Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

What a shock

Citizens for Tax Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Citizens for Tax Justice is a progressive Washington, D.C.-based advocacy and lobbying think tank founded in 1979
CTJ was founded in 1979 by labor unions and public interest groups[12] in response to the growing anti-tax movement’s recent passage of California’s Proposition 13

Wait, Regan trusted them and they gave us: CTJ’s most visible impact on U.S. tax policy was its role in bringing about the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

One of the worst tax deals ever.
It wouldn't! Since Ronald Reagan slashed tax rates for the rich to 50 year lows we haven't had a middle class.

No, we've had a middle-class and still do. It is shrinking however. But what would you expect when over one-third of our population of workforce age is not working nor looking for work?
Corporations are people too, and the % they pay of all taxes has gone from 30% in the fifties to 10% today. A disgrace. Thanks GOP and dupes...

So what does that have to do with my comment?

You see, years ago when I was a child, government didn't take care of us. We had different people to do that. We used to call them...........uh........... we used to call them.......... Parents. That's right, parents is what they were called.

The liberal mentality is that parents no longer play the part or have the responsibility to take care of their children. Liberals believe government should be taking care of the children just like in Cuba and North Korea.

But we on the right still believe in the responsibility of parenting, and it's parents (not government) that should secure funds for their children if they desire to attend college---not corporations. is an investment

Why should taxpayers invest in someone's education if it is corporate America that benefits from an educated workforce?

Let them bear the brunt of educating our children. They are the ones demanding an educated workforce for free

They don't demand anything. The have jobs if people want to work those jobs. If you want one of those jobs, then you get the education yourself to get one of those jobs. Workers need companies much more than companies need workers. So why should they pay for something you need?
Corporations are people too, and the % they pay of all taxes has gone from 30% in the fifties to 10% today. A disgrace. Thanks GOP and dupes...

So what does that have to do with my comment?

You see, years ago when I was a child, government didn't take care of us. We had different people to do that. We used to call them...........uh........... we used to call them.......... Parents. That's right, parents is what they were called.

The liberal mentality is that parents no longer play the part or have the responsibility to take care of their children. Liberals believe government should be taking care of the children just like in Cuba and North Korea.

But we on the right still believe in the responsibility of parenting, and it's parents (not government) that should secure funds for their children if they desire to attend college---not corporations.
Hilarious bs, dupe. Corporations, especially giant ones, get away with murder. Your sympathy for them and the greedy idiot rich is touching.
It wouldn't! Since Ronald Reagan slashed tax rates for the rich to 50 year lows we haven't had a middle class.

No, we've had a middle-class and still do. It is shrinking however. But what would you expect when over one-third of our population of workforce age is not working nor looking for work?
GOP BS as always. The problem is we're not training workers for good jobs and not paying a living wage. Thanks GOP.

What a shock

Citizens for Tax Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Citizens for Tax Justice is a progressive Washington, D.C.-based advocacy and lobbying think tank founded in 1979
CTJ was founded in 1979 by labor unions and public interest groups[12] in response to the growing anti-tax movement’s recent passage of California’s Proposition 13

Wait, Regan trusted them and they gave us: CTJ’s most visible impact on U.S. tax policy was its role in bringing about the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

One of the worst tax deals ever.
Facts are facts, dupe. Many people like progress lol...
How does wealth get concentrated at the top?
The Golden Rule

He who has the gold makes the rules

Nope, wrong again.

The person responsible for concentrating wealth to the top is you......... Not just you, but everybody here.

When you stop at your McDonald's to pick up some lunch, you are concentrating your money to the top. This internet and computer you're using? Yes, once again, you concentrated your money to the top. How about that smart phone you use all the time? Yep, you concentrated your money to the top. Stop for gasoline for your car lately? Did you buy that new X box video game? Anything good on Netflix tonight???

Yes the man with the gold makes the rules, but he doesn't have that gold unless you give it to him in the first place.
I agree ....The person responsible is We the People

We bought into a get rich quick scheme called supply side economics. The more wealth you concentrate at the top with the least regulation, the more we will all benefit
We thought if we removed social responsibility from the wealthy and corporations that the economic machine would benefit us all

What happened is.....they just kept the money for themselves is an investment

Why should taxpayers invest in someone's education if it is corporate America that benefits from an educated workforce?

Let them bear the brunt of educating our children. They are the ones demanding an educated workforce for free

They don't demand anything. The have jobs if people want to work those jobs. If you want one of those jobs, then you get the education yourself to get one of those jobs. Workers need companies much more than companies need workers. So why should they pay for something you need?
My god....that is ridiculous

It is the worker creating wealth. Corporations do not exist without a workforce. What has happened is corporations, with the help of government has reduced the ability of workers to act collectively. Every man for himself means every man can be beaten down by the corporation
Hilarious bs, dupe. Corporations, especially giant ones, get away with murder. Your sympathy for them and the greedy idiot rich is touching.

How are they getting away with murder? No corporation has ever harmed a hair on my head. Government? Quite a different subject.
My god....that is ridiculous

It is the worker creating wealth. Corporations do not exist without a workforce. What has happened is corporations, with the help of government has reduced the ability of workers to act collectively. Every man for himself means every man can be beaten down by the corporation

Good responsible workers don't need to collectively do anything. A workers work will speak for itself to the company.

Correct, a corporation does not exist without a workforce, but there is no workforce without the corporation. The difference is that there is a much larger workforce than there are companies. That makes the corporation more valuable than the workforce.
GOP BS as always. The problem is we're not training workers for good jobs and not paying a living wage. Thanks GOP.

There is no "we" here, there is they.

If THEY don't want to get training or THEY are not making a living wage, it is not "we's" fault, it's their own fault.
Typical stupid party first selfish bs....WE is Americans. God knows what YOU people are...
My god....that is ridiculous

It is the worker creating wealth. Corporations do not exist without a workforce. What has happened is corporations, with the help of government has reduced the ability of workers to act collectively. Every man for himself means every man can be beaten down by the corporation

Good responsible workers don't need to collectively do anything. A workers work will speak for itself to the company.

Correct, a corporation does not exist without a workforce, but there is no workforce without the corporation. The difference is that there is a much larger workforce than there are companies. That makes the corporation more valuable than the workforce.
Spoken like a true corporate flunky.
< don't need anyone else, you are better than they are, you will do better bargaining on your own>

The workforce as a whole has given up wages, retirement, benefits and job security....all in agreeing to an every man for himself environment
My god....that is ridiculous

It is the worker creating wealth. Corporations do not exist without a workforce. What has happened is corporations, with the help of government has reduced the ability of workers to act collectively. Every man for himself means every man can be beaten down by the corporation

Good responsible workers don't need to collectively do anything. A workers work will speak for itself to the company.

Correct, a corporation does not exist without a workforce, but there is no workforce without the corporation. The difference is that there is a much larger workforce than there are companies. That makes the corporation more valuable than the workforce.
Spoken like a true corporate flunky.
< don't need anyone else, you are better than they are, you will do better bargaining on your own>

The workforce as a whole has given up wages, retirement, benefits and job security....all in agreeing to an every man for himself environment

I'll let you decide what happened:

Spoken like a true corporate flunky.
< don't need anyone else, you are better than they are, you will do better bargaining on your own>

The workforce as a whole has given up wages, retirement, benefits and job security....all in agreeing to an every man for himself environment

No, it's just some have realized the dangerous path unions have taken us on. Sure, it was great while it lasted, but they kept pushing and pushing until they (and government) pushed the jobs right out of this country.

With their demands, our cost of living is now ten times more than those overseas where I work is going. Now we have to work for less money or not work at all. Either that or those evil corporations will buy robots to do our work.

So now it's sort of a payback for those good times non-skilled labor enjoyed in those union years. Republicans back then warned us of the time when this was going to happen, and they were correct. But they kept pushing and pushing anyhow.
With their demands, our cost of living is now ten times more than those overseas where I work is going. Now we have to work for less money or not work at all. Either that or those evil corporations will buy robots to do our work.

Your cost of living is 10 times more because those other countries are shitholes. Do you want to live in Indonesia or Bangladesh?
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

And a false concept at that.

You liberals have this false belief that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much cash. Therefore if one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

The reality is we live in a country of unlimited wealth. It's up to the individual to determine how much of wealthy they want. It may take a lot of hard work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it's up to the individual.

As for redistribution of wealth, why only wealth? If you think that's such a great idea, why don't we extrapolate that to other entities?

For instance, let's say you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house. Wouldn't it not be proper for government to take half of your bushes, and give them to your neighbor down the street who has none?

Or perhaps you are a television nut and have four big screens in your home. Shouldn't government come along and take two of your big screens to give to the less fortunate who are still watching that old 25 inch tube television?

If you think that is ridiculous, you're right, it is ridiculous. So why is it not ridiculous when we talk about money?
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

Yo motherfucker

Why don't you bastards spend a week in Venezuela, Cuba, Somalia, etc and witness , first hand , the handy work of socialism.


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