Can Anyone Tell Me Why It Is So Essential To Increase Defense Spending Over The Near Term?

If there was EVER a time to re-examine how addicted we are to spending enormous sums of money on things that go boom, surely it would be now.

Our historical foe is crippling itself, burning through its vast arsenal at an accelerating rate.

They will have to rebuild their military asset base, while under international sanctions. This will be enormously expensive, and will take a decade.

Whether or not it is "essential" is subjective, but a lot of our military spending has to do with maintaining ready capacity from the excess number of boots to keeping contractors in business so they are there if we need them. To me the strangest thing is about how much money we pay Booz Allen. Everyone I have known who worked there seemed to have jobs that involved having meetings about scheduling meetings and followup meetings to discuss the meetings about scheduling meetings. It all seems to be a bunch of pointless busy work for the most part to put in the required number of manpower hours the government contracted for, although I suspect there is actually a questionably legal intelligence community hiding in plain site underneath all those non-governmental paper pusher jobs.
Increase spending? Given inflation, this year saw a decrease in spending. As did the year before and the year before and the year before.

Why increase spending on the military? Now that is a question asked in complete ignorance if not utter stupidity.
So, let’s say the US decreased its military spending like libs want, who fills the vacuum left by a devolving America, and why would that be good?
Why would it be bad? The other Americans will be the same as the present Americans.
We have to prepare for war with China. We also need to make sure our civilian gun owners have enough ammo available to them (Reserve Militia).

American have been “preparing for war” since World War II and have gone around the world starting wars.

When you spend all that money on hardware and equipment. You just have to use it.
I suppose the same way the US does with its carriers. It sails over the blue wobbly stuff, avoiding the brown non-wobbly stuff.
Until we piss off Nevis, we enjoy clear sailing to the open ocean.

China, not so much.
American have been “preparing for war” since World War II and have gone around the world starting wars.

When you spend all that money on hardware and equipment. You just have to use it.
It was a different world after WW2.
Our military spending has a lot to do with all the weapons and equipment Biden is giving Ukraine. The real adversary we have to worry about is China but they have Biden on a string.
At the moment, Biden is giving a lesson to China why you don't want to invade Taiwan...

Biden is showing China what soft power is all about... Go near Taiwan and you will bog yourself in a quagmire...

Ukraine is a very clear showing of what the US and the west can do to you if you step out of line...

China can't face trade sanctions from the whole world... China has a serious water shortage which could be exasperated over night...

China is seeing real power and they backing the fuck up..

Anyway they have a richer target they are looking at... Lake Baikal, China wants access to that...
If there was EVER a time to re-examine how addicted we are to spending enormous sums of money on things that go boom, surely it would be now.

Our historical foe is crippling itself, burning through its vast arsenal at an accelerating rate.

They will have to rebuild their military asset base, while under international sanctions. This will be enormously expensive, and will take a decade.
So, you would have been OK with Hitler taking over the world?
Increase spending? Given inflation, this year saw a decrease in spending. As did the year before and the year before and the year before.

Why increase spending on the military? Now that is a question asked in complete ignorance if not utter stupidity.
The Pentagon/DoD is every bit as corrupt and profligately wasteful as any other bloated gubmint program.

Cut out the waste, duplication, contractor payola, weapons systems that don't work and nobody asked for, and plain old theft from the Pentagon budget, you could give all the enlisted a 20% raise AND cut the total budget by 20%.

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