Can Reps modify abortion stance?

JaketheFake creates straw men arguments along with straw men claims about other people he has never met in life, so that he can feel better about his pathetic life.

He claimed I was a religious nut despite me not attending a church for over 25 years. He needs to invent things about people to make his lies work in his demented head.
Just ignore him. He also claims he's a member of the Republican party, and represents the Repub core.

He's a lying piece of shit.
koshergrl is a straight up, self admitted lesbian. It is what it is.

Lefties love to use sexual orientation as an insult or a way to marginalize their opposition.

Then they champion the rights of those with a depraved sexual orientation when it suits them. Liberals are psychotics.

As bad as abortion is, it is probably better if liberals abort themselves into oblivion and Christians have the babies. Whatever sin they commit is between themselves and God. The fewer liberals that are born the better. Who is to say that the liberal practice of murdering their children isn't part of God's plan to remove the curse of liberalism.
Except they don't want to abort THEIR babies. They want everybody ELSE to abort.
Again, I don't think we need to locked into what the Founding Slave Rapists thought 200 years ago.

Isn't that just typical of the far-left radical to want (need?) to abandon the US Constitution. Too bad, asshole, it's here to stay.

he is far from far-left....

except to radical right lunatics.

the constitution has to be read with 200 years of caselaw... you idiots never seem to get that.

do you also think that blacks should still be 3/5 of a person?
should only landed, white male, gentry vote?


"You can't just read the written words! You have to read all the bullshit interpretations we've given them, and all the stuff we've inserted that isn't actually there!" And then she tops it off with a misinterpretation that has never appeared in the words OR the case law, but only in uneducated racist rhetoric. Priceless. :lmao:

But we're all supposed to believe that she's a lawyer. :badgrin:
And when it does, you will be left with a country that has no interest in human rights or individual liberty.
Man, this thread is still going on?
Guys, you're not going to agree on anything. Both of you are too entrenched in what you think is right, and you're not going to convince the other side that you're the right party.

Face it, abortion is an issue that people are going to go on about... and on... and on.

That's what normally happens when the topic becomes tit for tat with someone suckered into personal attack mode.

The right to abortion is the law. The cost of abortion is what's currently at issue. Although, the opinion might be shifting into helping more liberals abort their children and encouraging abortion among newly arrived immigrants. Christians should have as many children as they can, which would put secular liberals into a state of diminishing returns. Abortion as a tool of population replacement isn't unthinkable.

Christians don't really need much encouragement to have children. We love family, and Christian women don't feel appalled and enslaved by our own femininity, so we're okay with the whole "getting pregnant and not killing the baby" thing.
koshergrl is a straight up, self admitted lesbian. It is what it is.

Lefties love to use sexual orientation as an insult or a way to marginalize their opposition.

Then they champion the rights of those with a depraved sexual orientation when it suits them. Liberals are psychotics.

As bad as abortion is, it is probably better if liberals abort themselves into oblivion and Christians have the babies. Whatever sin they commit is between themselves and God. The fewer liberals that are born the better. Who is to say that the liberal practice of murdering their children isn't part of God's plan to remove the curse of liberalism.

Well, it's certainly better for the children if the Christians have them, but it doesn't alleviate my sorrow for the ones who got stuck with and killed by others.
Except they don't want to abort THEIR babies. They want everybody ELSE to abort.

That's true. They do want universal abortion. They really should keep it to themselves. Including paying for it.

Liberals want government out of the bedroom, unless they are demanding government IN the bedroom.

State of Florida offers women gift cards for sex survey | News - Home

Why would anyone believe the results of such a survey conducted by the State of Florida? Unless the responses can be verified, such a survey is suspect from the get go. My guess, a special interest in FL has a hidden agenda and has decided on the results of the survey before the first one has been received.

I did not say that dumbass.
All I stated was WHAT THE LAW would say.
I AM SUPPORTING THE POOR you God damn fool, in my correct statement that the poor will be taken advantage of in the states that ban it outright.
You are a thick headed dumbass Joe. One of the main reasons I oppose bans on abortion nationally is because it discriminates against the poor. States have a right BY THE CONSTITUTION, you idiot, NOT ME, to make their own laws.

Actualy, I'm totally against "State Rights". I think there should be uniform laws for the whole country on EVERYTHING. Especially abortion. That was the whole idea behind Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Boland.

But with friends like you, the Poor don't need enemies.

You are so stupid you do not know see that ALL I DID was state what would happen IF Roe was overturned.
I, as evidenced by ALL my posts, believe abortion is a woman's right.
ALL I DID was state how NOTHING really changes IF Roe was overturned OTHER THAN government persecuting POOR women.
Accordingly, MY MAIN POINT was any change from Roe would ONLY negatively affectPOOR WOMEN.
Of course you are so hung up on all this "plutocracy" bull shit any rational argument goes 20 feet over your head.
GWV5903 and Unkotare are members of evangelical cults.

The boneheads talk about "trust" and whine about why women trust Obama more.

Why? The mistrust the GOP a whole lot more than the Dems.

The GOP has to change.

Many of us in the Republican community have been trying to do that since January 22, 1973: contraceptive prevention, support of pregnant women during, birth, and after if they keep the child; great adoption services, if they don't; and work for a culture of life.

Unfortunately, it is No 2, support, where we all have to dig deep into our pockets regardless of who or what culture or what race or what religion is where it all falls apart.

Women overwhelmingly no longer trust the GOP far right wing statist progressive christians to do what they say they will do.

Our own christian hypocrisy has failed us and failed women. If we could change our families and our churches, we could change the country. We have failed as God's people.

Yeah, everyone trust Oblamer and the liberal ideologues...

Tells us how it works Fakey Jakey, your such a leader and you do it for free...

Let's see...

Quote: Originally Posted by ScreamingEagle

1. Prevention
2. Support
3. Adoption
4. Create a culture of Life
These are ALL EVIL cult like actions, you don't get out much do you Fakey Jakey...

Sad but true...
Hey, look at that. You want some ketchup while you eat your own words, asshole?

Uh, no, you can see I'm talking about women in general in the third sentence.

Here we see your woeful inability to use or understand the English language on full display.

I would offer to tutor you in English, but you couldn't afford me and I don't take on hopeless cases.

Guy, you're reading comprehension is so bad that you read things that clearly weren't there.

But I know, you're extra special... You have a hard time with an argument that's more than a sentence.
you people are why the republican party is dying

Exactly. They do not care.
Their stuck in the mud "principles", more like sticking their nose in other's private affairs, is more important to them than fiscal conservatism.

No, they just realize that you can't sell Plutocracy without rapping it in social issues.

They tired that. With Goldwater in 1964. He lost 44 states, and five of the ones he did win is because the inbreds in your part of the country were still mad at LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act.

(LBJ Said, "I've Lost the South for a Generation". He was an optimist. Then again, these were the descendents of the same dumb shits who went to war so a few rich folks could own slaves.)

It wasn't until Reagan took the poison pill of Plutocracy and wrapped it in the nice Bacony goodness of social issues that you got a lot of working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

My own opinion, the Fiscal Conservatives need the Social Conservatives more than the other way around.

You are so stupid you do not know see that ALL I DID was state what would happen IF Roe was overturned.
I, as evidenced by ALL my posts, believe abortion is a woman's right.
ALL I DID was state how NOTHING really changes IF Roe was overturned OTHER THAN government persecuting POOR women.
Accordingly, MY MAIN POINT was any change from Roe would ONLY negatively affectPOOR WOMEN.
Of course you are so hung up on all this "plutocracy" bull shit any rational argument goes 20 feet over your head.

Guy, the fact is, you don't care about poor people or working people. You've made that pretty clear, unless they are in an ambulance you happen to be chasing.

Crushing the Plutocrats are all I really care about. The Pro-Lifers just happen to be in the way.

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