trolling threads every few days...

What amazes me is how they will brazenly advocate totalitarian Marxist-Communist policies, then act shocked that anyone would dare call them such a thing!

All of the national health care systems in the West, Canada, Australia, NZ, Taiwan, SK, Japan, etc., are totalitarian Marxist-Communist systems"

The countries don't have significant portions of their population who refuse to provide for themselves.
OP just looking for attention...he posts one of these trolling threads every few days...

What amazes me is how they will brazenly advocate totalitarian Marxist-Communist policies, then act shocked that anyone would dare call them such a thing!

All of the national health care systems in the West, Canada, Australia, NZ, Taiwan, SK, Japan, etc., are totalitarian Marxist-Communist systems"

Wrong - they are socialized medicine and if they are so great and wonderful why do all these countries persistently send people to the United States for treatment of many complex diseases. ....Because we had the best Healthcare system in the World
OP just looking for attention...he posts one of these trolling threads every few days...

What amazes me is how they will brazenly advocate totalitarian Marxist-Communist policies, then act shocked that anyone would dare call them such a thing!

All of the national health care systems in the West, Canada, Australia, NZ, Taiwan, SK, Japan, etc., are totalitarian Marxist-Communist systems"

That's because ALL nationalized health care is Marxist-Communist.

Now this works out okay for a communist or socialist nation, where the people don't expect much and are accustomed to being satisfied with whatever morsels the government hands out. But in a free country like ours, where consumers are accustomed to having choices and options, are able to afford the best, being able to hold others accountable and such, free to pursue better alternatives and protected by a constitution... it doesn't work.

And regardless of what argument you present at this point, Obamacare was forced on the people against their will by Democrats giddy with power. That's why you are in the position of defending and selling something that is already law of the land. You are going to rue the day this was done.
That's because ALL nationalized health care is Marxist-Communist.

Now this works out okay for a communist or socialist nation, where the people don't expect much and are accustomed to being satisfied with whatever morsels the government hands out. But in a free country like ours, where consumers are accustomed to having choices and options, are able to afford the best, being able to hold others accountable and such, free to pursue better alternatives and protected by a constitution... it doesn't work.

And regardless of what argument you present at this point, Obamacare was forced on the people against their will by Democrats giddy with power. That's why you are in the position of defending and selling something that is already law of the land. You are going to rue the day this was done.

Great post. Wish I could rep you twice.
As expected, a loyal member of the echo chamber ^^^ offers nothing beyond support for an ad hominem, posted by one of his pals.

I never pass up an opportunity to insult a numskull like you or rdean.

I've noticed, I've also noticed that's all you contribute, well, other than right wing propaganda which you parrot from other sources.

That you're not too bright is an understatement, something easily understood by your support of the callous conservative agenda. Since you will ask, their agenda is Anarcho-Capitalism, at least those who are not supporting the Plutocrats (and they may be less bright than even you).

People only laugh when you call them stupid. Everyone who reads your posts laughs at you.

Actually, that's pretty much what I do. I usually have a good chuckle, and then determine if the amusing, but ignorant post, is worth my time responding to. Lately, most of Wry's posts fall under that system.

I'm so glad you enjoy a good chuckle, and I'd recommend you not respond to my comments. Why? Because we have a totally different world view. You are focused on the things most important to you, and I'm focused on the greatest good for the greatest number of our citizens.

Yet another quote straight out of Atlas Shrugged.

The problem is, your system has not produced the most good to the most people. Capitalism has. Our country is proof of that. No system is 100% pure, but the fact is, our system was, and has been for most of our countries history, been the most Capitalist based in the world.

Yet our country being the youngest, among dozens of nations that have been around for hundreds, almost a thousand years longer than our own..... we're the most wealthy, and enjoy the highest standard of living in the world.

Our poor people, live in many ways, a higher standard of living, than the middle class of other 1st world countries.

Our system has produced the most good for the most people, not yours. Your system, if implemented to it's fullest, results in impoverishment and even starvation.

Worse yet, most of those other countries, only have the standard of living they do, because of our system. Our advances, our growth, our wealth creation, has benefited all those other countries, far more than anything they have done has benefited us.
When Taiwan–another country with a strong free-market economy–decided to create a new health care system in the mid-1990s, it studied every existing model. It too chose a model of universal access and universal insurance but decided against having several private insurers, as Switzerland and the U.S. do. Instead it created a single insurer, basically a version of Medicare. The result: universal access and high-quality care at stunningly low costs. Taiwan spends only 7% of its GDP on health care.

Health Insurance is for Everyone Fareed Zakaria

The problem is, anyone can cut spending on health care. That's the easiest thing to do. I can rent a warehouse, stuff bunk beds in there, hire a cleaner, and a high school student to walk around with Aspirin and wet wipes, and offer "health care" for $500 per person.

Hey I saved money on health care! Am I now amazing? Equal care, for equal price! Socialist belief played out. Of course, I'd have a lot of patients die.... but at least it was fair, equal, and cheap. Yugo automobiles were cheap too. Now exactly a good trade.

There's my problem. The people, like yourself, who post about how great health care is in country X, you never seem to define what's "great" about it, except that it's 'cheap' and 'equal'.

Here's what I want to know. How 'good' is the care? What exactly is the quality of that care? What are the survival rates like?

There's the problem. I can't even find reliable numbers, comparative numbers, between Taiwan and the OECD. Why is that?

If people have half the chance of living through an illness, is that a worth while trade off on money? Ask any cancer patient, if they wish to save money, in exchange for 10 times that chance of dying? Is your life worth losing over money? Because that's what you advocate.


Ponzi schemes do not crash instantly. Never do. If they did, no one would ever do them. Think about it. If the Ponzi scheme crashed the instant it was created, no one would ever earn even a penny off one. Thus no one would ever create such a scheme.

The reason Ponzi scheme are created is because they work great at the start, and crash later.

Friedman: 1980, Free to Choose - Page 113

"Proponents of socialized medicine in the United States—to give their cause its proper name—typically cite Great Britain, and more recently Canada, as examples of its success. The Canadian experience has been too recent to provide an adequate test—most new brooms sweep pretty clean—but difficulties are already emerging. The British National Health Service has now been in operation more than three decades and the results are pretty conclusive. That, no doubt, is why Canada has been replacing Britain as the example pointed to."

Milton's point "new brooms sweep pretty clean", is that at the start everything tends to work well. But over the litmus test of time, the real quality of the system is shown.

And the Canadian system has been shown it's failure now too. Realize that the Taiwan system is only 10 years old. They only really got started in 2001.

Consider: If I started the Andy Mortgage System. AMS. AMS offers to help people with mortgages, by me paying 50% of their mortgage. So you sign up, and I pay 50% of your mortgage through the AMS.

You run around all over town, all over the news papers, all over the TV and media "The AMS is great! Everyone needs to use AMS!"

And the truth is... it really is great! The system is working wonderfully! Right? Just one problem. More and more use the system, and eventually.... what happens? I run out of money.

Then all the people who bought a house they couldn't afford, based on the assumption AMS would cover 50% of the cost, go bankrupt, and foreclosed on.

This is exactly what happens in Single-Payer systems.

Right now Taiwan is in the "Single payer is great! Everyone needs Single Payer!" phase of it's existence. Just like Canada was 20 years ago, and like the UK was 20 years before that.

The new broom is sweeping pretty clean..... right now.
Paul Krugman gets schooled on Canadian Health Care.......

THE LOOK! Oh my goodness... when he asked how many thought their health care was terrible, the look on his face!!! AH Priceless!

And isn't that how it always is? The leftists always seem to assume that everyone just loves their system, because.... well.... how could you??! It's free! It's wonderful! It's the best in the world!

Reminds me of those Soviet era Kremlin leaders all talking about the workers Paradise. Or the quote by Hitler on how the Germans loved him. Or Gaddafi, about how Libyans loved him. Or Hugo Chavez, on how they all loved his Bolvarian Revolution.

The left is so blinded by their own ideology, they constantly think everyone supports their policies.... because how could anyone possibly not support them?? Krugman get's a wake up call.
Paul Krugman gets schooled on Canadian Health Care.......

THE LOOK! Oh my goodness... when he asked how many thought their health care was terrible, the look on his face!!! AH Priceless!

And isn't that how it always is? The leftists always seem to assume that everyone just loves their system, because.... well.... how could you??! It's free! It's wonderful! It's the best in the world!

Reminds me of those Soviet era Kremlin leaders all talking about the workers Paradise. Or the quote by Hitler on how the Germans loved him. Or Gaddafi, about how Libyans loved him. Or Hugo Chavez, on how they all loved his Bolvarian Revolution.

The left is so blinded by their own ideology, they constantly think everyone supports their policies.... because how could anyone possibly not support them?? Krugman get's a wake up call.

Based on what size sample?
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run
    our healthcare system?

    I am not a rightwinger but I'd like to take stab at it:

    1- I know that socialists do not care for our (1787) Constitution - but the same does not authorize the government to run healthcare
    2- The Veterans Administration is a form of socialized medicine - ask a veterans how yhey feel about their system - 49 were left to die at the Phoenix VAMC
    3- I love lie and would like to remain alive for a long time
    4- It is proven that profit is a good motive - altruism is not
Paul Krugman gets schooled on Canadian Health Care.......

THE LOOK! Oh my goodness... when he asked how many thought their health care was terrible, the look on his face!!! AH Priceless!

And isn't that how it always is? The leftists always seem to assume that everyone just loves their system, because.... well.... how could you??! It's free! It's wonderful! It's the best in the world!

Reminds me of those Soviet era Kremlin leaders all talking about the workers Paradise. Or the quote by Hitler on how the Germans loved him. Or Gaddafi, about how Libyans loved him. Or Hugo Chavez, on how they all loved his Bolvarian Revolution.

The left is so blinded by their own ideology, they constantly think everyone supports their policies.... because how could anyone possibly not support them?? Krugman get's a wake up call.

Based on what size sample?

Why don't you ask Mr. Krugman. Economists are supposed to be statisticians (by default) and yet he was willing to ask the question.....what do you think he would have said if they would have all kept their hands down ?

You know full good and well what he would have said.

Six people is not a sample of any significance....but Paul Kruggerbutt never let that stop him from trying to score points.

In this case, he got his ass kicked.
Paul Krugman gets schooled on Canadian Health Care.......

THE LOOK! Oh my goodness... when he asked how many thought their health care was terrible, the look on his face!!! AH Priceless!

And isn't that how it always is? The leftists always seem to assume that everyone just loves their system, because.... well.... how could you??! It's free! It's wonderful! It's the best in the world!

Reminds me of those Soviet era Kremlin leaders all talking about the workers Paradise. Or the quote by Hitler on how the Germans loved him. Or Gaddafi, about how Libyans loved him. Or Hugo Chavez, on how they all loved his Bolvarian Revolution.

The left is so blinded by their own ideology, they constantly think everyone supports their policies.... because how could anyone possibly not support them?? Krugman get's a wake up call.

Based on what size sample?

Why don't you ask Mr. Krugman. Economists are supposed to be statisticians (by default) and yet he was willing to ask the question.....what do you think he would have said if they would have all kept their hands down ?

You know full good and well what he would have said.

Six people is not a sample of any significance....but Paul Kruggerbutt never let that stop him from trying to score points.

In this case, he got his ass kicked.

Krugman made the mistake of asking a question in public he didn't know the answer to; however, that tells us nothing about the economic logic of single payer health care:
"The alternative would be single-payer, aka Medicare for all: a payroll tax on everyone, and a government insurance program for everyone. Wouldn’t that be simpler, easier to administer, and more efficient?"
Possibly, health care is another facet of national defense?
Anoither Billy Triple Zero troll thread.

Hey, Billy. Computers arent controlled by the government. I guess that means computer companies can charge whatever they want. Right?
Yes more logical fallacy from rightwing. I expected it...

Actually I believe the Logical Fallacy is yours.

Insanity was once defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - it's an inability to learn from previous mistakes.

History , in particular recent history has clearly demonstrated that Government is incapable of doing anything efficiently or effectively. Without competition and the profit motive which is via private enterprise.

The Healthcare system like all bureaucratic endeavors will never be as efficient or as effective as it could be under a properly regulated privatized system.
That means a non-regulated private system.

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