Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



I'm fairly certain that women were never discriminated against in this country to the extent that blacks have been,

but that's a pretty idiotic jumping off point to try to argue that women shouldn't have acquired equal rights.

Were gays ever denied the vote?

Were blacks?

What is your argument? That gays should not have equal rights because historically they didn't suffer some minimum level of inequality compared to some other group like blacks?

What the fuck kind of an argument is that anyway?
So let's examine the issue in a rational way. The cultural norm in this country has always been: men shower with men, and women shower with women. It is unusual, even for opposite sex couples, married or otherwise, to shower together as a part of normal, daily life (excepting when it's part of sexual play). This means that it's quite rare for men to shower with women, but extremely common for men to shower with other men, and women to shower with other women. Thus gay men have been showering with straight men all along; and lesbians have been showering with straight women. To a gay man or woman, it's not a unique situation to shower with someone of the same gender. Consequently, instances of ogling, misbehavior and harassment are relatively rare. Reducing this fact to a sound bite, the gay servicemember would say, "Been there, done that, no big deal."

For a heterosexual man, however, showering with a woman would be considered a rare treat, indeed. Straight men can readily identify their own sexual interest in that situation and thus project that interest onto gay guys. After all, the thinking goes, men are men. Thus the heterosexual serviceman assumes that the gay serviceman will have the same interest in him as he would in a woman in the shower. He doesn't consider the reality of the situation that gay men have been in showers with other men their whole lives and don't necessarily find it titillating. Even more to the point, the heterosexual serviceman has likely been in the shower with gay guys, too, both in the military and before he joined the military.​

Gays in the Showers, Oh My!

Tell that cute story to the man arrested for entering a gym shower with a room full of naked women.

One sentence to blow away your entire story.


You didn't read or you didn't understand what you did read.

No, you tried to sidetrack the issue. The issue is equality.

Gay men or even couples can go into the gym shower rooms with the sex they find the most appealing to them. Gay women or even couples can go into the gym shower rooms with the sex they find the most appealing to them.

The OPPOSITE is not true for heterosexuals.

A heterosexual MALE will be arrested for going into a gym shower room full of naked women.

A heterosexual couple cannot shower in the same gym shower room

I ask you, who is being discriminated against BY THE FORCE OF LAW?

This is why the argument that separate but equal never works is a monumental fail.
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Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



Homosexuality was against the law in most of the country for decades. It was thus illegal to be homosexual;

I don't ever recall it being illegal to be black.

Homosexuality was never against the law.... homosexual acts, sodomy, were.

What do you think homosexuality is?

Your position then is it's not illegal to be a bank robber as long as you don't rob banks?

I think it's possible that you're getting more retarded than ever, amazingly.
Ever notice that there are no good arguments against gay rights?

Of all the shit the bigots spew, not once has any one of them made a good argument, by any measure.
All you have is to read the thread.

Perfect example of ignoring facts.
  • Thanks
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Homosexuality was against the law in most of the country for decades. It was thus illegal to be homosexual;

I don't ever recall it being illegal to be black.

It was not... No Homosexual was Arrested in the Street because he said he was a Homosexual... Sexual Acts in Public are still Against the Law, asshat. :thup:

And Heterosexuals were also Violating Sodomy Laws back then so don't go acting like that was an Exclusively Gay "Burden" to bear.

Good Lord, you have always been and always will be a Smug, Dishonest piece of Spunk, Carby... :lol:



Homosexuality is defined by what one does not by what one is physically. Just like religion.

Homosexuality is a Choice... a Defiance of Nature's Design.


It was not... No Homosexual was Arrested in the Street because he said he was a Homosexual... Sexual Acts in Public are still Against the Law, asshat. :thup:

And Heterosexuals were also Violating Sodomy Laws back then so don't go acting like that was an Exclusively Gay "Burden" to bear.

Good Lord, you have always been and always will be a Smug, Dishonest piece of Spunk, Carby... :lol:



Homosexuality is defined by what one does not by what one is physically. Just like religion.

Homosexuality is a Choice... a Defiance of Nature's Design.



So people choose to be persecuted and labeled as immoral perverts.
You are a damn fool mal.
Tell us how you chose your sexual orientation.
How long did you weigh the choice of a cock in your mouth before you chose to be straight?
Never happened that way with me my man but we believe you if that is how you ended up choosing to be straight.
But not in a million years here. I was BORN straight and never had to choose my sexual orientation.
But go ahead and neg me again you big sissy and call me a liar.
Sticks and stones.
I have been beat up, shot at and left for dead. Played 4 quarters against some of the best.
But picking on defenseless sissies like you is the greatest of sport.
Even The Southern Baptist Convention says homosexuality is same sex attraction people are born with.
Gay marriage is a non issue that the right wing religious kooks bring up every election to lure the dumb masses.
Barry Goldwater warned us against that in the early 60s.
True conservatives move on to the other 171 more important issues and mind our own business if 2 homosexuals happen to fall in love with each other and want to honor their commitment to each other with a marriage.
I'm fairly certain that women were never discriminated against in this country to the extent that blacks have been,

but that's a pretty idiotic jumping off point to try to argue that women shouldn't have acquired equal rights.

Were gays ever denied the vote?

Were blacks?

What is your argument? That gays should not have equal rights because historically they didn't suffer some minimum level of inequality compared to some other group like blacks?

What the fuck kind of an argument is that anyway?

If they didn't suffer from inequality, then they had equal rights. They still have equal rights.

You're not too good in the logic department, are you?
Gay marriage is a non issue that the right wing religious kooks bring up every election to lure the dumb masses.
Barry Goldwater warned us against that in the early 60s.
True conservatives move on to the other 171 more important issues and mind our own business if 2 homosexuals happen to fall in love with each other and want to honor their commitment to each other with a marriage.

Left wingers are the ones who are always bringing up gay marriage. The minute the right objects to their schemes to remake society, they whine that the we're making an issue of it.
Even The Southern Baptist Convention says homosexuality is same sex attraction people are born with.

So what? Some people are born with Spina Bifida. Some people are born blind. We don't issue driver's licenses to blind people because they don't have the necessary equipment for driving. Likewise, gay couples don't have the necessary equipment for marriage.
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I used to be happy and gay.
Then somebody told me that homosexuals had confiscated the word 'gay' to describe themselves. I couldn't be gay anymore after that.
Most of the homosexuals I know are anything but gay. They seem bitter, angry, confused and unhappy. So why the heck did they co-opt 'gay' as a term to describe themselves when they are mostly everything opposite of 'gay'.
Swishy is a better slang term for homosexuals, kinda like black guys use the term 'nigga' as a form of endearment.
Yo nigga, wha's happenin'?
Yo swishey, wha's happenin'? <-- sounds much better than, Yo gay, wha's happenin'?

Geez, do I have to think of everything for you people?
Gay marriage is a non issue that the right wing religious kooks bring up every election to lure the dumb masses.
Barry Goldwater warned us against that in the early 60s.
True conservatives move on to the other 171 more important issues and mind our own business if 2 homosexuals happen to fall in love with each other and want to honor their commitment to each other with a marriage.

Dumbass leftwingers keep bringing up homosexual marriage as an issue the government should be involved in.
How about if the government completely remove itself from the issue of marriage. Marriage is none of their fucking business.
The homosexual lifestyle is now not just protected, it is celebrated. Preachers cannot preach the Word of God from the pulpit because of condemnation of the homosexual or gay lifestyle. I do not hate homosexuals; I simply believe that the lifestyle choice right, choice) is wrong. I believe in the Word of God but that Word condemns this lifestyle. Why? It is not natural and with it come consequences. Why do they not teach our young people that the gay lifestyle will result in disease and possibly suicide? HIV and its destruction of the immune system has become something to cure, not to avoid. AND WE PAY A VERY HIGH PRICE!!
Were gays ever denied the vote?

Were blacks?

What is your argument? That gays should not have equal rights because historically they didn't suffer some minimum level of inequality compared to some other group like blacks?

What the fuck kind of an argument is that anyway?

If they didn't suffer from inequality, then they had equal rights. They still have equal rights.

You're not too good in the logic department, are you?

How could gays have had equal rights if they didn't have marriage rights, or the right to serve in the military, or the right to non-discrimination in hiring, or service in a business?
Well, gun owners never had to use separate drinking fountains, nor did Christians, so I guess they should have to shut up and quit crying about their rights.

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