Can everyone just flat out say which part of the political spectrum they are on?

I'd say I was liberal but I'm not really.

I think that we're all being duped into this liberal vs. Conservative frame of mind. Divide and conquer.

Notice how all political issues are diced up in such a way as to keep a 50/50 political split between the American people? This leads to a completely stagnant government - both sides get to blame the other for not making any significant changes.

I think the only real issue is that we live in an economic monarchy. We get some minor choice between progressive-monarchs and reactionary-monarchs - but that's just a dog and pony show. Nothing really changes for the better, but things do seem to get worse slowly but surely.
Moderate Democrat,
Socially liberal and fiscally pragmatic.


Is that like sensibly insane?

Or maybe moderate murderer?

No moron, it is not. Being fiscally pragmatic means I don't support a balanced budget amendment because that's stupid, and I understand a budget is a plan that many times needs to be revised.

Pragmatic means I don't borrow unless to do so makes sense. For example, when the roof leaks and winter is on the way I will borrow the money to repair or replace the roof rather than wait for the winter to further damage the roof, and much of what a watertight roof is there to protect.

Socially liberal or progressive generally means I mind my own business. Let others decide how they want to live their life as long as that life doesn't have a negative impact on others.
Moderate Democrat,
Socially liberal and fiscally pragmatic.


Is that like sensibly insane?

Or maybe moderate murderer?

No moron, it is not. Being fiscally pragmatic means I don't support a balanced budget amendment because that's stupid, and I understand a budget is a plan that many times needs to be revised.

Pragmatic means I don't borrow unless to do so makes sense. For example, when the roof leaks and winter is on the way I will borrow the money to repair or replace the roof rather than wait for the winter to further damage the roof, and much of what a watertight roof is there to protect.

Socially liberal or progressive generally means I mind my own business. Let others decide how they want to live their life as long as that life doesn't have a negative impact on others.

So sensibly insane. Got it.

By the way, Jefferson said we wouldn't likely make it without Term Limits on Congress..
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We will find the far right reactionaries and TeapOcraps claiming to be moderate, mainstream Republicans or moderate independents.

Is that like sensibly insane?

Or maybe moderate murderer?

No moron, it is not. Being fiscally pragmatic means I don't support a balanced budget amendment because that's stupid, and I understand a budget is a plan that many times needs to be revised.

Pragmatic means I don't borrow unless to do so makes sense. For example, when the roof leaks and winter is on the way I will borrow the money to repair or replace the roof rather than wait for the winter to further damage the roof, and much of what a watertight roof is there to protect.

Socially liberal or progressive generally means I mind my own business. Let others decide how they want to live their life as long as that life doesn't have a negative impact on others.

So sensibly insane. Got it.

I know you're not very bright, and being slow you default to being glib. Sadly for you it doesn't hide your limitations.
How to Label Cato

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.

Cato's Mission | Cato Institute
I've been getting a little confused lately, and I think I called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
Party, then ideology.
Republican - Social Conservative - Economic Libertarian.

Conservative Capitalist that supports limited Socialism.
I'm a post apocalypse pragmatist I try to live as if i don't do it its never going to get done
i've been getting a little confused lately, and i think i called some rightwingers liberals, which if it were so, it be a grievous mistake.

I'll start
party, then ideology.
Republican - social conservative - economic libertarian.


free enterprise

individual rights


constitution (1787)


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