Can Catholics tell the difference?

if they cant tell the difference then its not true.
How do you determine that?

Understand, even if you can't distinguish between A and B, that, in itself, does not mean A and B are the same nor does it mean A and B are different.

What it means is that you lack sufficient information to draw a firm conclusion.
between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

In my words: We believe spirit is a living substance and not nothing. We believe that god is very concrete present in a consecrated bread. It's better for everyone in the world to respect this belief. We remember our savior not only in words - we try to be in him and we try to take him in us in all dimensions of our existance.

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There certainly seems to have been a distortion, and even a diminishing, of what Jesus said at that meal.
if they cant tell the difference then its not true.
Kinda figured that's where you were going with this........ You aren't one of those who claim Catholics aren't Christians are ya?

If you've ever been to a Catholic Mass, and I'm sure you haven't, the priest consecrates the bread and the wine during the service. Pretty simple answer to your "question".

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