Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Republicans want to destroy this country and suck the dick of the people that are offshoring all of our jobs.

Oh brother. You people. You listen to some idiot, that knows almost nothing, and mindlessly repeat it.

Ok, so let's actually look at reality. Why does Wisconsin suck? Because of tax cuts? You moron. You mindless ape.


Wisconsin's 2016 Business Tax Climate Index Ranks 43rd
Wisconsin ranks 43rd on the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. The Index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes (32nd), individual income taxes (43rd), sales taxes (13th), unemployment insurance taxes (36th), and taxes on property (33rd), including residential and commercial property.


Meaning, out of 50 states, there are only 7 states that are worse for business.

This includes corporate taxes, 7.9%, Sales tax 5%, and property tax that averages $1800 per person.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.
Over all tax collection was 13th highest in the Union.

And as for this ignorant mental case you posted.... here's the facts....

View attachment 85474

Wisconsin's economic situation was worse than Minnesota, and the US average, long before the tax cut, and longer than Scott Walker was ever elected.

Wisconsin has been, and still is, a business hostile State. Left-wing policies have made, and continue to make, Wisconsin noncompetitive to the rest of the country.

If that wasn't enough, the left-wingers have been against the logging and paper industry for decades, and Wisconsin's primary industry, is the paper industry, which between the digital age, and the growing paper imports from China, the paper industry in the US is staggering.

Paper Cuts: Wisconsin's paper industry battles the threat of digital, China as a paper power.

And lastly.... Trickle down is how the world works. The only reason there is even ONE JOB in Wisconsin is because of Trickle down.

Everything is trickle down. Everything. Not one single job would exist, without trickle down. It has always worked, and continues to work. And for you, or any other left-winger to even attempt to deny it, only signifies that you are completely and utterly unqualified to talk about the economy, and likely not mentally stable to enough to talk about any topic.

To see how foolish this stupidity is from the left, just consider the counter claim. Are you seriously suggesting that job growth would drastically increase if we just taxed the companies and people leaving Wisconsin at a higher rate? You really think that makes sense in left-tard land? How dumb can any human being be, and still breath, let alone type something this moronic into a forum?

If we just jack up taxes on companies and the public.... why jobs will just pop into existence from all the companies leaving.... yeah brilliant.

Wisconsin ranks among top states people are leaving

Just jack up those taxes dude. Everyone will turn right around "I love paying more taxes!", and head back to Wisconsin. Only the dumbest of left-wing-nuts would post this crap.

As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades.
All I needed to do was look at the chart you posted and that it didn't say what you claimed it said. I don't have to think you're an idiot and a liar, I know because I've thought about it.
Keep obsessing on one detail, dupe. And absolutely miss the point. Idiot.

The detail I state is the point. The point is your source didn't show what you claimed and you tried to add in things the source doesn't include.
The rich don't pay enough, the middle class and poor too much. What a gd idiot...

Specifically, how is that possible since the lowest 47% of workers pay no income tax?
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."
There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

That's right. They're voting for the party that the President where it all started said he'd have "those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years". They gladly obliged.
I agree to an extent. However, your attitude is why there are third-world shitholes. It is why people get unionised. People want a fair go. The problem with pure capitalism like the US is that it is all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine. What a shitty existence that would be.

When did we ever have pure capitalism?
Absolutely people should be paid a living wage. You want the US to turn into a third-world shithole?

What will turn this country into a third world shithole is our government reaching the point they can no longer spend and no longer borrow anymore money. By that time, there will be so many people not working that they will forget how to take care of themselves.

Right now we have over one-third of our working age population not working nor looking for work, and then add on the people that are looking for work that are unemployed, and you'll see we are already on that path.
I don't understand you people. What job exists without trickle down? Everything trickles down. How would anything trickle up? Have you ever gotten a stable job from an impoverished beggar?

They don't believe trickle down works in our economy, but trickle down works well in taxation of the wealthy.

Figure that one out.
''As you well know, people are leaving Wisconsin from the major cities, such as Milwaukee, run into ruin by Democrats for decades."
There is white flight from the cities, but you'll find they go to the suburbs. Just typical US racism...And blacks have voted for Dems for years- they know racists are mainly GOP.

No, they are politically ignorant and think the racists are in the GOP. Brainwashing works quite well and the Democrats are quite aware of that.

As for white flight, that's what happened where I live. When the blacks started to move in, it was the liberals that were the first to sell out and get out of Dodge.
Attacked him first?
What is third grade?

Does he have to be to defend himself? I thought defending yourself from attack makes you the victim, not the aggressor. Well............maybe not in liberal America.

Defend himself?

If you don't like what John McCain said about your supporters being crazy shits (McCain was right by the way) you attack what McCain do not attack all POWs

If you don't like what a reporter said about you, you attack what the reporter said and explain why he is don't mock his disability

If you don't like that Gold Star Parents question the sacrifices you have made compared to their own, you offer an explanation of your sacrifices or concede the point

That is how adults act....spoiled children call names
this has got to be the stupidest post I've ever seen... you have no Idea where the money goes and whose spending it
...Well in general, anyone that is not producing, is a problem is this bull shit at its best ... or what !!! have you look at how much of these non-producing people cost the national budget each year ??? by your ignorant statement here you haven't looked ... you just responded to typical right wing propaganda ... .008 percent of the national budget goes to people on welfare .... 75% of the taxed dollars for the rich and the top 1% goes in their pockets ... from not paying their fair share getting tax deductions they get ... now you're trying to say welfare people cause this 17 trillion dollar debt ??? how about republicans passing unfunded legislation ... could that have been the cause??? Naw its them damn welfare people HUH...

Unfunded legislation, like what for instance?

Not paying their fair share? The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income tax. If that's unfair, then what is fair?

.008% of our budget goes to welfare? You mean welfare checks or all welfare including things like food stamps and Medicaid? Would love to see your source on that one.

"A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
are you really this stupid ??? really !!! are you ??? do you have your head so far in your ass that you have no Idea whats going on around you??? really, I being sincere here ... you haven't any Idea what bills did the republicans pass that was unfunded ??? no Idea at all hummmmm !!!

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes ... that means they pay the percentage of tax to the feds . the rich 1% pays 24 % of the taxes collected ... the 10% pay 53.3% of the paid taxes so you totals are off quite a bit off ... that means the rest of the tax base pays 46.6% of the total money collected each year... on the whole the rich 1% pay 10% you can document this ... the 10% are paying between 15% to 28% of the money they make ... of the two totals they are paying 53.3% of the tax collected... so when you said The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income tax thats not true ... but thats what you get for being uninformed

as for unfunded taxes by republicans ...I'll give you one for a starter ... then you do some god damn research for once in your right wing life... Medicare Part D .... pass unfunded by the republicans ... cost the american tax payer 500 billion dollars the first year... 2 years that's 1 trillion dollars to the national debt pile... not to worry thought obama care has allocated money for it each year to cut the cost in 2020 it will be totally funded ... thanks to obama ...but hey, obama has done nothing but raise taxes right!!!

and you are right ... if you make a lot of money in this country you aren't entitled to it all... you have to pay taxes don't get to keep all the money you make ... because this country runs on taxes to make it work .... you selfish bastards use all of the benefits this country has to offer, but when you see a black person, a brown person, or anyone thats not you, you feel we are being over taxed ... you feel that you aren't getting to keep your hard earn money ... this country doesn't work that way ... if you don't like paying taxes or your fair share move to a country that doesn't tax ... then you can keep that hard earned money of yours

finally I see you right wing nut jobs do this you trying put all the programs under one window ... let me enlighten you ... welfare is one program .... food stamps is one program... section 8 is one program all design to help people in need ...
welfare can have people on section 8 and food stamps ... people working 2 to 3 jobs can be on food stamps and section 8 ... people working can be on section 8 ... people working can get food stamps ... you trying to put all the programs in a lump sum and call it welfare doesn't work that way ... there's welfare, there's food stamps, there's section 8, all separate programs, all allocated so much money to them out of the national budget ... the .008% of the national budget goes to welfare...2% of the national budget goes to food stamps ... look it up its on the web ... section 8 is payed by the state and not the feds ... each state has it own percentage that the state budget goes to section 8 ... some states have stop section 8 housing ... on the whole 2.008% of your tax dollars goes to help people in need... the other % on section 8 is based on state by state bases ...

finally you people on the right are so uninformed when it comes to social programs... that you try an lump it in a single sum ... it doesn't work that way ... people on welfare can get into a lot of social programs design to help them ... under Bill clinton he pass welfare laws that say they can only be own welfare for 2 years after that 2 years they are taken off...
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Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.
It takes money to protect those companies as well as build infrastructure.. If they don't want protection or good roads, let them move to Kenya or Uganda.
Does even the simplest of things have to be explained to Republicans?
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.
It takes money to protect those companies as well as build infrastructure.. If they don't want protection or good roads, let them move to Kenya or Uganda.
Does even the simplest of things have to be explained to Republicans?
look at companies they get a tax cut on research and development ... they get to write off their company fleet ... the gas they use ...the electricity they use ... then complain they pay to much in taxes... if you ever set down and look at what a company pays in taxes or doersn't pay, it will make you want to puke
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.
It takes money to protect those companies as well as build infrastructure.. If they don't want protection or good roads, let them move to Kenya or Uganda.
Does even the simplest of things have to be explained to Republicans?
look at companies they get a tax cut on research and development ... they get to write off their company fleet ... the gas they use ...the electricity they use ... then complain they pay to much in taxes... if you ever set down and look at what a company pays in taxes or doersn't pay, it will make you want to puke
Those are called business expenses, you witless douche bag. See, the 16th amendment allows the government to tax income. Income is calculated by subtracting expenses from gross revenue.
Corporate Taxes
Big corporations are making bigger and bigger profits, but they’re contributing less and less in taxes. That means they are doing less and less to help build roads and bridges, maintain our schools and fund the many other services government provides. Sixty years ago, 30 percent of total federal tax revenue was from corporations. Today […]

So let's run those numbers:

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% in all collected income taxes.

Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes.

This means between the top 10% of wage earners and corporations, they are collectively paying over 81% of all federal income taxes collected. that means the rest of us have to come up with the other 19%. But they're not paying enough?????

Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

Another trickle down sucker, Kaz......bwahahaha.

It's not trickle down, it's flood down. What you want is trickle up poverty. When a poor guy gives you a job, let me know
Sarcasm? Your admission you're a loser

If you're the definition of a winner, I'd take being a loser every time..

If Kaz supports Trump, he's a loser already......

2016 Election: Clinton vs. Trump

I don't, you're a loser now. With all the posting you do on the site, how many anti-Trump threads do I have to start to get through that shallow little brain you have?

Trump supporters, are you happy?

Trump is a whiner

Trump supporters are convincing me ...

Trump doubles down

Is Trump fair to others?

Trump Supporters: what is the number one reason you support Trump?

Trump supporters, don't the superlatives bother you?

Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

What is Trump's actual economic plan? Anyone know?
Corporate Taxes
Big corporations are making bigger and bigger profits, but they’re contributing less and less in taxes. That means they are doing less and less to help build roads and bridges, maintain our schools and fund the many other services government provides. Sixty years ago, 30 percent of total federal tax revenue was from corporations. Today […]

So let's run those numbers:

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% in all collected income taxes.

Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes.

This means between the top 10% of wage earners and corporations, they are collectively paying over 81% of all federal income taxes collected. that means the rest of us have to come up with the other 19%. But they're not paying enough?????

Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

She'll say the rich are greedy for not wanting more of what they have TAKEN so it can be handed to someone that didn't earn it.

“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
Thomas Sowell

Socialism hands one group something they didn't earn and the only way it can happen is to take it from the other group that did. Sad thing is those that support that kind of thing, much like Mertex, don't see the freeloaders always wanting more as a problem.

Says one of two losers (Kaz) who post here and don't contribute to the Forum. Moochers....who like free stuff but complain that Dems like free stuff. You can't make this shit up.

And yet you did make this shit up. What "free" stuff do I want, lying bimbo?
It truly is amazing how many lies are foisted on the left wingers in this country through the media, universities, and entertainment. It is just unreal how much they reveal to us.
Corporate Taxes
Big corporations are making bigger and bigger profits, but they’re contributing less and less in taxes. That means they are doing less and less to help build roads and bridges, maintain our schools and fund the many other services government provides. Sixty years ago, 30 percent of total federal tax revenue was from corporations. Today […]

So let's run those numbers:

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% in all collected income taxes.

Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes.

This means between the top 10% of wage earners and corporations, they are collectively paying over 81% of all federal income taxes collected. that means the rest of us have to come up with the other 19%. But they're not paying enough?????

Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

Another trickle down sucker, Kaz......bwahahaha.

It's not trickle down, it's flood down. What you want is trickle up poverty. When a poor guy gives you a job, let me know

What happens when workers are actually paid a reasonable wage?

Is it trickle up poverty? Do their employers and stock holders actually become poor or do they just surrender some of the wealth they have been holding back?
Corporate Taxes
Big corporations are making bigger and bigger profits, but they’re contributing less and less in taxes. That means they are doing less and less to help build roads and bridges, maintain our schools and fund the many other services government provides. Sixty years ago, 30 percent of total federal tax revenue was from corporations. Today […]

So let's run those numbers:

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% in all collected income taxes.

Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes.

This means between the top 10% of wage earners and corporations, they are collectively paying over 81% of all federal income taxes collected. that means the rest of us have to come up with the other 19%. But they're not paying enough?????

Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

Another trickle down sucker, Kaz......bwahahaha.

I don't understand you people. What job exists without trickle down? Everything trickles down. How would anything trickle up? Have you ever gotten a stable job from an impoverished begga
It trickles up totally with Reagan's Lie of the century(trickle down), Which of course all stats prove, If trickle down is the answer tell me how you can stimulate a economy with trickle down economics, probably the most important need in times of recession. What it is is what it's done. Given every last dime profits of Americas massive increased wealth to the top few and took the discrepancy of income from it's historic low in 1981 to the biggest discrepancy of income in history. This is what the regressive party wants, thats how they see this country.

Reading this thread reminds me once again why anyone would be a leftist ... they are the planet's dimmest bulbs.

What happens when workers are actually paid a reasonable wage? Is it trickle up poverty? Do their employers and stock holders actually become poor or do they just surrender some of the wealth they have been holding back?

One last time for the terminally dense: Just as I defend your right to be as stupid and as ignorant as you clearly choose to be, I defend the right of those who actually take the risks and do the work to start or buy a biz to determine their business's pay scale without interference from meddling, hand-wringing, bleeding heart idiots. You now have the opportunity - as you always did - to start or buy your own company and to pay your people as far above the market rate as you wish. Get back to me with how it works out for you. This link may come in handy:

United States bankruptcy court - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What happens when workers are actually paid a reasonable wage? Is it trickle up poverty? Do their employers and stock holders actually become poor or do they just surrender some of the wealth they have been holding back?

One last time for the terminally dense: Just as I defend your right to be as stupid and as ignorant as you clearly choose to be, I defend the right of those who actually take the risks and do the work to start or buy a biz to determine their business's pay scale without interference from meddling, hand-wringing, bleeding heart idiots. You now have the opportunity - as you always did - to start or buy your own company and to pay your people as far above the market rate as you wish. Get back to me with how it works out for you. This link may come in handy:

United States bankruptcy court - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You dodged the question

I asked what trickle up poverty was.....if you is as book smart as you claim, maybe you can explain to us simple folk
What happens when workers are actually paid a reasonable wage? Is it trickle up poverty? Do their employers and stock holders actually become poor or do they just surrender some of the wealth they have been holding back?

One last time for the terminally dense: Just as I defend your right to be as stupid and as ignorant as you clearly choose to be, I defend the right of those who actually take the risks and do the work to start or buy a biz to determine their business's pay scale without interference from meddling, hand-wringing, bleeding heart idiots. You now have the opportunity - as you always did - to start or buy your own company and to pay your people as far above the market rate as you wish. Get back to me with how it works out for you. This link may come in handy:

United States bankruptcy court - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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