Can Biden Win GA, TX, AZ?

Which of the following states will flip blue in 2020?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Of the 3 states mentioned above, do any of them flip blue in 2020?

Of the three, I'd give Arizona the only shot at flipping.
Notice when the democRat Napolitano was elected governor Arizona was 3 billion in the black. When she left to be head of No land Security she left Arizona 3 billion in the red from her free give away to illegals and her pick to solve the problem was 1. to put slot machines in our airports taking the chump change from out of towners or 2 speed cameras costing twice the fine with over 80% going to the over seas company setting the cameras. Being a democrat and not knowing shit about the Constitution she chose two screwing the people. She didn't realize is most people in Arizona do know about the Constitution and since a camera can not put it's hand on a Bible, swear to tell the truth, take a stand, and then point his finger saying that's the guy who was speeding at least for me it was a game and I have enough photos of me speeding to start a scrap book never paying a dime or showing up for court. Since that time we have never elected a democRat. That along with the fact Arizona is losing population and not gaining Joe has as much a chance as he has of being honest. He will not win in Arizona or any place that isn't infested with democRats and no IQ'ed idiots.
Of the 3 states mentioned above, do any of them flip blue in 2020?

Of the three, I'd give Arizona the only shot at flipping.
Arizona is a pro-gun state one of the biggest pro-gun states in the Union Joe is anti Gun
the end
It is the most pro gun state in the Union. But don't think for a minute there isn't rabid idiot democRats wanting to change that. When they get to uppity we will have to extinguish them because we ain't California and sure not New York with their crazy Bloomberg who put 5 million into Arizona to get anti Second Amendment shits elected like Raul Grijilva. A typical democRat for animal rights and full term abortion, Wide open borders and the only shit I know that boycotted his own state. He wants Americans living along the border disarmed and jailed. It's bad enough these people keep their refrigerators out side their homes to keep the illegals from crashing in their doors in the night. He calls these citizens Cockroaches. He is also a member of MEChA, a group for the violent overthrow of the Western and South Western United States. There has never been a gun law he wouldn't vote for. A real work of art

I have wrote him many times reminding him of the oath he took, That didn't work so I started reminding him of a citizens duty to drag him from office and have him answer charges to a citizen's court. That didn't work. So I started addressing his letters as MEChA Boy and signing them cockroach. That got me a response. His campaign manager wrote me an e-mail wanting me to man a phone bank for 24 hours rounding up Raul some votes. I blew it as my temper got the best of me. That election he won by less than 2,000 votes I could have cost him that election telling the truth about Raul. Every election I have hung wanted posters on Raul but I'm in a small area in Phoenix in his district. His voting base is in Tucson full of stupid who vote without a brain cell. As if they did he would never win for the way he has screwed Arizona. Did I mention he is also co-chairman of the Progressive cock us and he sure has been.
As of 10/19.

Biden by 1 in AZ
Biden by 1 in TX
GA dead heat.

Which means Trump will kick his ass.

At this point last years, Hillary was leading by more than that.

Not in those states, she wasn't.

In 2016, she was trailing by 14 in Texas, 7 in Georgia and 5 in Arizona.

Again, these states are kind of Gravy.

Biden just needs to win WI, PA and MI. There he is leading in all four states by more than 6 points.

Okay, here's the deal, as our next president says...

In all of those cases, the undecided broke for the challenger... as they always do.

There aren't enough undecideds this time.

There are not active voter suppression in these states by Republican Governors this time. In fact, it looks like there will be record election turnout, which is NEVER good for Republicans.
Notice when the democRat Napolitano was elected governor Arizona was 3 billion in the black. When she left to be head of No land Security she left Arizona 3 billion in the red from her free give away to illegals and her pick to solve the problem was 1.

You left out the part where Bush crashed the economy in 2008 and caused that debt.
As of 10/19.

Biden by 1 in AZ
Biden by 1 in TX
GA dead heat.

Which means Trump will kick his ass.

At this point last years, Hillary was leading by more than that.

Not in those states, she wasn't.

In 2016, she was trailing by 14 in Texas, 7 in Georgia and 5 in Arizona.

Again, these states are kind of Gravy.

Biden just needs to win WI, PA and MI. There he is leading in all four states by more than 6 points.

Okay, here's the deal, as our next president says...

In all of those cases, the undecided broke for the challenger... as they always do.

There aren't enough undecideds this time.

There are not active voter suppression in these states by Republican Governors this time. In fact, it looks like there will be record election turnout, which is NEVER good for Republicans.

it's not 2016 anymore. It's 2020. Biden isn't Hillary and Rump has had 4 years to either succeed or fail. Let me ask this question, are you better off today than you were 4 years ago? Answer it truthfully, no fair looking at your parties cheat answer sheet.
it's not 2016 anymore. It's 2020. Biden isn't Hillary and Rump has had 4 years to either succeed or fail. Let me ask this question, are you better off today than you were 4 years ago? Answer it truthfully, no fair looking at your parties cheat answer sheet.

Um, I think I'm on your side, bud...

Truthfully, at the moment, I'm better off in that I am making more money than I was in 2016 right now, but that wasn't the case earlier this year.

I would agree, if people just looked at the metrics, Trump would be toast.

The problem with an incumbent is that not voting for him a second time is an admission you made a mistake the first time, and a lot of the Trump voters just aren't willing to do that, no matter how bad he fucks up.

So IF Biden is going to prevail, he has to get the the people who voted for Hillary, the people who voted for third parties and the people who stayed home last time. The record high voter turnout seems to indicate he's accomplishing this, but I'm not going to sleep easy until November 4th.
The key will be Florida.

Looks like it is turning on Trump. If Trump can’t take Florida, the rest wont matter
Oh BS....Trump has Florida EASILY..........
Trump better hope so or his election night will end there

Beyond Florida, Trump must
Win Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin which he trails by five points
Hold Red States Arizona and Georgia which he trails
Win Ohio, Iowa, NC that he won in 2016

Tough path to win
Easily? We'll know in at least 8 days from now. Probably 8 days plus 7.

I don’t think they will declare a winner on election night.
But if some key battleground states come in on Tuesday night, we will have a good idea who has won.

I doubt Trump will ever admit that he lost
With a little over a week to go....

Biden leads in Arizona, N Carolina and Georgia
Trump is still comfortable in Texas.

Texas may be within five percent
AZ has less gun nuts per capita than GA or TX.

AZ is one of the leading states in promoting civic politeness. That is why Joe is doing as well as he is out here.

Arizona elected a Democratic Senator in 2018
Looks like they will have a second Democratic Senator in 2020
First time in history for once solid Republican Arizona
AZ has less gun nuts per capita than GA or TX.

AZ is one of the leading states in promoting civic politeness. That is why Joe is doing as well as he is out here.

Arizona elected a Democratic Senator in 2018
Looks like they will have a second Democratic Senator in 2020
First time in history for once solid Republican Arizona

Hope so.
Easily? We'll know in at least 8 days from now. Probably 8 days plus 7.

I don’t think they will declare a winner on election night.
But if some key battleground states come in on Tuesday night, we will have a good idea who has won.

I doubt Trump will ever admit that he lost
No way Trump loses without the dems a lot of cheating-------hundreds of thousands of missing ballots and lots of chinese made driver licenses have been utilized by the dems.
No way Trump loses without the dems a lot of cheating-------hundreds of thousands of missing ballots and lots of chinese made driver licenses have been utilized by the dems.

You work up them excused.

It couldn't possibly be because after 230,000 dead and 65,000,000 jobs lost, people want Trump gone before he does any more damage.

Hey, I think we've found the GOP's next candidate. I give you, Godzilla.


Godzilla 2024 - No Lives Matter.
Easily? We'll know in at least 8 days from now. Probably 8 days plus 7.

I don’t think they will declare a winner on election night.
But if some key battleground states come in on Tuesday night, we will have a good idea who has won.

I doubt Trump will ever admit that he lost
No way Trump loses without the dems a lot of cheating-------hundreds of thousands of missing ballots and lots of chinese made driver licenses have been utilized by the dems.

Trump is going to lose so Bigly in state after state that his claims of cheating will ring shallow and petty
Arizona: Biden 49-46 as of 2 polls on 10/25
Texas: Trump 47-46 as of 4 polls 10/25
Georgia: Biden 49-46 as of 4 polls 10/25


Florida 49/48 Biden Six Polls 10/25
Montana 49/47 Trump PPP Poll 10/27
Iowa, 48/46 Biden 10/24 Five Polls

Biden still leading in the Big 3; WI, MI, PA

Looking forward to bringing these posts forward.

In 2016 candycorn started a thread entitled "HIllary is Cruising" She left the part out where it said ...right over a cliff.

When we reminded her of that thread, she whined to the mods who somehow justified closing it.

What else do you expect from a whinyassed bitch who has been seriously wrong her whole time on the board.

Now she's doing the same thing. Using the same polls that got her ass shot off in 2016.

Apparently, humiliation and embarassment are nothing foreign to her.

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