Can OCTAs Provide Positive Evidence Flt 77 Was Hijacked?

Renee May (flight attendant) called her parents.

She told them to call AA and report a hijacking.

They did.:(

Proof that there was a hi-jacking.

All of the rest of this is just curvelight exhibiting his bi-polar diorder.:cuckoo:

So what is the claim here? That a plane didn't fly into the pentagon?

You know, you'd think that a plane flying at rooftop level over a major metropolitan area during rush hour would have a few witnesses.

Oh wait, it totally does!

Flight 77 Crash at the Pentagon - Eyewitness Accounts

He won't state what he thinks happened.
He won't state anything; he's just here to make noise.

Yeah, I know. It's hilarious. We are sheep because we "support the OCT". Yet for all his squawking, he's yet to offer an alternative explanation.

I was always taught that part of persuasive argument is actually articulating your position and then trying to persuade people to adhere to it.
where have i EVER done that, useless bitch

You defend the OCT on a regular basis. Got anything else einstein?
i do?
not what you call the OCT
you dumbfucking retard

btw fucktard, i'm on record on SEVERAL message boards(including this one) of calling the 9/11 commission report nothing but a political CYA job
so shove your shit back up your ass, i don't need your approval for anything

For someone who constantly accuses others of not being able to read you sure fail pretty badly. I didn't say anything about the CR in relation to you. Got anything else genius?
there are four airphone calls in which they dont know where it was connected. this doesnt account for any calls they know where it was connected or any calls that may have been made from cell phones.

Renee May (flight attendant) called her parents.

She told them to call AA and report a hijacking.

They did.:(

Proof that there was a hi-jacking.

All of the rest of this is just curvelight exhibiting his bi-polar diorder.:cuckoo:

Then the evidence should be clearly given. Where in the CR is the evidence of the call? Then you bring up bipolar? Lol....guess you missed where it was already explained I wasn't referencing the medical term. But this is yet another great example of how bitch OCTAs repeat ignorant info. You and divecon both assumed geux knew what he was talking about so you piggyback his ignorance. Thanks!

Page 9 of "We have some planes".

You are sick.
You need help.
No kidding.
how about the failure of 9/11 commission and the complaints of its participants or the failure of NIST to find a conclusive cause to the collapse corroborated it with evidence and it denouncement by the lead investigator for 7 years not that reason enough ??
So what is the claim here? That a plane didn't fly into the pentagon?

You know, you'd think that a plane flying at rooftop level over a major metropolitan area during rush hour would have a few witnesses.

Oh wait, it totally does!

Flight 77 Crash at the Pentagon - Eyewitness Accounts

He won't state what he thinks happened.
He won't state anything; he's just here to make noise.

Yeah, I know. It's hilarious. We are sheep because we "support the OCT". Yet for all his squawking, he's yet to offer an alternative explanation.

I was always taught that part of persuasive argument is actually articulating your position and then trying to persuade people to adhere to it.

You being sheep for defending the OCT is independent of any actions taken by all Truthers. You should also learn some basics about logic.
good question lets have a real investigation and determine that
nobody is stopping you. go ahead.

yes it is being stopped the government controls all the evidence and keeps it classified and under lock and key

Have you asked any of the rescue workers/first responders if there were any signs of passengers remains at the Pentagon? They're not being controlled. Just pick up the phone and give them a call. Let them explain it to you.

If you haven't done so, why not? What is stopping you? You DO want the truth; do you not?
how about the failure of 9/11 commission and the complaints of its participants or the failure of NIST to find a conclusive cause to the collapse corroborated it with evidence and it denouncement by the lead investigator for 7 years not that reason enough ??


Such an event had never happened before.

Who was this "lead" investigator you're talking about?
Renee May (flight attendant) called her parents.

She told them to call AA and report a hijacking.

They did.:(

Proof that there was a hi-jacking.

All of the rest of this is just curvelight exhibiting his bi-polar diorder.:cuckoo:

Then the evidence should be clearly given. Where in the CR is the evidence of the call? Then you bring up bipolar? Lol....guess you missed where it was already explained I wasn't referencing the medical term. But this is yet another great example of how bitch OCTAs repeat ignorant info. You and divecon both assumed geux knew what he was talking about so you piggyback his ignorance. Thanks!

Page 9 of "We have some planes".

You are sick.
You need help.
No kidding.

So once again you fail to provide the evidence. Why would I care if you think I'm sick or not? You're just a pathetic **** that does nothing but whine. For the last time, you got a link for the evidence or not?
Renee May (flight attendant) called her parents.

She told them to call AA and report a hijacking.

They did.:(

Proof that there was a hi-jacking.

All of the rest of this is just curvelight exhibiting his bi-polar diorder.:cuckoo:

Then the evidence should be clearly given. Where in the CR is the evidence of the call? Then you bring up bipolar? Lol....guess you missed where it was already explained I wasn't referencing the medical term. But this is yet another great example of how bitch OCTAs repeat ignorant info. You and divecon both assumed geux knew what he was talking about so you piggyback his ignorance. Thanks!

"Bipolar" has one connotation to me. Especially when used in reference to behavior. If your point was misunderstood, it's only because you suck at articulating a point.

You dumb fuck. You assumed I used "bipolar" in the medical sense so I posted the definition of the word and showed it was in reference to two poles but you still ignored that....just to make another dumbass remark. You're fucking pathetic.
Then the evidence should be clearly given. Where in the CR is the evidence of the call? Then you bring up bipolar? Lol....guess you missed where it was already explained I wasn't referencing the medical term. But this is yet another great example of how bitch OCTAs repeat ignorant info. You and divecon both assumed geux knew what he was talking about so you piggyback his ignorance. Thanks!

Page 9 of "We have some planes".

You are sick.
You need help.
No kidding.

So once again you fail to provide the evidence. Why would I care if you think I'm sick or not? You're just a pathetic **** that does nothing but whine. For the last time, you got a link for the evidence or not?

It's on page 9 of the section, "We Have Some Planes" dumb fuck.

I don't think you're sick; I know you're sick. The diagnosis is that you're paranoid and desperately alone in this world. And for good reason.
yes it is being stopped the government controls all the evidence and keeps it classified and under lock and key

bullshit. there is evidence everywhere. your complaints that some info is classified is a cop out.
You defend the OCT on a regular basis. Got anything else einstein?
i do?
not what you call the OCT
you dumbfucking retard

btw fucktard, i'm on record on SEVERAL message boards(including this one) of calling the 9/11 commission report nothing but a political CYA job
so shove your shit back up your ass, i don't need your approval for anything

For someone who constantly accuses others of not being able to read you sure fail pretty badly. I didn't say anything about the CR in relation to you. Got anything else genius?
who the fuck can tell WHAT you are talking about when you use unknown fucking acronyms all the fucking time
say what you mean for a change
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Then the evidence should be clearly given. Where in the CR is the evidence of the call? Then you bring up bipolar? Lol....guess you missed where it was already explained I wasn't referencing the medical term. But this is yet another great example of how bitch OCTAs repeat ignorant info. You and divecon both assumed geux knew what he was talking about so you piggyback his ignorance. Thanks!

"Bipolar" has one connotation to me. Especially when used in reference to behavior. If your point was misunderstood, it's only because you suck at articulating a point.

You dumb fuck. You assumed I used "bipolar" in the medical sense so I posted the definition of the word and showed it was in reference to two poles but you still ignored that....just to make another dumbass remark. You're fucking pathetic.

I didn't make that assumption; I simply diagnosed you with your all-too-apparent mental disorder.

Now be a good boy and drop the fries.
Then the evidence should be clearly given. Where in the CR is the evidence of the call? Then you bring up bipolar? Lol....guess you missed where it was already explained I wasn't referencing the medical term. But this is yet another great example of how bitch OCTAs repeat ignorant info. You and divecon both assumed geux knew what he was talking about so you piggyback his ignorance. Thanks!

"Bipolar" has one connotation to me. Especially when used in reference to behavior. If your point was misunderstood, it's only because you suck at articulating a point.

You dumb fuck. You assumed I used "bipolar" in the medical sense so I posted the definition of the word and showed it was in reference to two poles but you still ignored that....just to make another dumbass remark. You're fucking pathetic.

The post you responded too was me explaining why I assumed you meant the medical term of "bipolar" as opposed to what you actually meant.

Apparently it went over your head.

So what hit the pentagon?
good question lets have a real investigation and determine that
nobody is stopping you. go ahead.

Still waiting for the evidence of how many total calls (connected or not) came from 77. Surely as well informed as you OCTAs are on that day you don't even have to google. You have that info readily available, correct?

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