Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



Homosexuality was against the law in most of the country for decades. It was thus illegal to be homosexual;

I don't ever recall it being illegal to be black.

It was not... No Homosexual was Arrested in the Street because he said he was a Homosexual... Sexual Acts in Public are still Against the Law, asshat. :thup:

And Heterosexuals were also Violating Sodomy Laws back then so don't go acting like that was an Exclusively Gay "Burden" to bear.

Good Lord, you have always been and always will be a Smug, Dishonest piece of Spunk, Carby... :lol:


Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



I'm fairly certain that women were never discriminated against in this country to the extent that blacks have been,

but that's a pretty idiotic jumping off point to try to argue that women shouldn't have acquired equal rights.

Were gays ever denied the vote?
I'm still curious why gays are allowed to go into public showers with the sex they are attracted too, but a heterosexual will be arrested for it?

And when they marry and have sex with their partners, no need for birth control, we have to pay tons.

Damn, think about it, hetros should be using for equality
Human beings discriminate all the time. It's the nature of the beast. From the color of your dress, to the type of car you drive to whom you wish to be with and pro-create with. I think homosexuality is a Mind-body neurological issue that surely has been diagnosed as a dysfunction by a honest reputable medical scientist that dared step out of the orthodox gayocentric culture we have now. After reading literature by the noted neurologist Oliver Sacks, there is something going on here. When people mistake their wives for a hat...Or, They think their left hand isn't theirs, odd sad, and offbeat things that we human beings when we are unbalanced and ill do, homosexuality fits into that. Something that may merit pity and attention from the medical professionals, but not a social movement for equal rights.
Last edited:
Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...
Feel free to present that ‘reasoning’ to any Federal court, make the ‘argument’ that because the discrimination gay Americans sustain isn’t ‘as bad’ as the discrimination African-Americans sustained in the past, it’s alright to continue to discriminate against gay Americans.
Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...
Feel free to present that ‘reasoning’ to any Federal court, make the ‘argument’ that because the discrimination gay Americans sustain isn’t ‘as bad’ as the discrimination African-Americans sustained in the past, it’s alright to continue to discriminate against gay Americans.

What discrimination?
I am sure all you Bible Thumpers treat those that cheat on their wives as the same kind of sinners as you do gay folks.
Add in those that eat hog sammiches, wear their clothes a certain way and the dozens of other absurd "sins" in Leviticus.
Do you clowns know how stupid you look?

Ceremonial Law and Moral Law are not the same.

Tell me where in Leviticus 18 it says anything about food?

It does on the other hand speak Harsher of Homosexuality than it does Beastiality.

But you don't have to worry about that if you don't force yourself into their Church. :thup:

And of course Adulterers aren't asking for Society to Bless their Adultery in Law or give it special "rights" you Ignorant and or Dishonest Twat.



Last time I looked adulterers have the exact same rights in law as everyone else.
Where do they not have the same rights under the law as everyone else?
No where in the Bible is there a distinction between ceremonial and moral "law".
The Moral law and Ceremonial law do not exist as separate codes of law. Leviticus and the Old Testament are a single unit of laws.
Jesus said the 2 greatest moral laws were not part of the 10 Commandments. The "ceremonial law" contained the 2 greatest "moral commandments":
Love God and love thy neighbor.
You are nothing more than a sophomorish hack mal. You know nothing of the Bible and Christianity. Give it up and go back to smashing beer cans and zits on your forehead.
I was taking Bible classes in military school in the mid 60s before you were born.
I am sure all you Bible Thumpers treat those that cheat on their wives as the same kind of sinners as you do gay folks.
Add in those that eat hog sammiches, wear their clothes a certain way and the dozens of other absurd "sins" in Leviticus.
Do you clowns know how stupid you look?

Ceremonial Law and Moral Law are not the same.

Tell me where in Leviticus 18 it says anything about food?

It does on the other hand speak Harsher of Homosexuality than it does Beastiality.

But you don't have to worry about that if you don't force yourself into their Church. :thup:

And of course Adulterers aren't asking for Society to Bless their Adultery in Law or give it special "rights" you Ignorant and or Dishonest Twat.



Last time I looked adulterers have the exact same rights in law as everyone else.
Where do they not have the same rights under the law as everyone else?
No where in the Bible is there a distinction between ceremonial and moral "law".
The Moral law and Ceremonial law do not exist as separate codes of law. Leviticus and the Old Testament are a single unit of laws.
Jesus said the 2 greatest moral laws were not part of the 10 Commandments. The "ceremonial law" contained the 2 greatest "moral commandments":
Love God and love thy neighbor.
You are nothing more than a sophomorish hack mal. You know nothing of the Bible and Christianity. Give it up and go back to smashing beer cans and zits on your forehead.
I was taking Bible classes in military school in the mid 60s before you were born.

I did 3 years Lutheran, 5 years Catholic and 4 years in a Baptist Academy...

You are so Wrong about Ceremonial Law vs Moral Law that it's not even funny...

Anyone who reads 18 vs 17 will know how full of shit you are.

And Adultery is a Crime for many in this Country... For example, Officers were Punished Criminally for what Clinton did with Monica.

Sodomy Laws were not Exclusive to Homosexuals and you are Lying to say otherwise.

I have very little time for Deliberately Dishonest people, so you better change something quick if you Hope to have an ounce of my attention after this. :thup:


Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



Homosexuality was against the law in most of the country for decades. It was thus illegal to be homosexual;

I don't ever recall it being illegal to be black.

Homosexuality was never against the law.... homosexual acts, sodomy, were.

Up and until 2005 in Virginia it was illegal and punishable by jail time for heterosexuals to have sex out of marriage. Florida and Alabama had that law until 2003, Georgia until 1998 and many other states had the exact same law that it was illegal to have sex if you were unmarried for centuries.

Speaking of "morals".

Same as today anything to do with sex raises the interest of the uninformed dumb masses of busy body mother hens.
Fact is politicians are using the dumb masses again and again and again.
What is the Bible passage where God or Jesus say that homosexuality is a sin?
Ceremonial Law and Moral Law are not the same.

Tell me where in Leviticus 18 it says anything about food?

It does on the other hand speak Harsher of Homosexuality than it does Beastiality.

But you don't have to worry about that if you don't force yourself into their Church. :thup:

And of course Adulterers aren't asking for Society to Bless their Adultery in Law or give it special "rights" you Ignorant and or Dishonest Twat.



Last time I looked adulterers have the exact same rights in law as everyone else.
Where do they not have the same rights under the law as everyone else?
No where in the Bible is there a distinction between ceremonial and moral "law".
The Moral law and Ceremonial law do not exist as separate codes of law. Leviticus and the Old Testament are a single unit of laws.
Jesus said the 2 greatest moral laws were not part of the 10 Commandments. The "ceremonial law" contained the 2 greatest "moral commandments":
Love God and love thy neighbor.
You are nothing more than a sophomorish hack mal. You know nothing of the Bible and Christianity. Give it up and go back to smashing beer cans and zits on your forehead.
I was taking Bible classes in military school in the mid 60s before you were born.

I did 3 years Lutheran, 5 years Catholic and 4 years in a Baptist Academy...

You are so Wrong about Ceremonial Law vs Moral Law that it's not even funny...

Anyone who reads 18 vs 17 will know how full of shit you are.

And Adultery is a Crime for many in this Country... For example, Officers were Punished Criminally for what Clinton did with Monica.

Sodomy Laws were not Exclusive to Homosexuals and you are Lying to say otherwise.

I have very little time for Deliberately Dishonest people, so you better change something quick if you Hope to have an ounce of my attention after this. :thup:



LOL, your claim that military law applies equally to everyone on a Constitutional basis is absurd mal.
Give it up.
You are nothing other than a wannahbe cry baby stuck on stupid.
Go chase pussy mal. Get rid of your infatuation with gay boys.
Where did I say sodomy laws were exclusive to homosexuals?
YOU make my point. These are SEX laws based on the beliefs of RELIGION.
Not the Constitution as in fact everyone of them has been overturned based on the Constitution.
I'm still curious why gays are allowed to go into public showers with the sex they are attracted too, but a heterosexual will be arrested for it?

And when they marry and have sex with their partners, no need for birth control, we have to pay tons.

Damn, think about it, hetros should be using for equality

So let's examine the issue in a rational way. The cultural norm in this country has always been: men shower with men, and women shower with women. It is unusual, even for opposite sex couples, married or otherwise, to shower together as a part of normal, daily life (excepting when it's part of sexual play). This means that it's quite rare for men to shower with women, but extremely common for men to shower with other men, and women to shower with other women. Thus gay men have been showering with straight men all along; and lesbians have been showering with straight women. To a gay man or woman, it's not a unique situation to shower with someone of the same gender. Consequently, instances of ogling, misbehavior and harassment are relatively rare. Reducing this fact to a sound bite, the gay servicemember would say, "Been there, done that, no big deal."

For a heterosexual man, however, showering with a woman would be considered a rare treat, indeed. Straight men can readily identify their own sexual interest in that situation and thus project that interest onto gay guys. After all, the thinking goes, men are men. Thus the heterosexual serviceman assumes that the gay serviceman will have the same interest in him as he would in a woman in the shower. He doesn't consider the reality of the situation that gay men have been in showers with other men their whole lives and don't necessarily find it titillating. Even more to the point, the heterosexual serviceman has likely been in the shower with gay guys, too, both in the military and before he joined the military.​

Gays in the Showers, Oh My!
Where did I say sodomy laws were exclusive to homosexuals?
YOU make my point. These are SEX laws based on the beliefs of RELIGION.
Not the Constitution as in fact everyone of them has been overturned based on the Constitution.

The laws weren't exclusive...usually just the application ;)
never, but they were laughed at and made fun of. Criticism and hateful opinions are worse then physical torture!

Yeah, why would anyone laugh at this guy?

I'm still curious why gays are allowed to go into public showers with the sex they are attracted too, but a heterosexual will be arrested for it?

And when they marry and have sex with their partners, no need for birth control, we have to pay tons.

Damn, think about it, hetros should be using for equality

So let's examine the issue in a rational way. The cultural norm in this country has always been: men shower with men, and women shower with women. It is unusual, even for opposite sex couples, married or otherwise, to shower together as a part of normal, daily life (excepting when it's part of sexual play). This means that it's quite rare for men to shower with women, but extremely common for men to shower with other men, and women to shower with other women. Thus gay men have been showering with straight men all along; and lesbians have been showering with straight women. To a gay man or woman, it's not a unique situation to shower with someone of the same gender. Consequently, instances of ogling, misbehavior and harassment are relatively rare. Reducing this fact to a sound bite, the gay servicemember would say, "Been there, done that, no big deal."

For a heterosexual man, however, showering with a woman would be considered a rare treat, indeed. Straight men can readily identify their own sexual interest in that situation and thus project that interest onto gay guys. After all, the thinking goes, men are men. Thus the heterosexual serviceman assumes that the gay serviceman will have the same interest in him as he would in a woman in the shower. He doesn't consider the reality of the situation that gay men have been in showers with other men their whole lives and don't necessarily find it titillating. Even more to the point, the heterosexual serviceman has likely been in the shower with gay guys, too, both in the military and before he joined the military.​

Gays in the Showers, Oh My!

Tell that cute story to the man arrested for entering a gym shower with a room full of naked women.

One sentence to blow away your entire story.

Where did I say sodomy laws were exclusive to homosexuals?
YOU make my point. These are SEX laws based on the beliefs of RELIGION.
Not the Constitution as in fact everyone of them has been overturned based on the Constitution.

The laws weren't exclusive...usually just the application ;)

One of the more Irritating Traits of the Deviants... Constantly the Victim. :rolleyes:


Last time I looked adulterers have the exact same rights in law as everyone else.
Where do they not have the same rights under the law as everyone else?
No where in the Bible is there a distinction between ceremonial and moral "law".
The Moral law and Ceremonial law do not exist as separate codes of law. Leviticus and the Old Testament are a single unit of laws.
Jesus said the 2 greatest moral laws were not part of the 10 Commandments. The "ceremonial law" contained the 2 greatest "moral commandments":
Love God and love thy neighbor.
You are nothing more than a sophomorish hack mal. You know nothing of the Bible and Christianity. Give it up and go back to smashing beer cans and zits on your forehead.
I was taking Bible classes in military school in the mid 60s before you were born.

I did 3 years Lutheran, 5 years Catholic and 4 years in a Baptist Academy...

You are so Wrong about Ceremonial Law vs Moral Law that it's not even funny...

Anyone who reads 18 vs 17 will know how full of shit you are.

And Adultery is a Crime for many in this Country... For example, Officers were Punished Criminally for what Clinton did with Monica.

Sodomy Laws were not Exclusive to Homosexuals and you are Lying to say otherwise.

I have very little time for Deliberately Dishonest people, so you better change something quick if you Hope to have an ounce of my attention after this. :thup:



LOL, your claim that military law applies equally to everyone on a Constitutional basis is absurd mal.
Give it up.
You are nothing other than a wannahbe cry baby stuck on stupid.
Go chase pussy mal. Get rid of your infatuation with gay boys.

I didn't say it did... Why do you Lie so regularly?...

As for using Homosexuality as a Pejorative Attack... That's my Favorite. :thup:

Continue calling people you can't Debate "fags". :rofl:


I'm still curious why gays are allowed to go into public showers with the sex they are attracted too, but a heterosexual will be arrested for it?

And when they marry and have sex with their partners, no need for birth control, we have to pay tons.

Damn, think about it, hetros should be using for equality

So let's examine the issue in a rational way. The cultural norm in this country has always been: men shower with men, and women shower with women. It is unusual, even for opposite sex couples, married or otherwise, to shower together as a part of normal, daily life (excepting when it's part of sexual play). This means that it's quite rare for men to shower with women, but extremely common for men to shower with other men, and women to shower with other women. Thus gay men have been showering with straight men all along; and lesbians have been showering with straight women. To a gay man or woman, it's not a unique situation to shower with someone of the same gender. Consequently, instances of ogling, misbehavior and harassment are relatively rare. Reducing this fact to a sound bite, the gay servicemember would say, "Been there, done that, no big deal."

For a heterosexual man, however, showering with a woman would be considered a rare treat, indeed. Straight men can readily identify their own sexual interest in that situation and thus project that interest onto gay guys. After all, the thinking goes, men are men. Thus the heterosexual serviceman assumes that the gay serviceman will have the same interest in him as he would in a woman in the shower. He doesn't consider the reality of the situation that gay men have been in showers with other men their whole lives and don't necessarily find it titillating. Even more to the point, the heterosexual serviceman has likely been in the shower with gay guys, too, both in the military and before he joined the military.​

Gays in the Showers, Oh My!

Tell that cute story to the man arrested for entering a gym shower with a room full of naked women.

One sentence to blow away your entire story.


You didn't read or you didn't understand what you did read.
Or maybe even better than that, when they were denied the Vote?...

How about someone telling me when Gays were Slaves in this Country and were regularly Whipped by their Owners?...

I'll be here waiting, because I am certain all of the people who continue to Dishonestly compare the "struggle" of Gays making their Homosexuality as public as possible Analagous to what Blacks have Suffered in this Country for hundreds of years can explain to me how they are even remotely comparible...

Honest people KNOW they are not. :thup:



Homosexuality was against the law in most of the country for decades. It was thus illegal to be homosexual;

I don't ever recall it being illegal to be black.

It was not... No Homosexual was Arrested in the Street because he said he was a Homosexual... Sexual Acts in Public are still Against the Law, asshat. :thup:

And Heterosexuals were also Violating Sodomy Laws back then so don't go acting like that was an Exclusively Gay "Burden" to bear.

Good Lord, you have always been and always will be a Smug, Dishonest piece of Spunk, Carby... :lol:



Homosexuality is defined by what one does not by what one is physically. Just like religion.

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