Can Obama Keep His Generals In Check In The War Against Isis?

I hear that there has been a big remaking of the USA military from bottom to top . Lots of changes in the enlisted ranks and the higher levels like good and experienced Generals that are replaced by wishy washy type [yes men] Generals . We also get career type politicians like hagel and 'ketchup kerry' as well as an inexperienced CIC in charge of American war making strategies . We'll see what happens I guess !! Just my opinion on what I've seen and heard !!

Oh man.

You just dissed 2 veterans..and I mean real live veterans that fought in a war and spilled their own blood.

Think Rumsfeld fought in any wars?

Cheney? Ashcroft?

Even Bush didn't fight in any wars.

Hagel and Kerry did their tours.

Yeah we know Kerry betrayed his fellow soldiers and got a purple heart for a bee sting or something

Kerry got a Purple Heart for a paper cut. He put in for it himself since no one would do it for him.
No, the whole problem is that none of us are in to this....not this president nor the previous president.

If Bush had put the 250,000 boots on the ground when we went in to Iraq in the first place, and if he had listened to his generals on this, we would not be in this mess today....

no one wants to put the troops on the ground in the depth that is required to shock and awe, to truly shock and awe them in to immediate submission.... Not bush, Not Obama, Not the American people.

so we will once again have a bunch of our fathers and brothers and sons killed, FOR NOTHING.....

therefore, NOT ONE boot should be set on the ground over there, not one! It'll just be in VAIN if we do.
The reason we can't just go in and kick someones ass is people like you. You are the ones that keep us from winning. In order to win you need to be brutal and unapologetic in your tactics. You people can't handle that.

250k troops with orders to kill anything threatening to them would have this war over in two weeks. Yes, there will be innocent casualties and yes it's going to be fucking ugly but it can be done if you and your ilk have the stomach for it. You don't. So you will hamstring our people to the point they can't win.
Yeah...the troops will "all be home by Christmas"......where have we heard THAT one before?
They will be home in time to go trick or treating if they are handed the mission and allowed to do it. The US and Israel could go through the entire middle east in no time at all if allowed to do the job correctly. There's a reason we won WW2 in three years and it's taken us over a decade screwing around with these idiots. Nut up and do what has to be done. Much higher casualties on their end but far less on ours and it will be over with in short order.
I hear that there has been a big remaking of the USA military from bottom to top . Lots of changes in the enlisted ranks and the higher levels like good and experienced Generals that are replaced by wishy washy type [yes men] Generals . We also get career type politicians like hagel and 'ketchup kerry' as well as an inexperienced CIC in charge of American war making strategies . We'll see what happens I guess !! Just my opinion on what I've seen and heard !!

Oh man.

You just dissed 2 veterans..and I mean real live veterans that fought in a war and spilled their own blood.

Think Rumsfeld fought in any wars?

Cheney? Ashcroft?

Even Bush didn't fight in any wars.

Hagel and Kerry did their tours.

Yeah we know Kerry betrayed his fellow soldiers and got a purple heart for a bee sting or something

What was George Bush's purple heart for?

Oh yeah..he never fought in a war.

How about Ronald Reagan..

Oh yeah..he never fought in a war either.

John Kerry earned the right to bitch about the Generals (Who were not his brothers) in Vietnam...bub.

Ronald Reagan did more for this country than 1000 John (fake war hero) Kerry, plus he stabbed his fellow veterans in the back he's a scumbag
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
I will go. We do have a volunteer military so I will leave others in my family to volunteer on their own but I am willing to go and kill these fucking people.

Here's what I would like you to volunteer for instead of sitting on your candy ass hoping someone like me may save you from having to do anything. You come with me and give ISIS a big ole hug and smoochy kiss on the cheek and let's see which of our approaches is more effective.

I will start shooting them after you being raped and sold off. Or I may wait for you to lose your head. Either way I got it after your failure.

Get your butt over there ASAP Mike....and go to all the places where atrocities are occurring.

My husband IS A DISABLED VET, My Father IS A retired VET, with 3 different cancers attributed to Agent Orange in Viet Nam....

so, you can take your arse, and put it where your mouth is Mike...GO, GO ENLIST NOW so you won't miss the boat and needless bloodshed that will only be a 50 year cancer and thorn in America's side....
Let's go. Are you going to do your part? Are your husband and father on your side or mine? Nam was won until people like you got involved. I'm sure your father appreciated that.

If we are going to go let's go to win. Obie's plan doesn't seem to be a winner. Go and kick ass and get back home. Fuck rebuilding, fuck future elections, fuck nation building, and fuck limited casualties. Leave a smoking fucking hole where your enemies used to call home. That's how you win. You and obie don't have the guts for that.

history tells us

that is how it has to be done

Jefferson didnt stop at sinking the Muslim ships

he laid waste to Libya Tunisia and Algeria

left it in a smoking ruins
Yep, Americans had paid those African potentates to leave our ships alone and then Tripoli raised its rates and Jefferson with no authorization from Congress sent a force to make war. We won the war but did pay ransom for the release of our prisoners.

not just Tripoli but all of the barbary rulers continuously demanded increased

payments for peace

he didnt make war

Tripoli declared war on the United States

Jefferson continually deferred to Congress

on his dealings with the pirates

in at least 10 statutes Congress explicitly authorized military action

for both Jefferson and Madison
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
and let yours be the 14 year old Syrian girl sold into slavery after watching her father castrated and beheaded and her mother raped and stoned to death.
You are a farce care4all.
"lets care for those that need long as it doesn't cost ME anything"

YOU really believe that we are the World Police and us Americans are to send our brothers and fathers and sons to Die for "world peace"? Send them to Somalia....TO North Korea to ChinA to Columbia to Egypt, to right all the wrongs and murdering that takes place throughout the world while YOu sit in your cushy chairs in your heated homes, with your dad's and sons right beside you eating sirloin steak and drinking beer and wine?

Don't see one drop of your blood being selfish no end jerks...

Get those boots OF YOURS ON THE GROUND...

DO IT.....DO IT NOW..... before you commit our husbands and our sons to a fruitless cause that will kill them.....and will NOT MAKE anything better, will not change a thing other than killing more innocent people IN THE LONG RUN....

What do you see as the end result of putting our boots on the ground? spending another 10 or 20 years there...spending trillions upon trillions of my tax dollars....

GIVE us your plan that is going to change the world by using our sons, and fathers and husbands as disposable PAWNS.

What does a WIN look like and how do you think it can be accomplished....and how long do you think it will take to accomplish it and how many lives lost of our men and all the innocent people that are collateral damage will it take and will it make it better over there for at least 20 years after this war has ended and the dead are counted?

there is no JUST WAR, unless you are guaranteed to make it better for all involved for the next half century.....

Why is this our problem?

IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL.... make 2/3's of congress and the
Senate vote YEA, or NO BOOTS on the ground....
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So Obama refuses to put even special forces on the ground to help defeat ISIS? This guy is all political. He doesn't want to defeat anybody. What's the point of announcing no boots on the ground never?..The answer, politics. You liberals must be proud. Notice the weak Obama handshake. Like the general could crush him if he wanted and Obama and Biden know it.... LOL

Uh, reality check, Zionist-boy. The Generals don't want to fight another war in Iraq. The troops certainly don't.

Obama is doing the bare minimum because he knows in six months, nobody is going to give a shit about ISIL when they run out of White Guys to behead. So he'll drop a shitload of bombs on them and hope the Shi'ites and Syrians can get their heads out of their asses.

And the Zionists will keep beating the war drums to try to get us involved. But Americans are getting a little bored with that.

That's the job of the military.... I know you liberals would prefer there be no military and just try to love everybody.. it's best to keep it in the real world shall we?

The job of the military is to defend America.

Not Israel.

Not the interest of the oil companies.

Not to get into a fight between ISIL and the Crazy Mullahs.

What's the AMERICAN interest here? Yes, ISIL are a bunch of very bad men, but they aren't our problem.
Be patient. The 13 people killed by Nidal Hassan had boots on the ground right here. Four dead last week, three in Seattle were boots on the ground. Right here. Didn't have to be deployed any place.

Thats the kind of war this regime wants. One in which we don't fight. Just die.

I don't want anyone to go to the middle east. Not a boot. Not a sandal. Not a toenail. obama is incompetent. If he is commander the goal is everyone dies. Even the generals know it. How long will they let obama dither before they take action? And how many dead boots will there be in this country before they do?

Gee, so you are upset about the 13 victims of gun violence who happened to be shot by a Muslim, while ignoring the other 32,000 gun deaths that happen because... um.. Freedom. Founding Fathers. Um, yeah, that's it.

Hey, maybe if the Army hadn't insisted on keeping Nidal Hassan in uniform when he clearly wanted out, that would ahve worked.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(

That's the job of the military.... I know you liberals would prefer there be no military and just try to love everybody.. it's best to keep it in the real world shall we?
Exactly you pussy...all talk no action. Rather see other people's loved ones die for your stupidity.

People are already dying in the most gruesome ways...
All over the World Jackson....Try mexico, a country right next to us with beheadings and slaughtering by the drug cartel.....should we send our troops and war machine there too? Or how about China, or North Korea or Somalia...the list is endless...and YOU believe you should use our fathers and our sons and our husbands to police the world of injustices?

It's unconstitutional...and so is having a Standing Army....and NOW we know why....because of people like you and your ilk, that thoughtlessly volunteer our family members to be killed for your useless causes that have nothing to do with Protecting our Nation.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(
and let yours be the 14 year old Syrian girl sold into slavery after watching her father castrated and beheaded and her mother raped and stoned to death.
You are a farce care4all.
"lets care for those that need long as it doesn't cost ME anything"

YOU really believe that we are the World Police and us Americans are to send our brothers and fathers and sons to Die for "world peace"? Send them to Somalia....TO North Korea to ChinA to Columbia to Egypt, to right all the wrongs and murdering that takes place throughout the world while YOu sit in your cushy chairs in your heated homes, with your dad's and sons right beside you eating sirloin steak and drinking beer and wine?

Don't see one drop of your blood being selfish no end jerks...

Get those boots OF YOURS ON THE GROUND...

DO IT.....DO IT NOW..... before you commit our husbands and our sons to a fruitless cause that will kill them.....and will NOT MAKE anything better, will not change a thing other than killing more innocent people IN THE LONG RUN....

What do you see as the end result of putting our boots on the ground? spending another 10 or 20 years there...spending trillions upon trillions of my tax dollars....

GIVE us your plan that is going to change the world by using our sons, and fathers and husbands as disposable PAWNS.

What does a WIN look like and how do you think it can be accomplished....and how long do you think it will take to accomplish it and how many lives lost of our men and all the innocent people that are collateral damage will it take and will it make it better over there for at least 20 years after this war has ended and the dead are counted?

there is no JUST WAR, unless you are guaranteed to make it better for all involved for the next half century.....

Why is this our problem?

IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL.... make 2/3's of congress and the
Senate vote YEA, or NO BOOTS on the ground....
But it was OK for us to be the world police when children fleeing killers in central America?
We have a responsibility to our citizens as well as the families of our citizens (immigrants) who still live abroad, to do what we can to nip this thing in the bud. For centuries, we have use American Exceptionalism to keep countries as free as we can and help people world wide to live in as safe an environment as we can. We accept their immigrants with open arms and capitalize on their ingenuity, creativeness, and work ethic. We have died for them in many wars. They are our realtives; they are our consumers of our goods. They are part of who we are.

You are also stuck on ISIS being a geographical threat. That is naïve. ISIS is an ideology. Not a nationality. We can sit back and hope others eliminate them before they find ways to infiltrate our borders....or we can apply the greatest military in the world to let them know "you may never rid yourself of your warped sense of religion, but we will ensure you will never grow to the numbers where you can make a true difference in this world"

ISIS has grown from 800 to 31,000+ in 3 months while we were conducting air strikes. SO whereas that may have had some affect, it certainly did not prevent them from expanding dramatically.

SO now we have a plan to continue with those same airstrikes while training 5000 "non soldiers" over the course of the first year. So if they grew by 4000% in 3 months with air large will they grow over the next year?

Lets say they double in size in one year. A very conservative number. We will have, a year from now, 5000 ground forces and airstrikes working against 65,000 troops....and a year later, 10,000 ground troops working against 130,000 troops.

We will never eliminate the ideology. We need to minimize its expansion.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(

That's the job of the military.... I know you liberals would prefer there be no military and just try to love everybody.. it's best to keep it in the real world shall we?
Exactly you pussy...all talk no action. Rather see other people's loved ones die for your stupidity.

People are already dying in the most gruesome ways...
All over the World Jackson....Try mexico, a country right next to us with beheadings and slaughtering by the drug cartel.....should we send our troops and war machine there too? Or how about China, or North Korea or Somalia...the list is endless...and YOU believe you should use our fathers and our sons and our husbands to police the world of injustices?

It's unconstitutional...and so is having a Standing Army....and NOW we know why....because of people like you and your ilk, that thoughtlessly volunteer our family members to be killed for your useless causes that have nothing to do with Protecting our Nation.
Excuse me...the draft has not been in effect for decades.

We do not volunteer our fathers, sons and husbands. They volunteer themselves.

And by the way, you male chauvinist....there are plenty of mothers daughters and wives that are willing to go into harms way to protect the world from evil as well.

Wow. What a fraud you have proven to be.
I have no wish to see our military with boots on the ground fighting ISIS. I surely hope its something we never have to take on.. We've lost enough blood and treasure in the ME.

The Muslim people need to get rid of ISIS and the rest of the jihadists. Of course that will never happen but it should be them getting rid of these monsters and no one else.

We left Iraq with a country and Govt. and they lost it all in less than three years.

Personally I could care less if Muslims want to butcher Muslims. Hope they all kill each other off.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(

That's the job of the military.... I know you liberals would prefer there be no military and just try to love everybody.. it's best to keep it in the real world shall we?
Exactly you pussy...all talk no action. Rather see other people's loved ones die for your stupidity.

People are already dying in the most gruesome ways...
All over the World Jackson....Try mexico, a country right next to us with beheadings and slaughtering by the drug cartel.....should we send our troops and war machine there too? Or how about China, or North Korea or Somalia...the list is endless...and YOU believe you should use our fathers and our sons and our husbands to police the world of injustices?

It's unconstitutional...and so is having a Standing Army....and NOW we know why....because of people like you and your ilk, that thoughtlessly volunteer our family members to be killed for your useless causes that have nothing to do with Protecting our Nation.
How about we seal the damn border genius something you liberals refuse to do
So how is it advantageous to signal our strategy to our enemy even before we commence fighting?
The best question EVER. :thup:
He wants to get the muslims to feel good about killing each other, while he claims credit. It's like the girl getting the boys to fight over her cherry...the boys suspecting all along that the cherry is not there...only a small set of balls.
JRoc, let YOURS be the first boots on the ground, or your son's, or your father's or your daughter's or your brother's....

put something up, like your own life or your own family's life...

Put your money where your mouth is....

GO, GO DO IT.....

It's too easy for you to sit in your chair and call for the deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers.... :(


So, unless enemy landing craft are beaching themselves in California or North Carolina, then its too easy to "call for deaths of our husbands, our children, our fathers....?"
He wants to get the muslims to feel good about killing each other, while he claims credit. It's like the girl getting the boys to fight over her cherry...the boys suspecting all along that the cherry is not there...only a small set of balls.

Interesting analogy, if you're a goat.

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