Can GOP Legally Stop Obamacare? NO --- Illegally? NO

Let Krugman answer that! :)

But wait — hasn’t the administration delayed the employer mandate, which requires that large firms provide insurance to their employees? Yes, it has, and Republicans are trying to make it sound as if the employer mandate and the individual mandate are comparable. Some of them even seem to think that they can bully Mr. Obama into delaying the individual mandate too. But the individual mandate is an essential piece of the reform, which can’t and won’t be bargained away, while the employer mandate is a fairly minor add-on that arguably shouldn’t have been in the law to begin with.

Should or shouldn't isn't the point.
It IS in the law.

Section and Paragraph, please

Guess you're right ... you should impeach Obama ... a 14% Congress surely has the power of the people at it's back!

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Congress has the power and the responsibility to defund this thing. It is opposed by the majority of AMericans. The House is the most representative body in government as they were actually elected by the people, unlike Obama who wasn't.
Defund Obamacare Now!

It may make you feel better son, but ACA is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land ....

60% of Americans support ACA as is or a stronger law - preferably single payer.

A 14% Congress can only lick a finger to flip the pages!


ACA is massively unpopular and will become more so as it is implemented, if Obama ever allows that. It can be the law of the land all it wants but if Congress doesnt vote funds to implement then it sits doing nothing. Power of the purse, s0n.
Congress has the power and the responsibility to defund this thing. It is opposed by the majority of AMericans. The House is the most representative body in government as they were actually elected by the people, unlike Obama who wasn't.
Defund Obamacare Now!

It may make you feel better son, but ACA is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land ....

60% of Americans support ACA as is or a stronger law - preferably single payer.

A 14% Congress can only lick a finger to flip the pages!


ACA is massively unpopular and will become more so as it is implemented, if Obama ever allows that. It can be the law of the land all it wants but if Congress doesnt vote funds to implement then it sits doing nothing. Power of the purse, s0n.

Power of the purse is right.

The ACA is a trainwreck. An unpopular trainwreck. There is nothing that says Govt has to fund it. If they don't fund it then its dead in the water.
Congress has the power and the responsibility to defund this thing. It is opposed by the majority of AMericans. The House is the most representative body in government as they were actually elected by the people, unlike Obama who wasn't.
Defund Obamacare Now!

It may make you feel better son, but ACA is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land ....

60% of Americans support ACA as is or a stronger law - preferably single payer.

A 14% Congress can only lick a finger to flip the pages!


ACA is massively unpopular and will become more so as it is implemented, if Obama ever allows that. It can be the law of the land all it wants but if Congress doesnt vote funds to implement then it sits doing nothing. Power of the purse, s0n.

A 14% Congress surely has the 35% Republicans at it's back to defund the law of the land that 60% of Americans support !

Surely .....

It may make you feel better son, but ACA is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land ....

60% of Americans support ACA as is or a stronger law - preferably single payer.

A 14% Congress can only lick a finger to flip the pages!


ACA is massively unpopular and will become more so as it is implemented, if Obama ever allows that. It can be the law of the land all it wants but if Congress doesnt vote funds to implement then it sits doing nothing. Power of the purse, s0n.

A 14% Congress surely has the 35% Republicans at it's back to defund the law of the land that 60% of Americans support !

Surely .....

Fortunately Congress' power is not dictated by polls.

And in actuality 54% oppose it. And the more familiar people are with it, the more they oppose it.
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports?
Congress has the power and the responsibility to defund this thing. It is opposed by the majority of AMericans. The House is the most representative body in government as they were actually elected by the people, unlike Obama who wasn't.
Defund Obamacare Now!

It may make you feel better son, but ACA is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land ....

60% of Americans support ACA as is or a stronger law - preferably single payer.

A 14% Congress can only lick a finger to flip the pages!


Let's stick to what we have, and that's the ACA.
RCP has 39.5 in favor of the ACA and 51.3 oppose the ACA
Another attempt from the troll to be disingenuous.
Hater dupes know NOTHING about ACA, just BS Pub fear mongering propaganda. None of their horrors have ever happened or will. Masscare proves it. ZZZZZZZ
Hater dupes know NOTHING about ACA, just BS Pub fear mongering propaganda. None of their horrors have ever happened or will. Masscare proves it. ZZZZZZZ

Apparently neither does Congress. When they found out what was in it, they got a waiver from Obama.

Hater dupes know NOTHING about ACA, just BS Pub fear mongering propaganda. None of their horrors have ever happened or will. Masscare proves it. ZZZZZZZ

Apparently neither does Congress. When they found out what was in it, they got a waiver from Obama.


MORE stupid BS, for hater dupes only. Factcheck, Snopes, and everyone else says you're a brainwashed idiot. LOL!! Explanation:

The trouble started in 2009 with a cheap stunt orchestrated by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). While lawmakers already get insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan, just like other federal employees, the Iowa Republican pushed a proposal to force members of Congress out of the federal system and into exchanges.

The point wasn't to shape policy, but to create a talking point for Republicans. Grassley desperately wanted to say, "Those darn Democrats think the exchanges are good enough for millions of Americans, but not good enough for themselves," and he assumed Dems would balk at his "plan" because they'd be unwilling to give up the generous Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan.

But Democrats called Grassley's bluff, embraced his idea, and added it to the Affordable Care Act.

And that's where the story gets a little tricky -- Grassley's partisan-stunt-gone-wrong sent members and their aides to get coverage through exchange marketplaces, but never created a mechanism to make that happen.


As Jonathan Cohn explained yesterday:

The federal government, like most large employers, not only provides the opportunity for its workers to get insurance. It also pays a large portion of the premium. Now that lawmakers and their advisers were going into the exchanges, what would happen to that contribution? Would they just lose the money?

The answer, the administration decided last week, is no. Lawmakers and their staffs could keep their employer contributions, and apply that money towards the cost of whatever insurance they buy in the exchanges.

The policy has nothing to do with "exempting" Congress from the health care law, and everything to do with creating a mechanism through which lawmakers will kick themselves off their own insurance plan and into exchanges without a major premium hike.

For Republicans and their allies to whine incessantly about this is ridiculous, even by contemporary conservative standards. We are, after all, talking about an idea pushed by a Republican senator and quietly celebrated away from the cameras by Republican offices.

Jon Chait added that the manufactured outrage over an "exemption" for Congress represents "the toxic combination of ignorance and bad faith that has characterized the right's approach to Obamacare."

So Grassley's amendment created a situation for government workers that Republicans claimed, falsely, the law would create for everybody else: forcing them off their employer insurance and on to the exchanges. Grassley's amendment didn't even attempt to design a coherent way of changing health-care worker benefits, because, again, it wasn't an attempt to reform health care for Congress and its staff -- it was an attempt to furnish a talking point for Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. It yanked away the subsidized health insurance Congress and its staff get, essentially imposing a massive pay cut on those workers.<.blockquote>

It was up to the Obama administration to figure out a resolution to this, and last week, to the relief of lawmakers and their staffers, it did -- offering the patch to a problem a Republican senator inadvertently imposed on lawmakers.

Bottom line: has Congress exempted itself from Obamacare? No. Members of the House and Senate, as well as their aides, will be kicked out of the federal system -- all because Grassley played a stupid game -- and will get coverage through exchanges.

The exchanges were, of course, designed for Americans who can't get coverage through their employer, but this pool of consumers will have a very notable exception: Congress.

Anyone who tells you there's a congressional "exemption" from the law either doesn't know what they're talking about, or assumes you're easily fooled into believing nonsense.

Congress isn't 'exempt' from Obamacare - The Maddow Blog

Don't you EVER get tired of being a haterdupe?
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Obamacare will never happen... even Obama's delaying its implementation. It's a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

I hope it goes through and you lose your healthcare due to a job reduction in pay by cutting your hours to just below full time and you make too much money to get the free and then you come on here crying . BUT BUT OBAMA said Unless you already receive the free healthcare

An individual would have to earn more than $45,960 to not get a health insurance exchange subsidy.

A family of four would have to earn more than $94,200.
Obamacare will never happen... even Obama's delaying its implementation. It's a clusterfuck of epic proportions.


It is a clusterfuck, but Obama has not delayed its implementation. The employer mandate has been delayed, which is but a very small part of ObamaCare. The bulk of ObamaCare goes into effect next year. Thus the GOP government shutdown threat for FY2014 which starts October 1.
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Paul Krugman:

Recent political reporting suggests that Republican leaders are in a state of high anxiety, trapped between an angry base that still views Obamacare as the moral equivalent of slavery and the reality that health reform is the law of the land and is going to happen.

But those leaders don’t deserve any sympathy. For one thing, that irrational base is a Frankenstein monster of their own creation. Beyond that, everything I’ve seen indicates that members of the Republican elite still don’t get the basics of health reform — and that this lack of understanding is in the process of turning into a major political liability.

I'm hoping as well as suspect when Obamacare is fully implemented it will expose the totally partisan and mendacious elites in the Republican fold as the demagogues and charlatans they are.
The timeline of Obamacare can be found here:

January 1: Coverage begins in the Health Insurance Marketplace

Coverage for pre-existing conditions

Savings on monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs

Medicaid expansion

No more yearly limits on coverage

Expanded small business tax credit

March 31: Open enrollment closes

The yearly limits has been delayed also.
A Limit on Consumer Costs Is Delayed in Health Care Law -
Paul Krugman:

Recent political reporting suggests that Republican leaders are in a state of high anxiety, trapped between an angry base that still views Obamacare as the moral equivalent of slavery and the reality that health reform is the law of the land and is going to happen.

But those leaders don’t deserve any sympathy. For one thing, that irrational base is a Frankenstein monster of their own creation. Beyond that, everything I’ve seen indicates that members of the Republican elite still don’t get the basics of health reform — and that this lack of understanding is in the process of turning into a major political liability.

there's not a damn thing they can do ... even if they do the government shut down, the way its written, those 2700 pages the repub-lie-tard rag about ... those too many pages .... well it stays funded even if the government shuts down ... the people who are being hurt is the stupid republ-lie-tard that shut the gubment down


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