Can everyone just flat out say which part of the political spectrum they are on?

We will find the far right reactionaries and TeapOcraps claiming to be moderate, mainstream Republicans or moderate independents.

and then you have liberal Democrats claiming to be Republicans.

He's such a joke, I laugh every time I see one of his posts... :lol: C'mon Jake, tell us what's conservaitve about you... :eusa_whistle:

I'm fiscally conservative/socially moderate..
No Party, Libertarian leaning, and I vote for who I like regardless of party.
Socially Liberal, ACLU type (except on 2nd Amendment issues), emphasis on the Bill of Rights.
Moderate Democrat,
Socially liberal and fiscally pragmatic.


Is that like sensibly insane?

Or maybe moderate murderer?

Fiscally pragmatic = supporter of biggest deficits in human history

No moron, from, see:


1. character or conduct that emphasizes practicality.

2. a philosophical movement or system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value.

Is that like sensibly insane?

Or maybe moderate murderer?

No moron, it is not. Being fiscally pragmatic means I don't support a balanced budget amendment because that's stupid, and I understand a budget is a plan that many times needs to be revised.

So you believe that Congress is actually capable of doing the smart and responsible thing? It appears that "pragmatic" is just a euphemism meaning "incredibly naive."

Pragmatic means I don't borrow unless to do so makes sense. For example, when the roof leaks and winter is on the way I will borrow the money to repair or replace the roof rather than wait for the winter to further damage the roof, and much of what a watertight roof is there to protect.

What do your personal borrowing habits have to do with your opinion on government fiscal policy?

Socially liberal or progressive generally means I mind my own business. Let others decide how they want to live their life as long as that life doesn't have a negative impact on others.

Unless those other people are buying healthcare, buying light bulbs, plumbing fixtures, running a business, hiring people, putting gas in their car, choosing a cable operator, choosing a school for their kids, deciding how to save for retirement, deciding what drugs to take, yada, yada, yada . . . . . .

Thanks for sharing

Is that like sensibly insane?

Or maybe moderate murderer?

No moron, it is not. Being fiscally pragmatic means I don't support a balanced budget amendment because that's stupid, and I understand a budget is a plan that many times needs to be revised.

Pragmatic means I don't borrow unless to do so makes sense. For example, when the roof leaks and winter is on the way I will borrow the money to repair or replace the roof rather than wait for the winter to further damage the roof, and much of what a watertight roof is there to protect.

Socially liberal or progressive generally means I mind my own business. Let others decide how they want to live their life as long as that life doesn't have a negative impact on others.

Woah, why call someone a moron when your ideas are dumb?

Thanks for sharing
mostly liberal except for the whole gun issue. I walk the line on the abortion issue. Big fan of the separation of churches and state. pro-science.
No moron, it is not. Being fiscally pragmatic means I don't support a balanced budget amendment because that's stupid, and I understand a budget is a plan that many times needs to be revised.

Pragmatic means I don't borrow unless to do so makes sense. For example, when the roof leaks and winter is on the way I will borrow the money to repair or replace the roof rather than wait for the winter to further damage the roof, and much of what a watertight roof is there to protect.

Socially liberal or progressive generally means I mind my own business. Let others decide how they want to live their life as long as that life doesn't have a negative impact on others.

You and I definitely see eye to eye. I think what many libertarians don't understand is that SOME personal freedoms can negatively affect others therefore they should not be rights. I am a believer in an extent of course.

Which freedoms are those? Does it negatively affect others when I'm allowed to keep the money I earn?

No, not at all. As long as you pay taxes, taxes which benefit you and others. You have the right to post almost anything you like, within the rules, and make an ass out of yourself everyday. A right you exercise often. If you could find Mo and Larry you might be able to make a living posting.
You and I definitely see eye to eye. I think what many libertarians don't understand is that SOME personal freedoms can negatively affect others therefore they should not be rights. I am a believer in an extent of course.

Which freedoms are those? Does it negatively affect others when I'm allowed to keep the money I earn?

Smoking in public places, unsafe business practices, heavy use of hard drugs, gun control,

Being too lazy to get out of bed in the morning and go to work also harms others. Should that be against the law? Shopping at Publix rather than Winn Dixie harms Winn Dixie. Should that be against the law? Whether your actions "harm" someone isn't the issue. Almost everything you do can be viewed as harming someone. The question is whether your actions violate someone's rights.
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You and I definitely see eye to eye. I think what many libertarians don't understand is that SOME personal freedoms can negatively affect others therefore they should not be rights. I am a believer in an extent of course.

Which freedoms are those? Does it negatively affect others when I'm allowed to keep the money I earn?

No, not at all. As long as you pay taxes, taxes which benefit you and others.

In other words, yes, you think keeping the money I earned harms others.

You have the right to post almost anything you like, within the rules, and make an ass out of yourself everyday. A right you exercise often. If you could find Mo and Larry you might be able to make a living posting.

So posting also harms others since the butt-hurt in your case is so obvious.
Which freedoms are those? Does it negatively affect others when I'm allowed to keep the money I earn?

Smoking in public places, unsafe business practices, heavy use of hard drugs, gun control,

Being too lazy to get out of bed in the morning and go to work also harms others. Should that be against the law? Shopping at Publix rather than Winn Dixie harms Winn Dixie. Should that be against the law? Whether your actions "harm" someone isn't the issue. Almost everything you do can be viewed as harming someone. The question is whether your actions violate someone's rights.

Oh come on. You can't compare that crap to what i am saying and you know it.
Politically: Mostly Conservative with some Libertarianism thrown in.

Social Issues: Liberal/Tolerant

Economically: Standard Capitalist with only enough Government regulation to keep us safe. Anymore, such as nanny state bullshit, is a no-go.

So you aren't actually a welfare queen.
and then you have liberal Democrats claiming to be Republicans.
And far right reactionaries like you claiming to be a fiscal conservative and moderate on social issues

You use 'far right reactionary' like a broken record, as a matter of fact, it's probably in 99.9% of your posts, which is why I typically don't even read them. So, define for us what a 'far right reactionary' is, what do they believe in that you disagree with?
Personally, I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker

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