Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Actually, every social/political struggle for rights have similarities.

So don't think because one group were treated more harshly than another that there is nothing in common. Remember that the underlining common factor is some form of persecution that goes against the philosophical principle of our Justice System--Every man(woman) is created equal.
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Gay marriage is a non issue that the right wing religious kooks bring up every election to lure the dumb masses.
Barry Goldwater warned us against that in the early 60s.
True conservatives move on to the other 171 more important issues and mind our own business if 2 homosexuals happen to fall in love with each other and want to honor their commitment to each other with a marriage.

Dumbass leftwingers keep bringing up homosexual marriage as an issue the government should be involved in.
How about if the government completely remove itself from the issue of marriage. Marriage is none of their fucking business.

I am not a left winger, have been voting Republican since 1971 long before you were born.
Marriage is none of anyone's business so who cares if gay folk get married?
It is none of your business.
The religious right wing are the ones that keep bringing it up.
You have it backwards, imagine that.
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Were blacks?

What is your argument? That gays should not have equal rights because historically they didn't suffer some minimum level of inequality compared to some other group like blacks?

What the fuck kind of an argument is that anyway?

If they didn't suffer from inequality, then they had equal rights. They still have equal rights.

You're not too good in the logic department, are you?

How could gays have had equal rights if they didn't have marriage rights, or the right to serve in the military, or the right to non-discrimination in hiring, or service in a business?

None of those things are rights.
Actually, every social/political struggle for rights have similarities.

So don't think because one group were treated more harshly than another that there is nothing in common. Remember that the underlining common factor is some form of persecution that goes against the philosophical principle of our Justice System--Every man(woman) is created equal.

Heterosexuals are the group being discriminated against, not the opposite.
Even The Southern Baptist Convention says homosexuality is same sex attraction people are born with.

People are born blind. Do we discriminate by denying them drivers licenses?

For god sakes, try to make some, any sense
All you have is to read the thread.

Perfect example of ignoring facts.

There is no good argument against gay marriage, and obviously you can't cite even an attempt.

Just say you're lazy and ignorant. Save you typing time.

If you had a good argument you'd jump at the chance to post it, as would all of the others I've made this challenge to for years.

They all respond, if they respond at all, just the way you have.
If they didn't suffer from inequality, then they had equal rights. They still have equal rights.

You're not too good in the logic department, are you?

How could gays have had equal rights if they didn't have marriage rights, or the right to serve in the military, or the right to non-discrimination in hiring, or service in a business?

None of those things are rights.

Really? Equal treatment under the law is a right. If you can eat in a restaurant and a gay person can't,

how is that equality?
How could gays have had equal rights if they didn't have marriage rights, or the right to serve in the military, or the right to non-discrimination in hiring, or service in a business?

None of those things are rights.

Really? Equal treatment under the law is a right. If you can eat in a restaurant and a gay person can't,

how is that equality?

Private persons have a right to discriminate. I have a right to keep people I don't like out of my house, even if it's because I'm a bigot. Business owners have a right not to server people they don't want to server. That's called "property rights."
There is no good argument against gay marriage, and obviously you can't cite even an attempt.

Just say you're lazy and ignorant. Save you typing time.

If you had a good argument you'd jump at the chance to post it, as would all of the others I've made this challenge to for years.

They all respond, if they respond at all, just the way you have.

I have looney, many in this thread, feel free to quote any and call me on them.

Until then you just want to babble about how great your silly arguments are.

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All you have is to read the thread.

Perfect example of ignoring facts.

There is no good argument against gay marriage, and obviously you can't cite even an attempt.

Man/Woman are not Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman... Biological and Natural Fact.



In our country alone one group is responsible for the entire population, the other two are responsible for zero, zilch, nada.

I'd say that's comparing an apple to a freaking space shuttle.
All you have is to read the thread.

Perfect example of ignoring facts.

There is no good argument against gay marriage, and obviously you can't cite even an attempt.

Man/Woman are not Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman... Biological and Natural Fact.



They don't have to be 'equal', they have to be sufficiently similar in order to be considered equal under the law.

Sex between man/woman, man/man, and woman/woman are already considered equal under the law. It's already been decided that sex between consenting adults, same sex or opposite sex, is legal.
There is no good argument against gay marriage, and obviously you can't cite even an attempt.

Man/Woman are not Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman... Biological and Natural Fact.



They don't have to be 'equal', they have to be sufficiently similar in order to be considered equal under the law.

Sex between man/woman, man/man, and woman/woman are already considered equal under the law. It's already been decided that sex between consenting adults, same sex or opposite sex, is legal.

Quite being a silly goof

How freaking expensive is it for a same sex couple to not procreate?

How many times has sex between a same sex couple EVER resulted in the death of a participant from child birth?

Shall I continue?
If they didn't suffer from inequality, then they had equal rights. They still have equal rights.

You're not too good in the logic department, are you?

How could gays have had equal rights if they didn't have marriage rights, or the right to serve in the military, or the right to non-discrimination in hiring, or service in a business?

None of those things are rights.

If marriage isn't a right, why did the Supreme Court force the states to recognize interracial marriages?

If marriage was not a protected right under the Constitution, then the States would have retained their right to ban interracial marriage.

Did the Court wrongly decide that?
How could gays have had equal rights if they didn't have marriage rights, or the right to serve in the military, or the right to non-discrimination in hiring, or service in a business?

None of those things are rights.

If marriage isn't a right, why did the Supreme Court force the states to recognize interracial marriages?

If marriage was not a protected right under the Constitution, then the States would have retained their right to ban interracial marriage.

Did the Court wrongly decide that?

You have to be licensed. Rights don't come with a license.
Romans 1:26-27

"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."

Homosexuality is not new. God warned about it in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

Satan pulls man down to his level a little at a time until finally he has them right where he wants them, in the sewers.

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