Can blacks govern themselves?

It has been interesting to read the comments about Detroit of late. Well, some of the comments. Most of them are uninformed crap, which is not surprising because most posters don't live in Detroit and have no real understanding of the issues the city faces. Even though some of them Google a few articles that support their viewpoint and post them like they've considered it, most don't. Most are just partizan hacks, or racists, or too lazy to bother trying to become informed.

But one of the charges I've seen laid at Detroit's door time and again is that blacks can't govern themselves, a view particularly attached to Detroit after 40 years of having black Mayor after black Mayor. It's an interesting viewpoint and it is hard to argue that when left to their own devices blacks won't fuck it up. There are multiple examples of countries around the world that live in abject poverty because of corruption or mismanagement.

But let's stick with the first world, rather than expanding it to take in the 3rd world, and ask a question about Detroit.

The city now has a white Mayor. It has an emergency manager who works for a white Governor. If the city does begin to turn around (and there are those that would argue the turn has started that it's one helluva big ship) it will conceivably generate the argument that it turned around when whites took control.

So, can blacks govern themselves? Let's not forget here that the blacks in question are Detroiters, many of whom never graduated high school, have never held a job, or are victims of crime. I saw a survey figure the other day that said over 80% of the Detroit teens surveyed knew a family member or friend who had been either wounded, disabled or killed as a result of gun violence in the last year. I have never known anyone in my life to be affected in this manner, let along the last year. I find the statistic staggering.

They also have limited access to the internet, don't or can't read the newspapers, so get all their news either from the TV, or their community peers, or community activists who have an agenda.

Perhaps, given those circumstances, it's easier to understand why in the absence of any reliable information they tend to listen to those who shout loudest and appeal to their basest instincts. It's actually not that different to spending a few hours on this board. Imagine if we all derived our opinions based on what we read here what a fucked up view of the world we would have.

The real fault, in my opinion, lies with those in the black community who style themselves as "leaders". The black community needs heroes, men and women who are well educated, thoughtful, not averse to discussion and compromise where needed. People who will make decisions based on what it right, rather than what is popular.

And of course these same leaders need to present a united front towards those among them whose actions bring the black community into disrepute, like Kwame Kilpatrick.

The black community has too few such individuals. They do exist, but the baby steps of progress never generate much attention from the media, and therefore are never held up on this board as examples of blacks who do it right. It's far easier to find a story about gang bangers, or corrupt officials, or political cronyism. And so the view is reinforced year after year, leaving the question unaddressed.

Can blacks govern themselves? Yes. Will they ever? That is perhaps the bigger question.

I take great offense to the racial hatred displayed here by someone from the white race who probably call us n@ggers. I have news cracka boy, you don't talk trash about my race up in here. You hear me boy. Coward cracka.

Well I never use that repugnant slur. I find it quite revealing to see you resort to your own vulgarities.
You sure are working hard to overlook the contributions of the black man to science, medicine, literature, arts, humanities, sports, entertainment, world exploration and colonization.
It has been interesting to read the comments about Detroit of late. Well, some of the comments. Most of them are uninformed crap, which is not surprising because most posters don't live in Detroit and have no real understanding of the issues the city faces. Even though some of them Google a few articles that support their viewpoint and post them like they've considered it, most don't. Most are just partizan hacks, or racists, or too lazy to bother trying to become informed.

But one of the charges I've seen laid at Detroit's door time and again is that blacks can't govern themselves, a view particularly attached to Detroit after 40 years of having black Mayor after black Mayor. It's an interesting viewpoint and it is hard to argue that when left to their own devices blacks won't fuck it up. There are multiple examples of countries around the world that live in abject poverty because of corruption or mismanagement.

But let's stick with the first world, rather than expanding it to take in the 3rd world, and ask a question about Detroit.

The city now has a white Mayor. It has an emergency manager who works for a white Governor. If the city does begin to turn around (and there are those that would argue the turn has started that it's one helluva big ship) it will conceivably generate the argument that it turned around when whites took control.

So, can blacks govern themselves? Let's not forget here that the blacks in question are Detroiters, many of whom never graduated high school, have never held a job, or are victims of crime. I saw a survey figure the other day that said over 80% of the Detroit teens surveyed knew a family member or friend who had been either wounded, disabled or killed as a result of gun violence in the last year. I have never known anyone in my life to be affected in this manner, let along the last year. I find the statistic staggering.

They also have limited access to the internet, don't or can't read the newspapers, so get all their news either from the TV, or their community peers, or community activists who have an agenda.

Perhaps, given those circumstances, it's easier to understand why in the absence of any reliable information they tend to listen to those who shout loudest and appeal to their basest instincts. It's actually not that different to spending a few hours on this board. Imagine if we all derived our opinions based on what we read here what a fucked up view of the world we would have.

The real fault, in my opinion, lies with those in the black community who style themselves as "leaders". The black community needs heroes, men and women who are well educated, thoughtful, not averse to discussion and compromise where needed. People who will make decisions based on what it right, rather than what is popular.

And of course these same leaders need to present a united front towards those among them whose actions bring the black community into disrepute, like Kwame Kilpatrick.

The black community has too few such individuals. They do exist, but the baby steps of progress never generate much attention from the media, and therefore are never held up on this board as examples of blacks who do it right. It's far easier to find a story about gang bangers, or corrupt officials, or political cronyism. And so the view is reinforced year after year, leaving the question unaddressed.

Can blacks govern themselves? Yes. Will they ever? That is perhaps the bigger question.

I take great offense to the racial hatred displayed here by someone from the white race who probably call us n@ggers. I have news cracka boy, you don't talk trash about my race up in here. You hear me boy. Coward cracka.

Well I never use that repugnant slur. I find it quite revealing to see you resort to your own vulgarities.

A couple of posts have disappeared. Not that they will be missed.
A couple of posts have disappeared. Not that they will be missed.

They had to be removed I guess. Whoever was playing the role of "Diondre" screwed up and forgot that he was supposed to be pro-black so once he went with the small brain pan blast the old posts had to be taken out or else the thread wouldn't make any sense.:lol:
A couple of posts have disappeared. Not that they will be missed.

They had to be removed I guess. Whoever was playing the role of "Diondre" screwed up and forgot that he was supposed to be pro-black so once he went with the small brain pan blast the old posts had to be taken out or else the thread wouldn't make any sense.:lol:

I had a post removed and I don't know why. There was no name calling or other slurs. Is it against the forum rules to point out the rising national debt thanks to the Obama administration?

I'm about 50/50 right now on you bunch being a couple of bored Mods or Admins so maybe I should be asking you that question. :eusa_whistle:
Reminds me when I was a kid and it was accepted argument by all that Blacks could not play football or baseball as well as whites. The evidence, and that evidence could not be refuted at that time was: "How many Blacks are in the pros?" And at that time there were no Blacks in pro baseball or football. What more proof was needed? This, just during my lifetime.
Reminds me when I was a kid and it was accepted argument by all that Blacks could not play football or baseball as well as whites. The evidence, and that evidence could not be refuted at that time was: "How many Blacks are in the pros?" And at that time there were no Blacks in pro baseball or football. What more proof was needed? This, just during my lifetime.

I'm not sure that follows. There are plenty of blacks in positions of political power who have made poor choices. And Detroit City Council has been a joke for years, though it is arguably changing for the better. The crazies seem to be struggling to convince people at present, and long may it continue.

And there are of course white politicians that have made fools of themselves as well. Look no further than Toronto.
Reminds me when I was a kid and it was accepted argument by all that Blacks could not play football or baseball as well as whites. The evidence, and that evidence could not be refuted at that time was: "How many Blacks are in the pros?" And at that time there were no Blacks in pro baseball or football. What more proof was needed? This, just during my lifetime.

I'm not sure that follows. There are plenty of blacks in positions of political power who have made poor choices. And Detroit City Council has been a joke for years, though it is arguably changing for the better. The crazies seem to be struggling to convince people at present, and long may it continue.

And there are of course white politicians that have made fools of themselves as well. Look no further than Toronto.

And San Diego...that guy was such a perv that Hooters refused to serve him.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.
Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer, as a nation.
Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis Tn, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let's not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.
Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer, as a nation.
Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis Tn, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let's not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless you cut and pasted that, you appear to be quite a good writer. What a shame you choose not to make better use of your talent.
I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.
Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer, as a nation.
Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD, Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis Tn, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let's not forget Detroit, the tourism capital of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's not forget Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. A well deserved tribute for a lifetime of hard work and competent leadership.
Good ole Mayor Bradley at 3:16 in this video sure knows how to govern.

Just sayin


Reminds me when I was a kid and it was accepted argument by all that Blacks could not play football or baseball as well as whites. The evidence, and that evidence could not be refuted at that time was: "How many Blacks are in the pros?" And at that time there were no Blacks in pro baseball or football. What more proof was needed? This, just during my lifetime.

I'm not sure that follows. There are plenty of blacks in positions of political power who have made poor choices. And Detroit City Council has been a joke for years, though it is arguably changing for the better. The crazies seem to be struggling to convince people at present, and long may it continue.

And there are of course white politicians that have made fools of themselves as well. Look no further than Toronto.

And San Diego...that guy was such a perv that Hooters refused to serve him.

The city of Bell near Los Angeles also had a corrupt set of politicians that cost taxpayers millions.

City of Bell scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes they can there was an area Known as Black Wall Street that blacks did for themselves had business', community development etc. That did very well.

Then like history repeating itself, Whites came in burnt it to the ground and killed raped and pillaged.

So its funny when whites complain about blacks when they did everything in their power to keep them in a fucked up position and are surprised that that creates fucked up mentalities.
(1) there is no question that many American "Blacks" can be successful at whatever they try. No reason why there couldn't be Black politicians who are "as good as White ones," recognizing that that is not setting the bar very high.

(2) Eastern Cities - like Detroit - have been devastated by white racism, in that the white middle class has abandoned them and moved to the suburbs, mainly so their kids wouldn't have to go to school with "n _ _ _ _ _ s." The white's that remain are mainly either poor or rich with a big hole in the middle. These cities would have declined no matter what the race of the mayor was. Look at my Pittsburgh: it is in the shitter and in receivership, but has always had white mayors and a white majority on City Council.

(3) City governments and city politics attract leeches - people who want to use their position for personal gain, whether it is through nepotism, corruption, or merely making a nice salary for doing next to nothing. Black & white have nothing to do with it. The Black politicians who rise to the top and become mayors and whatnot are simply the ones who are the best at feathering their own nests. One might mention Kwame Kirkpatrick, JJ Jr, and even going back as far as Adam Clayton Powell. They are in it for themselves, period. Which is why they are disasters as political leaders.

(4) Too many talented and capable "Black" people waste their time and efforts in bullshit endeavors, like being a "community organizer,"when they would be much better off (and ironically, do more for the community) by starting a business or going to work for a real company. There is no such thing as "giving back." It is a bullshit concept for losers.

Can Blacks govern themselves? Why not?
We can govern ourselves just fine. Look at Ancient Egypt before Rome invaded. Look at the Zulus before the British invaded. It's only when the white man interferes that problems arise.

Ancient Egypt? You can't be serious, there were no Sub- Sahran Africans present in those times. Also, why are a disproportionate number of Black politicians embroiled in corruption? Name one Black run country that is successful. With all do respect, I believe you're basing your opinion on a foundation of misinformation and sheer fantasy.

You are actually quite wrong. DNA shows that the Egyptians came from exactly where they said they came from, the beginning of the Nile.
Yes they can there was an area Known as Black Wall Street that blacks did for themselves had business', community development etc. That did very well.

Then like history repeating itself, Whites came in burnt it to the ground and killed raped and pillaged.

So its funny when whites complain about blacks when they did everything in their power to keep them in a fucked up position and are surprised that that creates fucked up mentalities.

These clowns don't know that most things Blacks have successfully accomplished has been destroyed, omitted from history, and covered up by racist white people from the beginning. I wonder where they think their religions, system of law, and democracy came from?
Of course the black man can govern. Look at Obama, Eric Holder, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis farakhan, Eldridge Cleaver. You just have to get whitey out of the way so the right decisions can be made. What a stupid question. Look at South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Uganda for success stories of black rule.

Mobutu had $4 billion stashed in swiss accounts, equivalent to his country's' national debt at the time.

BTW Zimbabwe's economy is rubbish as is South Africa's and Uganda, What planet are you on?

Planet of the apes?

What a great man!

Yes let the blacks rule!
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