Can anyone offer a logical criticism of Glenn Beck?

Yeah.......and I still ride every day........go figure..........

According to the doctor, I've got the physique of a 25 year old, and I'm 45.

But like I said, if you actually cared about impressing adults rather than the 10 year old girls you cruise the playgrounds for, you might actually end up being something other than a pedophile pansy.

One can hope that eventually you may grow up.
Next PM from ABS to Huggy.

DUDE!!! C'mon me out!!!! I thought you were my net friend!!!!
Boo Hoo ABS
Yeah.......and I still ride every day........go figure..........

According to the doctor, I've got the physique of a 25 year old, and I'm 45.

But like I said, if you actually cared about impressing adults rather than the 10 year old girls you cruise the playgrounds for, you might actually end up being something other than a pedophile pansy.

One can hope that eventually you may grow up.

Sorry ....this isn't a gay dating site..please move on off and stay with your own kind....fat ass liars who cruise for dicks on messageboards.
Resting pulse rate between 55 and 60. Max heart rate that I can push up to 200 without any problems.

What the fuck do you do all day other than try to get your priest qualifications by molesting children?
Nope........never supported the Livestrong foundation, just Lance Armstrong as he won 7 Tours in a row.

What sport besides colon jousting do you participate in Patek?

By the way.......exactly WHAT is it that I'm supposed to be careful of? Do you even know what happened when I got banned?

C'mon you pedophile asshole Patek.......give it your best shot.
Resting pulse rate between 55 and 60. Max heart rate that I can push up to 200 without any problems.

What the fuck do you do all day other than try to get your priest qualifications by molesting children?
from your gay lover....and a thanks
nice burn
Well...looks like you got a 2 go get a room:lol:
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What is this intense fascination that you seem to have with gays Pedophile Freak?

Did your outfit quit letting you be pivot man on deployment?
Hey........Pedophile Freak........what is the deal douche? First you try to make me feel bad about being little, but now you're posting pics of a fat dude.

I'm 5'7 and 140, apparently that is your self portrait from home. Tell your SO to use the wide view next time he takes your pic.
I hardly think a 29 inch waist has any folded fat.

Like I said, quit looking in the mirror you fat piece of shit. How the fuck is it that the SEALs could allow your sorry ass to even work close to them?
Hey........Pedophile Freak........what is the deal douche? First you try to make me feel bad about being little, but now you're posting pics of a fat dude.

I'm 5'7 and 140, apparently that is your self portrait from home. Tell your SO to use the wide view next time he takes your pic.

you're pathetic...hitting on people on a message board.
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Charles Atlas program? WTF you sorry prick, are you still reading comic books as a way to compensate for your lack of muscles?

Shit dude.........I haven't heard that since I was in third grade. Guess that shows us where your maturity level is.

I'm bored, and you don't seem to even have any kind of decent insults.

Try again later when you grow a brain Pedophile Freak.
I hardly think a 29 inch waist has any folded fat.
Here's what Huggy sees when you 2 head for the bedroom...:lol:
Charles Atlas program? WTF you sorry prick, are you still reading comic books as a way to compensate for your lack of muscles?

Shit dude.........I haven't heard that since I was in third grade. Guess that shows us where your maturity level is.

I'm bored, and you don't seem to even have any kind of decent insults.

Try again later when you grow a brain Pedophile Freak.

Google is your friend you pencil necked flaimer......heres ABS getting his skinny ass kicked in front of his "girlfriend" at which point...he came out of the closet.

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Watch this people............I'm gonna quit posting on this thread because Pedophile Freak is boring.

However........he's gonna claim victory because I got tired of listening to his drivel and will post multiple times concerning that subject.

Watch this people............I'm gonna quit posting on this thread because Pedophile Freak is boring.

However........he's gonna claim victory because I got tired of listening to his drivel and will post multiple times concerning that subject.



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