Can anyone name the law Chris Christie supposedly broke with "Bridgegate?"


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Not a fan of the Fat Man's but as far as I can tell, inconvenience was the only thing that happened!
State law could prove more useful for prosecutors. In New Jersey, a public servant may be convicted of “official misconduct” for a breach of a prescribed duty related to the office with the intention of “injuring or depriving” another person of a benefit. The crime of official misconduct is a second-degree offense that can carry a prison sentence of five to 10 years.

Laws At Issue In Chris Christie Scandal - Business Insider


In most cases of government caused traffic delays, lawsuits would not be possible. Under government immunity, governments are usually immune to lawsuits for their actions done in good faith. Secondly, under tort law, generally one can sue for personal injury or property damage, but not for economic loss, as many parties only tangentially related to a case could legitimately claim such losses. Those restrictions usually only apply to negligence. In both situations, restrictions do not apply if the plaintiff could show that the defendants acted in bad faith. New Jersey is also more open to economic loss claims than other states.[193]

In January 2014, a federal lawsuit, seeking certification as a class action, was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, on behalf of six Bergen County residents, claiming that they arrived late for work and lost pay, or suffered other adverse effects, and several businesses, who lost revenue, due to traffic jams caused by the lane closures. The lawsuit alleges that the lane closures were the result of a civil conspiracy and "willful, wanton, arbitrary, and egregious official misconduct".[194] Christie, Kelly, Wildstein, Baroni, Stepien, the Port Authority, and State of New Jersey are named as defendants.[195][196]

On January 13, six Bergen County taxicab companies filed a class action lawsuit in New Jersey Superior Court in Hackensack, claiming their cab employees lost money based on lost time and extra gas consumption, and suffered emotional harm due to the deliberately caused traffic jams. The lawsuit named Kelly, Drewniak, Wildstein, Baroni, and Christie's gubernatorial campaign, along with Stepien.[197]

Fort Lee lane closure scandal


So how long did that take to find out? 2 minutes or less. I did a Google search and used "bridge gate scandal laws".

I never heard of anyone doing something like this so I suspect there may not be any laws on the books covering this one instance. More likely it would be broad based like "threatening public safety" because ambulances were late. The one person who died was carried half way by medics until they could hook up with an ambulance which was mired in traffic. I know Republicans laugh and sneer about this, but if it were one of their family members, they probably wouldn't think it was so hilarious.

More likely is civil lawsuits and they could be a lot more damaging than a "law".
State law could prove more useful for prosecutors. In New Jersey, a public servant may be convicted of “official misconduct” for a breach of a prescribed duty related to the office with the intention of “injuring or depriving” another person of a benefit. The crime of official misconduct is a second-degree offense that can carry a prison sentence of five to 10 years.

Laws At Issue In Chris Christie Scandal - Business Insider


In most cases of government caused traffic delays, lawsuits would not be possible. Under government immunity, governments are usually immune to lawsuits for their actions done in good faith. Secondly, under tort law, generally one can sue for personal injury or property damage, but not for economic loss, as many parties only tangentially related to a case could legitimately claim such losses. Those restrictions usually only apply to negligence. In both situations, restrictions do not apply if the plaintiff could show that the defendants acted in bad faith. New Jersey is also more open to economic loss claims than other states.[193]

In January 2014, a federal lawsuit, seeking certification as a class action, was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, on behalf of six Bergen County residents, claiming that they arrived late for work and lost pay, or suffered other adverse effects, and several businesses, who lost revenue, due to traffic jams caused by the lane closures. The lawsuit alleges that the lane closures were the result of a civil conspiracy and "willful, wanton, arbitrary, and egregious official misconduct".[194] Christie, Kelly, Wildstein, Baroni, Stepien, the Port Authority, and State of New Jersey are named as defendants.[195][196]

On January 13, six Bergen County taxicab companies filed a class action lawsuit in New Jersey Superior Court in Hackensack, claiming their cab employees lost money based on lost time and extra gas consumption, and suffered emotional harm due to the deliberately caused traffic jams. The lawsuit named Kelly, Drewniak, Wildstein, Baroni, and Christie's gubernatorial campaign, along with Stepien.[197]

Fort Lee lane closure scandal


So how long did that take to find out? 2 minutes or less. I did a Google search and used "bridge gate scandal laws".

I never heard of anyone doing something like this so I suspect there may not be any laws on the books covering this one instance. More likely it would be broad based like "threatening public safety" because ambulances were late. The one person who died was carried half way by medics until they could hook up with an ambulance which was mired in traffic. I know Republicans laugh and sneer about this, but if it were one of their family members, they probably wouldn't think it was so hilarious.

More likely is civil lawsuits and they could be a lot more damaging than a "law".

Thank apparently there is no specific law.
Not a fan of the Fat Man's but as far as I can tell, inconvenience was the only thing that happened!

I'm not a fan of his, either.

But the 'crime' he is alleged to have committed is the same one Obama has repeatedly committed. Using his power and position for political gain at the expense of the people he's supposed to serve.
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As an independent voter, I am interested in Chris Christi and Hillary Clinton at this point. So, I thought the OP of this thread made a good point. This whole Bridgegate matter looks like someone is trying to sabotage Christi to me.

Here is what I found in Google regarding law breaking by Christi. Laws At Issue In Chris Christie Scandal - Business Insider

"That is a broad federal law that makes it illegal to defraud somebody of his right to honest services (in this case, the right to go to work without having public officials screw up your commute). However, the high court ruled in 2010 that kickbacks or bribery have to be involved when prosecutors use that law.

In the Christie case, his now-fired deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly reportedly sent an email that said, "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee," to an ally of Chris Christie. That ally, David Wildstein, worked for the Port Authority. The lanes were closed, and a rush-hour nightmare ensued for four days.

But there's not any obvious evidence of kickbacks or bribery, the Journal reported. Of course, people can be charged with obstruction of justice for covering up an investigation. (Think about the original "gate," Watergate.)

Any officials involved with "Bridgegate" could also get up in state law, The Journal notes. From the paper: State law could prove more useful for prosecutors. In New Jersey, a public servant may be convicted of “official misconduct” for a breach of a prescribed duty related to the office with the intention of “injuring or depriving” another person of a benefit. The crime of official misconduct is a second-degree offense that can carry a prison sentence of five to 10 years."

Looks like a "Get Christi" deal to me. My guess is that it is not Hillary. Christi would be an ideal candidate for her to showcase her experience and opposing views. Scared ultra-conservatives would not seem to want Christi stealing a nomination they believe belongs to them. Looks to me like the OP is a valid point.
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As an independent voter, I am interested in Chris Christi and Hillary Clinton at this point. So, I thought the OP of this thread made a good point. This whole Bridgegate matter looks like someone is trying to sabotage Christi to me.

Here is what I found in Google regarding law breaking by Christi. Laws At Issue In Chris Christie Scandal - Business Insider

From your article....While the U.S. attorney is investigating the matter, there isn't an obvious federal law that has been broken.

Wondering HOW a U.S. Attorney can investigate anything without a specific crime being broken, or even hinted at? There must be some law that's in question, what is it?
MSNBC has covered this non stop for weeks...
And still no proof that Christie ordered it or knew about it and looked the other way.
But still MSNBC has him tied to it.
As an independent voter, I am interested in Chris Christi and Hillary Clinton at this point. So, I thought the OP of this thread made a good point. This whole Bridgegate matter looks like someone is trying to sabotage Christi to me.

Here is what I found in Google regarding law breaking by Christi. Laws At Issue In Chris Christie Scandal - Business Insider

From your article....While the U.S. attorney is investigating the matter, there isn't an obvious federal law that has been broken.

Wondering HOW a U.S. Attorney can investigate anything without a specific crime being broken, or even hinted at? There must be some law that's in question, what is it?

I already pointed out that it's a matter of public safety. We know for sure that someone from the Chrispie Administration suggested that it was time for a traffic problem. It's in emails. Suppose there was a terrorist attack during the time three lanes of the busiest bridge in the world were closed for political retribution. Republicans wouldn't be taking it so "lightly".
As an Independent, I'm concerned Hillary lost $6 Billion at State Dept

Don't you think a remark like this requires verification with a link from a reputable news source?


If you decide to use Fox, a second source would be good.
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As an independent voter, I am interested in Chris Christi and Hillary Clinton at this point. So, I thought the OP of this thread made a good point. This whole Bridgegate matter looks like someone is trying to sabotage Christi to me.

Here is what I found in Google regarding law breaking by Christi. Laws At Issue In Chris Christie Scandal - Business Insider

From your article....While the U.S. attorney is investigating the matter, there isn't an obvious federal law that has been broken.

Wondering HOW a U.S. Attorney can investigate anything without a specific crime being broken, or even hinted at? There must be some law that's in question, what is it?

I already pointed out that it's a matter of public safety. We know for sure that someone from the Chrispie Administration suggested that it was time for a traffic problem. It's in emails. Suppose there was a terrorist attack during the time three lanes of the busiest bridge in the world were closed for political retribution. Republicans wouldn't be taking it so "lightly".

Supposition means nothing in law...supposed a brick fell on your what! Then if after all this time they can't find a PROOF POSITIVE source connecting Christie to it, then go after the subordinates, and again, what to charge them with. It's NOT unlike the IRS scandal, with Obama shielded from investigation, is it?
As an independent voter, I am interested in Chris Christi and Hillary Clinton at this point. So, I thought the OP of this thread made a good point. This whole Bridgegate matter looks like someone is trying to sabotage Christi to me.

Here is what I found in Google regarding law breaking by Christi. Laws At Issue In Chris Christie Scandal - Business Insider

From your article....While the U.S. attorney is investigating the matter, there isn't an obvious federal law that has been broken.

Wondering HOW a U.S. Attorney can investigate anything without a specific crime being broken, or even hinted at? There must be some law that's in question, what is it?

I already pointed out that it's a matter of public safety. We know for sure that someone from the Chrispie Administration suggested that it was time for a traffic problem. It's in emails. Suppose there was a terrorist attack during the time three lanes of the busiest bridge in the world were closed for political retribution. Republicans wouldn't be taking it so "lightly".

Just think if a meteor was hurling through space during the Monday to Friday rush hours...

Still no link to the Gov...No matter how hard the lefties try to destroy the guy in order to get Hillary and nice smooth ride to the WH....

Nice try Libs..your tactic is working so far.
But that's to be expected with low information voters.

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