Can Texas be put in play?

My personal definition would be that anything a segment of voters feels is not in their best interest is "anti-(fill in the blank)." Are you arguing that an initiative has to reach a higher threshold of deteriment to be really "anti- (fill in the blank)"?

Well that's ridiculous. You know, my "best" interests would be for all federal tax revenues be remitted to me. I'd be one Helluva rich man. The fact that that doesn't happen is in no way an "anti-me" policy. An "anti-Latino" policy is not created by a policy simply not providing for the "best interest" of a certain portion of Latinos. Especially when there are Hispanic people like myself who feel that the same policy DOES support my interest, and when the allegedly disenfranchised Latinos are not even American citizens.

An "anti-Latino" policy would be one that specifically is in opposition to Latinos, by virtue of being Latino, with the intention or substantially foreseeable effect of disenfranchising Latinos exclusively, or to a substantial degree moreso than other similarly situated groups. In this case, similarly situated groups would be other races. GOP immigration positions are not "anti-Latino." They do not single out Latinos specifically, and have no intent to apply specially to Latinos. In fact, there is no regard given to race within GOP immigration policies.

What does it really matter? If it ticks off a segment enough for them not to vote for you, isn't that the only threshold that really matters? Why obsess over what label is attached when the net result is the same regardless of label?

Well, if it "ticks off a segment" because the policy is being misrepresented to allegedly being targeted specifically against that segment, then I'd say that matters entirely.

Tell you what, you attach whatever label you want with one exception. You cannot put a Republican label on the president.

Does that feel better?

I've never put any label on the President.
You are not moderate, you're a scumbag liberal making up lies.

You scum believe making 11 million low skilled/low educated hispanics "Americans" is going to cure our economic woes and national debt is either stupidity, insanity or pure evil because you know it won't work.

You scum can keep making promises to hispanics and blacks that the gravy train won't stop, but when it stops because China pulls the plug on giving us money....your minority "buds" are going to kill you. in the riots.

Liberals here jacking off at the thought of taking over Texas are too stupid to realize socialism always fails in the end.

Prime example of what is driving moderates out of the GOP.
They need to fix that.

What lie did I post?

Tell me, is THIS kinda stuff what passes for "conservative" these days?
Fair enough - I cannot speak for Latino voters. If you want to know WHY they don't support the GOP, you have to ask them. I made some speculations on what I think, but since I am not Latino, you are 100% correct. I cannot speak with any authority on why they vote the way they do. I have my opinion and I'm certainly entitled to that (just as you are to yours). But I apologize for any confusion that may have resulted from me stating my opinion without more clearly labeling it as an observer's opinion and not a participant's opinion.

It's not about being Latino. Regardless of why Latinos are against such and such GOP policy is a completely different issue from whether the policy is anti-Latino. Being "anti-Latino" would mean that the policy is specifically in opposition to Latinos.

It's not that hard to understand. I've pointed out what we call groups are actually a collection of individual people. A person in any group has their life experiences, which may include simple things like the people he talks to. Take one person, who is a member of a union! From his life experiences is he going to believe the GOP is anti-union? Someone who is informed and honest who is GOP might wonder why wouldn't that union member believe that? So the GOP chooses that position to get the benefits of being anti-union and loses the support of nearly all union members. That is a choice they deliberately did. The same logic applies to all those other groups. The GOP did what it did to get support from one side and lost the support from the other side. No one made the GOP have a Southern Strategy to throw Blacks under the bus and piss them off. They did it to gain electoral votes in the South. They owned the Presidency for 20 of the next 24 years with that strategy. The GOP has made their own bed.

Immigration reform is going to be a big challenge to them, because their base is very much against it.
Well that's ridiculous. You know, my "best" interests would be for all federal tax revenues be remitted to me.

People who love their country wouldn't allow it crumble like that for their own personal financial gain.

And if the United state crumbled, what good are all those American dollars anyway. Typical of short-sighted self-interest. Enlightened self interest is a very different thing. Maybe you should try it.
People who love their country wouldn't allow it crumble like that for their own personal financial gain.

That's moving the goal post again. Whether anyone loves their country is irrelevant. The fact still remains that remitting all tax revenues to me personally would be in my personal best interest.

And if the United state crumbled, what good are all those American dollars anyway. Typical of short-sighted self-interest. Enlightened self interest is a very different thing. Maybe you should try it.

Evasion. The fact is, based on your own definition, if I feel that remitting all tax revenues to me is in my personal best interest, then any policy that does not do is anti-me.
Give it shot but Obama was not close on Texas in 08 or 12 if he can't get the state running against weak republican candidates like McCain and Romney then I don't see the state going dem or toss anytime soon.
Quote: Originally Posted by nodoginnafight
People who love their country wouldn't allow it crumble like that for their own personal financial gain.
That's moving the goal post again. Whether anyone loves their country is irrelevant. The fact still remains that remitting all tax revenues to me personally would be in my personal best interest.

Wrong. That IS the point. What YOU define as self-interest is short-sighted and selfish. And since your interests don't extend beyond your own personal immediate situation, you image that everyone else feels the same way.

Thank GOD they do not.
I'm sure Democraps are registering Mexicans that live in Texas for the next election....and they are making sure every black living in the ghetto is registered too

And dead people.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of guys from the DNC or ACORN hanging out at cemetaries, writing down names to put on registration forms.
Give it shot but Obama was not close on Texas in 08 or 12 if he can't get the state running against weak republican candidates like McCain and Romney then I don't see the state going dem or toss anytime soon.

Romney fared much better in Texas than McCain did with a margin of 15.8 points. But when you consider Gore lost by 21 points and Kerry lost by 23, the trend isn't looking great for Republicans.

A democratic win in 2016 would be surprising to me. But if current trends continue, 2020 wouldn't be such a shock.
I'm sure Democraps are registering Mexicans that live in Texas for the next election....and they are making sure every black living in the ghetto is registered too

And dead people.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of guys from the DNC or ACORN hanging out at cemetaries, writing down names to put on registration forms.

There is no ACORN. Hasn't been for years.
I'm sure Democraps are registering Mexicans that live in Texas for the next election....and they are making sure every black living in the ghetto is registered too

And dead people.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of guys from the DNC or ACORN hanging out at cemetaries, writing down names to put on registration forms.

There is no ACORN. Hasn't been for years.

Alright. Then whatever name it's using these days.
Democrats Launch Plan to Make Texas a Swing State

National Democrats "are taking steps to create a large-scale independent group aimed at turning traditionally conservative Texas into a prime electoral battleground, crafting a new initiative to identify and mobilize progressive voters in the rapidly-changing state," Politico reports.

"The organization, dubbed 'Battleground Texas,' plans to engage the state's rapidly growing Latino population, as well as African-American voters and other Democratic-leaning constituencies that have been underrepresented at the ballot box in recent cycles.

Battleground Texas? Why is everything a War with you leftist loons? The War on Women, the War on Guns, the War on poverty... The list goes on, and on. Why don't you just try winning people over with a sensible message instead of dividing people along ethnic and racial lines... Oh yeah... You're Democrats. Enough said.
Battleground Texas? Why is everything a War with you leftist loons? The War on Women, the War on Guns, the War on poverty... The list goes on, and on. Why don't you just try winning people over with a sensible message instead of dividing people along ethnic and racial lines... Oh yeah... You're Democrats. Enough said.

You're telling me you've never heard the term "battleground state"??????
Give it shot but Obama was not close on Texas in 08 or 12 if he can't get the state running against weak republican candidates like McCain and Romney then I don't see the state going dem or toss anytime soon.

Romney fared much better in Texas than McCain did with a margin of 15.8 points. But when you consider Gore lost by 21 points and Kerry lost by 23, the trend isn't looking great for Republicans.

A democratic win in 2016 would be surprising to me. But if current trends continue, 2020 wouldn't be such a shock.
Maybe but given Marco Rubio is a rising republican star and Ted Cruz could be that trend could change pretty quick. A quick add on here in regards to Gore and Kerry losing the state by such wide margins remember they were running against Bush whatever you think of his Presidency he was a effective Governor here and popular plus he did a much better job of appealing to Hispanic voter's than either McCain or Romney did.
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So how is the Democrap salespitch of pro-gay, pro-abortion and anti-guns platform going to win over the Catholic hispanic voters that are allowed to vote???

Democraps most likely will put fakes in the election claiming "they support the views of the Catholic church and that the GOP is really behind the abortions killing brown skin babies....and the kicker is the GOP wants to use their guns to round up all hispanics legal and illegal"....that sounds about what they will claim.
Democrats Launch Plan to Make Texas a Swing State

National Democrats "are taking steps to create a large-scale independent group aimed at turning traditionally conservative Texas into a prime electoral battleground, crafting a new initiative to identify and mobilize progressive voters in the rapidly-changing state," Politico reports.

"The organization, dubbed 'Battleground Texas,' plans to engage the state's rapidly growing Latino population, as well as African-American voters and other Democratic-leaning constituencies that have been underrepresented at the ballot box in recent cycles.

It’s not a question of ‘can’ but when.

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