Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

Only way for a socialist to succeed is to tax money from other people. For the country? Screw the country!!

How are we supposed to run the country ? On smiles and sunshine ?

We are supposed to run the country "efficiently".....same principles apply to running a household. When household expenses and debt are skyrocketing, is it efficient to only demand more income go towards what is defined as household expenses? Do you only ask for more debt spending ability? No, the first thing you do is cut expenses; in particular, egregious expenses that have nothing to do with essential and core health of the household. Same thing with taxes. Military and infrastructure spending are essential.....spending $180k on a study to figure out why politics stress us out is not essential to military and infrastructure.

You people never want to talk about across the board spending cuts or cutting out egregious spending. It's always more taxes and more debt.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

Only way for a socialist to succeed is to tax money from other people. For the country? Screw the country!!

How are we supposed to run the country ? On smiles and sunshine ?

We are supposed to run the country "efficiently".....same principles apply to running a household. When household expenses and debt are skyrocketing, is it efficient to only demand more income go towards what is defined as household expenses? Do you only ask for more debt spending ability? No, the first thing you do is cut expenses; in particular, egregious expenses that have nothing to do with essential and core health of the household. Same thing with taxes. Military and infrastructure spending are essential.....spending $180k on a study to figure out why politics stress us out is not essential to military and infrastructure.

You people never want to talk about across the board spending cuts or cutting out egregious spending. It's always more taxes and more debt.
I would suggest cutting out the egregious war mongering. We cannot go on being the world's policemen without charging rent for it.
...So why don't you tax your news source. Media Matters is tax exempt. Why? I bet you ignore this question again.
Nonprofits are tax exempt, correct?

Don't like the eligibility criteria or vetting process for granting nonprofit status?

Change the law.

Besides, neither Media Matters, nor that other Leftist rag, HuffPo, control vast numbers of media outlets, so, again, in that narrow context, it's apples and oranges...
Nonprofit orgs are not completely tax exempt.

They simply have a time limit on how long they can wait to distribute their profits if they have profits before the punitive Federal tax kicks in.
They aren't paying their fair share!
The ceo at media matters makes 300,000 bucks a year that's more than the President yet his company is tax exempt? Yeah hypocrites.
So? It's a Leftist Rag that managed to attain nonprofit status. Don't like its status? Change it.

But that overpaid Leftist hack at the top of that rag can't hold a candle to the salaries of the Corporatists who are manipulating American Media and American Politics.
The ceo at media matters makes 300,000 bucks a year that's more than the President yet his company is tax exempt? Yeah hypocrites.
So? It's a Leftist Rag that managed to attain nonprofit status. Don't like its status? Change it.

But that overpaid Leftist hack at the top of that rag can't hold a candle to the salaries of the Corporatists who are manipulating American Media and American Politics.
So, if Trump pays taxes based on lawful loopholes you will not have a problem? Now we are in agreement. Good job.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

You really think the Mexicans are going to pay for that yuuuge wall?

How many billions in aid to they get from this country?

That is your one and only clue, you ignorant puppet.
Theowl32 did my explanation of why corporations must pay income tax work for you, little fella?
The ceo at media matters makes 300,000 bucks a year that's more than the President yet his company is tax exempt? Yeah hypocrites.
So? It's a Leftist Rag that managed to attain nonprofit status. Don't like its status? Change it.

But that overpaid Leftist hack at the top of that rag can't hold a candle to the salaries of the Corporatists who are manipulating American Media and American Politics.
Are they doing it lawfully? Yes, do not be a hypocrite.
The ceo at media matters makes 300,000 bucks a year that's more than the President yet his company is tax exempt? Yeah hypocrites.
So? It's a Leftist Rag that managed to attain nonprofit status. Don't like its status? Change it.

But that overpaid Leftist hack at the top of that rag can't hold a candle to the salaries of the Corporatists who are manipulating American Media and American Politics.
So, if Trump pays taxes based on lawful loopholes you will not have a problem? Now we are in agreement. Good job.
There are still a lot of loopholes.

Reagan claimed to close them but like all of Reagan's bullsh!t it was all bullsh!t.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

You really think the Mexicans are going to pay for that yuuuge wall?

How many billions in aid to they get from this country?

That is your one and only clue, you ignorant puppet.
Theowl32 did my explanation of why corporations must pay income tax work for you, little fella?
They do. Well not GE. Cause the CEO of GE is one of Obammie swam i.e.' buddies!
The ceo at media matters makes 300,000 bucks a year that's more than the President yet his company is tax exempt? Yeah hypocrites.
So? It's a Leftist Rag that managed to attain nonprofit status. Don't like its status? Change it.

But that overpaid Leftist hack at the top of that rag can't hold a candle to the salaries of the Corporatists who are manipulating American Media and American Politics.
Are they doing it lawfully? Yes, do not be a hypocrite.

Yes, quite probably.

But the law is no longer working in the best interests of The People and the Republic, in this context.

When that happens, it's time to change the laws, and stop the exploitation.

Republican President Theodore Roosevelt did just that, a century ago, with his Trust Busting.

Time to do it again.

Come along... it'll be great fun.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.

You're full of shit. Businesses pay boatloads of taxes. I guess being a peon you wouldn't know that
Rich assholes who have had everything handed to them on a silver platter should be tied to a stake and whipped like dogs. The bastards don't even want to pay their taxes. All the modern Republican party has done is cut taxes for the rich and start wars. I used to be a Republican and now I wouldn't even vote for one.

Yep, we should tie people up and whip them if they become successful. That will teach them to be a productive member of our society. We don't need that crap in the US.

And you're right, they don't want to pay taxes, unlike you and I who just can't wait for April to write out our checks to the US and local governments. The more we owe, the better we like it.
Also, they underpay their employees who we all support through public assistance.
Be honest, you're in the 47% who pay no taxes, don't way "we."

So think about the logic of that. If businesses don't pay us enough, how do we have the money to pay the taxes to make up for it? Where does that money come from?
The ceo at media matters makes 300,000 bucks a year that's more than the President yet his company is tax exempt? Yeah hypocrites.
So? It's a Leftist Rag that managed to attain nonprofit status. Don't like its status? Change it.

But that overpaid Leftist hack at the top of that rag can't hold a candle to the salaries of the Corporatists who are manipulating American Media and American Politics.
Are they doing it lawfully? Yes, do not be a hypocrite.

Yes, quite probably.

But the law is no longer working in the best interests of The People and the Republic, in this context.

When that happens, it's time to change the laws, and stop the exploitation.

Republican President Theodore Roosevelt did just that, a century ago, with his Trust Busting.

Time to do it again.

Come along... it'll be great fun.
Get back to me when media matters and planned parenthood pay their fair share. Oh! And the 47% who pay zero. Then we will talk.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

You really think the Mexicans are going to pay for that yuuuge wall?

How many billions in aid to they get from this country?

That is your one and only clue, you ignorant puppet.
Theowl32 did my explanation of why corporations must pay income tax work for you, little fella?
Where did I say they shouldn't pay any taxes you fucking unreal loser?
...When cities or states wish to lure businesses to their area, what's the first thing they offer? That's right, tax abatements. Why? Because those businesses bring great value to their city or state.
Except that the 'great value' hardly ever turns out to be as 'great' as its desperate front-men portray during the selling process.

...Those businesses generate much tax revenue just from the employees alone. They bring in visitors from out of town to conduct business. Those new businesses make that area a more inviting place to live. When property values go up, so do property taxes. The city gets the windfall. And when more people move to your city, that presents an opportunity for more businesses such as restaurants, bars and hotels. ..
Right up to the time when they move their plants off-shore, and exploit foreign Slave Labor, and shut down the American plants, and phukk-over their worker bees.

...So corporations do more than their share supporting infrastructure, schools, and overall tax contributions. If companies were a burden instead of an advantage for a city or state, they would not be welcome over there.
Ah, yes, the ol' Corporatists Happy Community Sing-Along's even half-true... right up to the moment they pull up stakes and leave the community hanging.

Except that the 'great value' hardly ever turns out to be as 'great' as its desperate front-men portray during the selling process.

Wrong, it turns out better in most cases. This isn't experimental, it's been going on for a very long time, and politicians don't "guess" what will work and what won't. They have a history to rely on when it comes to such an investment.

We have several communities where I live as proof. Companies began to move in, and the people followed. Those cities built new roads, new industrial areas, and more and more businesses moved in. Those industrial complexes generate millions of dollars for the city, and they know it. As more people moved in, new developments had to be erected. Because of the businesses, the city tax was lower than other communities.

Right up to the time when they move their plants off-shore, and exploit foreign Slave Labor, and shut down the American plants, and phukk-over their worker bees.

Which can happen with any investment, although not likely.

Businesses plan far in advance. They don't invest millions of dollars into structure and equipment unless they plan to stay for a long time. For new businesses, they may be held liable by just pulling out. They usually have contracts with the city they open up in.

But if that's your fear, then what is your answer? Don't let businesses open up any longer?

I'm all for vetting Welfare Recipients far more aggressively, but, for those who qualify, welfare is a pittance; not enough to get by on, and taxation would make that worse.

Want to be more of a hard-ass about who gets it?


Let's talk.

Want to impose taxes on the miserable pittance that they get, once they DO qualify?

You're gonna meet stiff resistance.

Good people don't kick their neighbors in the teeth while they're experiencing extreme financial duress.

Food Stamps Exchanged For Drugs, Weapons, Contraband - Judicial Watch

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves
...what is your answer?...
As with most things, the solutions will prove to be complex, diverse, comprehensive, multi-faceted, and subject to trial and error.

First, we put on our Teddy Roosevelt hat, and start busting-up some of the bigger companies, to make them more manageable and responsive again.

Once they're down to a manageable size, with none of them 'too big to fail', then we can start dealing with the kitchen-detail practicalities.

First, they must be shorn of their political power.

That will require the force of Law.

And if the Law does not allow us to do that...

Then we change the Law, so that it does.

Sounds like great fun.

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