Can someone please explain what Trump did that was illegal.....LOL

Serious, tell me so I know.............................

If you say the words Russian collusion, then you have to explain what the fuck that means, as on it's own those words are 100 percent meaningless.

PS. There is nor ever was an investigation of Trump.................yer hero Homeboy just said so.

I don't think many are saying that he did anything illegal, except for perhaps some wingnuts. There have been many lies and a lot of shady business by Trump and his crew surrounding the investigation into Russia's interference in our election. He might very well be making something out of nothing because he doesn't know how to be honest and take the high road. Best thing he can do at this point is keep his mouth and his tweeter shut.
Name a US President who did not lie???????????????????????
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
I think Comey was fired and he was going to get "even." If Trump did anything wrong, this forthright Director would have hightailed to the DOJ... right? Right!
Prior to Comey being fired, Trump didn't do anything wrong except express his "hope" for Comey to drop the investigation... That might be inappropriate, and Comey handled it correctly by logging notes about the discussion and then meeting with his team to decide the proper actions to take. The debatable action that Trump took was in firing the guy in charge of the investigation. Add all that stuff up and it gets fishy. Comey had nothing to prove obstruction until he was fired and now the narrative flirts dangerously close to a case that can be made. We will see how Mueller treats it.
Serious, tell me so I know.............................

If you say the words Russian collusion, then you have to explain what the fuck that means, as on it's own those words are 100 percent meaningless.

PS. There is nor ever was an investigation of Trump.................yer hero Homeboy just said so.


His crime was he vowed to put America First and Make America Great Again. This runs counter to what China, Snowflakes, elitists, illegal immigrants, communists and socialists want.
Dude you just said nothing, just like Russian collusion means nothing.
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
I disagree. HIs credibility today wasn't as damaged as some make it out to be, but he came across as vindictive and the entire performance struck of payback.

Comey came across very credible in some aspects of his testimony. In others, I think he came across as covering his ass. He made a huge mistake letting it out that he was a leaker, but that wasn't the biggest hit to his credibility. I think that the biggest hit to his credibility was his mealy-mouthed way in which he tried to justify not having to report to Sessions about his claim that 'He took Trump's sentence as a direction". If that had actually been the case, he was obligated to report up the chain to a superior. He was obligated to do so right after the meeting, in fact.

So, I think that Comey tried to walk the fine edge, and fell off. There was reputational damage to Trump for those who were on the margins of support for him. Those who opposed Trump didn't and wouldn't have had their minds changed, regardless.

I think we're just going to have to wait for the Special Prosecutor.
Serious, tell me so I know.............................

If you say the words Russian collusion, then you have to explain what the fuck that means, as on it's own those words are 100 percent meaningless.

PS. There is nor ever was an investigation of Trump.................yer hero Homeboy just said so.

the President can stop and start any investigation any time. Comey worked for Trump. #investigationsmatter #collusionpalooza
Generally speaking you are correct but you have to consider the facts in this case. According to Comey Trump asked for loyalty and expressed his desire to see this investigation shut down, he consistently complimented Comey on the good job he was doing. Then after a senate hearing when it came to light that Comey was not dropping the investigation Trump fires him... thats is major grey area. This wasn't a normal investigation, it was involving Trumps campaign and directly effects him. Don't tell me you don't smell fish
It takes more than smelling fish to claim something illegal was going on. I didn't like the timing of the firing either. He should have been fired on Jan. 20th. But the rest is hyperbole It wasn't about his campaign, it was about Gen.Flynn. Everyone is forgetting that. That was the most ersuasive comments he made. He is a good guy. Nothing about the Russian hacking. He even said he was looking forward to the conclusion of the investigation and if any of his associates were part of it, if indeed it was deemed true? Comey said Trump never asked to stop the investigation. What more do you want?
Serious, tell me so I know.............................

If you say the words Russian collusion, then you have to explain what the fuck that means, as on it's own those words are 100 percent meaningless.

PS. There is nor ever was an investigation of Trump.................yer hero Homeboy just said so.

I don't think many are saying that he did anything illegal, except for perhaps some wingnuts. There have been many lies and a lot of shady business by Trump and his crew surrounding the investigation into Russia's interference in our election. He might very well be making something out of nothing because he doesn't know how to be honest and take the high road. Best thing he can do at this point is keep his mouth and his tweeter shut.
Name a US President who did not lie???????????????????????
There is dishonestly at all levels in politics, some take it to more extremes than others, Trump is the worse i've ever seen. I don't like any of it no matter who is "stretching the truth"... Whats your point?
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
The guy that said he allowed Lynch to railroad him on the investigation of a president elect who was sharing top secret info on a server in a Denver men's room is someone you can trust?

You can't be serious.
Orange Jesus is under attack! Defend! Defend! Defend!
Serious, tell me so I know.............................

If you say the words Russian collusion, then you have to explain what the fuck that means, as on it's own those words are 100 percent meaningless.

PS. There is not, or ever was an investigation of Trump.................yer hero Homeboy just said so.


There is an ongoing investigation to find out if anything illegal was done and who might be responsible. That is why you have investigations.
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

Comey has made many blunders in handling himself as the head of the FBI over the last year. His firing was merited, but let's be serious, the timing is at least very awkward for the orange clown.
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
I disagree. HIs credibility today wasn't as damaged as some make it out to be, but he came across as vindictive and the entire performance struck of payback.

Comey came across very credible in some aspects of his testimony. In others, I think he came across as covering his ass. He made a huge mistake letting it out that he was a leaker, but that wasn't the biggest hit to his credibility. I think that the biggest hit to his credibility was his mealy-mouthed way in which he tried to justify not having to report to Sessions about his claim that 'He took Trump's sentence as a direction". If that had actually been the case, he was obligated to report up the chain to a superior. He was obligated to do so right after the meeting, in fact.

So, I think that Comey tried to walk the fine edge, and fell off. There was reputational damage to Trump for those who were on the margins of support for him. Those who opposed Trump didn't and wouldn't have had their minds changed, regardless.

I think we're just going to have to wait for the Special Prosecutor.
You may not like any of the actions that Comey took and you may not agree with his justifications but what has he LIED about? He has definitely been controversial in his actions but he has always came across as a straight forward and honest guy. I can paint this board with Trumps lies and half truths, what has Comey lied about that makes you doubt his word?

He was set up with many opportunities to accuse Trump today during the hearing and he didn't take them. He stopped many of the narratives that tried to get Trump for obstruction and only talked about his account and experience.

As for your last point, I really don't understand... What do you think would have happened if Comey went to Sessions and said Trump told me he hopes the Flynn investigation ends soon and I think it was obstruction... He would have been laughed out of the room and fired the next day. It was inappropriate, but not obstruction, he was fine to sit on it, his actions were logical. The fact that he was fired for not obeying Trumps wishes, that is flirting with obstruction.
Serious, tell me so I know.............................

If you say the words Russian collusion, then you have to explain what the fuck that means, as on it's own those words are 100 percent meaningless.

PS. There is nor ever was an investigation of Trump.................yer hero Homeboy just said so.

the President can stop and start any investigation any time. Comey worked for Trump. #investigationsmatter #collusionpalooza
Generally speaking you are correct but you have to consider the facts in this case. According to Comey Trump asked for loyalty and expressed his desire to see this investigation shut down, he consistently complimented Comey on the good job he was doing. Then after a senate hearing when it came to light that Comey was not dropping the investigation Trump fires him... thats is major grey area. This wasn't a normal investigation, it was involving Trumps campaign and directly effects him. Don't tell me you don't smell fish
It takes more than smelling fish to claim something illegal was going on. I didn't like the timing of the firing either. He should have been fired on Jan. 20th. But the rest is hyperbole It wasn't about his campaign, it was about Gen.Flynn. Everyone is forgetting that. That was the most ersuasive comments he made. He is a good guy. Nothing about the Russian hacking. He even said he was looking forward to the conclusion of the investigation and if any of his associates were part of it, if indeed it was deemed true? Comey said Trump never asked to stop the investigation. What more do you want?
Again, I don't think anything illegal has been proven yet, but Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot. This whole "obstruction" thing happened after the election and after the Russia investigation because Trump can't stand the negative press. He is running the risk of breaking laws with his lies and efforts to squash this thing when he may very well be completely innocent of any collusion.

You ask what I want... I want to be able to trust the words of my leader. I don't see that happening and its pretty sad.
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
The guy that said he allowed Lynch to railroad him on the investigation of a president elect who was sharing top secret info on a server in a Denver men's room is someone you can trust?

You can't be serious.
What are you talking about? when you explain it please state what exactly Comey lied about.
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
I disagree. HIs credibility today wasn't as damaged as some make it out to be, but he came across as vindictive and the entire performance struck of payback.

Comey came across very credible in some aspects of his testimony. In others, I think he came across as covering his ass. He made a huge mistake letting it out that he was a leaker, but that wasn't the biggest hit to his credibility. I think that the biggest hit to his credibility was his mealy-mouthed way in which he tried to justify not having to report to Sessions about his claim that 'He took Trump's sentence as a direction". If that had actually been the case, he was obligated to report up the chain to a superior. He was obligated to do so right after the meeting, in fact.

So, I think that Comey tried to walk the fine edge, and fell off. There was reputational damage to Trump for those who were on the margins of support for him. Those who opposed Trump didn't and wouldn't have had their minds changed, regardless.

I think we're just going to have to wait for the Special Prosecutor.
You may not like any of the actions that Comey took and you may not agree with his justifications but what has he LIED about? He has definitely been controversial in his actions but he has always came across as a straight forward and honest guy. I can paint this board with Trumps lies and half truths, what has Comey lied about that makes you doubt his word?

He was set up with many opportunities to accuse Trump today during the hearing and he didn't take them. He stopped many of the narratives that tried to get Trump for obstruction and only talked about his account and experience.

As for your last point, I really don't understand... What do you think would have happened if Comey went to Sessions and said Trump told me he hopes the Flynn investigation ends soon and I think it was obstruction... He would have been laughed out of the room and fired the next day. It was inappropriate, but not obstruction, he was fine to sit on it, his actions were logical. The fact that he was fired for not obeying Trumps wishes, that is flirting with obstruction.
Well, should we begin with the possibility that he may have perjured himself with regard to leaking information to the Judicial Committee? Should we talk about the fact that he claims he woke up in the middle of the night with some epiphany that he better put his side out to the press because Trump made a tweet about tapes and none of that strikes anyone as true? He claims he memorialized his meetings, but what is he actually saying? He wrote down everything he heard? How do we know that? He's already lied with regard to the Clinton investigation. He lied about the thousands of additional emails from Uma's laptop, but then had to go back and correct it with a few dozen.

You're not the only one who could paint this forum with lies told by the participants in this fiasco.

So let Me ask you, what makes you so sure he is telling the truth? I see no reason to take his word for anything, just as I don't take Trumps word for anything.

Sorry, but Comey managed to harm Trump a bit, and damage himself a bit. What do we have for it?

Those who don't like Trump still don't and wouldn't if Comey said that Trump was clean as the driven snow.

Those who support Trump will continue to support him regardless of what Comey said.

Those who were on the fence with regard to Trump will stop and evaluate their position a bit more, those who were on the fence against Trump will stop and evaluate their postion a bit more.

In the end, no ones mind was changed and no ones mind will ever be changed in the current climate.

So, we are back to having to wait for the Special Prosecutor to finish his investigation. The circus act at the Congress will continue and no one will do anything about anything.
Can someone please explain what Trump did that was illegal
As far as I know, nobody who matters harbors a presumption that Donald Trump has anything illegal, at least with regard to the "Russia" matter. Be that as it may, there is circumstantially relevant information that militates for the existence of the "Russia" investigation in order to determine whether any illegal acts were committed and, if so, by whom. Additionally, Trump has a decades long track record of having no particular regard for what's legal and what's not. Trump in all likelihood isn't a violent criminal, but that the man is criminal isn't open to question.

In more distantly years gone by, Trump did somethings that could have lead to his arrest and conviction. Then there are the things he did that are civilly illegal even if not criminally:

In terms of acts for which Trump paid the penalty(s) for having committed them, there are at least a couple of those too.
Then there the things that haven't been examined in enough detail to know whether Trump committed an illegal act and/or that he proposed to do but has, thus far, not brought to fruition.
In my mind this is no longer about Russian Collusion but rather Comey -Trump I said - he said.

Who's the liar? Who knows? Does it matter? Matter in what? The lines are becoming grayer and grayer. And in my mind, Who cares? I'd rather know what Congress is doing in making America work again.

The Trump-Comey fight is becoming sophmoric.
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
I disagree. HIs credibility today wasn't as damaged as some make it out to be, but he came across as vindictive and the entire performance struck of payback.

Comey came across very credible in some aspects of his testimony. In others, I think he came across as covering his ass. He made a huge mistake letting it out that he was a leaker, but that wasn't the biggest hit to his credibility. I think that the biggest hit to his credibility was his mealy-mouthed way in which he tried to justify not having to report to Sessions about his claim that 'He took Trump's sentence as a direction". If that had actually been the case, he was obligated to report up the chain to a superior. He was obligated to do so right after the meeting, in fact.

So, I think that Comey tried to walk the fine edge, and fell off. There was reputational damage to Trump for those who were on the margins of support for him. Those who opposed Trump didn't and wouldn't have had their minds changed, regardless.

I think we're just going to have to wait for the Special Prosecutor.
You may not like any of the actions that Comey took and you may not agree with his justifications but what has he LIED about? He has definitely been controversial in his actions but he has always came across as a straight forward and honest guy. I can paint this board with Trumps lies and half truths, what has Comey lied about that makes you doubt his word?

He was set up with many opportunities to accuse Trump today during the hearing and he didn't take them. He stopped many of the narratives that tried to get Trump for obstruction and only talked about his account and experience.

As for your last point, I really don't understand... What do you think would have happened if Comey went to Sessions and said Trump told me he hopes the Flynn investigation ends soon and I think it was obstruction... He would have been laughed out of the room and fired the next day. It was inappropriate, but not obstruction, he was fine to sit on it, his actions were logical. The fact that he was fired for not obeying Trumps wishes, that is flirting with obstruction.

That "intent" is a necessary requirement to prove Hilary violated the law. He listed her felonies one after another and then said that she had no intent to break the law......tell that to the submariner who took photos of his work station on the nuclear sub who is now serving 6 years in prison.....
There is no Trump Homey fight, as Homey is the only one fighting and he is making a moron of himself.

He came off as very small and petty.
I completely disagree... He came off as humble, honest, objective, and fair minded. His testimony today will go a long way towards his credibility which is important in a "he said, he said" situation. Against a guy like Trump who consistently lies and manipulates and can't for the life of him admit he is ever at fault... It is a no brainer on who the more trustworthy of the two is.
I disagree. HIs credibility today wasn't as damaged as some make it out to be, but he came across as vindictive and the entire performance struck of payback.

Comey came across very credible in some aspects of his testimony. In others, I think he came across as covering his ass. He made a huge mistake letting it out that he was a leaker, but that wasn't the biggest hit to his credibility. I think that the biggest hit to his credibility was his mealy-mouthed way in which he tried to justify not having to report to Sessions about his claim that 'He took Trump's sentence as a direction". If that had actually been the case, he was obligated to report up the chain to a superior. He was obligated to do so right after the meeting, in fact.

So, I think that Comey tried to walk the fine edge, and fell off. There was reputational damage to Trump for those who were on the margins of support for him. Those who opposed Trump didn't and wouldn't have had their minds changed, regardless.

I think we're just going to have to wait for the Special Prosecutor.
You may not like any of the actions that Comey took and you may not agree with his justifications but what has he LIED about? He has definitely been controversial in his actions but he has always came across as a straight forward and honest guy. I can paint this board with Trumps lies and half truths, what has Comey lied about that makes you doubt his word?

He was set up with many opportunities to accuse Trump today during the hearing and he didn't take them. He stopped many of the narratives that tried to get Trump for obstruction and only talked about his account and experience.

As for your last point, I really don't understand... What do you think would have happened if Comey went to Sessions and said Trump told me he hopes the Flynn investigation ends soon and I think it was obstruction... He would have been laughed out of the room and fired the next day. It was inappropriate, but not obstruction, he was fine to sit on it, his actions were logical. The fact that he was fired for not obeying Trumps wishes, that is flirting with obstruction.
Well, should we begin with the possibility that he may have perjured himself with regard to leaking information to the Judicial Committee? Should we talk about the fact that he claims he woke up in the middle of the night with some epiphany that he better put his side out to the press because Trump made a tweet about tapes and none of that strikes anyone as true? He claims he memorialized his meetings, but what is he actually saying? He wrote down everything he heard? How do we know that? He's already lied with regard to the Clinton investigation. He lied about the thousands of additional emails from Uma's laptop, but then had to go back and correct it with a few dozen.

You're not the only one who could paint this forum with lies told by the participants in this fiasco.

So let Me ask you, what makes you so sure he is telling the truth? I see no reason to take his word for anything, just as I don't take Trumps word for anything.

Sorry, but Comey managed to harm Trump a bit, and damage himself a bit. What do we have for it?

Those who don't like Trump still don't and wouldn't if Comey said that Trump was clean as the driven snow.

Those who support Trump will continue to support him regardless of what Comey said.

Those who were on the fence with regard to Trump will stop and evaluate their position a bit more, those who were on the fence against Trump will stop and evaluate their postion a bit more.

In the end, no ones mind was changed and no ones mind will ever be changed in the current climate.

So, we are back to having to wait for the Special Prosecutor to finish his investigation. The circus act at the Congress will continue and no one will do anything about anything.
You didn't name one lie by Comey in that rant. Him "leaking" information is not lying. He didn't lie about the additional emails they found... There were 1000's but most were duplicates, they didn't know that until after they investigated and compared them to the batch they had already vetted.

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