Can someone explain why the GOP base votes Republican?

We all agree the GOP leadership exploits their base through fear and race. The GOP base gets nothing good from their own leadership. So why do they keep voting Republican? Anyone?

I have no idea why ANY middle class person would vote Republican.

All I know is that I am glad there arent enough of the idiots to get a person elected President this time around.

A middle class person is a rarity since Obungles started his reign of error

You love how they talk about people. they aren't individuals to them. they are "middle class" people. Homosexual, Hispanic, Muslims, etc. that's how the Democrat see's the people in the country. we aren't ALL AMERICANS. Then they couldn't USE them to divide the people against people
I do note a tendency in the left to view people less as individuals than as members of groups, and value is placed on the individual based on their group membership.

Do you mean like the right wing courts the evangelical christians? You know, that group of Christians that beleive the Bible is absolute in what it says?

there seem to be a lot of value placed on the beliefs of this particular group.
I don't think you understand. I have seen those on the left, when presented with a particular person, place more value on that person's group membership than seeing them as individuals. For example, some on the left claim to be champions of minorities and become quite indignant about the slightest perceived racism (even if they have to make it up), yet become quite racist themselves when presented with someone like, say, Herman Cain, Condoleeza Rice, or Ben Carson. Apparently, blacks who insist on being individuals and refuse to fall in line are to be feared and hated.
For example, some on the left claim to be champions of minorities and become quite indignant about the slightest perceived racism (even if they have to make it up), yet become quite racist themselves when presented with someone like, say, Herman Cain, Condoleeza Rice, or Ben Carson. Apparently, blacks who insist on being individuals and refuse to fall in line are to be feared and hated.

Even though slavery was abolished well over a century ago, the modern left- wrong-wing thinks it still owns black people, or at least their votes and political support. To them, a conservative black person is the modern equivalent of a runaway slave.
The GOP base votes republican because (in case you didn't know it) the GOP is the republican party. Who or what is the DNC base? Is it the socialist OWS gang of criminals, Al Jazeerah, hate America, hate the Police or is it just low information idiots. How in the world does the DNC get away with insulting Black people by claiming that they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century?

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