Can someone please get Giuliani's nursing home room ready?

Rudy is going to bring T-Rump down . He clearly is lying now about "no collusion" meaning only by The Orange Ogre. He knows that the so called president is inextricably tied to the campaign and plausible deniability about what he knew was being done on his behalf will only go so far

Rudy Giuliani just totally contradicted 18 months of 'no collusion' talk from Donald Trump - CNNPolitics
Thanks! This how we get our country back from these Right-wing criminals.

“Our”? Who do you mean by “our”? Please elaborate. I am Neither GOP nor Democrat. I consider both to have issues. So are you excluding me? If so, then what precludes me from excluding you?
Are you for the rule of law, the Constitution, and for the protection of evidence against Trump that has already been confirmed? If so, I don't see party or people. I see true patriots. That is what "OUR" means.

Please provide something that illustrates that DJT broke the law. And you said “these Right Wing Criminals”. Please show which right wing criminals you mean as in America you are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

This is not KSA.
Already did that hundreds of times on this forum. You can use google yourself.

Bullshit. He has never been charged with a crime. You lie
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
and few dispute that and he will be thrown out on his big fat lily white ass

If he is not. Do you promise to leave this board 4ever? Put your money where your mouth is.
too early for a bet, but when it starts, I'll take you up on it -- one of us leaves

Nope do it now. You’re the one spewing bravado. Man up.
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
and few dispute that and he will be thrown out on his big fat lily white ass

If he is not. Do you promise to leave this board 4ever? Put your money where your mouth is.
too early for a bet, but when it starts, I'll take you up on it -- one of us leaves

Nope do it now. You’re the one spewing bravado. Man up.
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
No, he is going to leave when Mueller and /or the New York/ New Jersey prosecutors offer him the opportunity to resign and not be prosecuted, or risk being voted out and having handcuffs awaiting him the day he becomes a private citizen again.

If he doesn’t you promise to leave the US forever? Backup your words
Was there any strategy behind Rudy's latest remarks?

"No collusion, no collusion" is all we heard from Giuliani and Trump for months. Now Giuliani said he never said there was no collusion. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: Someone needs to get the straight jacket for Giuliani immediately. However, on the flip side, Giuliani is the gift that keeps on giving for the Mueller investigation. Heck, we don't need Mueller. We just just need Giuliani to take us straight to the conspiracy with Russia and Trump. Lol! This administration will go down not only as the worst and most corrupt, but insanely stupid.
/----/ Rudy represents Trump and only Trump. Rudy does not represent nor speak for the Trump Campaign. When Rudy said no concussion he means with his client Donald Trump. I know legal stuff is complicated.
No Collusion
No Collusion

I don’t mean by the trump campaign.......they obviously colluded
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
and few dispute that and he will be thrown out on his big fat lily white ass

If he is not. Do you promise to leave this board 4ever? Put your money where your mouth is.
too early for a bet, but when it starts, I'll take you up on it -- one of us leaves

Nope do it now. You’re the one spewing bravado. Man up.

You are. I am Ready to bet RIGHT NOW. Do it or be quiet. Are we on? Let’s go!
Now? We were in full Orwell, when the Obama admin began a covert op against a presidential candidate.
View attachment 240618
I'm sorry, did I disturb the narrative? Relight your hair and flail on.
The only thing that is disturbed is your sense of reality...

But lets play this out.....Are you saying that Obama is so brilliant and powerful that he can make republicans indict half of Trump's administration and campaign?

Obama? The gay guy born in Kenya with the transgendered wife and fake kids, him? Why is Trump so much of a weakling and idiot that he couldn't stop Obama?
Are you saying that Trump is so intelligent and crafty that he could pull off stealing an election and leave virtually no finger prints to find over two years of a massive investigation?
There are fingerprints all over the place, retard. That's why Giuliani is walking back his denials of collusion.

Do try to catch up.
I don't have access to your wishes and dreams, so I haven't seen Trump doing the perp walk. Keep dreaming!
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
No, he is going to leave when Mueller and /or the New York/ New Jersey prosecutors offer him the opportunity to resign and not be prosecuted, or risk being voted out and having handcuffs awaiting him the day he becomes a private citizen again.

If he doesn’t you promise to leave the US forever? Backup your words
No ! Unlike you , I love America -for what it could be, and will be again, when we take it back from you and your ilk.
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
No, he is going to leave when Mueller and /or the New York/ New Jersey prosecutors offer him the opportunity to resign and not be prosecuted, or risk being voted out and having handcuffs awaiting him the day he becomes a private citizen again.

If he doesn’t you promise to leave the US forever? Backup your words
No ! Unlike you , I love America -for what it could be, and will be again, when we take it back from you and your ilk.

Me and my ilk? You mean taxpayers who have free speech? LOL
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
You are living on another planet for sure. " I have no knowledge that anyone on the campaign colluded, but obviously I cannot speak for everyone on the campaign". This is Rudy trying to clean up his mess on aisle 9 today for his disastrous interview with Como where he admitted collusion. This reminds us of a drug lord telling the court that though everyone under him sold drugs but me, so I'm not guilty. Lol!

Trump won't be running in 2020. He is in too much legal trouble for that.
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
You are living on another planet for sure. " I have no knowledge that anyone on the campaign colluded, but obviously I cannot speak for everyone on the campaign". This is Rudy trying to clean up his mess on aisle 9 today for his disastrous interview with Como where he admitted collusion. This reminds us of a drug lord telling the court that though everyone under him sold drugs but me, so I'm not guilty. Lol!

Trump won't be running in 2020. He is in too much legal trouble for that.

What does that have to do with my post?
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
You are living on another planet for sure. " I have no knowledge that anyone on the campaign colluded, but obviously I cannot speak for everyone on the campaign". This is Rudy trying to clean up his mess on aisle 9 today for his disastrous interview with Como where he admitted collusion. This reminds us of a drug lord telling the court that though everyone under him sold drugs but me, so I'm not guilty. Lol!

Trump won't be running in 2020. He is in too much legal trouble for that.

What does that have to do with my post?
Confirmation that he won't be running in 2020 because 2016 was an illegal election that has been proven. Giuliani himself admitted to it.
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
You are living on another planet for sure. " I have no knowledge that anyone on the campaign colluded, but obviously I cannot speak for everyone on the campaign". This is Rudy trying to clean up his mess on aisle 9 today for his disastrous interview with Como where he admitted collusion. This reminds us of a drug lord telling the court that though everyone under him sold drugs but me, so I'm not guilty. Lol!

Trump won't be running in 2020. He is in too much legal trouble for that.

What does that have to do with my post?
Confirmation that he won't be running in 2020 because 2016 was an illegal election that has been proven. Giuliani himself admitted to it.

It was an illegal election? LOL

What world do you live in? Regardless that still had zero to do with my post. Can you not read? Is English your second language?
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
You are living on another planet for sure. " I have no knowledge that anyone on the campaign colluded, but obviously I cannot speak for everyone on the campaign". This is Rudy trying to clean up his mess on aisle 9 today for his disastrous interview with Como where he admitted collusion. This reminds us of a drug lord telling the court that though everyone under him sold drugs but me, so I'm not guilty. Lol!

Trump won't be running in 2020. He is in too much legal trouble for that.

What does that have to do with my post?
Confirmation that he won't be running in 2020 because 2016 was an illegal election that has been proven. Giuliani himself admitted to it.

It was an illegal election? LOL

What world do you live in? Regardless that still had zero to do with my post. Can you not read? Is English your second language?
And it still is an illegal election on multiple fronts. Conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the Russians and campaign finance violations to pay off porn stars.
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
You are living on another planet for sure. " I have no knowledge that anyone on the campaign colluded, but obviously I cannot speak for everyone on the campaign". This is Rudy trying to clean up his mess on aisle 9 today for his disastrous interview with Como where he admitted collusion. This reminds us of a drug lord telling the court that though everyone under him sold drugs but me, so I'm not guilty. Lol!

Trump won't be running in 2020. He is in too much legal trouble for that.

What does that have to do with my post?
Confirmation that he won't be running in 2020 because 2016 was an illegal election that has been proven. Giuliani himself admitted to it.

It was an illegal election? LOL

What world do you live in? Regardless that still had zero to do with my post. Can you not read? Is English your second language?
And it still is an illegal election on multiple fronts. Conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election with the Russians and campaign finance violations to pay off porn stars.

You need professional help, sir. I feel sorry for you.
These threads are comical. Only way DJT is exiting the WH is if he is voted out in 2020.
No, he is going to leave when Mueller and /or the New York/ New Jersey prosecutors offer him the opportunity to resign and not be prosecuted, or risk being voted out and having handcuffs awaiting him the day he becomes a private citizen again.

If he doesn’t you promise to leave the US forever? Backup your words
No ! Unlike you , I love America -for what it could be, and will be again, when we take it back from you and your ilk.

Me and my ilk? You mean taxpayers who have free speech? LOL
In case you haven't heard, we are all taxpayers who have free speech. What exactly is your point?

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