Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

So let's run those numbers:

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% in all collected income taxes.

Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes.

This means between the top 10% of wage earners and corporations, they are collectively paying over 81% of all federal income taxes collected. that means the rest of us have to come up with the other 19%. But they're not paying enough?????

Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

Another trickle down sucker, Kaz......bwahahaha.

It's not trickle down, it's flood down. What you want is trickle up poverty. When a poor guy gives you a job, let me know

What happens when workers are actually paid a reasonable wage?

Is it trickle up poverty? Do their employers and stock holders actually become poor or do they just surrender some of the wealth they have been holding back?

Workers are paid exactly their worth for what they produce for the company. That's one reason I chose to be self-employed. I decide what I am worth, no one else. Worked extremely well for over 40 years.

Which says nothing about the nationwide drop in wages at the worker level while corporations are seeing record profits
What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Supposedly, Democrats have been making the live of minorities better for over 50 years now. Aren't they doing great today?
What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Supposedly, Democrats have been making the live of minorities better for over 50 years now. Aren't they doing great today?

Damn, that was perfectly stated ...
What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Supposedly, Democrats have been making the live of minorities better for over 50 years now. Aren't they doing great today?

As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons
this has got to be the stupidest post I've ever seen... you have no Idea where the money goes and whose spending it
...Well in general, anyone that is not producing, is a problem is this bull shit at its best ... or what !!! have you look at how much of these non-producing people cost the national budget each year ??? by your ignorant statement here you haven't looked ... you just responded to typical right wing propaganda ... .008 percent of the national budget goes to people on welfare .... 75% of the taxed dollars for the rich and the top 1% goes in their pockets ... from not paying their fair share getting tax deductions they get ... now you're trying to say welfare people cause this 17 trillion dollar debt ??? how about republicans passing unfunded legislation ... could that have been the cause??? Naw its them damn welfare people HUH...

Unfunded legislation, like what for instance?

Not paying their fair share? The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income tax. If that's unfair, then what is fair?

.008% of our budget goes to welfare? You mean welfare checks or all welfare including things like food stamps and Medicaid? Would love to see your source on that one.

"A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
are you really this stupid ??? really !!! are you ??? do you have your head so far in your ass that you have no Idea whats going on around you??? really, I being sincere here ... you haven't any Idea what bills did the republicans pass that was unfunded ??? no Idea at all hummmmm !!!

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes ... that means they pay the percentage of tax to the feds . the rich 1% pays 24 % of the taxes collected ... the 10% pay 53.3% of the paid taxes so you totals are off quite a bit off ... that means the rest of the tax base pays 46.6% of the total money collected each year... on the whole the rich 1% pay 10% you can document this ... the 10% are paying between 15% to 28% of the money they make ... of the two totals they are paying 53.3% of the tax collected... so when you said The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income tax thats not true ... but thats what you get for being uninformed

as for unfunded taxes by republicans ...I'll give you one for a starter ... then you do some god damn research for once in your right wing life... Medicare Part D .... pass unfunded by the republicans ... cost the american tax payer 500 billion dollars the first year... 2 years that's 1 trillion dollars to the national debt pile... not to worry thought obama care has allocated money for it each year to cut the cost in 2020 it will be totally funded ... thanks to obama ...but hey, obama has done nothing but raise taxes right!!!

and you are right ... if you make a lot of money in this country you aren't entitled to it all... you have to pay taxes don't get to keep all the money you make ... because this country runs on taxes to make it work .... you selfish bastards use all of the benefits this country has to offer, but when you see a black person, a brown person, or anyone thats not you, you feel we are being over taxed ... you feel that you aren't getting to keep your hard earn money ... this country doesn't work that way ... if you don't like paying taxes or your fair share move to a country that doesn't tax ... then you can keep that hard earned money of yours

finally I see you right wing nut jobs do this you trying put all the programs under one window ... let me enlighten you ... welfare is one program .... food stamps is one program... section 8 is one program all design to help people in need ...
welfare can have people on section 8 and food stamps ... people working 2 to 3 jobs can be on food stamps and section 8 ... people working can be on section 8 ... people working can get food stamps ... you trying to put all the programs in a lump sum and call it welfare doesn't work that way ... there's welfare, there's food stamps, there's section 8, all separate programs, all allocated so much money to them out of the national budget ... the .008% of the national budget goes to welfare...2% of the national budget goes to food stamps ... look it up its on the web ... section 8 is payed by the state and not the feds ... each state has it own percentage that the state budget goes to section 8 ... some states have stop section 8 housing ... on the whole 2.008% of your tax dollars goes to help people in need... the other % on section 8 is based on state by state bases ...

finally you people on the right are so uninformed when it comes to social programs... that you try an lump it in a single sum ... it doesn't work that way ... people on welfare can get into a lot of social programs design to help them ... under Bill clinton he pass welfare laws that say they can only be own welfare for 2 years after that 2 years they are taken off...

As you know, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's failed Stimulus plan gutted the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. It no longer exists.

You really should catch up.
You really should stop believing GOP bs.

It gave states the ability to cut work requirements for a SHORT TIME.
Does Obama’s Plan ‘Gut Welfare Reform’?
Which says nothing about the nationwide drop in wages at the worker level while corporations are seeing record profits

All those foreigners crossing our border and taking our jobs for next to nothing wouldn't have anything to do with it. Would it?
They make a nice scapegoat.......

But in reality, corporations are sitting on trillions of dollars while they claim they are too poor to afford higher wages
What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better? They vote Democratic because at least Democrats are active in their neighborhoods and provide programs to help them

Republicans finding a few minorities to run under their banner does not absolve them of racism or the racists who flock to their party

Supposedly, Democrats have been making the live of minorities better for over 50 years now. Aren't they doing great today?

Damn, that was perfectly stated ...
Excep Nixon, Ford, Reagan cut all that crap out DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...
As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons

Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?
They make a nice scapegoat.......

But in reality, corporations are sitting on trillions of dollars while they claim they are too poor to afford higher wages

So what corporation ever made that claim?

Companies don't determine what an employee is worth, the employee determines that for themselves.

Why should any company pay an employee more than they're worth? Because they have the money?
As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons

Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?

There is no question that our capitalists that Republicans crown as "job creators" have used up and abandoned our cities. Even Cleveland
They make a nice scapegoat.......

But in reality, corporations are sitting on trillions of dollars while they claim they are too poor to afford higher wages

So what corporation ever made that claim?

Companies don't determine what an employee is worth, the employee determines that for themselves.

Why should any company pay an employee more than they're worth? Because they have the money?
Once again, you substitute microeconomic solutions for a nationwide macroeconomic issue
As a matter of fact, they are
Affirmative action has helped place millions of blacks in higher level positions previously reserved for white males. Jobs training and placement programs have helped minorities escape poverty. Minority small business incentives have helped upward mobility

But at least Republicans built more prisons

Gee, with all that, blacks have over a 70% out of wedlock birth rate. You are seven times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white. Democrat cities (such as mine) has seen deterioration and low employment. The cities that aren't totally destroyed yet will get burned down by yet another black riot. High school graduation rates for blacks are the lowest of any group in our country. In our prison systems, blacks make up 37% of the population while whites make up only 32%, yet blacks only makeup 13% of our entire US population.

If blacks consider Democrats their friends, then who needs enemies?
All due to GOP (mainly) racist discrimination, white flight, manufacturing flight, discriminatory policy. Or you believe blacks are inferior, and are a racist yourself.
All due to GOP (mainly) racist discrimination, white flight, manufacturing flight, discriminatory policy. Or you believe blacks are inferior, and are a racist yourself.

Oh yes, that must be it. All due to racial discrimination which has been illegal in this country for over 50 years.
There's your mistake ... workers don't "create" the wealth. They work for a wage .... they are a tool the employer uses to create wealth, no different than a hammer, or a printing press. Are you suggesting we should pay hammers a 'living wage', not? What do you think the 'living wage' is for a printing press these days.

Absolutely people should be paid a living wage. You want the US to turn into a third-world shithole?
What's a living wage?

Once again, you substitute microeconomic solutions for a nationwide macroeconomic issue

That seems to be your default response instead of addressing the issues one at a time.

Very few overpay workers be it companies, you or I. We all look for the people that will do work for the lowest price. Those who overpay workers are heading for the failure of their business or individuals who have nothing better to do with their money.
Once again, you substitute microeconomic solutions for a nationwide macroeconomic issue

That seems to be your default response instead of addressing the issues one at a time.

Very few overpay workers be it companies, you or I. We all look for the people that will do work for the lowest price. Those who overpay workers are heading for the failure of their business or individuals who have nothing better to do with their money.
We are talking about a national economic issue and you continue with your simplistic mom and pop responses
We are talking about a national economic issue and you continue with your simplistic mom and pop responses

Mom and Pop applies nationwide. You want nationwide? Ever hear of a store called Walmart? Walmart is the most successful store chain in our country; loaded with Democrat shoppers. They shop at Walmart because they have the lowest prices on items.
Are you fucking kidding me?

I apologize ...

I thought you were somebody who hadn't dipped into an alternate reality. Our poor are the worst? Seriously? LOL
DEFINITELY worse off than in France, Germani, Holland Switz, Scandinavia, OZ, NZ, Canada. DUHHHHH Dupes...
None And get 6 week vacations, free day care, free health care etc etc DUHHHHHHH.

i LOVE the word "free" ---- who pays for those "free" things?
Single pay health care. Tax payers. Here, free birth control is cheaper than no BC. And free HC is cheaper than our stupid system.

Who pays for "FREE"?
Taxpayers duh. It's cheaper that way for them.

So it is NOT "FREE". Those who pay taxes pay double the cost of whatever is being "given" to someone "FREE". Wonderful!

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