Can someone explain why the GOP base votes Republican?

Wow, can you believe these right wingers? It's all about either attack or the GOP and the Democrats are the same.

Healthcare for all Americans. -----------Democrats yes--------GOP no

School lunches for poor children -------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Cut veterans benefits ---------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Tax cuts for the rich -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Big corporations give mostly to ---------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Supports safety regulations -------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Guns for the insane -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Clean air and clean water ---------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Wanted BP to pay for their mess ------Democrats yes---------GOP no

Diverse party ------------------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

Believes in education --------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

See what I mean? These two parties are NOT the same. They are extremely different.
I think I see why your conclusions are wrong. You start from a false premise.
And didn't provide a single example. Typical for your kind.
Oh I forgot, you don't understand that your premise is false, so I have to spell it out for you.

Healthcare for all Americans - Everybody wants that. Republicans want to make sure that everyone can afford it without bankrupting the country, democrats think they can wave a magic wand and everyone gets free healthcare without any rationing or cuts in services.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

Tax cuts for the rich - Republicans understand that only those actually paying taxes benefit from a tax cut, democrats don't want ANYONE keeping any more of their hard earned money than the least possible the government will allow. They obviously believe that all wealth belongs first to the government, and the citizen who earned it will keep only what is left over after government vultures take as much as they deem appropriate.

Big corporations give mostly to - whomever is in power. If you are honest, you will admit that Big Corp gives to both parties, seeking to curry favor from greedy politicians like Harry Reid.

Supports safety regulations - Republicans support safety regulations that make sense, actually improve safety, and allow business to thrive, democrats don't understand how business works, thinks ordinary citizens are absolute dolts and want to control as much as they can.

Guns for the insane - Republicans want sane people to be able to own guns, democrats want no one to own guns. It's really about that simple.

Clean air and clean water - Everybody wants that, full stop.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

Diverse party - Republicans believe in the individual diversity , democrats totally reject diversity of thought. Republicans see and value individuals, democrats see and value only group membership.

Believes in education - Republicans believe in making education effective, democrats believe in throwing more money into a broken system and using it to increase control over family's lives. Republicans believe in school choice, democrats want to keep poor minority kids in the worst schools. Republicans champion proven methods of home schooling, democrats are owned by the teachers' unions and want to force every child into a public school (except for their own, of course. Their own get to go to the elite suburban schools while the poor minority kids are kept in the lousy urban ones).

There, does that help clear things up? And can you see how, when you start from your false premises, you inevitably end up at your false conclusions?
See, a post like this is so irritating because it's a huge list of GOP talking points with nothing to back it up and it's so full of shit only a tard could really believe it. Too much ignorance to muck through, but I have to touch on a few of the most ignorant points.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Could that be any more ignorant. Debating who feeds the kid? Clearly Republicans don't give a flying fuck about children. And look at that "dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch". So feed them fucking candy? A right winger wrote that shit. They don't understand the tardishness.

And look at this:

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

So that's the reason to fuck over veterans?

And the tax cuts for the rich? Read that paragraph. It's so stupid. Romney made 22 million from his money and he's retired. And how many people did that vulture capitalist make fucking people over. It's easy to look up. That was hard work? That was scams the ignorant fucks defend.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

No fuckhead. Republicans didn't want BP to pay for their mess. That's why they defended them. Double fucking DUH!

The GOP is 90% white and they talk about diversity???? Give me a fucking break.

And the whole paragraph about education. More of the most ignorant GOP talking points. "Oh. we don't want to throw money into a broken system that's why we want to destroy it?????????????" Destroying it must be the plan. Cuz they have no ideas. Oh wait. Yea, charter schools where only a few kids are let in and fuck the rest. Besides, right wingers want to add mysticism to science and think math is too hard. So their kids aren't getting into charter schools anyway. And now teachers in charter schools want to unionize.

These right wingernuts are dumb, dumb, dumb and delusional.
Well, you certainly have the hate talking points down pat. I illustrated the vacuity of your list by employing your tactics, but instead of learning from your lesson, you doubled down on stupid. The best thing to do when you're in a hole is to stop digging.
Now you aren't even making sense. When I say the GOP wants to screw over veterans, I PROVE IT! I don't post talking points. The same with education. They same with, well, everything. I want to roll with facts, not make them up as I go along.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

Yes, Deany, here's why,

I think I see why your conclusions are wrong. You start from a false premise.
And didn't provide a single example. Typical for your kind.
Oh I forgot, you don't understand that your premise is false, so I have to spell it out for you.

Healthcare for all Americans - Everybody wants that. Republicans want to make sure that everyone can afford it without bankrupting the country, democrats think they can wave a magic wand and everyone gets free healthcare without any rationing or cuts in services.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

Tax cuts for the rich - Republicans understand that only those actually paying taxes benefit from a tax cut, democrats don't want ANYONE keeping any more of their hard earned money than the least possible the government will allow. They obviously believe that all wealth belongs first to the government, and the citizen who earned it will keep only what is left over after government vultures take as much as they deem appropriate.

Big corporations give mostly to - whomever is in power. If you are honest, you will admit that Big Corp gives to both parties, seeking to curry favor from greedy politicians like Harry Reid.

Supports safety regulations - Republicans support safety regulations that make sense, actually improve safety, and allow business to thrive, democrats don't understand how business works, thinks ordinary citizens are absolute dolts and want to control as much as they can.

Guns for the insane - Republicans want sane people to be able to own guns, democrats want no one to own guns. It's really about that simple.

Clean air and clean water - Everybody wants that, full stop.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

Diverse party - Republicans believe in the individual diversity , democrats totally reject diversity of thought. Republicans see and value individuals, democrats see and value only group membership.

Believes in education - Republicans believe in making education effective, democrats believe in throwing more money into a broken system and using it to increase control over family's lives. Republicans believe in school choice, democrats want to keep poor minority kids in the worst schools. Republicans champion proven methods of home schooling, democrats are owned by the teachers' unions and want to force every child into a public school (except for their own, of course. Their own get to go to the elite suburban schools while the poor minority kids are kept in the lousy urban ones).

There, does that help clear things up? And can you see how, when you start from your false premises, you inevitably end up at your false conclusions?
See, a post like this is so irritating because it's a huge list of GOP talking points with nothing to back it up and it's so full of shit only a tard could really believe it. Too much ignorance to muck through, but I have to touch on a few of the most ignorant points.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Could that be any more ignorant. Debating who feeds the kid? Clearly Republicans don't give a flying fuck about children. And look at that "dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch". So feed them fucking candy? A right winger wrote that shit. They don't understand the tardishness.

And look at this:

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

So that's the reason to fuck over veterans?

And the tax cuts for the rich? Read that paragraph. It's so stupid. Romney made 22 million from his money and he's retired. And how many people did that vulture capitalist make fucking people over. It's easy to look up. That was hard work? That was scams the ignorant fucks defend.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

No fuckhead. Republicans didn't want BP to pay for their mess. That's why they defended them. Double fucking DUH!

The GOP is 90% white and they talk about diversity???? Give me a fucking break.

And the whole paragraph about education. More of the most ignorant GOP talking points. "Oh. we don't want to throw money into a broken system that's why we want to destroy it?????????????" Destroying it must be the plan. Cuz they have no ideas. Oh wait. Yea, charter schools where only a few kids are let in and fuck the rest. Besides, right wingers want to add mysticism to science and think math is too hard. So their kids aren't getting into charter schools anyway. And now teachers in charter schools want to unionize.

These right wingernuts are dumb, dumb, dumb and delusional.
Well, you certainly have the hate talking points down pat. I illustrated the vacuity of your list by employing your tactics, but instead of learning from your lesson, you doubled down on stupid. The best thing to do when you're in a hole is to stop digging.
Now you aren't even making sense. When I say the GOP wants to screw over veterans, I PROVE IT! I don't post talking points. The same with education. They same with, well, everything. I want to roll with facts, not make them up as I go along.
I guess I'll have to do this gently, because you're ignoring the rolled up newspaper. You're simply not firing on all cylinders here, because not spending ever increasing amounts of money on continually failing programs is not an accurate measure whereby one can be said to desire to, as you say, "screw over" anyone, or to desire something destroyed, or any of the other nonsense you spewed in your rant. That, combined with your incessant juvenile insults, is why you have such a hard time gaining any kind of traction with your ideas and opinions. Here's how it works when you try this stupidity, and I'm surprised you think you get away with it. I can say that democrats hate little black kids and want to keep them stupid. How? Because, by fighting school choice (apparently the ONLY choice democrats champion is abortion) democrats force them to stay in failing inner-city schools that don't educate them. See how utterly ridiculous you sound? I can take an undeniable fact, like democrats fighting school choice, and turn it into hate, like democrats are racists who hate little black kids, as easily as you can.
I used to be one of those pesky swing voters who would vote Republican, to the dismay of my liberal friends and family, because I agreed with various positions like saying no to nation building misadventures around the world and because I take it seriously that I don't want taxpayer money being wasted.

Only problem is the Republican party has gotten so extreme in the last 10-15 years in particular that it has forced people like me to vote for Democrats, who at least have what it takes not to poison people's water like the Teabagger Governor of Michigan.

Europeans score quite well on education and spend less money per student than we do. I'm still one of those people who thinks throwing money at education isn't the solution.

I've always been for small, smart, efficient government and I commend Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton for reducing the size of government during their tenures, and criticize the Bush administration for dramatically growing it. The Homeland Security Dept still seems like a huge bureaucratic monstrosity to me, but now it's one of those things that Republicans just love. They talk the talk about small gov't, but it just ain't so in real life when it comes to what they want.

But that's why many still vote for them. The rhetoric gets them so worked up that their voters fail to measure the distance between what Republicans say and what it is they do once in power.

The other factor is racism, plain and simple. I was always having to bite my tongue or make excuses for it when I called myself a Republican, but it's rampant throughout a swath of that party. As Bill Maher noted, "You're not a racist if you're a Republican, but if you're a racist, you're a Republican."

It comforts white people afraid of change to vote Republican when their leaders seem to speak in that code of preserving some kind of nostalgia for a time that never really was.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.

A middle class person is a rarity since Obungles started his reign of error
You mean creating this deficit with tax cuts for the rich, blocking health care, defunding schools, help send jobs to China, watching over 40,000 factories close because they were moved to China? Blocking spending on American infrastructure and lowering veterans benefits?

Is that what you are talking about?
And didn't provide a single example. Typical for your kind.
Oh I forgot, you don't understand that your premise is false, so I have to spell it out for you.

Healthcare for all Americans - Everybody wants that. Republicans want to make sure that everyone can afford it without bankrupting the country, democrats think they can wave a magic wand and everyone gets free healthcare without any rationing or cuts in services.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

Tax cuts for the rich - Republicans understand that only those actually paying taxes benefit from a tax cut, democrats don't want ANYONE keeping any more of their hard earned money than the least possible the government will allow. They obviously believe that all wealth belongs first to the government, and the citizen who earned it will keep only what is left over after government vultures take as much as they deem appropriate.

Big corporations give mostly to - whomever is in power. If you are honest, you will admit that Big Corp gives to both parties, seeking to curry favor from greedy politicians like Harry Reid.

Supports safety regulations - Republicans support safety regulations that make sense, actually improve safety, and allow business to thrive, democrats don't understand how business works, thinks ordinary citizens are absolute dolts and want to control as much as they can.

Guns for the insane - Republicans want sane people to be able to own guns, democrats want no one to own guns. It's really about that simple.

Clean air and clean water - Everybody wants that, full stop.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

Diverse party - Republicans believe in the individual diversity , democrats totally reject diversity of thought. Republicans see and value individuals, democrats see and value only group membership.

Believes in education - Republicans believe in making education effective, democrats believe in throwing more money into a broken system and using it to increase control over family's lives. Republicans believe in school choice, democrats want to keep poor minority kids in the worst schools. Republicans champion proven methods of home schooling, democrats are owned by the teachers' unions and want to force every child into a public school (except for their own, of course. Their own get to go to the elite suburban schools while the poor minority kids are kept in the lousy urban ones).

There, does that help clear things up? And can you see how, when you start from your false premises, you inevitably end up at your false conclusions?
See, a post like this is so irritating because it's a huge list of GOP talking points with nothing to back it up and it's so full of shit only a tard could really believe it. Too much ignorance to muck through, but I have to touch on a few of the most ignorant points.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Could that be any more ignorant. Debating who feeds the kid? Clearly Republicans don't give a flying fuck about children. And look at that "dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch". So feed them fucking candy? A right winger wrote that shit. They don't understand the tardishness.

And look at this:

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

So that's the reason to fuck over veterans?

And the tax cuts for the rich? Read that paragraph. It's so stupid. Romney made 22 million from his money and he's retired. And how many people did that vulture capitalist make fucking people over. It's easy to look up. That was hard work? That was scams the ignorant fucks defend.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

No fuckhead. Republicans didn't want BP to pay for their mess. That's why they defended them. Double fucking DUH!

The GOP is 90% white and they talk about diversity???? Give me a fucking break.

And the whole paragraph about education. More of the most ignorant GOP talking points. "Oh. we don't want to throw money into a broken system that's why we want to destroy it?????????????" Destroying it must be the plan. Cuz they have no ideas. Oh wait. Yea, charter schools where only a few kids are let in and fuck the rest. Besides, right wingers want to add mysticism to science and think math is too hard. So their kids aren't getting into charter schools anyway. And now teachers in charter schools want to unionize.

These right wingernuts are dumb, dumb, dumb and delusional.
Well, you certainly have the hate talking points down pat. I illustrated the vacuity of your list by employing your tactics, but instead of learning from your lesson, you doubled down on stupid. The best thing to do when you're in a hole is to stop digging.
Now you aren't even making sense. When I say the GOP wants to screw over veterans, I PROVE IT! I don't post talking points. The same with education. They same with, well, everything. I want to roll with facts, not make them up as I go along.
I guess I'll have to do this gently, because you're ignoring the rolled up newspaper. You're simply not firing on all cylinders here, because not spending ever increasing amounts of money on continually failing programs is not an accurate measure whereby one can be said to desire to, as you say, "screw over" anyone, or to desire something destroyed, or any of the other nonsense you spewed in your rant. That, combined with your incessant juvenile insults, is why you have such a hard time gaining any kind of traction with your ideas and opinions. Here's how it works when you try this stupidity, and I'm surprised you think you get away with it. I can say that democrats hate little black kids and want to keep them stupid. How? Because, by fighting school choice (apparently the ONLY choice democrats champion is abortion) democrats force them to stay in failing inner-city schools that don't educate them. See how utterly ridiculous you sound? I can take an undeniable fact, like democrats fighting school choice, and turn it into hate, like democrats are racists who hate little black kids, as easily as you can.
Dumb shits make me laugh. School choice. If only the same four schools were chosen and money was spent on only those four schools, then only a few kids would actually go to school. But it's OK. Why would right wingers even care? They don't believe in school anyway.
Oh I forgot, you don't understand that your premise is false, so I have to spell it out for you.

Healthcare for all Americans - Everybody wants that. Republicans want to make sure that everyone can afford it without bankrupting the country, democrats think they can wave a magic wand and everyone gets free healthcare without any rationing or cuts in services.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

Tax cuts for the rich - Republicans understand that only those actually paying taxes benefit from a tax cut, democrats don't want ANYONE keeping any more of their hard earned money than the least possible the government will allow. They obviously believe that all wealth belongs first to the government, and the citizen who earned it will keep only what is left over after government vultures take as much as they deem appropriate.

Big corporations give mostly to - whomever is in power. If you are honest, you will admit that Big Corp gives to both parties, seeking to curry favor from greedy politicians like Harry Reid.

Supports safety regulations - Republicans support safety regulations that make sense, actually improve safety, and allow business to thrive, democrats don't understand how business works, thinks ordinary citizens are absolute dolts and want to control as much as they can.

Guns for the insane - Republicans want sane people to be able to own guns, democrats want no one to own guns. It's really about that simple.

Clean air and clean water - Everybody wants that, full stop.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

Diverse party - Republicans believe in the individual diversity , democrats totally reject diversity of thought. Republicans see and value individuals, democrats see and value only group membership.

Believes in education - Republicans believe in making education effective, democrats believe in throwing more money into a broken system and using it to increase control over family's lives. Republicans believe in school choice, democrats want to keep poor minority kids in the worst schools. Republicans champion proven methods of home schooling, democrats are owned by the teachers' unions and want to force every child into a public school (except for their own, of course. Their own get to go to the elite suburban schools while the poor minority kids are kept in the lousy urban ones).

There, does that help clear things up? And can you see how, when you start from your false premises, you inevitably end up at your false conclusions?
See, a post like this is so irritating because it's a huge list of GOP talking points with nothing to back it up and it's so full of shit only a tard could really believe it. Too much ignorance to muck through, but I have to touch on a few of the most ignorant points.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Could that be any more ignorant. Debating who feeds the kid? Clearly Republicans don't give a flying fuck about children. And look at that "dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch". So feed them fucking candy? A right winger wrote that shit. They don't understand the tardishness.

And look at this:

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

So that's the reason to fuck over veterans?

And the tax cuts for the rich? Read that paragraph. It's so stupid. Romney made 22 million from his money and he's retired. And how many people did that vulture capitalist make fucking people over. It's easy to look up. That was hard work? That was scams the ignorant fucks defend.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

No fuckhead. Republicans didn't want BP to pay for their mess. That's why they defended them. Double fucking DUH!

The GOP is 90% white and they talk about diversity???? Give me a fucking break.

And the whole paragraph about education. More of the most ignorant GOP talking points. "Oh. we don't want to throw money into a broken system that's why we want to destroy it?????????????" Destroying it must be the plan. Cuz they have no ideas. Oh wait. Yea, charter schools where only a few kids are let in and fuck the rest. Besides, right wingers want to add mysticism to science and think math is too hard. So their kids aren't getting into charter schools anyway. And now teachers in charter schools want to unionize.

These right wingernuts are dumb, dumb, dumb and delusional.
Well, you certainly have the hate talking points down pat. I illustrated the vacuity of your list by employing your tactics, but instead of learning from your lesson, you doubled down on stupid. The best thing to do when you're in a hole is to stop digging.
Now you aren't even making sense. When I say the GOP wants to screw over veterans, I PROVE IT! I don't post talking points. The same with education. They same with, well, everything. I want to roll with facts, not make them up as I go along.
I guess I'll have to do this gently, because you're ignoring the rolled up newspaper. You're simply not firing on all cylinders here, because not spending ever increasing amounts of money on continually failing programs is not an accurate measure whereby one can be said to desire to, as you say, "screw over" anyone, or to desire something destroyed, or any of the other nonsense you spewed in your rant. That, combined with your incessant juvenile insults, is why you have such a hard time gaining any kind of traction with your ideas and opinions. Here's how it works when you try this stupidity, and I'm surprised you think you get away with it. I can say that democrats hate little black kids and want to keep them stupid. How? Because, by fighting school choice (apparently the ONLY choice democrats champion is abortion) democrats force them to stay in failing inner-city schools that don't educate them. See how utterly ridiculous you sound? I can take an undeniable fact, like democrats fighting school choice, and turn it into hate, like democrats are racists who hate little black kids, as easily as you can.
Dumb shits make me laugh. School choice. If only the same four schools were chosen and money was spent on only those four schools, then only a few kids would actually go to school. But it's OK. Why would right wingers even care? They don't believe in school anyway.
Only uneducated stupid people believe that. See how easy this is?
See, a post like this is so irritating because it's a huge list of GOP talking points with nothing to back it up and it's so full of shit only a tard could really believe it. Too much ignorance to muck through, but I have to touch on a few of the most ignorant points.

School lunches for poor children - Republicans rightly believe this is a local issue and want states to be able to decide how best to feed hungry children, democrats think that this, like everything else, is appropriate for the lumbering behemoth of the federal government to enforce a one size fits all rule and dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch.

Could that be any more ignorant. Debating who feeds the kid? Clearly Republicans don't give a flying fuck about children. And look at that "dictate what a child can and cannot eat for lunch". So feed them fucking candy? A right winger wrote that shit. They don't understand the tardishness.

And look at this:

Cut veterans benefits - Republicans want to stop borrowing from China, democrats won't cut a penny from anything in the budget, no matter what.

So that's the reason to fuck over veterans?

And the tax cuts for the rich? Read that paragraph. It's so stupid. Romney made 22 million from his money and he's retired. And how many people did that vulture capitalist make fucking people over. It's easy to look up. That was hard work? That was scams the ignorant fucks defend.

Wanted BP to pay for their mess - Republicans wanted the mess cleaned up, democrats wanted to shut down the oil industry in the Gulf.

No fuckhead. Republicans didn't want BP to pay for their mess. That's why they defended them. Double fucking DUH!

The GOP is 90% white and they talk about diversity???? Give me a fucking break.

And the whole paragraph about education. More of the most ignorant GOP talking points. "Oh. we don't want to throw money into a broken system that's why we want to destroy it?????????????" Destroying it must be the plan. Cuz they have no ideas. Oh wait. Yea, charter schools where only a few kids are let in and fuck the rest. Besides, right wingers want to add mysticism to science and think math is too hard. So their kids aren't getting into charter schools anyway. And now teachers in charter schools want to unionize.

These right wingernuts are dumb, dumb, dumb and delusional.
Well, you certainly have the hate talking points down pat. I illustrated the vacuity of your list by employing your tactics, but instead of learning from your lesson, you doubled down on stupid. The best thing to do when you're in a hole is to stop digging.
Now you aren't even making sense. When I say the GOP wants to screw over veterans, I PROVE IT! I don't post talking points. The same with education. They same with, well, everything. I want to roll with facts, not make them up as I go along.
I guess I'll have to do this gently, because you're ignoring the rolled up newspaper. You're simply not firing on all cylinders here, because not spending ever increasing amounts of money on continually failing programs is not an accurate measure whereby one can be said to desire to, as you say, "screw over" anyone, or to desire something destroyed, or any of the other nonsense you spewed in your rant. That, combined with your incessant juvenile insults, is why you have such a hard time gaining any kind of traction with your ideas and opinions. Here's how it works when you try this stupidity, and I'm surprised you think you get away with it. I can say that democrats hate little black kids and want to keep them stupid. How? Because, by fighting school choice (apparently the ONLY choice democrats champion is abortion) democrats force them to stay in failing inner-city schools that don't educate them. See how utterly ridiculous you sound? I can take an undeniable fact, like democrats fighting school choice, and turn it into hate, like democrats are racists who hate little black kids, as easily as you can.
Dumb shits make me laugh. School choice. If only the same four schools were chosen and money was spent on only those four schools, then only a few kids would actually go to school. But it's OK. Why would right wingers even care? They don't believe in school anyway.
Only uneducated stupid people believe that. See how easy this is?
What? Right wingers don't believe in education?

We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

No, we most certainly do not all agree to any such thing. Only wrong-wing fools agree with most of that.
Wow, can you believe these right wingers? It's all about either attack or the GOP and the Democrats are the same.

Healthcare for all Americans. -----------Democrats yes--------GOP no

School lunches for poor children -------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Cut veterans benefits ---------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Tax cuts for the rich -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Big corporations give mostly to ---------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Supports safety regulations -------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Guns for the insane -----------------------Democrats no---------GOP yes

Clean air and clean water ---------------Democrats yes--------GOP no

Wanted BP to pay for their mess ------Democrats yes---------GOP no

Diverse party ------------------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

Believes in education --------------------Democrats yes----------GOP no

See what I mean? These two parties are NOT the same. They are extremely different.

Democrats offer Health INSURANCE for all Americans at the expense of HealthCare.

Everybody believes in education the, fight comes over the allocation of funds, wast and accountability. You don't keep giving a drug addict more money do you?

all your points are only 'part truths' and distortions
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.

A middle class person is a rarity since Obungles started his reign of error

You love how they talk about people. they aren't individuals to them. they are "middle class" people. Homosexual, Hispanic, Muslims, etc. that's how the Democrat see's the people in the country. we aren't ALL AMERICANS. Then they couldn't USE them to divide the people against people
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
I dunno, probably for the same reason(s) the pom-pom waiving lemmings in the Democrat Party "Base" keep voting for the scumbags running the Jackass Coalition.

"Stupid is as stupid does" -- Forrest Gump

Hardcore partisans have zero mirrors in their homes, none.

Funnier yet, they don't even realize it.

Voters vote for candidates they feel will either (1) do something for them, or (2) improve the country overall, which would also benefit them.

This place can be so silly.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

Because I believe you should pull up your pants and put on big boy shoes and earn your way

I am against all the free entitled stuff the libs slop up

Libs that whine are losers

We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?
I dunno, probably for the same reason(s) the pom-pom waiving lemmings in the Democrat Party "Base" keep voting for the scumbags running the Jackass Coalition.

"Stupid is as stupid does" -- Forrest Gump

Hardcore partisans have zero mirrors in their homes, none.

Funnier yet, they don't even realize it.

Voters vote for candidates they feel will either (1) do something for them, or (2) improve the country overall, which would also benefit them.

This place can be so silly.
Great points Mac, I'd add my own personal theory to that.
* Some people see the world as it actually is
* Some people see the world as they want to it be
* Partisans see the world as their partisan masters tell them to see it

Those in the third category vote based on the need to be on the winning "team" without regard to the potential impacts on the nation, society at large, or their neighbors; essentially they treat the political process like rabid football fans treat their favorite teams with the exception that rabid football fans are honest enough to criticize their favorite team when it fucks up. :)

"The more you observe politics, the more you've got to admit that each party is worse than the other" -- Will Rogers
Well, you certainly have the hate talking points down pat. I illustrated the vacuity of your list by employing your tactics, but instead of learning from your lesson, you doubled down on stupid. The best thing to do when you're in a hole is to stop digging.
Now you aren't even making sense. When I say the GOP wants to screw over veterans, I PROVE IT! I don't post talking points. The same with education. They same with, well, everything. I want to roll with facts, not make them up as I go along.
I guess I'll have to do this gently, because you're ignoring the rolled up newspaper. You're simply not firing on all cylinders here, because not spending ever increasing amounts of money on continually failing programs is not an accurate measure whereby one can be said to desire to, as you say, "screw over" anyone, or to desire something destroyed, or any of the other nonsense you spewed in your rant. That, combined with your incessant juvenile insults, is why you have such a hard time gaining any kind of traction with your ideas and opinions. Here's how it works when you try this stupidity, and I'm surprised you think you get away with it. I can say that democrats hate little black kids and want to keep them stupid. How? Because, by fighting school choice (apparently the ONLY choice democrats champion is abortion) democrats force them to stay in failing inner-city schools that don't educate them. See how utterly ridiculous you sound? I can take an undeniable fact, like democrats fighting school choice, and turn it into hate, like democrats are racists who hate little black kids, as easily as you can.
Dumb shits make me laugh. School choice. If only the same four schools were chosen and money was spent on only those four schools, then only a few kids would actually go to school. But it's OK. Why would right wingers even care? They don't believe in school anyway.
Only uneducated stupid people believe that. See how easy this is?
What? Right wingers don't believe in education?

And how successful has Mr Santorum been in garnering his party's support in his run for the presidency? See, this is why no one takes you seriously. You, just as I did when illustrating your vacuity, take one little factoid and turn it into blanket hate. Using your methods, me posting the infamous video of Hank Thompson worrying about Guam tipping over would be proof that left wingers are absolute dolts. And, again, obviously democrats hate little black kids because they fight school choice. I can do this as long as there are examples of democrat intellectual inferiority, and that will be a very, very long time.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.

A middle class person is a rarity since Obungles started his reign of error

You love how they talk about people. they aren't individuals to them. they are "middle class" people. Homosexual, Hispanic, Muslims, etc. that's how the Democrat see's the people in the country. we aren't ALL AMERICANS. Then they couldn't USE them to divide the people against people
I do note a tendency in the left to view people less as individuals than as members of groups, and value is placed on the individual based on their group membership.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.

A middle class person is a rarity since Obungles started his reign of error

You love how they talk about people. they aren't individuals to them. they are "middle class" people. Homosexual, Hispanic, Muslims, etc. that's how the Democrat see's the people in the country. we aren't ALL AMERICANS. Then they couldn't USE them to divide the people against people
I do note a tendency in the left to view people less as individuals than as members of groups, and value is placed on the individual based on their group membership.

Do you mean like the right wing courts the evangelical christians? You know, that group of Christians that beleive the Bible is absolute in what it says?

there seem to be a lot of value placed on the beliefs of this particular group.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

And this isn't what the Dem's do? Going on and on about how whitey i out to get anybody that isn't white?

Palease.... you guys are the biggest race-baiters out there.
We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.

A middle class person is a rarity since Obungles started his reign of error

You love how they talk about people. they aren't individuals to them. they are "middle class" people. Homosexual, Hispanic, Muslims, etc. that's how the Democrat see's the people in the country. we aren't ALL AMERICANS. Then they couldn't USE them to divide the people against people
I do note a tendency in the left to view people less as individuals than as members of groups, and value is placed on the individual based on their group membership.

Do you mean like the right wing courts the evangelical christians? You know, that group of Christians that beleive the Bible is absolute in what it says?

there seem to be a lot of value placed on the beliefs of this particular group.

you're just a hatful ignorant bigot typical of one who votes for the Democrats who spews DNC talking points. sit down. you aren't worthy to listen to

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