Can Obama Keep His Generals In Check In The War Against Isis?

IMO...we need to do to ISIL what we did to Saddam' army when they were trying to run from Kuwait. All military air assets were given a time and a grid...just bomb anything that moved in that grid for, let's say, an hour.
IMO...we need to do to ISIL what we did to Saddam' army when they were trying to run from Kuwait. All military air assets were given a time and a grid...just bomb anything that moved in that grid for, let's say, an hour.
You understand that most of ISIS is probably hunkered down in cities ala Hamas in Gaza and hitting them with airstrikes will result in huge civilian casualties, right?
IMO...we need to do to ISIL what we did to Saddam' army when they were trying to run from Kuwait. All military air assets were given a time and a grid...just bomb anything that moved in that grid for, let's say, an hour.

ISIS has been hit so bad that they are driving more civilian vehicles...but still they die...
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
I will go. We do have a volunteer military so I will leave others in my family to volunteer on their own but I am willing to go and kill these fucking people.

Here's what I would like you to volunteer for instead of sitting on your candy ass hoping someone like me may save you from having to do anything. You come with me and give ISIS a big ole hug and smoochy kiss on the cheek and let's see which of our approaches is more effective.

I will start shooting them after you being raped and sold off. Or I may wait for you to lose your head. Either way I got it after your failure.

Get your butt over there ASAP Mike....and go to all the places where atrocities are occurring.

My husband IS A DISABLED VET, My Father IS A retired VET, with 3 different cancers attributed to Agent Orange in Viet Nam....

so, you can take your arse, and put it where your mouth is Mike...GO, GO ENLIST NOW so you won't miss the boat and needless bloodshed that will only be a 50 year cancer and thorn in America's side....
Let's go. Are you going to do your part? Are your husband and father on your side or mine? Nam was won until people like you got involved. I'm sure your father appreciated that.

If we are going to go let's go to win. Obie's plan doesn't seem to be a winner. Go and kick ass and get back home. Fuck rebuilding, fuck future elections, fuck nation building, and fuck limited casualties. Leave a smoking fucking hole where your enemies used to call home. That's how you win. You and obie don't have the guts for that.

history tells us

that is how it has to be done

Jefferson didnt stop at sinking the Muslim ships

he laid waste to Libya Tunisia and Algeria

left it in a smoking ruins
Yep, Americans had paid those African potentates to leave our ships alone and then Tripoli raised its rates and Jefferson with no authorization from Congress sent a force to make war. We won the war but did pay ransom for the release of our prisoners.
So Obama refuses to put even special forces on the ground to help defeat ISIS? This guy is all political. He doesn't want to defeat anybody. What's the point of announcing no boots on the ground never?..The answer, politics. You liberals must be proud. Notice the weak Obama handshake. Like the general could crush him if he wanted and Obama and Biden know it.... LOL


The president promised no combat troops to fight ISIS, but his top general says he may recommend them. Why Obama and his commanders are not on the same page for the new war.
In his major address explaining America’s new war against ISIS, President Obama pledged that there would be no U.S. combat troops. On Tuesday, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he may recommend ground forces in the future.

The White House is seeking to gloss over the rift between the president and his top general, but it is clear that just below the waterline Obama is not on the same page as the commanders who will be leading the new fight. U.S. military officials and members of Congress have complained privately for weeks that Obama appears unwilling to commit the resources necessary to achieve his aim of defeating ISIS.

The Washington Post reported this week that Gen. Lloyd Austin, the general in charge of the military command that includes Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, recommended a war strategy with a small contingent of special operations forces fighting alongside Iraqi and Kurdish security forces. But Obama rejected that advice. Obama traveled to Tampa Wednesday to meet with Austin about the ISIS strategy on his own turf.

Can Obama Keep His Generals in Check in the War Against ISIS - The Daily Beast

You or the daily beast don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Special Ops is always an option but you don't freakin blab it to everyone.

And as for the handshake? Obama is straight, and he's pulled the General's hand over to him.

That doesn't appear weak at all.
Look at it again he's crushing the little girly man's hand
So Obama refuses to put even special forces on the ground to help defeat ISIS? This guy is all political. He doesn't want to defeat anybody. What's the point of announcing no boots on the ground never?..The answer, politics. You liberals must be proud. Notice the weak Obama handshake. Like the general could crush him if he wanted and Obama and Biden know it.... LOL


The president promised no combat troops to fight ISIS, but his top general says he may recommend them. Why Obama and his commanders are not on the same page for the new war.
In his major address explaining America’s new war against ISIS, President Obama pledged that there would be no U.S. combat troops. On Tuesday, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he may recommend ground forces in the future.

The White House is seeking to gloss over the rift between the president and his top general, but it is clear that just below the waterline Obama is not on the same page as the commanders who will be leading the new fight. U.S. military officials and members of Congress have complained privately for weeks that Obama appears unwilling to commit the resources necessary to achieve his aim of defeating ISIS.

The Washington Post reported this week that Gen. Lloyd Austin, the general in charge of the military command that includes Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, recommended a war strategy with a small contingent of special operations forces fighting alongside Iraqi and Kurdish security forces. But Obama rejected that advice. Obama traveled to Tampa Wednesday to meet with Austin about the ISIS strategy on his own turf.

Can Obama Keep His Generals in Check in the War Against ISIS - The Daily Beast
Trust me. He's lying. They're there already.
So how is it advantageous to signal our strategy to our enemy even before we commence fighting?

It's not it's Politics for his liberal base "I pulled troops out never to return":rolleyes:
No, the whole problem is that none of us are in to this....not this president nor the previous president.

If Bush had put the 250,000 boots on the ground when we went in to Iraq in the first place, and if he had listened to his generals on this, we would not be in this mess today....

no one wants to put the troops on the ground in the depth that is required to shock and awe, to truly shock and awe them in to immediate submission.... Not bush, Not Obama, Not the American people.

so we will once again have a bunch of our fathers and brothers and sons killed, FOR NOTHING.....

therefore, NOT ONE boot should be set on the ground over there, not one! It'll just be in VAIN if we do.
We need another Northern Alliance.
No, the whole problem is that none of us are in to this....not this president nor the previous president.

If Bush had put the 250,000 boots on the ground when we went in to Iraq in the first place, and if he had listened to his generals on this, we would not be in this mess today....

no one wants to put the troops on the ground in the depth that is required to shock and awe, to truly shock and awe them in to immediate submission.... Not bush, Not Obama, Not the American people.

so we will once again have a bunch of our fathers and brothers and sons killed, FOR NOTHING.....

therefore, NOT ONE boot should be set on the ground over there, not one! It'll just be in VAIN if we do.
We need another Northern Alliance.
:eusa_shhh: that's the Taliban in the minds of the liberal nutjobs
So Obama refuses to put even special forces on the ground to help defeat ISIS? This guy is all political. He doesn't want to defeat anybody. What's the point of announcing no boots on the ground never?..The answer, politics. You liberals must be proud. Notice the weak Obama handshake. Like the general could crush him if he wanted and Obama and Biden know it.... LOL


The president promised no combat troops to fight ISIS, but his top general says he may recommend them. Why Obama and his commanders are not on the same page for the new war.
In his major address explaining America’s new war against ISIS, President Obama pledged that there would be no U.S. combat troops. On Tuesday, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he may recommend ground forces in the future.

The White House is seeking to gloss over the rift between the president and his top general, but it is clear that just below the waterline Obama is not on the same page as the commanders who will be leading the new fight. U.S. military officials and members of Congress have complained privately for weeks that Obama appears unwilling to commit the resources necessary to achieve his aim of defeating ISIS.

The Washington Post reported this week that Gen. Lloyd Austin, the general in charge of the military command that includes Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, recommended a war strategy with a small contingent of special operations forces fighting alongside Iraqi and Kurdish security forces. But Obama rejected that advice. Obama traveled to Tampa Wednesday to meet with Austin about the ISIS strategy on his own turf.

Can Obama Keep His Generals in Check in the War Against ISIS - The Daily Beast

You or the daily beast don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Special Ops is always an option but you don't freakin blab it to everyone.

And as for the handshake? Obama is straight, and he's pulled the General's hand over to him.

That doesn't appear weak at all.
Look at it again he's crushing the little girly man's hand

I did.

A. He taller then the general.
B. His hand is bigger.

I'm thinking the only thing on this General's mind is "Yes Sir".

And that's it.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
and let yours be the 14 year old Syrian girl sold into slavery after watching her father castrated and beheaded and her mother raped and stoned to death.
You are a farce care4all.
"lets care for those that need long as it doesn't cost ME anything"
So Obama refuses to put even special forces on the ground to help defeat ISIS? This guy is all political. He doesn't want to defeat anybody. What's the point of announcing no boots on the ground never?..The answer, politics. You liberals must be proud. Notice the weak Obama handshake. Like the general could crush him if he wanted and Obama and Biden know it.... LOL


The president promised no combat troops to fight ISIS, but his top general says he may recommend them. Why Obama and his commanders are not on the same page for the new war.
In his major address explaining America’s new war against ISIS, President Obama pledged that there would be no U.S. combat troops. On Tuesday, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he may recommend ground forces in the future.

The White House is seeking to gloss over the rift between the president and his top general, but it is clear that just below the waterline Obama is not on the same page as the commanders who will be leading the new fight. U.S. military officials and members of Congress have complained privately for weeks that Obama appears unwilling to commit the resources necessary to achieve his aim of defeating ISIS.

The Washington Post reported this week that Gen. Lloyd Austin, the general in charge of the military command that includes Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, recommended a war strategy with a small contingent of special operations forces fighting alongside Iraqi and Kurdish security forces. But Obama rejected that advice. Obama traveled to Tampa Wednesday to meet with Austin about the ISIS strategy on his own turf.

Can Obama Keep His Generals in Check in the War Against ISIS - The Daily Beast

You or the daily beast don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Special Ops is always an option but you don't freakin blab it to everyone.

And as for the handshake? Obama is straight, and he's pulled the General's hand over to him.

That doesn't appear weak at all.
Look at it again he's crushing the little girly man's hand

I did.

A. He taller then the general.
B. His hand is bigger.

I'm thinking the only thing on this General's mind is "Yes Sir".

And that's it.

LOL.... that general has no respect for that little pencil neck, and Obama has disdain for the military anyway like most of you libs
No, the whole problem is that none of us are in to this....not this president nor the previous president.

If Bush had put the 250,000 boots on the ground when we went in to Iraq in the first place, and if he had listened to his generals on this, we would not be in this mess today....

no one wants to put the troops on the ground in the depth that is required to shock and awe, to truly shock and awe them in to immediate submission.... Not bush, Not Obama, Not the American people.

so we will once again have a bunch of our fathers and brothers and sons killed, FOR NOTHING.....

therefore, NOT ONE boot should be set on the ground over there, not one! It'll just be in VAIN if we do.
The reason we can't just go in and kick someones ass is people like you. You are the ones that keep us from winning. In order to win you need to be brutal and unapologetic in your tactics. You people can't handle that.

250k troops with orders to kill anything threatening to them would have this war over in two weeks. Yes, there will be innocent casualties and yes it's going to be fucking ugly but it can be done if you and your ilk have the stomach for it. You don't. So you will hamstring our people to the point they can't win.
Yeah...the troops will "all be home by Christmas"......where have we heard THAT one before?
ISIS has been putting out propaganda films and they mention Obama's wishy washy approach. It's almost like he's openly telling them he won't stand in their way. I guess he doesn't want to offend them.
I love watching you people fall for everything
Didn't you fall for..
"I will work in a bi partisan way"
"I will change the way we do things in Washington"
"I will check all bills with a scalpel"
I will post all bills on line for 3 days before signing it"
"You will not lose your policy"

I can continue....but its not worth it.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
and let yours be the 14 year old Syrian girl sold into slavery after watching her father castrated and beheaded and her mother raped and stoned to death.
You are a farce care4all.
"lets care for those that need long as it doesn't cost ME anything"
That is a you want us to be the world policeman for ALL tragedies?
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
and let yours be the 14 year old Syrian girl sold into slavery after watching her father castrated and beheaded and her mother raped and stoned to death.
You are a farce care4all.
"lets care for those that need long as it doesn't cost ME anything"

Liberals don't care for anyone but themselves. They are generally selfish people. Which is why they give so much less to charities than conservatives
ISIS has been putting out propaganda films and they mention Obama's wishy washy approach. It's almost like he's openly telling them he won't stand in their way. I guess he doesn't want to offend them.
I love watching you people fall for everything
oh it's Obama's genius? He's really going to put boots on the ground? and he's just play acting when he looks like a little bitch there right?..Genius i tell you...Really Obama is a man's man like the general...Got it:thup:
Well more man than you tough guy...but that isn't saying much. Nor was that the point of my post you neocon need to be put in fema camps so we can ignore your stupidity
Jroc.., just look at the hate here, there is no love..., except for the muslime jihadists..., but that is just my opinion. :lmao:

ooooh, BTW Mr.Plasmaballess :fu: ....... :asshole:
Who is loving them? Name names and link such love.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
and let yours be the 14 year old Syrian girl sold into slavery after watching her father castrated and beheaded and her mother raped and stoned to death.
You are a farce care4all.
"lets care for those that need long as it doesn't cost ME anything"
That is a you want us to be the world policeman for ALL tragedies?
No we want to do whats in our national interest like most countries. Obama not so much
No, the whole problem is that none of us are in to this....not this president nor the previous president.

If Bush had put the 250,000 boots on the ground when we went in to Iraq in the first place, and if he had listened to his generals on this, we would not be in this mess today....

no one wants to put the troops on the ground in the depth that is required to shock and awe, to truly shock and awe them in to immediate submission.... Not bush, Not Obama, Not the American people.

so we will once again have a bunch of our fathers and brothers and sons killed, FOR NOTHING.....

therefore, NOT ONE boot should be set on the ground over there, not one! It'll just be in VAIN if we do.
The reason we can't just go in and kick someones ass is people like you. You are the ones that keep us from winning. In order to win you need to be brutal and unapologetic in your tactics. You people can't handle that.

250k troops with orders to kill anything threatening to them would have this war over in two weeks. Yes, there will be innocent casualties and yes it's going to be fucking ugly but it can be done if you and your ilk have the stomach for it. You don't. So you will hamstring our people to the point they can't win.
Yeah...the troops will "all be home by Christmas"......where have we heard THAT one before?
Seems you missed something.

We did what we planned before Christmas.

We did not expect the insurgency.

Now.....before you go on an anti Bush rant...

Obama had no idea that ISIS would rise if he left Iraq.

We don't always have the best intelligence. Shit happens.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
and let yours be the 14 year old Syrian girl sold into slavery after watching her father castrated and beheaded and her mother raped and stoned to death.
You are a farce care4all.
"lets care for those that need long as it doesn't cost ME anything"
That is a you want us to be the world policeman for ALL tragedies?
And I hope others will join us.

We are a nation of immigrants.

There is not a nation in this world who does not have someone here with dual citizenship.

We owe it to our people...and we owe it to the world.

You want to sit in your white picket fence house in your AC while 14 year old girls are watching their moms and dads die as they are dragged off to a life of slavery?

Go for it.

I don't. I would die in an effort to help them.

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