Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

And a false concept at that.

You liberals have this false belief that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much cash. Therefore if one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

The reality is we live in a country of unlimited wealth. It's up to the individual to determine how much of wealthy they want. It may take a lot of hard work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it's up to the individual.

As for redistribution of wealth, why only wealth? If you think that's such a great idea, why don't we extrapolate that to other entities?

For instance, let's say you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house. Wouldn't it not be proper for government to take half of your bushes, and give them to your neighbor down the street who has none?

Or perhaps you are a television nut and have four big screens in your home. Shouldn't government come along and take two of your big screens to give to the less fortunate who are still watching that old 25 inch tube television?

If you think that is ridiculous, you're right, it is ridiculous. So why is it not ridiculous when we talk about money?
Corporations make more money off those educations than parents do

They should pay for the product they exploit

Are you talking about human beings here or cattle?

The people that benefit from an education are those that get an education. It's called an investment.

The taxpayer (nor corporations) should be liable for that investment. Like all investments, it's an option.

If you want taxpayers to fund the investments of individuals with education, shouldn't the taxpayers fund my investments in the commodities market, the stock market, real estate?

After all, an investment is an investment. And an investment is when you use YOUR money to produce more money later on.
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
Jeebus what a brainwashed jackass...

Don't forhet fees that kill the poor,
WEll, they use the roads, enjoy the weather updates, like the clean air, water, food and the safety the police provide. They shouldn't be allowed to get all this for free while most of the middle class and smaller businesses pay up the ass.

It isn't right.

Corporations pay more in taxes in one year than you could make in a hundred lifetimes.

Well, most of them use the loop holes that allow them to pay 1/3rds as much as what is on paper. That is a fact. Also, if they're using the resources they should pay taxes.

Prove they only pay 1/3 of what is on paper.
Their effective rate rate is 12%, stupid.

Proof? Should I accept what you say because you say it? You posted a graph saying it said something that it took about 2 seconds to show it didn't say.
Effective Corporate Tax Rates - The New York Times
Nov 26, 2013 - It found that in 2010, profitable corporations based in the United States had aneffective federal tax rate of 13 percent on their worldwide income ...

How many times do we have to tell you, moron?

Don't forget fees on the graph, liar.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

And a false concept at that.

You liberals have this false belief that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much cash. Therefore if one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

The reality is we live in a country of unlimited wealth. It's up to the individual to determine how much of wealthy they want. It may take a lot of hard work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it's up to the individual.

As for redistribution of wealth, why only wealth? If you think that's such a great idea, why don't we extrapolate that to other entities?

For instance, let's say you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house. Wouldn't it not be proper for government to take half of your bushes, and give them to your neighbor down the street who has none?

Or perhaps you are a television nut and have four big screens in your home. Shouldn't government come along and take two of your big screens to give to the less fortunate who are still watching that old 25 inch tube television?

If you think that is ridiculous, you're right, it is ridiculous. So why is it not ridiculous when we talk about money?
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of
Nov 26, 2013 - It found that in 2010, profitable corporations based in the United States had aneffective federal tax rate of 13 percent on their worldwide income ...

Get it? Worldwide income? No, you probably don't.

Companies that produce profit overseas are not taxed in the US provided they don't bring any of that money back here. So what this calculation does is add that non-taxed money to the gross taxable income they have in the US which brings down the percentage of taxes that they pay.
Corporations make more money off those educations than parents do

They should pay for the product they exploit

Are you talking about human beings here or cattle?

The people that benefit from an education are those that get an education. It's called an investment.

The taxpayer (nor corporations) should be liable for that investment. Like all investments, it's an option.

If you want taxpayers to fund the investments of individuals with education, shouldn't the taxpayers fund my investments in the commodities market, the stock market, real estate?

After all, an investment is an investment. And an investment is when you use YOUR money to produce more money later on. is an investment

Why should taxpayers invest in someone's education if it is corporate America that benefits from an educated workforce?

Let them bear the brunt of educating our children. They are the ones demanding an educated workforce for free
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

I never said wealth is equal to all, I said it's available to all.

First off, how do we as society concentrate this money to the top? I mean, if that's what we're doing, then somebody or some people have to be in charge of that, wouldn't you think?

Now if you don't believe in trickle down when it comes to wealth, how do you believe in trickle down when it comes to taxing wealth? I mean, if we were to implement a 70% tax on businesses, how does that help you any?
And taxation is how the middle class was created in America. Before that it was the Lords and Serfs like medieval England. When I was young anyone who earned more than $300,000 a year paid 91% of the excess in tax. What we've had for the last 35 years created this. Notice that after taxes the lower half of workers have lost income.

So if we taxed people who make over $300,000 at 91%, how would that help the middle-class?

It wouldn't! Since Ronald Reagan slashed tax rates for the rich to 50 year lows we haven't had a middle class.
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

I never said wealth is equal to all, I said it's available to all.

First off, how do we as society concentrate this money to the top? I mean, if that's what we're doing, then somebody or some people have to be in charge of that, wouldn't you think?

Now if you don't believe in trickle down when it comes to wealth, how do you believe in trickle down when it comes to taxing wealth? I mean, if we were to implement a 70% tax on businesses, how does that help you any?

For starters we could rebuild streets, hiways, public buildings, dams, etc. and that would put every able bodied American to work. 'Course that's something the Republicans don't like.......they want to be the only ones with money and a job.

There are two kinds of Republican......the ignorant mountain people and the ones with six figures in their bank accounts. They all like war!
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.


Are you really this disconnected?
Also, they underpay their employees who we all support through public assistance.

You even have to make up a word to try to describe this lie? Corporations pay exactly what it takes to get the employee to work for them.

That covers their responsibility.
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

I never said wealth is equal to all, I said it's available to all.

First off, how do we as society concentrate this money to the top? I mean, if that's what we're doing, then somebody or some people have to be in charge of that, wouldn't you think?

Now if you don't believe in trickle down when it comes to wealth, how do you believe in trickle down when it comes to taxing wealth? I mean, if we were to implement a 70% tax on businesses, how does that help you any?
How does wealth get concentrated at the top?
The Golden Rule

He who has the gold makes the rules
For starters we could rebuild streets, hiways, public buildings, dams, etc. and that would put every able bodied American to work. 'Course that's something the Republicans don't like.......they want to be the only ones with money and a job.

Oh, so that's how it would help us? Any idea of where that corporation or company is going to get that money from? If you guessed from the products or services they provide to their customers, then you're dead on. If you guessed not giving raises to their employees or making them pay more out of pocket for their health coverage, then you are correct once again. If you guessed they (like many others) leave the US to escape that kind of taxation, then you're three for three.
Many giant corps pay nada. Thanks New BS GOP.

No offense meant, but clearly, your intent is to obfuscate the truth in order to support a predetermined political agenda and a decidedly selfish attempt to try to get something for nothing..

Let's paint the REAL picture ....

1) Corporations sell stock in order to fund their business venture. This venture CREATES jobs.

2) Those stocks are purchased with POST-TAX dollars. Those taxes are used to fund the myriad activities of the government at all levels.

3) The corporation makes a gross profit. Federal corporate taxes ARE PAID on that profit. Then, state and local corporate taxes ARE PAID on the original amount. No allowance is allowed for the federal taxes already lowering the base profit (in most states).

4) The remaining profit is distributed to the stockholders, as a return on their investment. That money is AGAIN taxes, usually as capital gains.

5) The corporation, as an entity, is not able to take a profit. They can reinvest a portion of the gross profit, and that reinvestment CREATES jobs. They have no other use for money.

6) Ergo, the governments get their share - they stifle job creation. They tax the investor, the corporation, and the employees. Frankly, they are running out of entities to tax.

7) The argument that corporations use our infrastructure, and thus should have an increased tax burden, is nonsensical. Investors pay for that infrastructure through the income and capital gains taxes they pay. Why should the government get paid twice from the same dollar?

8) Governments invest in infrastructure in order to attract businesses - and then you propose to create an onerous tax load on the corporation that will drive it out. Does that make any sense whatsoever?
How does wealth get concentrated at the top?
The Golden Rule

He who has the gold makes the rules

Nope, wrong again.

The person responsible for concentrating wealth to the top is you......... Not just you, but everybody here.

When you stop at your McDonald's to pick up some lunch, you are concentrating your money to the top. This internet and computer you're using? Yes, once again, you concentrated your money to the top. How about that smart phone you use all the time? Yep, you concentrated your money to the top. Stop for gasoline for your car lately? Did you buy that new X box video game? Anything good on Netflix tonight???

Yes the man with the gold makes the rules, but he doesn't have that gold unless you give it to him in the first place.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

They don't pay taxes now and yet they benefit from our infrastructure and military.

Link to what ? Incorporation by its definition is a legal status that provides all kinds of gov protection .

Oh? And, just exactly what would those protections be that incorporation invokes?

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