Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks? Anyone?

Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks?

I have my own theories.
Here's another reason, crack head. Since 1997 I have probably bought over 20 guns. More probably. I did not have to undergo a background check on any of them, and they were all bought in gun stores, legally. The reason is that I have a concealed handgun license and having that makes me exempt from the background check. Now, considering there were almost a million CHL holders in Texas alone in 2016, doesn't that scare your coward traitor hide to death?
You shouldn’t have guns

You shouldn't have fingers to type with.
Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks?

I have my own theories.


Someone explained that we already have background checks, and the problem isn't gun is the government failing to press "Enter" on their computers when it comes to putting the records of criminals into the database....

They also may have explained this to him....

How Everytown’s background check law impedes firearms safety training and self-defense

The Bloomberg system applies to every firearms “transfer.” In normal firearms law, a “transfer” means “a permanent exchange of title or possession and does not include gratuitous temporary exchanges or loans.” Chow v. State. 393 Md. 431, 473, 903 A.2d 388, 413 (2006).

However, the Bloomberg laws create a very different definition. For example, the Washington state law says that “ ‘Transfer’ means the intended delivery of a firearm to another person without consideration of payment or promise of payment including, but not limited to, gifts and loans.” Rev. Code Wash. § 9.41.010(25).

In other words, it applies to sharing a gun while target shooting on one’s own property, or to lending a gun to a neighbor for a weekend hunting trip.

Under the Bloomberg system, transfers may take place only at a gun store. The transfer must be conducted exactly as if the retailer were selling a firearm out of her inventory. So the transferee (the neighbor borrowing the hunting gun) must fill out ATF Form 4473; the retailer must contact the FBI or its state counterpart for a background check on the transferee; and then, the retailer must take custody of the gun and record the acquisition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. Finally, the retailer hands the gun to the transferee and records the disposition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. A few days later, after the hunting trip is over, the process must be repeated for the neighbor to return the gun to the owner; this time, the owner will be the “transferee,” who will fill out Form 4473 and undergo the background check.

A Civilized (If Fruitless) Dialogue with a Gun Control Advocate - The Truth About Guns

Yes. First, historically background checks have proven ineffective. Felons and mental defectives have been prohibited by Federal law from so much as touching a firearm or a bullet since 1968. Yet felons who violate the 1968 law by attempting to purchase through a dealer are seldom prosecuted.

In 2014, your organizations backed I-594 in Washington State, which requires background checks on almost all transfers of firearms: ((25) “Transfer” means the intended delivery of a firearm to another person without consideration of payment or promise of payment including, but not limited to, gifts and loans.).

What that means that if my friend Alan who lives in Washington State wants to let my other friend Dave shoot his new gun at the range, they must first go to a dealer and have a background check done on Dave; then before Dave can give the gun back to Alan, they must go back to a dealer, and have a background check done on Alan.

Dave can’t load it for Alan. He can’t even hold it until they do the second background check. Is that what your really want? That was Mayor Bloomberg’s legislation.

Universal background checks mean universal registration, which too often has resulted in confiscation. This confiscation has already happened in California and New York).There is no upside to these checks and plenty of demonstrated downside.

Colorado: Universal Background Checks, 'High Capacity' Mag Ban, and 10 Officers Shot in Five Weeks

Colorado has universal background checks, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and 10 officers shot in five weeks, three fatally.
The Democrats persuaded the state that it would not be this way when they passed their California-style gun controls in the wake of the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary. Rank and file lawmakers, and Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) too, jumped on gun control as a way of preventing violence in Colorado yet the state has experienced violence against officers and high profile attacks on the public since gun control was implemented.

On October 31, 2015, Noah Harpman opened fire on the streets of Colorado Springs, killing three innocents before he was killed by police. Moreover, Harpman complied with all gun controls in acquiring the firearms he possessed at the time of the attack.

Less than a month later, on November 27, 2015, Robert L. Dear opened fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, killing two civilians and a police officer before being apprehended by police.

During the last five weeks alone 10 officers have been shot in Colorado. The Denver Postreports that El Paso County Deputy Micah Flick was shot and killed on February 5, Adams County Deputy Heath Gumm was shot and killed on January 24, and Douglas County Deputy Zack Parrish was killed on December 31, 2017.

Colorado has universal background checks, which Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) described as the gun control “North Star” for Democrats. They also have a “high capacity” magazine ban, regulations on how long a gun can be loaned to a friend before a another background check must required, and other controls.

And so far, these gun controls have simply correlated with high profile shootings and a war on police.
Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks?

I have my own theories.


Someone explained that we already have background checks, and the problem isn't gun is the government failing to press "Enter" on their computers when it comes to putting the records of criminals into the database....

They also may have explained this to him....

How Everytown’s background check law impedes firearms safety training and self-defense

The Bloomberg system applies to every firearms “transfer.” In normal firearms law, a “transfer” means “a permanent exchange of title or possession and does not include gratuitous temporary exchanges or loans.” Chow v. State. 393 Md. 431, 473, 903 A.2d 388, 413 (2006).

However, the Bloomberg laws create a very different definition. For example, the Washington state law says that “ ‘Transfer’ means the intended delivery of a firearm to another person without consideration of payment or promise of payment including, but not limited to, gifts and loans.” Rev. Code Wash. § 9.41.010(25).

In other words, it applies to sharing a gun while target shooting on one’s own property, or to lending a gun to a neighbor for a weekend hunting trip.

Under the Bloomberg system, transfers may take place only at a gun store. The transfer must be conducted exactly as if the retailer were selling a firearm out of her inventory. So the transferee (the neighbor borrowing the hunting gun) must fill out ATF Form 4473; the retailer must contact the FBI or its state counterpart for a background check on the transferee; and then, the retailer must take custody of the gun and record the acquisition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. Finally, the retailer hands the gun to the transferee and records the disposition in her Acquisition and Disposition book. A few days later, after the hunting trip is over, the process must be repeated for the neighbor to return the gun to the owner; this time, the owner will be the “transferee,” who will fill out Form 4473 and undergo the background check.

A Civilized (If Fruitless) Dialogue with a Gun Control Advocate - The Truth About Guns

Yes. First, historically background checks have proven ineffective. Felons and mental defectives have been prohibited by Federal law from so much as touching a firearm or a bullet since 1968. Yet felons who violate the 1968 law by attempting to purchase through a dealer are seldom prosecuted.

In 2014, your organizations backed I-594 in Washington State, which requires background checks on almost all transfers of firearms: ((25) “Transfer” means the intended delivery of a firearm to another person without consideration of payment or promise of payment including, but not limited to, gifts and loans.).

What that means that if my friend Alan who lives in Washington State wants to let my other friend Dave shoot his new gun at the range, they must first go to a dealer and have a background check done on Dave; then before Dave can give the gun back to Alan, they must go back to a dealer, and have a background check done on Alan.

Dave can’t load it for Alan. He can’t even hold it until they do the second background check. Is that what your really want? That was Mayor Bloomberg’s legislation.

Universal background checks mean universal registration, which too often has resulted in confiscation. This confiscation has already happened in California and New York).There is no upside to these checks and plenty of demonstrated downside.

Colorado: Universal Background Checks, 'High Capacity' Mag Ban, and 10 Officers Shot in Five Weeks

Colorado has universal background checks, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and 10 officers shot in five weeks, three fatally.
The Democrats persuaded the state that it would not be this way when they passed their California-style gun controls in the wake of the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary. Rank and file lawmakers, and Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) too, jumped on gun control as a way of preventing violence in Colorado yet the state has experienced violence against officers and high profile attacks on the public since gun control was implemented.

On October 31, 2015, Noah Harpman opened fire on the streets of Colorado Springs, killing three innocents before he was killed by police. Moreover, Harpman complied with all gun controls in acquiring the firearms he possessed at the time of the attack.

Less than a month later, on November 27, 2015, Robert L. Dear opened fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, killing two civilians and a police officer before being apprehended by police.

During the last five weeks alone 10 officers have been shot in Colorado. The Denver Postreports that El Paso County Deputy Micah Flick was shot and killed on February 5, Adams County Deputy Heath Gumm was shot and killed on January 24, and Douglas County Deputy Zack Parrish was killed on December 31, 2017.

Colorado has universal background checks, which Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) described as the gun control “North Star” for Democrats. They also have a “high capacity” magazine ban, regulations on how long a gun can be loaned to a friend before a another background check must required, and other controls.

And so far, these gun controls have simply correlated with high profile shootings and a war on police.
Democrats are jerking off so hard they want more and more murder...
Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks?

I have my own theories.
Here's another reason, crack head. Since 1997 I have probably bought over 20 guns. More probably. I did not have to undergo a background check on any of them, and they were all bought in gun stores, legally. The reason is that I have a concealed handgun license and having that makes me exempt from the background check. Now, considering there were almost a million CHL holders in Texas alone in 2016, doesn't that scare your coward traitor hide to death?
You shouldn’t have guns
Still waiting on why, liar.
Trump and the frog LaPiere are alike. They both love fleecing people out of their money.
Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks?

I have my own theories.
Here's another reason, crack head. Since 1997 I have probably bought over 20 guns. More probably. I did not have to undergo a background check on any of them, and they were all bought in gun stores, legally. The reason is that I have a concealed handgun license and having that makes me exempt from the background check. Now, considering there were almost a million CHL holders in Texas alone in 2016, doesn't that scare your coward traitor hide to death?
You shouldn’t have guns

You shouldn't have the right to vote to help elect asshole representatives that would take away his Constitutional rights.
Trump and the frog LaPiere are alike. They both love fleecing people out of their money.

You mean like that Obama shithead who raised taxes when he was President and fleeced my family out of the money that we have earned to give to the filthy ass welfare queens, union assholes and Illegals?
I hope you stupid Moon Bats that hate the Bill of Rights aren't crying your Liberal tears too much today.

In his press conference today Trump pretty well put a kibosh on any Moon Bat hopes of an UBC.

He was just playing rope a dope getting your hopes up.

Go wail at the sky or put on your pink pussy hat and wonder why life is so unfair for you idiots.
Background checks worked so well in Dayton and El Paso.....think hard Derp

I don't think any of the high profile shooters in the last ten years ever failed a background check.

Background checks are as worthless as teats on a boar hog.

It just makes the stupid Moon Bats feel warm and cozy, like a unicorn stuff animal or something.
---------------------------------------- I see more rules , laws and restrictions as what ALL Governments have done throughout ALL of History . I've said before , my Parents , both born in the 20s had more Freedom , less rules and regulations than Baby boomers born in 1949 but we Baby Boomers have had it made compared to the next USA Generations .
He is walking it back because he had no intention of supporting it. Just another day of machinations on the part of the President.
Background checks worked so well in Dayton and El Paso.....think hard Derp

I don't think any of the high profile shooters in the last ten years ever failed a background check.

Background checks are as worthless as teats on a boar hog.

It just makes the stupid Moon Bats feel warm and cozy, like a unicorn stuff animal or something.
---------------------------------------- I see more rules , laws and restrictions as what ALL Governments have done throughout ALL of History . I've said before , my Parents , both born in the 20s had more Freedom , less rules and regulations than Baby boomers born in 1949 but we Baby Boomers have had it made compared to the next USA Generations .

I am a baby boomer. Born in 47. I was born in the greatest country on earth. I will probably die in a socialist shithole.
Background checks worked so well in Dayton and El Paso.....think hard Derp

I don't think any of the high profile shooters in the last ten years ever failed a background check.

Background checks are as worthless as teats on a boar hog.

It just makes the stupid Moon Bats feel warm and cozy, like a unicorn stuff animal or something.
---------------------------------------- I see more rules , laws and restrictions as what ALL Governments have done throughout ALL of History . I've said before , my Parents , both born in the 20s had more Freedom , less rules and regulations than Baby boomers born in 1949 but we Baby Boomers have had it made compared to the next USA Generations .

I am a baby boomer. Born in 47. I was born in the greatest country on earth. I will probably die in a socialist shithole.
------------------------------------------------ I kinda see things the same way and I was born in 1949 . The realization would have me upset except for Who I think will get the worst of the 'fecking' . I think that the majority of those being hurt the worst in the near and far future are the coming next generation / Generations and the hip hopping WEED STORE Hangers and Lay About TYPES . I'm just happy that my parents can't see what is going on in the USA and Western World . [jmo]
Background checks worked so well in Dayton and El Paso.....think hard Derp

I don't think any of the high profile shooters in the last ten years ever failed a background check.

Background checks are as worthless as teats on a boar hog.

It just makes the stupid Moon Bats feel warm and cozy, like a unicorn stuff animal or something.
---------------------------------------- I see more rules , laws and restrictions as what ALL Governments have done throughout ALL of History . I've said before , my Parents , both born in the 20s had more Freedom , less rules and regulations than Baby boomers born in 1949 but we Baby Boomers have had it made compared to the next USA Generations .

I am a baby boomer. Born in 47. I was born in the greatest country on earth. I will probably die in a socialist shithole.
Don't worry, we won't piss on your grave. It will probably be underwater, anyway.
Trump and the frog LaPiere are alike. They both love fleecing people out of their money.

You mean like that Obama shithead who raised taxes when he was President and fleeced my family out of the money that we have earned to give to the filthy ass welfare queens, union assholes and Illegals?
So, you support crooks that rob non-profits?
Background checks worked so well in Dayton and El Paso.....think hard Derp

I don't think any of the high profile shooters in the last ten years ever failed a background check.

Background checks are as worthless as teats on a boar hog.

It just makes the stupid Moon Bats feel warm and cozy, like a unicorn stuff animal or something.
---------------------------------------- I see more rules , laws and restrictions as what ALL Governments have done throughout ALL of History . I've said before , my Parents , both born in the 20s had more Freedom , less rules and regulations than Baby boomers born in 1949 but we Baby Boomers have had it made compared to the next USA Generations .

I am a baby boomer. Born in 47. I was born in the greatest country on earth. I will probably die in a socialist shithole.
------------------------------------------------ I kinda see things the same way and I was born in 1949 . The realization would have me upset except for Who I think will get the worst of the 'fecking' . I think that the majority of those being hurt the worst in the near and far future are the coming next generation / Generations and the hip hopping WEED STORE Hangers and Lay About TYPES . I'm just happy that my parents can't see what is going on in the USA and Western World . [jmo]
---------------------------------------- heck , brain dead types can't even count change properly with out some machines . I figger that that's due to poor education and liberal use of drugs at corner Cannibis stores that are in many States . Its really pretty funny and from what I hear the USA Military doesn't even want the Doper types that I describe 'OKFine .
Background checks worked so well in Dayton and El Paso.....think hard Derp

I don't think any of the high profile shooters in the last ten years ever failed a background check.

Background checks are as worthless as teats on a boar hog.

It just makes the stupid Moon Bats feel warm and cozy, like a unicorn stuff animal or something.
---------------------------------------- I see more rules , laws and restrictions as what ALL Governments have done throughout ALL of History . I've said before , my Parents , both born in the 20s had more Freedom , less rules and regulations than Baby boomers born in 1949 but we Baby Boomers have had it made compared to the next USA Generations .

I am a baby boomer. Born in 47. I was born in the greatest country on earth. I will probably die in a socialist shithole.
------------------------------------------------ I kinda see things the same way and I was born in 1949 . The realization would have me upset except for Who I think will get the worst of the 'fecking' . I think that the majority of those being hurt the worst in the near and far future are the coming next generation / Generations and the hip hopping WEED STORE Hangers and Lay About TYPES . I'm just happy that my parents can't see what is going on in the USA and Western World . [jmo]
---------------------------------------- heck , brain dead types can't even count change properly with out some machines . I figger that that's due to poor education and liberal use of drugs at corner Cannibis stores that are in many States . Its really pretty funny and from what I hear the USA Military doesn't even want the Doper types that I describe 'OKFine .
Some can't even read an analog clock!
Background checks worked so well in Dayton and El Paso.....think hard Derp

I don't think any of the high profile shooters in the last ten years ever failed a background check.

Background checks are as worthless as teats on a boar hog.

It just makes the stupid Moon Bats feel warm and cozy, like a unicorn stuff animal or something.
---------------------------------------- I see more rules , laws and restrictions as what ALL Governments have done throughout ALL of History . I've said before , my Parents , both born in the 20s had more Freedom , less rules and regulations than Baby boomers born in 1949 but we Baby Boomers have had it made compared to the next USA Generations .

I am a baby boomer. Born in 47. I was born in the greatest country on earth. I will probably die in a socialist shithole.
Don't worry, we won't piss on your grave. It will probably be underwater, anyway.

Where I am going to be buried has been underwater for most of the existence of the earth.

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