Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Reading this thread reminds me once again why anyone would be a leftist ... they are the planet's dimmest bulbs.


It's unreal how dumb they are. Makes me want to give up sometimes. You can't penetrate the endless layers of pure stupid
Meanwhile, the entire rest of the world holds the New BS GOP as the world laughingstock and horror. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, ANOTHER corrupt world depression, the worst media EVER, AND 8 years of mindless obstruction...All to protect the greedy idiot GOP rich and giant corps. You're ignorant, brainwashed functional morons.
Lets just follow the money...

Small business saw their wealth increase $5 trillion since 2008
Corporations saw their wealth increase $8 trillion since 2008

Yet they claim wage increases would destroy them. How much of that $13 trillion in added wealth saw its way to increased wages....almost NONE
Has there been an increase in minimum wage since 2008? Conservatives claim business could never afford it

Cooperations stashed those trillions offshore like smart company's should until we get a business friendly conservative president.

Their wealth increased from $21 trillion to $34 trillion in eight years of Obama

Seems pretty business friendly to me

Yea when the feds were pumping in 85 billion a month of made up out of thin air money
The only solution the the greedy idiot rich GOP would allow, and they love it, dupe.
Lets just follow the money...

Small business saw their wealth increase $5 trillion since 2008
Corporations saw their wealth increase $8 trillion since 2008

Yet they claim wage increases would destroy them. How much of that $13 trillion in added wealth saw its way to increased wages....almost NONE
Has there been an increase in minimum wage since 2008? Conservatives claim business could never afford it

Has there been an increase in the skills required to do minimum wage, low skilled job in 100 years? NO.

Did the people working get paid for working? Yes. If they are still working there and it's so bad, why are they still working there?
They have little choice. Thanks for making training and Ed so expensive, and pay so low, dupe.
I like tax payer paid roads and I am sure the vast majority of the tax payers like it too. Fuck toll roads and fuck corporate roads like the tea party wants for us all.

I like tax payer paid clean air, water and food. I am sure that most of this country does too..You see, if we're going to have something good then we all should have a part in it.
Meanwhile, the entire rest of the world holds the New BS GOP as the world laughingstock and horror. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, ANOTHER corrupt world depression, the worst media EVER, AND 8 years of mindless obstruction...All to protect the greedy idiot GOP rich and giant corps. You're ignorant, brainwashed functional morons.

The only solution the the greedy idiot rich GOP would allow, and they love it, dupe.

They have little choice. Thanks for making training and Ed so expensive, and pay so low, dupe.

Clearly you have no idea just how stupid your rants make you seem so I thought I'd make it easy for you.
Meanwhile, the entire rest of the world holds the New BS GOP as the world laughingstock and horror. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, ANOTHER corrupt world depression, the worst media EVER, AND 8 years of mindless obstruction...All to protect the greedy idiot GOP rich and giant corps. You're ignorant, brainwashed functional morons.

The only solution the the greedy idiot rich GOP would allow, and they love it, dupe.

They have little choice. Thanks for making training and Ed so expensive, and pay so low, dupe.

Clearly you have no idea just how stupid your rants make you seem so I thought I'd make it easy for you.
Any argument? With your ridiculous links, please, dupe. Always good for a laugh.
You are looking at the micro economic level and I am talking macro economics. I don't care about company A or company B, I am looking at small business as a whole and corporate America as a whole. $13 trillion in added wealth over the last eight years.
Any claims of poverty in corporate America or small business is unsupported by the numbers. They don't pay higher wages because they don't want to pay higher wages and our government will do nothing about it. They have the workers where they want them and there is nobody to stand up for them

Why do they need anybody to stand up for them? Nobody stood up for me and millions like me. I just went out and got better jobs as my life went on. Making lower wages made me try harder. Making lower wages made me realize I wanted something more out of life.

Correct. Businesses and corporations are not poor. Nobody said they were so I don't know where you get that from. Poor businesses and corporations close down or go into bankruptcy which is what happens in most cases of new small business which you on the left wish to expand. Forced higher wages could be the tipping point of whether somebody can open up a new business or not. Even the founder of Subway Sandwiches said he could not his up his business in this climate today.

How much money a business has is meaningless when it comes to pay rate. Growth is what they all strive for. Higher costs (such as labor) means lower growth. Lower growth means less interested investors. Less investors means less access to capital for maintaining or expanding a business.
You really know how to sum things up there ray ray.

Uh-oh, those leftist typo police are out again. When you have nothing to add to the conversation, attack the typos.

See, if you ever get out of your moms basement and go back to high school, you'll learn how to type without thinking of one letter at a time. You might even learn how to type with more than one finger.
You are looking at the micro economic level and I am talking macro economics. I don't care about company A or company B, I am looking at small business as a whole and corporate America as a whole. $13 trillion in added wealth over the last eight years.
Any claims of poverty in corporate America or small business is unsupported by the numbers. They don't pay higher wages because they don't want to pay higher wages and our government will do nothing about it. They have the workers where they want them and there is nobody to stand up for them

Why do they need anybody to stand up for them? Nobody stood up for me and millions like me. I just went out and got better jobs as my life went on. Making lower wages made me try harder. Making lower wages made me realize I wanted something more out of life.

Correct. Businesses and corporations are not poor. Nobody said they were so I don't know where you get that from. Poor businesses and corporations close down or go into bankruptcy which is what happens in most cases of new small business which you on the left wish to expand. Forced higher wages could be the tipping point of whether somebody can open up a new business or not. Even the founder of Subway Sandwiches said he could not his up his business in this climate today.

How much money a business has is meaningless when it comes to pay rate. Growth is what they all strive for. Higher costs (such as labor) means lower growth. Lower growth means less interested investors. Less investors means less access to capital for maintaining or expanding a business.
Do you enjoy the taxes you pay? The lack of adequate roads, power grid, communications ? Do you like what you have to pay for medical care!

Once again, you substitute individual economics for the economics of hundreds of millions of people
US corporations added $8 trillion in wealth under Obama. Hard to argue that they need government protections, deregulation or special incentives to keep the money train going

Hillary needs to listen to Bernie and Liz Warren and put a stop to the gravy train...they obviously don't need it

What does "added $8 trillion in wealth" mean? Is that the increase in their profits, gross revenue, pure bullshit?
You are looking at the micro economic level and I am talking macro economics. I don't care about company A or company B, I am looking at small business as a whole and corporate America as a whole. $13 trillion in added wealth over the last eight years.
Any claims of poverty in corporate America or small business is unsupported by the numbers. They don't pay higher wages because they don't want to pay higher wages and our government will do nothing about it. They have the workers where they want them and there is nobody to stand up for them

Why do they need anybody to stand up for them? Nobody stood up for me and millions like me. I just went out and got better jobs as my life went on. Making lower wages made me try harder. Making lower wages made me realize I wanted something more out of life.

Correct. Businesses and corporations are not poor. Nobody said they were so I don't know where you get that from. Poor businesses and corporations close down or go into bankruptcy which is what happens in most cases of new small business which you on the left wish to expand. Forced higher wages could be the tipping point of whether somebody can open up a new business or not. Even the founder of Subway Sandwiches said he could not his up his business in this climate today.

How much money a business has is meaningless when it comes to pay rate. Growth is what they all strive for. Higher costs (such as labor) means lower growth. Lower growth means less interested investors. Less investors means less access to capital for maintaining or expanding a business.
Do you enjoy the taxes you pay? The lack of adequate roads, power grid, communications ? Do you like what you have to pay for medical care!

Once again, you substitute individual economics for the economics of hundreds of millions of people
Taxes don't pay for the power grid or communications, moron. There's no reason they are required to pay for roads either. Taxes also don't make medical care any cheaper. Government meddling makes medical care vastly more expensive.
You are looking at the micro economic level and I am talking macro economics. I don't care about company A or company B, I am looking at small business as a whole and corporate America as a whole. $13 trillion in added wealth over the last eight years.
Any claims of poverty in corporate America or small business is unsupported by the numbers. They don't pay higher wages because they don't want to pay higher wages and our government will do nothing about it. They have the workers where they want them and there is nobody to stand up for them

Why do they need anybody to stand up for them? Nobody stood up for me and millions like me. I just went out and got better jobs as my life went on. Making lower wages made me try harder. Making lower wages made me realize I wanted something more out of life.

Correct. Businesses and corporations are not poor. Nobody said they were so I don't know where you get that from. Poor businesses and corporations close down or go into bankruptcy which is what happens in most cases of new small business which you on the left wish to expand. Forced higher wages could be the tipping point of whether somebody can open up a new business or not. Even the founder of Subway Sandwiches said he could not his up his business in this climate today.

How much money a business has is meaningless when it comes to pay rate. Growth is what they all strive for. Higher costs (such as labor) means lower growth. Lower growth means less interested investors. Less investors means less access to capital for maintaining or expanding a business.
That was back in the gold old days before Reaganism of course...
The assets were toxic because the feds forced banks to grant mortgages to people who were bad credit risks.
The hell they did, dupe. the Boooshies just let them run wild- their pals and cronies. Great job!

You're a true idiot, Franco.
Masters in History, fluent in 3 languages.Retired. You? Try reading. You just refuse to learn except form Rush and Sean or WHATEVER part of the machine is your poison. Dupe.

Public universities churn out morons by the millions.
Yup, knowledge and intelligence is BAD....stick with the bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJs for your BTW, I went to prep school, Hobart and U of Rochester. Private.
Propaganda isn't knowledge or intelligence. Your head if full of lies and bullshit.

You're bragging about going to a private school? Really? Too bad your students didn't have the same opportunity. Instead they got stuck with a total douche bag for a teacher.
The hell they did, dupe. the Boooshies just let them run wild- their pals and cronies. Great job!

You're a true idiot, Franco.
Masters in History, fluent in 3 languages.Retired. You? Try reading. You just refuse to learn except form Rush and Sean or WHATEVER part of the machine is your poison. Dupe.

Public universities churn out morons by the millions.
Yup, knowledge and intelligence is BAD....stick with the bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJs for your BTW, I went to prep school, Hobart and U of Rochester. Private.
Propaganda isn't knowledge or intelligence. Your head if full of lies and bullshit.

You're bragging about going to a private school? Really? Too bad your students didn't have the same opportunity. Instead they got stuck with a total douche bag for a teacher.
No, just TRYING to stop more stupid attacks. And I taught private school also...zzzzzzzzzz. Your 100% wrong record continues, hater dupe.
That was back in the gold old days before Reaganism of course...

You blame Reagan if the garbage man forgets to pick up your garbage.

In the good ole days, people raised their kids to take care of themselves--not rely on government to do that for them. Most kids were raised by two parent families. That doesn't happen nearly as much today, and you can't blame Reaganism, blame liberalism. Liberalism promoted one parent families. Liberalism advances the notion that you are a helpless worthless piece of garbage that must depend on government.
Do you enjoy the taxes you pay? The lack of adequate roads, power grid, communications ? Do you like what you have to pay for medical care!

Once again, you substitute individual economics for the economics of hundreds of millions of people

If individual economics can work for one person, it can work for all. And I have no idea the relationship between roads and power grids to my comment; that is unless you were trying to change the subject.
That was back in the gold old days before Reaganism of course...

You blame Reagan if the garbage man forgets to pick up your garbage.

In the good ole days, people raised their kids to take care of themselves--not rely on government to do that for them. Most kids were raised by two parent families. That doesn't happen nearly as much today, and you can't blame Reaganism, blame liberalism. Liberalism promoted one parent families. Liberalism advances the notion that you are a helpless worthless piece of garbage that must depend on government.
Reaganism and the new bs GOP undoubtedly cut the amount spent on garbage collection, like everything else for the nonrich and the country. To save the rich and giant corps.

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