Can republicans explain why the “good guy with a gun” narrative never seems to be a thing?

With all the carnage in Texas, you’d think someone would step forward. Of course, people with a concealed carry might think they are brave, but when it comes down to an actual public danger, they run like everyone else. Sorry, repubs, your gun only gives you a false sense of bravery.
Just because you carry doesn't mean you go looking for the bad guy.
There are several reasons why a gun owner doesn't step up.
1. they never crossed paths with the shooter. If I'm in that situation I will stay in place and wait for the police to arrive or if I have a line of sight of the shooter and he has placed me in danger or I see that he/ she is positioning themselves to shoot someone else.
2. not carrying that day. Some gun owners don't carry every day.
3. Trying to get family out of harms ways.
It all depends on the situation
lol okay but regardless of why they don’t use the gun, it’s stupid to assume making guns more accessible is at all a deterrent for mass shootings.
OMG I just gave you 3 reasons why
If mass shooters were concerned we'd have the fewest mass shootings in the world. They are far more likely to find an armed defender here than anywhere else, yet we have the most mass shootings.
You're ignorant what in the fuck dumbass does that have to do with what I said?
With all the carnage in Texas, you’d think someone would step forward. Of course, people with a concealed carry might think they are brave, but when it comes down to an actual public danger, they run like everyone else. Sorry, repubs, your gun only gives you a false sense of bravery.
----------------------------------- its as I told you before . The gun that an Armed Citizen may carry is for HIS and his family and friends protection . Sure , he may use the gun to protect YOU but he has no legal obligation to protect you . Carrying a gun does not make a gun carrier a COP BillyB .
But the NRA told us if only one good guy with a gun was there. Wow has that been proven wrong.
Hey, dumbass.

The good guy with the gun is supposed to be you. If you’re too incompetent to be that guy call 911.
Who cares who it should be? So far mass shootings don’t get stopped by a “good guy”.
------------------------------------------------- I guess that its YOU that cares about stopping these rare Black Swan events . And like I told you many times , stopping these Rare events is not the Duty of gun carriers throughout the USA . It may be the police job if they happen to be around and a RARE Event happens . Otherwise , it looks like YOU are toast BillyB .
With all the carnage in Texas, you’d think someone would step forward. Of course, people with a concealed carry might think they are brave, but when it comes down to an actual public danger, they run like everyone else. Sorry, repubs, your gun only gives you a false sense of bravery.
Your premise is flawed from the get go. You know how you all always attempt to justify a bad shooting by police by claiming all that every officer wants is to go home at the end of the day to his/her family therefore they should be allowed the leeway to make mistakes even when those mistakes cost someone their life? The same hold true for concealed carry holders, for the most part as far as wanting to go home to their families.

While It's the job of law enforcement to run towards the danger, concealed carry holders have no such legal or moral obligation, in fact obtaining a CCW does not convey law enforcement authority or powers like far too many idiots seem to believe it does leading them to confront people going about their lives, minding their own business and who are not engaged in unlawful activity, just things that the armed individual does not like.

The first act one shold take when a gunfight breaks out is to immediately seek cover - whether you're law enforcement or civilian. Assess the situation and then for civilians attempt to find a safe retreat. Being armed is not a magic talisman which will shield you from getting shot or killed.

No one is required to attempt to intervene in the event of a mass shooting (other than the police) and certainly there are issues of liability to be considered. What if you inadvertenly shoot an innocent bystander or what if you shoot the wrong person because he was armed but was not the attacke?.

Your personal defensive weapon is for you and your loved ones and those in your immediate vicinity if you so choose to include them, but there is nothing that states that being armed (aka a good gun with a gun) requires you to resolve problems that the professional have yet to conquer.

Oh and for the record, I am not a Republican.
Though I agree with what you mostly said. the Police aren't legally obligated to protect anyone.
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone
Yeah this is an accurate depiction of those armed guys who think they are tough but have no idea how to properly handle a gun.
Yeah this is an accurate depiction of those armed guys who think they are tough but have no idea how to properly handle a gun.
So you say. I will admit it's true with a very few, but there are many who take their right for self-defense and second amendment right responsibly and train as their life depended on it.
With all the carnage in Texas, you’d think someone would step forward. Of course, people with a concealed carry might think they are brave, but when it comes down to an actual public danger, they run like everyone else. Sorry, repubs, your gun only gives you a false sense of bravery.
----------------------------------- its as I told you before . The gun that an Armed Citizen may carry is for HIS and his family and friends protection . Sure , he may use the gun to protect YOU but he has no legal obligation to protect you . Carrying a gun does not make a gun carrier a COP BillyB .
But the NRA told us if only one good guy with a gun was there. Wow has that been proven wrong.
Hey, dumbass.

The good guy with the gun is supposed to be you. If you’re too incompetent to be that guy call 911.
Who cares who it should be? So far mass shootings don’t get stopped by a “good guy”.
------------------------------------------------- I guess that its YOU that cares about stopping these rare Black Swan events . And like I told you many times , stopping these Rare events is not the Duty of gun carriers throughout the USA . It may be the police job if they happen to be around and a RARE Event happens . Otherwise , it looks like YOU are toast BillyB .
By her logic, since the police almost never stop these mass shooting events, we should abolish them as well.
With all the carnage in Texas, you’d think someone would step forward. Of course, people with a concealed carry might think they are brave, but when it comes down to an actual public danger, they run like everyone else. Sorry, repubs, your gun only gives you a false sense of bravery.
Who had a gun, shit for brains?
Las Vegas shooting, even police were hiding. And in many instances in other shootings there police and others carrying guns. Element of surprise always will cause casualties....but one should look at most countries of the world and wonder why they don't have this epidemic. Get off your high horse, and explore others countries safety measures....we import their cars, their clothes, their food, their technology maybe is time to export their approach when it comes to guns.
You mean countries like France, Belgium and Norway?
With all the carnage in Texas, you’d think someone would step forward. Of course, people with a concealed carry might think they are brave, but when it comes down to an actual public danger, they run like everyone else. Sorry, repubs, your gun only gives you a false sense of bravery.

^^Incoherent rant projecting small manliness and metrosexuality^^
Can republicans explain why the “good guy with a gun” narrative never seems to be a thing?
Because the fake news liberal media don't publish those stories. :itsok:

That's because, aside from the lies posted by Republicans, gun ownership really doesn't save lives.
It saves tens of thousands of lives every year, dumbass. Scientific studies have proven that.

No they haven’t. If guns made you safer, the US wouldn’t have the highest rates of violent crime in the first world.
Can liberals explain why are they attempting to grab guns, and also claim to be Americans... when it says right on the 2nd amendment "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Not to imply they read the first amendment either, clearly they hate freedom of speech as well.

Get back to your socialist hell hole.
70 years of safe and fun living for me and my family and most all my neighbors and friends and I been all over the USA DLady .
Can republicans explain why the “good guy with a gun” narrative never seems to be a thing?
Because the fake news liberal media don't publish those stories. :itsok:

That's because, aside from the lies posted by Republicans, gun ownership really doesn't save lives.
It saves tens of thousands of lives every year, dumbass. Scientific studies have proven that.

No they haven’t. If guns made you safer, the US wouldn’t have the highest rates of violent crime in the first world.
----------------------------------- see 'mexico' or south America , see south Africa to see violent crime and brutal hammer , club , rock and screwdriver and electric drill murders of south African Farmers DLady .
With all the carnage in Texas, you’d think someone would step forward. Of course, people with a concealed carry might think they are brave, but when it comes down to an actual public danger, they run like everyone else. Sorry, repubs, your gun only gives you a false sense of bravery.

D'uh, cause when it happens, there is no huge story and you never hear of it.
Because the fake news liberal media don't publish those stories. :itsok:
Lol and what are the so-called real news sources waiting for?

Link to these mythical real news organizations??
So in your mind, no news organization is “real” yet you believe stories of a good guy with a gun are being suppressed despite a complete lack of evidence of such a thing. You do realize how dumb you sound right?

Local news organizations run them. The corrupted lying puke national liberal media won't touch them. Go do something useful lib fix Chicago where dozens are shot each week in your liberal war zone and YOUR fake news remains silent.

There was a lot of media coverage of the guy in Homeland, Texas, who went after the church shooter there and is credited with saving a lot of lives because the shooter left the church when this guy arrived and the good guy followed him in his car when he left but he was ex-military, and knew what he was doing.

There were people with guns in the movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, but because of the strobe lights the shooter was using, and the smoke bombs and the general chaos, they couldn't tell what was going on of even if there was mroe than one shooter.

Unless you have military/police training, it's not likely that you could take on an active shooter effectively. It's not as easy to shoot someone as they make out in the movies. And when the police arrive, how do they know you're a "good guy". You're just another asshole with a gun, shooting at people.

Right, Dem's would take away our right to carry leaving us defenseless brilliant plan. /sarcasm
So in your mind, no news organization is “real” yet you believe stories of a good guy with a gun are being suppressed despite a complete lack of evidence of such a thing. You do realize how dumb you sound right?

Local news organizations run them. The corrupted lying puke national liberal media won't touch them. Go do something useful lib fix Chicago where dozens are shot each week in your liberal war zone and YOUR fake news remains silent.

There was a lot of media coverage of the guy in Homeland, Texas, who went after the church shooter there and is credited with saving a lot of lives because the shooter left the church when this guy arrived and the good guy followed him in his car when he left but he was ex-military, and knew what he was doing.

There were people with guns in the movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, but because of the strobe lights the shooter was using, and the smoke bombs and the general chaos, they couldn't tell what was going on of even if there was mroe than one shooter.

Unless you have military/police training, it's not likely that you could take on an active shooter effectively. It's not as easy to shoot someone as they make out in the movies. And when the police arrive, how do they know you're a "good guy". You're just another asshole with a gun, shooting at people.

If you are referring to Stephen Willeford who stopped the shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, he is not "ex-military." He is a plumber and a former NRA instructor.

Stephen Willeford: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

The shooter however, was a U.S. Air Force veteran who was court martialed for domestic abuse.

The Man Who Stopped The Texas Gunman Is an NRA Member

Please get your facts straight and refrain from insulting the NRA as a worthless lobbying group who puts firearms in the hands of criminals.

My apologies. I knew he had been extensively trained. Notice that he is a "former" NRA instructor. How much of the organization is devoted to training and safety today. I've seen the NRA Network. Apocalyse Now had a sunnier view of the world. And the whole "Us versus Them" scenario, slagging teachers as tools of the state. Pure alt right fantasies. It was like something straight out of George Orwell's 1984.

I realize that the NRA started out as a training and safety organization, but that is NOT who they are today. The NRA is now wholly owned by the gun manufacturers, and their primary purpose is to sell guns. And they're doing it via fear and loathing. Frightening the gullible and the armchair warriors into thinking they need to be armed because what's going on outside their doors is dangerous.

Today, the NRA is a corrupt organization that's been infiltrated by Russian influences. How the hell did Maria Butina convince Wayne LaPierre and the rest of the jackasses that there was a Russian gun rights association in Russia, when a simple Google search would have told them that was a lie? But I digress.
Making shit up again huh.

Every range I go to is NRA certified with NRA range officers. Every competition has NRA certification. Every training course has NRA input.

Until you know what you’re talking about STFU.

This moron says citizens should not be armed because they are not qualified to shoot in self defense, its not easy to hit the shooter, but doesn't apply her case to the shooter. Apparently the shooter is an expert marksman. Typical liberal stupidity.
So in your mind, no news organization is “real” yet you believe stories of a good guy with a gun are being suppressed despite a complete lack of evidence of such a thing. You do realize how dumb you sound right?

Local news organizations run them. The corrupted lying puke national liberal media won't touch them. Go do something useful lib fix Chicago where dozens are shot each week in your liberal war zone and YOUR fake news remains silent.

There was a lot of media coverage of the guy in Homeland, Texas, who went after the church shooter there and is credited with saving a lot of lives because the shooter left the church when this guy arrived and the good guy followed him in his car when he left but he was ex-military, and knew what he was doing.

There were people with guns in the movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, but because of the strobe lights the shooter was using, and the smoke bombs and the general chaos, they couldn't tell what was going on of even if there was mroe than one shooter.

Unless you have military/police training, it's not likely that you could take on an active shooter effectively. It's not as easy to shoot someone as they make out in the movies. And when the police arrive, how do they know you're a "good guy". You're just another asshole with a gun, shooting at people.

If you are referring to Stephen Willeford who stopped the shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, he is not "ex-military." He is a plumber and a former NRA instructor.

Stephen Willeford: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

The shooter however, was a U.S. Air Force veteran who was court martialed for domestic abuse.

The Man Who Stopped The Texas Gunman Is an NRA Member

Please get your facts straight and refrain from insulting the NRA as a worthless lobbying group who puts firearms in the hands of criminals.

My apologies. I knew he had been extensively trained. Notice that he is a "former" NRA instructor. How much of the organization is devoted to training and safety today. I've seen the NRA Network. Apocalyse Now had a sunnier view of the world. And the whole "Us versus Them" scenario, slagging teachers as tools of the state. Pure alt right fantasies. It was like something straight out of George Orwell's 1984.

I realize that the NRA started out as a training and safety organization, but that is NOT who they are today. The NRA is now wholly owned by the gun manufacturers, and their primary purpose is to sell guns. And they're doing it via fear and loathing. Frightening the gullible and the armchair warriors into thinking they need to be armed because what's going on outside their doors is dangerous.

Today, the NRA is a corrupt organization that's been infiltrated by Russian influences. How the hell did Maria Butina convince Wayne LaPierre and the rest of the jackasses that there was a Russian gun rights association in Russia, when a simple Google search would have told them that was a lie? But I digress.

No 2nd amendment in Canada?

That would explain why Canada has a higher rate of rape and assaults.
Can republicans explain why the “good guy with a gun” narrative never seems to be a thing?
Because the fake news liberal media don't publish those stories. :itsok:

That's because, aside from the lies posted by Republicans, gun ownership really doesn't save lives.
It saves tens of thousands of lives every year, dumbass. Scientific studies have proven that.

No they haven’t. If guns made you safer, the US wouldn’t have the highest rates of violent crime in the first world.

Canada's is higher than the US, facts just bitch slapped your argument. Tissue? :itsok:
Can republicans explain why the “good guy with a gun” narrative never seems to be a thing?
Because the fake news liberal media don't publish those stories. :itsok:

That's because, aside from the lies posted by Republicans, gun ownership really doesn't save lives.
It saves tens of thousands of lives every year, dumbass. Scientific studies have proven that.

No they haven’t. If guns made you safer, the US wouldn’t have the highest rates of violent crime in the first world.

Canada's is higher than the US, facts just bitch slapped your argument. Tissue? :itsok:

No it's not. Americans count their violent crimes differently than the rest of the world. Someone has to be killed or hospitalized to be counted as a "violent crime" in the USA. For example, sexual assault. In Canada, if someone grabs your butt, that's counted as a "sexual assault". Americans only count it as a "sexual assault" if someone is raped - penetration is achieved. In Great Britain, if two guys get drunk and take a couple of swings at each other, that's counted as a violent crime. In the USA, it's not. I've bolded the relative sentence quote below.

Violent crime has declined sharply in the US since the mid 1990’s. While this is due to a variety of changes in enforcement, rehabilitation of criminals, and overall higher standards of living, a large portion of the similarities between the crime levels of US and western European countries hinges on differences in what crimes are reported. The FBI counts four categories of crime as violent crime: murder and non-negligible manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. While aggravated assault is the only assault category included under violent crime reports in the US, other nations include the much more numerous level 1 assault in violent crime reporting. This makes the US appear relatively less violent from a statistical perspective.

Violent Crime: The US and Abroad - Criminal Justice Degree Hub
Because the fake news liberal media don't publish those stories. :itsok:

That's because, aside from the lies posted by Republicans, gun ownership really doesn't save lives.
It saves tens of thousands of lives every year, dumbass. Scientific studies have proven that.

No they haven’t. If guns made you safer, the US wouldn’t have the highest rates of violent crime in the first world.

Canada's is higher than the US, facts just bitch slapped your argument. Tissue? :itsok:

No it's not. Americans count their violent crimes differently than the rest of the world. Someone has to be killed or hospitalized to be counted as a "violent crime" in the USA. For example, sexual assault. In Canada, if someone grabs your butt, that's counted as a "sexual assault". Americans only count it as a "sexual assault" if someone is raped - penetration is achieved. In Great Britain, if two guys get drunk and take a couple of swings at each other, that's counted as a violent crime. In the USA, it's not. I've bolded the relative sentence quote below.

Violent crime has declined sharply in the US since the mid 1990’s. While this is due to a variety of changes in enforcement, rehabilitation of criminals, and overall higher standards of living, a large portion of the similarities between the crime levels of US and western European countries hinges on differences in what crimes are reported. The FBI counts four categories of crime as violent crime: murder and non-negligible manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. While aggravated assault is the only assault category included under violent crime reports in the US, other nations include the much more numerous level 1 assault in violent crime reporting. This makes the US appear relatively less violent from a statistical perspective.

Violent Crime: The US and Abroad - Criminal Justice Degree Hub

LMAO denial.

- Rape in US 17%, Canada 20%.
- In 2011 there were 3,295 crimes per 100,000 people in the US vs 5,703 crimes per 100,000 in Canada.
- Violent crime 386 per 100,000 US and 1,153 per 100,000 Canada.

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