Can anyone imagine 7 more "six-months" periods like this last one?

As far as the last 6 months go, putting up with an amateur President and do-nothing Congress isn't all that pleasing but we've been in times far worse. I'll sure take it over GW Bush's presidency.
As inept as Trump has been....he has not ordered useless invasions or destroyed the economy

But it has only been six months
when did the new crop of trolls hatch

They're being led here or imported. The snowflakes think the more they circle melt down, that that lunacy will somehow give them a win... at... what I don't know, looking like ass clowns I guess.

Meanwhile president Trump continues to shape up America after 8 years of the kenyan trying to destroy it and republicans keep winning elections.

they are some weirdos for sure
It's been quite a ride with one crisis after another

Name one legitimate crisis...

So you're going to redefine the word "legitimate" for your purposes of supporting a presidency failing right before your very eyes.

Not at all, can you name one?

If not you should read the definition again, multiple times help the slow learners...
Being under an investigation that could lead to the end of your Presidency represents a crisis by any stretch of the imagination

What is remarkable about your stupidity is you fail to see that Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about you, either, even if you voted for him. He's got "the best words" and that's all he's ever had. And that's all you're ever going to get. He's sinking the WHOLE ship, not just the 64% that disapprove of him.

That is hilarious coming from a Moon Bat that thought that Barack Obama and Crooked Hillary gave a shit about any American other than themselves and the welfare queens and illegals that voted for them. Obama is still on a worldwide tour apologizing for this country while Crooked Hillary is brooding that she can't sell any more government influence to be even more filthy rich.
I cannot imagine living under Trump for 4 which is why I will continue living overseas until he is out of the WH.

I currently live and work overseas. I was planning on moving back to the states in January of next year, but I decided to stay a little longer after Agent Orange got elected.
with 16 regs eliminated for every new one issued.

Yes, REJOICE, Blockhead......Here are 2 examples of what Trump did which warrants your ignorant cheering.

1, Dodd-Frank......which requires banks to bend over backwards to comply with regulations that protect investors and consumers from abusive practices and excessive risk, but, according to Trump, the regulations was inconveniencing his friends

2. Allowing coal mine owners to dump their poison into lakes and streams close to the mines...after all, miners "deserve it"
/----/,Geee Spank
with 16 regs eliminated for every new one issued.

Yes, REJOICE, Blockhead......Here are 2 examples of what Trump did which warrants your ignorant cheering.

1, Dodd-Frank......which requires banks to bend over backwards to comply with regulations that protect investors and consumers from abusive practices and excessive risk, but, according to Trump, the regulations was inconveniencing his friends

2. Allowing coal mine owners to dump their poison into lakes and streams close to the mines...after all, miners "deserve it"
/---/ Geepers you wouldn't be exaggerating or anything would you? Snicker
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

I stopped reading at your first sentence. Trump's fault huh? FKN-A dude, pull your head out.
It's been quite a ride with one crisis after another

Name one legitimate crisis...
Russia is a country, not a crisis. It was not elevated to crisis until Trump won. Try again.

So U.S. intel made all this up just to fuck with Trump....before he was elected. I see....

Intelligence director says agencies agree on Russian meddling
JUL 21 2017, 9:35 PM ET
ASPEN, Colorado — Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said Friday there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election — despite comments by his boss, President Donald Trump, that have seemed to cast some doubt about the unanimity."""

And not one shred of evidence that the campaign colluded with Russia, yet there is evidence the DNC solicited the Ukrainians?!?!

There is evidence the DNC screwed Sanders!!!

You keep bouncing that head of yours like it's a basketball and see how far you get with it...
It did not stop Clinton from giving him a big chunk of our uranium, did it?

That stupidity has been proven FALSE so making fucking times that its not worth the effort to have another moron like you be corrected and be a little smarter,,,,Stay as dumb as you are now, most of us don't give a shit.

Most of you are irrelevant. So much for that.
Name one legitimate crisis...
Russia is a country, not a crisis. It was not elevated to crisis until Trump won. Try again.
It was identified as a crisis before Trump won. It was already reported that Russia was interfering with the election to help Trump. Obama instituted sanctions because of Russian interference

Yes, Russia is a crisis
Having a Special Procecutor makes it a crisis
Anything capable of bringing down your presidency is a crisis
Turns out Obama knew all about it as early as August and said nothing because Hillary was supposed to win. Her collusion with Russia while in the State Dept. dwarfs anything Trump has done.
Obama did say something
He imposed additional sanctions on Russia and ordered hacks into the Russian networks

Did he send you a memo? He accomplished nothing. If anything he made things worse.
Being under an investigation that could lead to the end of your Presidency represents a crisis by any stretch of the imagination

The only crisis is between your ears...

What has become so crystal clear in all of this is that the LMSM leads you around like a bitch in heat and you can't get it up to satisfy her, isn't this a reoccurring problem in your life?
It was identified as a crisis before Trump won. It was already reported that Russia was interfering with the election to help Trump. Obama instituted sanctions because of Russian interference

Yes, Russia is a crisis
Having a Special Procecutor makes it a crisis
Anything capable of bringing down your presidency is a crisis

Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

Then stop acting like a child and grow up
LOL, what's your plan? Screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA?

No, not really....More like attacking Pence for trying to establish the U.S. as a question?

And when has that happened?
Anyone can plainly see anything that either Pence or Trump do is sensationalized like it is the end of the world. The country is actually wealthier now than it has been and racial tensions have eased somewhat. It is what a stable growing economy will do and when the taxes are cut it will be the end of anyone listening to these losers.

Enjoy it while you can progressives the nation is wise to your bullshit.

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