Can someone explain why the GOP base votes Republican?



We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I dunno, probably for the same reason(s) the pom-pom waiving lemmings in the Democrat Party "Base" keep voting for the scumbags running the Jackass Coalition.

"Stupid is as stupid does" -- Forrest Gump
"exploits their base through fear and race" :lol:
The DUOPOLY exploits through fear and race. THINK you big bag of dumbfuck!
can some explain why this person repeats themselves OVER and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

why ? They get their jollies off on the flaming of others. how sick is that?
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.

A middle class person is a rarity since Obungles started his reign of error
..because so far what the GOP has had to offer was better than the alternative. Now the GOP has finally completed their mutation into Progressive Liberalism and using the term 'RINO' just doesn't adequately sum up what they are now.

Conservatives are way past tired of watching dumbasses like Mitch McConnell walk out on stage carrying a gun to appeal to Conservatives / gun owner advocates, declare the GOP is a tent big enough for anyone yet he intends to drive out the true Conservatives who refuse to drink his kool-ade anymore. I don't think they - Conservatives - are willing to hold their noses and vote for the Washington Establishment candidates anymore.

I believe Trump is proof of that. Whatever Trump may be, he has proven he is not one of 'them', he is giving voice to the millions of Americans who feel they have not been heard or represented, and who are tired of and want no more of 'fundamental change' but instead want to 'make America great again'. Neither Liberals or the Washington Establishment GOP are offering that right now.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.
Obama has killed the middle class. Guess what letter he has beside his name?
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.
Why would any middle class American vote for dem or repub? They both fuck us. They both re-distribute wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich, they both are corporatist parties, neither party cares about Americans, they both lie to our face, they both use fear tactics to get emotionally feeble people to enjoy taking it up the ass etc. Lets be REAL, OK?
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

The party that exploits its base adherents, clinging to the long debunked and demerited and demented remnants of racism and hatred based on skin color are the Democrats.
can someone explain why any SANE liberal would stay in a party (democrat party) who has left them, for the FARLEFT, socialist, commies who now runs that party?

How The Right Can Get Liberal Support For Gun Rights
The rare issue to divide liberals and leftists is one, like Obama’s gun proposal, that aims to accomplish a leftist end by illiberal means.
By Kyle Sammin

By Kyle Sammin
January 7, 2016

As the new year begins, the Obama administration is taking a new run at imposing unilateral gun control measures. It is likely that the president will take some action related to his proposal, issued in November, that anyone on the terror watch list be barred from purchasing a gun. In doing so, he may inadvertently reveal a sharp divide in his own coalition, and may even create an opportunity for conservatives.

The president’s plan has many flaws and, as Gabriel Malor pointed out when the idea first emerged, Democrats have not even been completely honest about what they are proposing. But the biggest problem is that the president proposes to deprive people of constitutional rights by the simple expedient of placing their names on a list. No hearing, no trial, and no explanation necessary: just the simple typing of a person’s name renders him a second-class citizen.

This proposal has laid bare the divide between liberals and leftists. There is considerable overlap between the two groups, which is why they both have found a home in the Democratic Party. Both generally want to solve society’s ills by using the power of government to grind out the baser parts of our human nature, defining those base parts according to the progressive conventional wisdom of the moment. Both also profess an attachment to civil rights, although, as with their idea of human nature, their ideas on natural rights are prone to fluctuation.

The Daylight Between Liberals and Leftists

all of it here:
How The Right Can Get Liberal Support For Gun Rights
can some explain why this person repeats themselves OVER and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

why ? They get their jollies off on the flaming of others. how sick is that?

My guess, logic error in it's programming leading to an endless loop:

public class PartisanParrott {

public static void main(String args[]) {
int count = 1;
do {
System.out.print("something vapid and inane");
} while (count > 0);
I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.
For ONE...Because the Middle Class has diminished, declined, under Liberal 'reign'/'rule'...because while stacking more and more of the burden of paying for millions and millions more illegals and 'refugees' Liberals continue to bring into the country these same Liberals seem to be working FOR those illegals and 'refugees' rather than the American people. It isn't enough that the Middle Class American is paying the bill for all of it but they are being robbed, raped, and murdered by these illegals, and the government is ignoring their concerns, are protecting illegals/refugees from prosecution/prison, and are protecting the cities that give them sanctuary while violating federal law to do so.

At the same time Liberals have rammed minority-supported legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who oppose it, legislation, policy, and edicts that Americans have not, do not want and that hurt the Middle Class - no representation.

TODAY, however, I would agree with you. The Washington Establishment GOP has proven again and again they are the same as Progressive Liberals but are trying to pass themselves off as something else. For years they have told Conservatives to hold their noses and vote for the GOP candidate because 'it's better than the alternative....Finally, THAT'S NOT THE CASE! They are equally as bad....

Yet there are some who have allowed themselves to be so brainwashed by partisan politics that they sit around all day arguing whose politicians are LESS criminal than all holding their reps EQUALLY accountable to the same standards and laws. It's mindless...
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race.

Who is this mysterious "we" to whom you refer?

The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

To show the Democrats that they are not interested what the Democrats claim is in their best interests, when they know better than Democrats what their best interests are.

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