Can someone explain why the GOP base votes Republican?

Fifty years of LBJ policies and the poor are poorer than ever.

Especially the poor who LBJ referred to as "those ******* will vote Democrat for the next 200 years".

They do and no person in his/her right mind can ever know why.
can some explain why this person repeats themselves OVER and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

why ? They get their jollies off on the flaming of others. how sick is that?

My guess, logic error in it's programming leading to an endless loop:

public class PartisanParrott {

public static void main(String args[]) {
int count = 1;
do {
System.out.print("something vapid and inane");
} while (count > 0);

thank you dear now I get it. I've been wondering about that forEva.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
Because we do not want to end up in hell.

Republicans may be a bunch of lip service politicians, granted. But at least our intentions are noble in hoping for a moral platform. Unlike the immoral platform of so many democrat objectives. Recall they wanted the word God taken out of their convention last go around. The “fear exploitation” you allude to is real.
can some explain why this person repeats themselves OVER and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

why ? They get their jollies off on the flaming of others. how sick is that?

My guess, logic error in it's programming leading to an endless loop:

public class PartisanParrott {

public static void main(String args[]) {
int count = 1;
do {
System.out.print("something vapid and inane");
} while (count > 0);

Didn't indent properly...

You also have an extra curly bracket at the end, Did you compile that code....
A new low, we not have uncompiled code....

can some explain why this person repeats themselves OVER and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

why ? They get their jollies off on the flaming of others. how sick is that?

My guess, logic error in it's programming leading to an endless loop:

public class PartisanParrott {

public static void main(String args[]) {
int count = 1;
do {
System.out.print("something vapid and inane");
} while (count > 0);

thank you dear now I get it. I've been wondering about that forEva.

My pleasure Madame. :welcome:
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
Alcohol and methamphetamine play a significant role.........
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
Probably has to do with their superior intelligence and desire to leave a better nation for their descendants.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
Yes and the democrat party leadership doesn't do any of that
can some explain why this person repeats themselves OVER and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

why ? They get their jollies off on the flaming of others. how sick is that?

My guess, logic error in it's programming leading to an endless loop:

public class PartisanParrott {

public static void main(String args[]) {
int count = 1;
do {
System.out.print("something vapid and inane");
} while (count > 0);

Didn't indent properly...

You also have an extra curly bracket at the end, Did you compile that code....
A new low, we not have uncompiled code....


LOL, well in my own defense.... posting jacked up my indenting (bad on me I didn't fix it), end curly braces are correct though ( x3 , close class, close main, close do-while loop) and no I didn't compile that into byte code. :)
Wow, can you believe these right wingers? It's all about either attack or the GOP and the Democrats are the same.

Healthcare for all Americans. -----------Democrats yes--------GOP no

School lunches for poor children -------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Cut veterans benefits ---------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Tax cuts for the rich -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Big corporations give mostly to ---------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Supports safety regulations -------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Guns for the insane -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Clean air and clean water ---------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Wanted BP to pay for their mess ------Democrats yes---------GOP no

Diverse party ------------------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

Believes in education --------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

See what I mean? These two parties are NOT the same. They are extremely different.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
Well, Dean, the gop base is NOT voting for a republican this time. Trump may be a lot of things to a lot of people, but there's very little about him that is conservative.
Wow, can you believe these right wingers? It's all about either attack or the GOP and the Democrats are the same.

Healthcare for all Americans. -----------Democrats yes--------GOP no

School lunches for poor children -------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Cut veterans benefits ---------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Tax cuts for the rich -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Big corporations give mostly to ---------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Supports safety regulations -------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Guns for the insane -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Clean air and clean water ---------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Wanted BP to pay for their mess ------Democrats yes---------GOP no

Diverse party ------------------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

Believes in education --------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

See what I mean? These two parties are NOT the same. They are extremely different.
I think I see why your conclusions are wrong. You start from a false premise.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
I don't know why anyone votes for either major party, frankly. We have an American Politboro.

"What if they held an election and nobody came?"
Wow, can you believe these right wingers? It's all about either attack or the GOP and the Democrats are the same.

Healthcare for all Americans. -----------Democrats yes--------GOP no

School lunches for poor children -------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Cut veterans benefits ---------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Tax cuts for the rich -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Big corporations give mostly to ---------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Supports safety regulations -------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Guns for the insane -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Clean air and clean water ---------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Wanted BP to pay for their mess ------Democrats yes---------GOP no

Diverse party ------------------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

Believes in education --------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

See what I mean? These two parties are NOT the same. They are extremely different.
So many strawmen, so little time...
...cause the Dems are offering 2 rich old white people. One is a professed Socialist Party Member and the other doesn't know the difference between the Democratic Party and Socialism.

We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

Why do sometimes vote Republican?

Because the Democrat does not offer solutions or ideas that I support at that moment.


Are you a straight-ticket voter?
...cause the Dems are offering 2 rich old white people. One is a professed Socialist Party Member and the other doesn't know the difference between the Democratic Party and Socialism.

And Trump is not an old rich white person?

Trump is rich, but he's the kind of rich Libs envy and villainize. He is in intelligent. Hillary is a self-serving, corrupt Saul Alynski-prophet who would sell her own mother for enough money. And, as mentioned, Hillary could not even accurately answer the question about the difference between 'Democrats' and 'Socialism' (especially since the difference is so minute).
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
I don't know why anyone votes for either major party, frankly. We have an American Politboro.

"What if they held an election and nobody came?"
That's why there is so much interest whenever a third party starts gaining momentum and a concerted effort by the two parties to prevent any real competition.
...cause the Dems are offering 2 rich old white people. One is a professed Socialist Party Member and the other doesn't know the difference between the Democratic Party and Socialism.

And Trump is not an old rich white person?

Trump is rich, but he's the kind of rich Libs envy and villainize. He is in intelligent. Hillary is a self-serving, corrupt Saul Alynski-prophet who would sell her own mother for enough money. And, as mentioned, Hillary could not even accurately answer the question about the difference between 'Democrats' and 'Socialism' (especially since the difference is so minute).
yet Trump has supported the Clintons, and was even a personal friend.

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