Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Evil people telling the GOP to embrace killing unborn humans to get more votes.

Abortion is not going away since there are enough evil people in this country like JaketheFake, so the GOP should just try to limit abortion istead of trying to stop it which is impossible.

When Democraps want abortion to be legal up to the delivery room moment, the GOP must block them. We can't stop scumbags using abortion as birth control early in the pregnancy, but we can stop them from killing the baby late term like liberals salivate over.

You are right about late term abortions, it is sick and irresponsible. I think most woman would support limits on abortion. I think most woman understand pregnancy is a responsibility that requires a careful, thoughtful course of action. It would be evil to wait any longer then necessary to make a thoughtful decision. God willing she may decided to have her baby. There should be a reasonable window to make that decision.
Except they don't want to abort THEIR babies. They want everybody ELSE to abort.

I don't want any woman to have an abortion.

I just don't think you get there by punative laws, because we already know that doesn't work.

When you start giving a crap about babies in Trimesters 4-82, I'll start taking you seriously on what happens to them in Trimester 1-3.
"You can only have an opinion about abortion if you support leftist programs".

What garbage. Go back to licking the boots of Harry Reid.
Uh, no, you can see I'm talking about women in general in the third sentence.

Here we see your woeful inability to use or understand the English language on full display.

I would offer to tutor you in English, but you couldn't afford me and I don't take on hopeless cases.

Guy, you're[sic] reading comprehension is so bad that you read things that clearly weren't there.

But I know, you're extra special... You have a hard time with an argument that's more than a sentence.

'Your' :rolleyes:

You should at least try to improve your English before going out and defrauding any more people.
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Tell us the cult you belong to, Unkotare, or are you rightfully embarrassed to have people know?

Well Rain Man, I don't belong to a cult so you'll have to either sober up or explain what the fuck you're talking about.
you people are why the republican party is dying

Exactly. They do not care.
Their stuck in the mud "principles", more like sticking their nose in other's private affairs, is more important to them than fiscal conservatism.

No, they just realize that you can't sell Plutocracy without rapping it in social issues.

They tired that. With Goldwater in 1964. He lost 44 states, and five of the ones he did win is because the inbreds in your part of the country were still mad at LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act.

(LBJ Said, "I've Lost the South for a Generation". He was an optimist. Then again, these were the descendents of the same dumb shits who went to war so a few rich folks could own slaves.)

It wasn't until Reagan took the poison pill of Plutocracy and wrapped it in the nice Bacony goodness of social issues that you got a lot of working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

My own opinion, the Fiscal Conservatives need the Social Conservatives more than the other way around.

Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...
Isn't that just typical of the far-left radical to want (need?) to abandon the US Constitution. Too bad, asshole, it's here to stay.

he is far from far-left....

except to radical right lunatics.

the constitution has to be read with 200 years of caselaw... you idiots never seem to get that.

do you also think that blacks should still be 3/5 of a person?
should only landed, white male, gentry vote?


Sure they do. Why else would Mitch McConnel and John Boehner pledge to do everything in their power to keep Obama from being reelected

Because they disagree with his policies and political point of view and therefore think his being in office is bad for the country.
Exactly. They do not care.
Their stuck in the mud "principles", more like sticking their nose in other's private affairs, is more important to them than fiscal conservatism.

No, they just realize that you can't sell Plutocracy without rapping it in social issues.

They tired that. With Goldwater in 1964. He lost 44 states, and five of the ones he did win is because the inbreds in your part of the country were still mad at LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act.

(LBJ Said, "I've Lost the South for a Generation". He was an optimist. Then again, these were the descendents of the same dumb shits who went to war so a few rich folks could own slaves.)

It wasn't until Reagan took the poison pill of Plutocracy and wrapped it in the nice Bacony goodness of social issues that you got a lot of working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

My own opinion, the Fiscal Conservatives need the Social Conservatives more than the other way around.

Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...

Ever heard of BARRY GOLDWATER?

The father of conservatism.
And he DESPISED social conservatives.
Probably LONG before your time.
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

I doubt that a strong minority will ever modify their stance. They've already proven how much they believe and how far they will go when they murder doctors who perform legal abortions. They also listen to a country preacher on their portable while they clean their AK-47.

Both sides have their extremes, Reps are paying a price for not addressing this issue formally and properly. The GOP platform did not even mention abortion. No law is going to stop abortions from happening, Reps can show they want to stop an abortion if possible. Reps can show they want to help a mother choose life. Reps can show they want to help stop unwanted pregnancies so abortions are not needed. Reps can show they respect a woman making a responsible decision about abortion. Clearly not addressing this issue is an attempt not to alienate some in the party. It's a foolish outdated idea to pin all your hopes of stopping abortions on the government anyway. If you feel that strongly about it, there are churches, and outreach programs that help mothers choose life for their babies.
No, they just realize that you can't sell Plutocracy without rapping it in social issues.

They tired that. With Goldwater in 1964. He lost 44 states, and five of the ones he did win is because the inbreds in your part of the country were still mad at LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act.

(LBJ Said, "I've Lost the South for a Generation". He was an optimist. Then again, these were the descendents of the same dumb shits who went to war so a few rich folks could own slaves.)

It wasn't until Reagan took the poison pill of Plutocracy and wrapped it in the nice Bacony goodness of social issues that you got a lot of working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

My own opinion, the Fiscal Conservatives need the Social Conservatives more than the other way around.

Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...

Ever heard of BARRY GOLDWATER?

The father of conservatism.
And he DESPISED social conservatives.
Probably LONG before your time.

so he was the first "moderate" conservative.....?

probably why the whishywashy "moderates" keep on losing...Romney being the latest...
Here we see your woeful inability to use or understand the English language on full display.

I would offer to tutor you in English, but you couldn't afford me and I don't take on hopeless cases.

Guy, you're[sic] reading comprehension is so bad that you read things that clearly weren't there.

But I know, you're extra special... You have a hard time with an argument that's more than a sentence.

'Your' :rolleyes:

You should at least try to improve your English before going out and defrauding any more people.

Yawn, guy, I don't proofread for a message board.

If that's the best argument you got, no wonder you get your hiney whooped every time you show up here.
Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...

Ever heard of BARRY GOLDWATER?

The father of conservatism.
And he DESPISED social conservatives.
Probably LONG before your time.

so he was the first "moderate" conservative.....?

probably why the whishywashy "moderates" keep on losing...Romney being the latest...

Goldwater a moderate?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...

No, Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives have absolutely nothing in common, and in many ways even hold diametrically opposed views.

Case in point. Abortion. By all rights, Fiscal Conservatives would be for abortion on demand. Abortion is a business, and what is good for business is good for America. Furthermore, you want them poor people having abortions, because you don't want to pay for entitlements. Abort away, ladies.

Social Conservatives, on the other hand, want to ban abortion, and frankly, they'd have to make government pretty big and pretty intrusive in order to do it.

See the problem, guy?

Of course, the reality is, the Fiscal Conservatives are playing the Social Conservatives for the dumb, inbred, bible-thumping rubes that they are. Which is why Abortion is just as legal now as it was in 1973.

And you keep voting for these guys, and you keep ending up with folks who give you more free trade, more union busting, more laws making it easy to screw over those working class Christians who don't have a big portfolio, but they just want to see the abortion stop.


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