Can everyone just flat out say which part of the political spectrum they are on?

I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

No Party- Pragmatic - pragmatic.

Frankly, I go with what works, in the most ruthless way possible.

Cough cough Marxist cough cough
and then you have liberal Democrats claiming to be Republicans.
And far right reactionaries like you claiming to be a fiscal conservative and moderate on social issues

Papa Far Right Jake?....just because you dont like his comment about you Jake does not make the guy a Far Righty....Papa has proved many a time with his comments.....he aint Far Right....

Seems to me the political spectrum really isn't linear.

There are hardcore lefties and hardcore righties, leaners and moderates. There are independents who don't really fit on a line, and there are plenty who don't give the tiniest flying fuck about the whole circus.

Smoking in public places, unsafe business practices, heavy use of hard drugs, gun control,

Being too lazy to get out of bed in the morning and go to work also harms others. Should that be against the law? Shopping at Publix rather than Winn Dixie harms Winn Dixie. Should that be against the law? Whether your actions "harm" someone isn't the issue. Almost everything you do can be viewed as harming someone. The question is whether your actions violate someone's rights.

Oh come on. You can't compare that crap to what i am saying and you know it.

Sure I can. That's exactly the kind of thing you're talking about, like using hard drugs. That certainly harms yourself, but it only harms others to the extent that all personal irresponsibility harms others. Not getting out of bed and being a useless leach on society harms others. Hoes spreading their legs and getting knocked up and going on welfare also harms others. Should that be illegal? All the losers who signed mortgages they couldn't afford harmed others.

If harming others was your standard, you would turn this country into a police state.
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Conservative Capitalist, Social Moderate. I believe that the government should stay out of people's bedrooms, that same sex can marry if they want to. I also believe that I my tax dollars should not have to fund the contraception budget of an elite 30 year old law student trying to get laid.

who leans 85% towards the far right :up:
By the standards of most of the planet, I'd be center-right.

By American standards, that makes me a raging socialist. Just ask the far right reactionaries here.

So actually, I'm about as centrist as they come, meaning I'm quite a bit left of the Democrats, who are a center-right party.
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

Do you really think that you can confine your fellows posters by reducing them to a single label?

If so, then based on the above, we all know who and what you think about every issue?

That means we don't even need to talk to you, right?

Cause we KNOW what a Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian thinks in every case, right?

That means you don't have to tell us, we can tell YOU what YOU think.


Is that what YOU want us to believe about you?

Well..that's what you want to believer about us, isn't it?

That we can be reduced to a couple labels for YOUR convenience
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Ok I can be outrageously be right wing if I fight against abortions over a certain date.

BUT I also can understand that if a woman is being beaten half to death by a horrible abuser, she wants to abort a baby so that man can't beat her or him as well.

You see it is not black and white but so many shades of grey and that no matter even the best of Christian or Muslim or Hindu or any other we don't know what to do. And our hearts break at the thought of any of these moments.

I don't know what to do.

You would kill the baby to solve an abusive man problem?

How is that logic by any sense of the word?
Do you really think that you can confine your fellows posters by reducing them to a single label?

If so, then based on the above, we all know who and what you think about every issue?

That means we don't even need to talk to you, right?

Cause we KNOW what a Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian thinks in every case, right?

That means you don't have to tell us, we can tell YOU what YOU think.


Is that what YOU want us to believe about you?

Well..that's what you want to believer about us, isn't it?

That we can be reduced to a couple labels for YOUR convenience

It's just a stupid little political spectrum thread, calm down.

I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

Democrat until the GOP regains sanity, then Independent. Blue collar liberal.
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.
I have a better idea.

How about reading what is written and then evaluating it against what you believe, and then respond accordingly (without any name calling at all)?

The biggest problem we all have is that we 'identify' with a group or a label.

I consider Myself Conservative. I don't break it down into social, financial, only on months that end with an 'R', or the rise and fall of a celestial formation.....

Stop following the pack. The view never changes.
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

Do you really think that you can confine your fellows posters by reducing them to a single label?

If so, then based on the above, we all know who and what you think about every issue?

That means we don't even need to talk to you, right?

Cause we KNOW what a Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian thinks in every case, right?

That means you don't have to tell us, we can tell YOU what YOU think.


Is that what YOU want us to believe about you?

Well..that's what you want to believer about us, isn't it?

That we can be reduced to a couple labels for YOUR convenience
Okay, stop agreeing with Me. Or I'll have to hunt you down and make you stop it....

Its just......unnatural........:eusa_shifty:
By the standards of most of the planet, I'd be center-right.

By American standards, that makes me a raging socialist. Just ask the far right reactionaries here.

So actually, I'm about as centrist as they come, meaning I'm quite a bit left of the Democrats, who are a center-right party.

By the standards of most of the planet, your income should be about $3000/yr. Feel free to follow the standards of most of the planet.
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

Democrat until the GOP regains sanity, then Independent. Blue collar liberal.

In other words, your a commie just like all the other people who call themselves "liberal" in here.
Democrat until the GOP regains sanity, then Independent. Blue collar liberal.

that doesnt make sense will leave the Democrats AFTER the GOP comes back to what they were and THEN become an Independent??.....why are you not an Independent now?....

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