Can GOP Legally Stop Obamacare? NO --- Illegally? NO

The GOP at the state level can stop Obozocare by declaring it unconstitutional as it clearly is. Setting up a national health care system is not one of the listed powers of congress. The SCOTUS should have said this but they rubberstamp everything the feds do since they are federal themselves.
It is a clusterfuck, but Obama has not delayed its implementation. The employer mandate has been delayed, which is but a very small part of ObamaCare. .

Hey stupid. You just contradicted yourself.

Paul Krugman:

Recent political reporting suggests that Republican leaders are in a state of high anxiety, trapped between an angry base that still views Obamacare as the moral equivalent of slavery and the reality that health reform is the law of the land and is going to happen.

But those leaders don’t deserve any sympathy. For one thing, that irrational base is a Frankenstein monster of their own creation. Beyond that, everything I’ve seen indicates that members of the Republican elite still don’t get the basics of health reform — and that this lack of understanding is in the process of turning into a major political liability.

Congress can de-fund it. One thing we do know is that the president does not have the legal authority to pick and choose which part of the law to enact or delay but it appears he is doing it.
The GOP at the state level can stop Obozocare by declaring it unconstitutional as it clearly is. Setting up a national health care system is not one of the listed powers of congress. The SCOTUS should have said this but they rubberstamp everything the feds do since they are federal themselves.

Did you take Civics in high school or simply fail to pass it? Same question for U.S. History?
Hmmm, are you a U.S. Citizen?
....On the unstoppability of Obamacare: We have this system in which Congress passes laws, the president signs them, and then they go into effect. The Affordable Care Act went through this process, and there is no legitimate way for Republicans to stop it.

so why isn't obama enforcing the law? if its the law, its the law, where does he get off postponing any portion of statutory law as is obamacare?:eusa_eh:

Is there an illegitimate way?

yes, there is; the house can craft a bill raising the debt limit, a continuing resolution to fund the gov's agencies , and leave out any money for HHS ala obamacare. if the senate refuses to approve, or obama does, well?
It amazes me that the Obama-care legislation can pass through Congress, get signed off by the President, then be changed without legislative approval..

I just can't see how that shows representation for the people and isn't perceived as bypassing Americans Constitutional rights.

Tweaking the law with Congressional approval makes sense but just picking out or adding whatever is socialist Democrat crazy.
Everything you know is wrong. The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

And again, congress is not exempt, and it's because of Pub bs that it IS part of O-care, but are still paid for in the main. Ay caramba. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and you are perfect chumps of the greedy idiot corrupt rich and corporations.....
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Everything you know is wrong. The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

And again, congress is not exempt, and it's because of Pub bs that it IS part of O-care, but are still paid for in the main. Ay caramba. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and you are perfect chumps of the greedy idiot corrupt rich and corporations.....

Yet you give Democrats and fearless leader a pass by saying it's all a necessary part of the political system..(this is why you're funny)
The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

Republicans are naïve, dumb and disingenuous .... they secretly plan to try to block ACA and anything else Obama does - then snicker as they imagine how they'll blame him their obstructions ....

Oh my, they are sneaky, eh?

The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

Republicans are naïve, dumb and disingenuous .... they secretly plan to try to block ACA and anything else Obama does - then snicker as they imagine how they'll blame him their obstructions ....

Oh my, they are sneaky, eh?


Democrats....pass legislation that nobody has read or understands then stupidly wonder why it isn't working out...:lol:
The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

Republicans are naïve, dumb and disingenuous .... they secretly plan to try to block ACA and anything else Obama does - then snicker as they imagine how they'll blame him their obstructions ....

Oh my, they are sneaky, eh?


for guy that cannot even post a thread without lying, your not exactly burning up the track sparky .
Obama/Reid are totally in favor of destroying $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local tax revenue.
Putting 400,000 people out of work as 1,300 insurance companies go out of business.

That is their objective???
Insurance companies wrote ACA to avoid single payer.
Obamacare will never happen... even Obama's delaying its implementation. It's a clusterfuck of epic proportions.


Why is it that certain people don't know that parts of it have already "happened"? AND, that people are happy about that.

As for the Rs - the Repub senator of my state has backed off.
....On the unstoppability of Obamacare: We have this system in which Congress passes laws, the president signs them, and then they go into effect. The Affordable Care Act went through this process, and there is no legitimate way for Republicans to stop it.

so why isn't obama enforcing the law? if its the law, its the law, where does he get off postponing any portion of statutory law as is obamacare?:eusa_eh:

So why is Yes, Defund Obamacare a political discussion, but this thread is not?

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The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

Republicans are naïve, dumb and disingenuous .... they secretly plan to try to block ACA and anything else Obama does - then snicker as they imagine how they'll blame him their obstructions ....

Oh my, they are sneaky, eh?


for guy that cannot even post a thread without lying, your not exactly burning up the track sparky .

And then you dumped this thread?

Or before?

Everything you know is wrong. The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

And again, congress is not exempt, and it's because of Pub bs that it IS part of O-care, but are still paid for in the main. Ay caramba. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and you are perfect chumps of the greedy idiot corrupt rich and corporations.....

Yet you give Democrats and fearless leader a pass by saying it's all a necessary part of the political system..(this is why you're funny)

I have no idea what you're trying to say...What is part of the system?

BTW, all your facts are Pubcrappe lies. Any delay or problems with O-care are caused by Pub obstruction, and none of their horrors will ever happen. Masscare proves that.
Everything you know is wrong. The GOP does everything it can to delay and obstruct O-care, and then you moan about delays. How dumb and disengenuous can you get? LOL

And again, congress is not exempt, and it's because of Pub bs that it IS part of O-care, but are still paid for in the main. Ay caramba. The new bs GOP is a disgrace, and you are perfect chumps of the greedy idiot corrupt rich and corporations.....

Yet you give Democrats and fearless leader a pass by saying it's all a necessary part of the political system..(this is why you're funny)

I have no idea what you're trying to say...What is part of the system?

BTW, all your facts are Pubcrappe lies. Any delay or problems with O-care are caused by Pub obstruction, and none of their horrors will ever happen. Masscare proves that.

When Obama/Democrat leaders pal around with the corrupt rich, fat cats and corporations especially around election time for campaign bucks, most Democrats give them a pass, how are you any different?

When Democrats pass legislation they don't read or understand, the shit hits the fan..their responsibility..
Congress has the power and the responsibility to defund this thing. It is opposed by the majority of AMericans. The House is the most representative body in government as they were actually elected by the people, unlike Obama who wasn't.
Defund Obamacare Now!

It may make you feel better son, but ACA is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land ....

60% of Americans support ACA as is or a stronger law - preferably single payer.

A 14% Congress can only lick a finger to flip the pages!


Only for now, kid, only for now. Eventually, the American people are going to figure out what this abomination of a law, "Obama's Legacy", is going to cost them; They already know the precedent of playing fast and loose with the legislative process your side set in order to pass the thing in the first place. Then there's the whole Trust us; we won't tell you what's in it, but you'll like it!" thing-not going to happen. Celebrate now, child, because, when the other side gets back in power (and they will), they will doubtless use your own tactics to repeal your Anointed One's Legacy, and then some. You won't like it, I promise you, but it will be what you and your party of choice deserve, and believe me, when it happens, I will rejoice in your discomfort, just as much as you have gloated at ours. You just grin and bear it, and remember, that the any means to an end politics you dems pioneered, cuts BOTH ways. As for "single payer", you socialists can dream on, but you are NEVER going to get that. God, I love it when liberals lose, even while they THINK they're winning!
Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

However, that was then. They faced a president on the ropes after a stinging defeat in the midterm election, not a president triumphantly re-elected.

Furthermore, even in 2011 Mr. Obama wouldn’t give ground on the essentials of health care reform, the signature achievement of his presidency. There’s no way he would undermine the reform at this late date.


he already delayed part of it what does that tell you?

Let Krugman answer that! :)

But wait — hasn’t the administration delayed the employer mandate, which requires that large firms provide insurance to their employees? Yes, it has, and Republicans are trying to make it sound as if the employer mandate and the individual mandate are comparable. Some of them even seem to think that they can bully Mr. Obama into delaying the individual mandate too. But the individual mandate is an essential piece of the reform, which can’t and won’t be bargained away, while the employer mandate is a fairly minor add-on that arguably shouldn’t have been in the law to begin with.


Obama implementing laws when he feels like it

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