Can anyone offer a logical criticism of Glenn Beck?

after watching the video, I am at disagreement with manifold's conclusion. I have two problems with the video.

1. The daily show edited the video. Beck is standing, then it cuts to him sitting. This is obviously a clever edit.

2. Beck never says that other networks are not showing the footage, he says the audience would be "hard pressed" which is not saying other stations are not showing the footage.

From this alone, this specific argument should be put to rest as clever editing and false reporting, from the self proclaimed mind you "fake news" program, the daily show.

find yourself leaping in bounds to defend him, eh? sad.

ahh well. another day, another shill. ho hum.

how about you refute the points. Does the video that the daily show presents show beck standing then immediately sitting down in attempt to chain together sentences or not?

Why not refute the points instead of going straight into personal attacks.

I literally posted a link to the video being discussed. There is no point to refute. Beck stated one thing and we all see that something else entirely is the fact. end of story.

and, there is no editing during the STATEMENT which Beck made that is being discussed here. Your attempt to cry foul over editing is almost as hilarious as your "to the bitter end" defense of the indefensible.


just admit that you are wrong and at least we'll respect you. The longer you dance around what we can all see in the video the sillier you look.
Glenn Beck said this:

"That video — you're hard-pressed to see it here in America from media outlets besides Fox. Nobody seems willing to show that, leading to the question: Why?"

If he wasn't lying he was being stupid.

Propaganda or stupidity? We report, you decide.

No you retard, lying would be if Beck had said "you would not see this video in America on any other media outlet besides Fox". But he didn't say that, he said you would be "hard pressed.....". Do you even know what that phrase means? You stupid fucks can't tell when a person is expressing an opinion or stating a fact.

be hard pressed (British, American & Australian informal) also be hard pushed (British)
to be having difficulty doing something, especially because there is not enough time or money (usually + to do sth) I'll be hard pressed to get this report done by Friday. You'd be hard pushed to find a good car for under £1,000. With cuts in government funding, hospitals are hard pressed at the moment.
So in your opinion he wasn't lying he was merely spreading propaganda.

He was stating an opinion, that's my position. In his opinion it seemed no one else was showing the video and he thought they would be hard pressed to air it. As I said before in order for you to prove he lied, you would have to prove that he was aware of other networks airing the video prior to his segment. Being the logical thinker that I am, I can tell the difference between opinions and statements of fact.
Shogun, you are digging yourself a bit of a hole here.

Do you see the edit or not? If you do not believe it to be edited, do you believe Beck to have teleportation skills? If so, what is your basis for that?


Do YOU see an edit while he's making his statement regarding who does and does not post that video?

If you don't, then you should go ahead and stop with this laughable little tangent.

Ok fine, for argument's sake let's say that Beck wasn't lying but was simply wrong (ftr, I disagree, but so be it).

Then my logical criticism of Beck is that he and his staff are ridiculously inept to the point where they would imply something that is completely false, that with just a tiny bit of homework they would have known was false.

Logical enough for ya? :lol:

logical, albeit somewhat baseless as the daily show clip in reference that was posted by shogun clearly shows an edit of beck standing to immediately sitting and sentences strung together to imply that he lied. I believe this is obvious if you watch closely.
Oh, jeesh! This is Liberty not Liability that is arguing from an idiot's viewpoint.

No fair having such similar names.

How's this for some lonestar "logic":

Beck said of the video "Nobody seems willing to show that..."

After virtually everybody had already shown it.

But by lonestar's lofty logical standards of reasoning, Beck's statement isn't false. :rofl:

No because 1) he was expressing his opinion. 2) To prove he was lying you would have to prove he knew of other networks running of the video. 3) You have no understanding of the word "seems". In his opinion it appeared that no other network was showing the video. That isn't a lie, it's an opinion. But you retards don't know the difference between stating a fact and stating an opinion.

That's quite some mental gymnastics you got going on there.

Almost as impressive as the time you claimed laws banning interracial marriage are not racist.

Almost. :thup:

Your concession is duly noted.
No you retard, lying would be if Beck had said "you would not see this video in America on any other media outlet besides Fox". But he didn't say that, he said you would be "hard pressed.....". Do you even know what that phrase means? You stupid fucks can't tell when a person is expressing an opinion or stating a fact.

be hard pressed (British, American & Australian informal) also be hard pushed (British)
to be having difficulty doing something, especially because there is not enough time or money (usually + to do sth) I'll be hard pressed to get this report done by Friday. You'd be hard pushed to find a good car for under £1,000. With cuts in government funding, hospitals are hard pressed at the moment.
So in your opinion he wasn't lying he was merely spreading propaganda.

He was stating an opinion, that's my position. In his opinion it seemed no one else was showing the video and he thought they would be hard pressed to air it. As I said before in order for you to prove he lied, you would have to prove that he was aware of other networks airing the video prior to his segment. Being the logical thinker that I am, I can tell the difference between opinions and statements of fact. think he's stupid. Works for me.
Ok fine, for argument's sake let's say that Beck wasn't lying but was simply wrong (ftr, I disagree, but so be it).

Then my logical criticism of Beck is that he and his staff are ridiculously inept to the point where they would imply something that is completely false, that with just a tiny bit of homework they would have known was false.

Logical enough for ya? :lol:

logical, albeit somewhat baseless as the daily show clip in reference that was posted by shogun clearly shows an edit of beck standing to immediately sitting and sentences strung together to imply that he lied. I believe this is obvious if you watch closely.


You're funny!

Carry on. :thup:

Shogun, you are digging yourself a bit of a hole here.

Do you see the edit or not? If you do not believe it to be edited, do you believe Beck to have teleportation skills? If so, what is your basis for that?


Do YOU see an edit while he's making his statement regarding who does and does not post that video?

If you don't, then you should go ahead and stop with this laughable little tangent.


how do you know it is a sentence and not maybe a half of a sentence edited together to another sentence? Why are you so fast to trust a comedy show that is self described to be fake and inaccurate on their own website (the "about" tab)? Show me the full clip in full context and I might be more inclined to see where you are coming from.
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yup.. no less than six examples of other sources showing the video sure is "looking hard".




We can go back and forth like this all day... but I have a job, and I got to get back to it.

We are'nt going to convince eachother that we are wrong, so see ya later :cool:
um.. i just posted a link to the video. Why are you people still pretending that Beck wasn't being disingenuous?

Because he was stating an opinion from what he has observed and it seemed to him that no other news outlet was showing the video. His opinion may have been wrong, but it wasn't a lie.
Oh my, now you're saying he's stupid.


No I'm saying you're stupid, he may have been wrong.
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Shogun, you are digging yourself a bit of a hole here.

Do you see the edit or not? If you do not believe it to be edited, do you believe Beck to have teleportation skills? If so, what is your basis for that?


Do YOU see an edit while he's making his statement regarding who does and does not post that video?

If you don't, then you should go ahead and stop with this laughable little tangent.


how do you know it is a sentence and not maybe a half of a sentence edited together to another sentence? Why are you so fast to trust a comedy show that is self described to be fake and inaccurate on their own website (the "about" tab)? Show me the full clip in full context and I might be more inclined to see where you are coming from.

Great point!

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Ok fine, for argument's sake let's say that Beck wasn't lying but was simply wrong (ftr, I disagree, but so be it).

Then my logical criticism of Beck is that he and his staff are ridiculously inept to the point where they would imply something that is completely false, that with just a tiny bit of homework they would have known was false.

Logical enough for ya? :lol:

logical, albeit somewhat baseless as the daily show clip in reference that was posted by shogun clearly shows an edit of beck standing to immediately sitting and sentences strung together to imply that he lied. I believe this is obvious if you watch closely.



Shogun, you are digging yourself a bit of a hole here.

Do you see the edit or not? If you do not believe it to be edited, do you believe Beck to have teleportation skills? If so, what is your basis for that?


Do YOU see an edit while he's making his statement regarding who does and does not post that video?

If you don't, then you should go ahead and stop with this laughable little tangent.


how do you know it is a sentence and not maybe a half of a sentence edited together to another sentence? Why are you so fast to trust a comedy show that is self described to be fake and inaccurate on their own website (the "about" tab)? Show me the full clip in full context and I might be more inclined to see where you are coming from.

seriously, dude.

You are about to drown in fail.
yup.. no less than six examples of other sources showing the video sure is "looking hard".




We can go back and forth like this all day... but I have a job, and I got to get back to it.

We are'nt going to convince eachother that we are wrong, so see ya later :cool:

well, i'm sure that statement was easier to post than "yea, you are right and I am wrong given that you posted the very video we insisted didn't exist."

Do YOU see an edit while he's making his statement regarding who does and does not post that video?

If you don't, then you should go ahead and stop with this laughable little tangent.


how do you know it is a sentence and not maybe a half of a sentence edited together to another sentence? Why are you so fast to trust a comedy show that is self described to be fake and inaccurate on their own website (the "about" tab)? Show me the full clip in full context and I might be more inclined to see where you are coming from.

seriously, dude.

You are about to drown in fail.

i believe it is an important question that deserves to be answered if we are to find out the truth of the matter. If you do find the actual clip, and it shows beck standing to immediately sitting down, please make it known. However, I believe I did watch that particular show and I don't remember any teleportation like the daily show ran. Please, prove me wrong instead of criticizing the question, try answering it. It would no doubt save time.
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how do you know it is a sentence and not maybe a half of a sentence edited together to another sentence? Why are you so fast to trust a comedy show that is self described to be fake and inaccurate on their own website (the "about" tab)? Show me the full clip in full context and I might be more inclined to see where you are coming from.

seriously, dude.

You are about to drown in fail.

i believe it is an important question that deserves to be answered if we are to find out the truth of the matter. If you do find the actual clip, and it shows beck standing to immediately sitting down, please make it known. However, I believe I did watch that particular show and I don't remember any teleportation like the daily show ran.

being purposefully dense for the sake of plausible deniability doesn't impress me. I've posted my evidence. If you have something to offer besides tin foil excuses then go ahead and post it.
seriously, dude.

You are about to drown in fail.

i believe it is an important question that deserves to be answered if we are to find out the truth of the matter. If you do find the actual clip, and it shows beck standing to immediately sitting down, please make it known. However, I believe I did watch that particular show and I don't remember any teleportation like the daily show ran.

being purposefully dense for the sake of plausible deniability doesn't impress me. I've posted my evidence. If you have something to offer besides tin foil excuses then go ahead and post it.

dude stop being a dick and watch it. It shows beck STANDING then immediately SITTING. like FLASH bam he is in a different position SITTING from standing. Why is it so hard for you to understand that is somewhat suspicious?

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