Can Iran and Russia Ever Be Trusted?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
I don't think so. As these talks go on Iran is getting closer to making nuclear weapons. These talks have been a waste of Tax Payer Money. IMHOP Kerry is looking for a Noble Peace Prize and the President is looking to enhance his Legacy.

The Sanctions were working. The way to go is to keep adding stricter sanctions until we bankrupt them. The same tactic must be used with Russia.
Yes just keep pissing them off so when they do get weapons they will be really pissed. We have no right to keep them from getting nuclear power or having sanctions on them. I wish we'd all get rid of nuclear weapons.
Yes just keep pissing them off so when they do get weapons they will be really pissed. We have no right to keep them from getting nuclear power or having sanctions on them. I wish we'd all get rid of nuclear weapons.

1. Nuclear Weapons will never be gotten rid of.

2. Pissing off Iran is not a problem because they will never have the ability to build a long range rocket.

3. If Iran went Nuclear the fear is more of a dirty bomb attack on countries like Israel which I will assume you would support because of our previous conversations and your hatred of Israel.
Yes just keep pissing them off so when they do get weapons they will be really pissed. We have no right to keep them from getting nuclear power or having sanctions on them. I wish we'd all get rid of nuclear weapons.
Sure we do. Remember the Iranians are the filthy pig trotters of the Islamic nations as are the crazy far right of America.
Yes just keep pissing them off so when they do get weapons they will be really pissed. We have no right to keep them from getting nuclear power or having sanctions on them. I wish we'd all get rid of nuclear weapons.

1. Nuclear Weapons will never be gotten rid of.

2. Pissing off Iran is not a problem because they will never have the ability to build a long range rocket.

3. If Iran went Nuclear the fear is more of a dirty bomb attack on countries like Israel which I will assume you would support because of our previous conversations and your hatred of Israel.

Are you Seldom Adelson who thinks the US should send a nuke over there?

Israel and SA are both so jealous of Iran, esp SA. Iran would never nook Israel, but Israel will do a false flag before Iran even has a nuke, don't you worry. Yes their leader is a lunatic, just as the PM and Minister of Defense in Israel are loose canons. Also SA, they will just buy one, and probably have already. If the warhawks in our US gov have their way and they do we will forever have one enemy after another. I don't see where Israel or SA do much for us , Iran has lots of oil and NG. Time to become friendly with them, as I don't believe another coup by the US is going to happen. We befriend SA and Stalin, hard to believe.
Can Iran and Russia Ever Be Trusted??
Just as must as the US Government can be trusted.
Yes just keep pissing them off so when they do get weapons they will be really pissed. We have no right to keep them from getting nuclear power or having sanctions on them. I wish we'd all get rid of nuclear weapons.

1. Nuclear Weapons will never be gotten rid of.

2. Pissing off Iran is not a problem because they will never have the ability to build a long range rocket.

3. If Iran went Nuclear the fear is more of a dirty bomb attack on countries like Israel which I will assume you would support because of our previous conversations and your hatred of Israel.

Are you Seldom Adelson who thinks the US should send a nuke over there?

Israel and SA are both so jealous of Iran, esp SA. Iran would never nook Israel, but Israel will do a false flag before Iran even has a nuke, don't you worry. Yes their leader is a lunatic, just as the PM and Minister of Defense in Israel are loose canons. Also SA, they will just buy one, and probably have already. If the warhawks in our US gov have their way and they do we will forever have one enemy after another. I don't see where Israel or SA do much for us , Iran has lots of oil and NG. Time to become friendly with them, as I don't believe another coup by the US is going to happen. We befriend SA and Stalin, hard to believe.

Israel has yet to attack Iran and will most likely never attack Iran. Also Iran has stated it want to wipe Israel off the map, so it seem you agree with their wish and want to become buddies with them and help them further your wish and agenda.

The fact is there is no false flags here and Iran does not need nuclear energy except for one reason and that is to produce enough uranium to be sold to terrorists to be used in dirty bombs against nations that is not friendly to the Islamic Republic.

So as you write Israel offer nothing to the U.S. the fact is the U.S. does not need Iran resources either, so we do not need Iran and that is why we allow them for many years to be Russia little bitch buddy.

I know how dare I write this seeing you love Iran so much, and also remember Iran is China little bitch too, so let the keep the Islamic Republic and I prefer to fix Iraq and Syria before being buddies with those that want to genocide a sect of people...
Please refer me to the statement of blowing Israel off the map, thank you.

You mean like the US saying that Iran was going communist after WW2 and that was the need to do the coup, so the people would back the coup, when in fact the communist were the Jews from Russia already in the US? Like that? Forget the fact that it was for Britain and the oil deal that went caput with the new PM.
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I don't think so. As these talks go on Iran is getting closer to making nuclear weapons. These talks have been a waste of Tax Payer Money. IMHOP Kerry is looking for a Noble Peace Prize and the President is looking to enhance his Legacy.

The Sanctions were working. The way to go is to keep adding stricter sanctions until we bankrupt them. The same tactic must be used with Russia.

The only realistic option with iran is to militarily strike them and destroy their illegal, cancerous dictatorship.
For the record ---HEZBOLLAH is Iran-----every military action by Hezbollah is an action
by Iran. There have already been MANY acts of war committed by Iran via Hezbollah
I don't think so. As these talks go on Iran is getting closer to making nuclear weapons. These talks have been a waste of Tax Payer Money. IMHOP Kerry is looking for a Noble Peace Prize and the President is looking to enhance his Legacy.

The Sanctions were working. The way to go is to keep adding stricter sanctions until we bankrupt them. The same tactic must be used with Russia.

We're only here because Russia IS trustworthy. If you're unaware of how close we came to launching ICBMs at each other, good, stay that way, be a lot happier.

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