Can anyone offer a logical criticism of Glenn Beck?

I'm not implying anything.

I'm stating unequivically that Glenn Beck flat out lies on his show.

If you don't believe that it's logical to be critical of him for lying then go on with your bad self. :lol:

Do you have undeniable proof of your claim then? Seeing a clip on a tv show should not be enough to persuade you. Did you find the clips yourself? Perhaps TiVo, to prove it? How do you know with such unwavering certainty that the daily show didn't edit certain bits of the show to make it look a way to get a laugh out of you? I was looking at the daily show website and on their "about" tab it self proclaims the show as "fake news" and "unburdened by objectivity, journalistic integrity or even accuracy."

If PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt, and in full context, what you are saying is true, I will admit that maybe glenn stretched the truth or even lied. by citing a comedy channel show and expecting an independent thinker such as myself to take it as gospel is asking for the impossible. Perhaps more evidence for your claim should be presented, maybe from a source that does not define itself as "fake", for starters.

As a regular viewer of the beck program, I am more focused on his arguments and evidence, and not his attacks on other networks, as that does not concern me or add to any intellectual growth. So, I will criticize him for that. The accuracy however of his claims is debatable as you have shown, but not proven one way or another. Personally however, while watching his show, it is his main arguments and points about history that keep me coming back.

Google is your friend.

But I understand your reluctance to learn the truth about your hero. :lol:

Google is my friend? have no more evidence except for a clip from a comedy tv show. Yet, you make it seem that that is all it takes for you to form an opinion worth debating over? That would never hold up in any debate, online or in person. I am sorry, but you did not persuade me. Maybe next time.
Well then you are one stupid fuck because Beck never uttered those words. Not on his show and not in the clip you watched. I would give you the exact quote, but with your stupidity level being what it is, I don't see the point


They aired the fucking clip of Beck himself making the claim you stupid twatstick. :lol:

Then you are stupid fuck because Beck never said that. "

Nine peace activists from the freedom flotilla were killed. Peace activists, humanitarian flotilla — give aid to the embattled Palestinians, the Gaza Strip, right? Yes. Man, look at those peace activists. They are good with a metal pipe, aren't they? Peaceful ship.

This is probably all you've gotten from the mainstream media. Turn on any media outlet — other than this one — they're not going to show you this."

Now for you intellectually deficient fucks, explain where he was wrong. Show me one program on any other media outlet that has made the claim that Beck has other than this being an "aid organization, are they just a group of caring, sympathetic do-gooders that see the plight of the poor Gazans and want to get food and humanitarian aid to them".

I doubt you find one and that would make Beck's assessment accurate.

'Glenn Beck': What Is the Free Gaza Movement? - Glenn Beck -

You idiots hear a few seconds of a video clip and form your opinions, that's why all you fucks are total retards.

Scroll up a few posts and take Ravi off ignore.

She already posted his exact words which of course, were fallacious. remind me of a person that I knew that said she hated star wars because of the floating letters in space, and turned it off after that.

and i'm sure her life was much the poorer for it.

there's a (logical) reason why they make chocolate and vanilla, see if you can suss it out.

Yeah there is. A person who has never tasted chocolate or vanilla, but then tastes one and only one, can not logically hate the other without trying that as well.

i'd suggest that reading for comprehension is your friend.

the difference between not being impressed with something and hating it can be measured in, well, light years.
Well then you are one stupid fuck because Beck never uttered those words. Not on his show and not in the clip you watched. I would give you the exact quote, but with your stupidity level being what it is, I don't see the point


They aired the fucking clip of Beck himself making the claim you stupid twatstick. :lol:

Then you are stupid fuck because Beck never said that. "

Nine peace activists from the freedom flotilla were killed. Peace activists, humanitarian flotilla — give aid to the embattled Palestinians, the Gaza Strip, right? Yes. Man, look at those peace activists. They are good with a metal pipe, aren't they? Peaceful ship.

This is probably all you've gotten from the mainstream media. Turn on any media outlet — other than this one — they're not going to show you this."

Now for you intellectually deficient fucks, explain where he was wrong. Show me one program on any other media outlet that has made the claim that Beck has other than this being an "aid organization, are they just a group of caring, sympathetic do-gooders that see the plight of the poor Gazans and want to get food and humanitarian aid to them".

I doubt you find one and that would make Beck's assessment accurate.

'Glenn Beck': What Is the Free Gaza Movement? - Glenn Beck -

You idiots hear a few seconds of a video clip and form your opinions, that's why all you fucks are total retards.

I am inclined to agree with you, not because they are retards, but because they have been indoctrinated to a way of life that is basically "easier the better". It takes effort to better yourself and discover your own ideas, something that fewer and fewer people seem to do.
and i'm sure her life was much the poorer for it.

there's a (logical) reason why they make chocolate and vanilla, see if you can suss it out.

Yeah there is. A person who has never tasted chocolate or vanilla, but then tastes one and only one, can not logically hate the other without trying that as well.

i'd suggest that reading for comprehension is your friend.

the difference between not being impressed with something and hating it can be measured in, well, light years.

semantics as far as im concerned.
Do you have undeniable proof of your claim then? Seeing a clip on a tv show should not be enough to persuade you. Did you find the clips yourself? Perhaps TiVo, to prove it? How do you know with such unwavering certainty that the daily show didn't edit certain bits of the show to make it look a way to get a laugh out of you? I was looking at the daily show website and on their "about" tab it self proclaims the show as "fake news" and "unburdened by objectivity, journalistic integrity or even accuracy."

If PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt, and in full context, what you are saying is true, I will admit that maybe glenn stretched the truth or even lied. by citing a comedy channel show and expecting an independent thinker such as myself to take it as gospel is asking for the impossible. Perhaps more evidence for your claim should be presented, maybe from a source that does not define itself as "fake", for starters.

As a regular viewer of the beck program, I am more focused on his arguments and evidence, and not his attacks on other networks, as that does not concern me or add to any intellectual growth. So, I will criticize him for that. The accuracy however of his claims is debatable as you have shown, but not proven one way or another. Personally however, while watching his show, it is his main arguments and points about history that keep me coming back.

Google is your friend.

But I understand your reluctance to learn the truth about your hero. :lol:

Google is my friend? have no more evidence except for a clip from a comedy tv show. Yet, you make it seem that that is all it takes for you to form an opinion worth debating over? That would never hold up in any debate, online or in person. I am sorry, but you did not persuade me. Maybe next time.

It's now been widely reported.

Like I said, Google is your friend. And your hero Glenn Beck is a lying turd.

See if that doesn't creep into the back of your mind the next time you're watching the Glenn Beck propaganda hour. :thup:
Glenn Beck said this:

"That video — you're hard-pressed to see it here in America from media outlets besides Fox. Nobody seems willing to show that, leading to the question: Why?"

If he wasn't lying he was being stupid.

Propaganda or stupidity? We report, you decide.

No you retard, lying would be if Beck had said "you would not see this video in America on any other media outlet besides Fox". But he didn't say that, he said you would be "hard pressed.....". Do you even know what that phrase means? You stupid fucks can't tell when a person is expressing an opinion or stating a fact.

be hard pressed (British, American & Australian informal) also be hard pushed (British)
to be having difficulty doing something, especially because there is not enough time or money (usually + to do sth) I'll be hard pressed to get this report done by Friday. You'd be hard pushed to find a good car for under £1,000. With cuts in government funding, hospitals are hard pressed at the moment.
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Yeah there is. A person who has never tasted chocolate or vanilla, but then tastes one and only one, can not logically hate the other without trying that as well.

i'd suggest that reading for comprehension is your friend.

the difference between not being impressed with something and hating it can be measured in, well, light years.

semantics as far as im concerned.


words have meanings, sparky. write that on your hand so you don't forget.

if it makes you feel better to think i hate glenn beck, knock yourself out.

Google is your friend.

But I understand your reluctance to learn the truth about your hero. :lol:

Google is my friend? have no more evidence except for a clip from a comedy tv show. Yet, you make it seem that that is all it takes for you to form an opinion worth debating over? That would never hold up in any debate, online or in person. I am sorry, but you did not persuade me. Maybe next time.

It's now been widely reported.

Like I said, Google is your friend. And your hero Glenn Beck is a lying turd.

See if that doesn't creep into the back of your mind the next time you're watching the Glenn Beck propaganda hour. :thup:

Why do you think that you can go around calling a show that you admittedly have never seen, propaganda? I have never watched a full hour of rachel maddow, so i do not criticize her show because that would not be fair. I will never understand people like distanced from reality. I am sorry.
There's nothing logical about criticism of Glenn Beck...he's conservative....that's all Moonbats need.
i'd suggest that reading for comprehension is your friend.

the difference between not being impressed with something and hating it can be measured in, well, light years.

semantics as far as im concerned.


words have meanings, sparky. write that on your hand so you don't forget.

if it makes you feel better to think i hate glenn beck, knock yourself out.


I have nothing against you and couldn't care less if you hate beck or not haha. I just want someone to post that has watched beck, not seen clips on a comedy show, and can have a real educated discussion about whether or not beck is effective and accurate. I am doubting the possibility of such a discussion now though.

How's this for some lonestar "logic":

Beck said of the video "Nobody seems willing to show that..."

After virtually everybody had already shown it.

But by lonestar's lofty logical standards of reasoning, Beck's statement isn't false. :rofl:
semantics as far as im concerned.


words have meanings, sparky. write that on your hand so you don't forget.

if it makes you feel better to think i hate glenn beck, knock yourself out.


I have nothing against you and couldn't care less if you hate beck or not haha. I just want someone to post that has watched beck, not seen clips on a comedy show, and can have a real educated discussion about whether or not beck is effective and accurate. I am doubting the possibility of such a discussion now though.

i've never seen clips of beck on a comedy show.
Glenn Beck said this:

"That video — you're hard-pressed to see it here in America from media outlets besides Fox. Nobody seems willing to show that, leading to the question: Why?"

If he wasn't lying he was being stupid.

Propaganda or stupidity? We report, you decide.

No you reatard, lying would be if Beck had said "you would not see this video in America on any other media outlet besides Fox". But he didn't say that, he said you would be "hard pressed.....". Do you even know what that phrase means? You stupid fucks can't tell when a person is expressing an opinion or stating a fact.

be hard pressed (British, American & Australian informal) also be hard pushed (British)
to be having difficulty doing something, especially because there is not enough time or money (usually + to do sth) I'll be hard pressed to get this report done by Friday. You'd be hard pushed to find a good car for under £1,000. With cuts in government funding, hospitals are hard pressed at the moment.

I'll give you credit, you have a great point. See, this is what I mean. This person refutes a claim, cites a source and uses quotes to back it up. Well said.
semantics as far as im concerned.


words have meanings, sparky. write that on your hand so you don't forget.

if it makes you feel better to think i hate glenn beck, knock yourself out.


I have nothing against you and couldn't care less if you hate beck or not haha. I just want someone to post that has watched beck, not seen clips on a comedy show, and can have a real educated discussion about whether or not beck is effective and accurate. I am doubting the possibility of such a discussion now though.

Beck is clearly both effective and accurate. He very accurately identifies the retards whose warped view of reality he wants to reinforce to sell ad space and is extremely effective at convincing those same retards to keep tuning in.

words have meanings, sparky. write that on your hand so you don't forget.

if it makes you feel better to think i hate glenn beck, knock yourself out.


I have nothing against you and couldn't care less if you hate beck or not haha. I just want someone to post that has watched beck, not seen clips on a comedy show, and can have a real educated discussion about whether or not beck is effective and accurate. I am doubting the possibility of such a discussion now though.

i've never seen clips of beck on a comedy show.

I was referring to manafold and speaking in general, not directly to you after my first sentence. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
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They aired the fucking clip of Beck himself making the claim you stupid twatstick. :lol:

Then you are stupid fuck because Beck never said that. "

Nine peace activists from the freedom flotilla were killed. Peace activists, humanitarian flotilla — give aid to the embattled Palestinians, the Gaza Strip, right? Yes. Man, look at those peace activists. They are good with a metal pipe, aren't they? Peaceful ship.

This is probably all you've gotten from the mainstream media. Turn on any media outlet — other than this one — they're not going to show you this."

Now for you intellectually deficient fucks, explain where he was wrong. Show me one program on any other media outlet that has made the claim that Beck has other than this being an "aid organization, are they just a group of caring, sympathetic do-gooders that see the plight of the poor Gazans and want to get food and humanitarian aid to them".

I doubt you find one and that would make Beck's assessment accurate.

'Glenn Beck': What Is the Free Gaza Movement? - Glenn Beck -

You idiots hear a few seconds of a video clip and form your opinions, that's why all you fucks are total retards.

Scroll up a few posts and take Ravi off ignore.

She already posted his exact words which of course, were fallacious.

I read what she wrote and I commented on it. She's just as retarded as you are.

words have meanings, sparky. write that on your hand so you don't forget.

if it makes you feel better to think i hate glenn beck, knock yourself out.


I have nothing against you and couldn't care less if you hate beck or not haha. I just want someone to post that has watched beck, not seen clips on a comedy show, and can have a real educated discussion about whether or not beck is effective and accurate. I am doubting the possibility of such a discussion now though.

Beck is clearly both effective and accurate. He very accurately identifies the retards whose warped view of reality he wants to reinforce to sell ad space and is extremely effective at convincing those same retards to keep tuning in.

If anyone is spouting propaganda, it is you my friend. You admittedly do not watch the show, yet make comments and statements that seem to imply you know something, when in reality you just make it up. Just stop, no one respects you.

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