Can the Federal Government Constitutionally redistribute wealth?

Is redistribution of wealth a legitimate Constitutional authority for the Federal Government?

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The question isn't about "taxes" it's about "redistribution of wealth." That is referring to taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. It is not saying government cannot tax for the general good, like the military and courts that all have equal access too. I thought people realized that, maybe not. I'll edit my post to make that clear.

your attempt to split the general good from welfare payments has no basis in any law I know of. The legislative system determines what the country thinks the general welfare is and at some point Congress thought welfare payments met the general interests of society. On the tax side the 16th amendment authorizes progressive taxes.
The Constitution is a centrist document, not a leftist document. The delegates at the Philadelphia Convention were not exempt from the larger American principles and conventions. That is, terminology was established and understood before the Constitution was even drafted.

That it would be a living document was an idea not seriously considered by the left until the Progressive Era.

The general welfare did not refer to the enrichment of some at the expense of others.

My post says nothing about the Constitution being a leftist document. The term general welfare was not a specific term. It was to be determined by the Congress. "Enrichment" of some at the expense of others was likely widely frowned upon. But, Id hardly call welfare "enrichment".
Your post says the Constitution is a leftist document. First, when meanings and terms are legislative prerogatives, that's leftist. Second, when the legislature decides for the country what meanings and terms are, that's leftist.

And when you give 50 cents to a panhandler, you have enriched him.
Go back to the full quote. That was OKTexas's point, you cut out the context of the quote. The full quote showed he is referring to collecting "justly levied" taxes, it is not saying all money belongs to the government.

Stop being a lying moron!!!

All Property, indeed ... seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick,

You still cut out the part he said he was referring to levied taxes, not all money. You're the liar.
Cool. Care to answer the question?
this multi-quote thing is really throwing me off. Did they change something, in the way it works?
Anyway the answer to the opening question if thats what you mean is: It is Consitutional.
I agree on the quotes, it's been confusing. And that is the first part of the question, the rest of it is, where does the Constitution grant the Federal government that authority since the Constitution is a document of enumerated Federal powers.

I wish they would have a simple option to highlight parts of a post you wish to respond to and put it in as quotes. Theres probably a way to do it....but I dont find it simple in any way.

OK on the subject. I believe the General welfare clause authorizes welfare payments, cant remember how the federal powers are enumerated but you may have a point in that welfare payments are not specifically mentioned, However, like a lot of things the federal government does, it does this where the states do not want to do it. In other words If the feds werent handling it the states would be and your tax burden would be roughly the same or ....even more since the states generally have balanced budgets.

General welfare means that it applies to everyone. Like the military. The military does not discriminate, it protects all the population. The courts, everyone has access to redress grievances. The police protect everyone. Taking money from one person and giving it to another is not general welfare, it clearly benefits only the person receiving the money. Try again.

Also ask yourself why if "general welfare" means they can do anything they want, they bothered making 20% of the Constitution the 9th and 10th amendments. Why limit power you just said was unlimited?

General Welfare does not apply to each individual the same. No law can help each person equally. General Welfare applies to the nation as a whole. We are better off as a nation if we have roads. We are better off if we have safe food, we are better off if we do not have poor people begging in the streets
Yes, that is correct, and no, they don't grasp that. And no other western power does that to their own corporations. Which is why ours are leaving. And rightly so. Let's fix the system and stop pushing them out the door.

Yet all we have from the Axis of Evil, Obama, Harry and Nancy is blaming the victim. Nothing will change, they are intent on achieving our doom.

Yes, LET THEM FUKKING LEAVE, IF they don't want tto pay their FAIR SHARE, FUCK THEM. Just like the bullshit off shoring of 'profits' Google, Apple, Microsoft', etc use to hide US profits and call it foreign

IF THE FUKKING CONS/GOPERS BELIEVED IN GOOD GOVERNANCE, THEY WOULD'VE BEEN WORKING WITH OBAMA, THEY DON'T. Obama proposed lowering the Corp tax rate to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the extra revenues for infrastructure and guess what the party opf no said?

Obama's tax proposal of 28% was a fools trap, it came with downsides that were way worse than the cut.

Name them.
Yes, that is correct, and no, they don't grasp that. And no other western power does that to their own corporations. Which is why ours are leaving. And rightly so. Let's fix the system and stop pushing them out the door.

Yet all we have from the Axis of Evil, Obama, Harry and Nancy is blaming the victim. Nothing will change, they are intent on achieving our doom.

Yes, LET THEM FUKKING LEAVE, IF they don't want tto pay their FAIR SHARE, FUCK THEM. Just like the bullshit off shoring of 'profits' Google, Apple, Microsoft', etc use to hide US profits and call it foreign

IF THE FUKKING CONS/GOPERS BELIEVED IN GOOD GOVERNANCE, THEY WOULD'VE BEEN WORKING WITH OBAMA, THEY DON'T. Obama proposed lowering the Corp tax rate to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the extra revenues for infrastructure and guess what the party opf no said?

Obama's tax proposal of 28% was a fools trap, it came with downsides that were way worse than the cut.

Name them.

Are you intellectually engaged, or do you just want to play cat and mouse? BTW, Google would answer that question for you simply if you just want to know, which is why I doubt the seriousness of your question. That and you're generally not interested in doing anything but defending Democrats.

I'll tell you what, if this is a genuine request, why don't you do a quick search and show me you're actually engaged in this. I'm tired of doing research for liberals who then never process the information anyway.
Yes, that is correct, and no, they don't grasp that. And no other western power does that to their own corporations. Which is why ours are leaving. And rightly so. Let's fix the system and stop pushing them out the door.

Yet all we have from the Axis of Evil, Obama, Harry and Nancy is blaming the victim. Nothing will change, they are intent on achieving our doom.

Yes, LET THEM FUKKING LEAVE, IF they don't want tto pay their FAIR SHARE, FUCK THEM. Just like the bullshit off shoring of 'profits' Google, Apple, Microsoft', etc use to hide US profits and call it foreign

IF THE FUKKING CONS/GOPERS BELIEVED IN GOOD GOVERNANCE, THEY WOULD'VE BEEN WORKING WITH OBAMA, THEY DON'T. Obama proposed lowering the Corp tax rate to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the extra revenues for infrastructure and guess what the party opf no said?

Obama's tax proposal of 28% was a fools trap, it came with downsides that were way worse than the cut.

Name them.

Are you intellectually engaged, or do you just want to play cat and mouse? BTW, Google would answer that question for you simply if you just want to know, which is why I doubt the seriousness of your question. That and you're generally not interested in doing anything but defending Democrats.

I'll tell you what, if this is a genuine request, why don't you do a quick search and show me you're actually engaged in this. I'm tired of doing research for liberals who then never process the information anyway.
Nice dodge of a legitimate question

YOU claim there are downsides that were way worse
When reply, Look it up!
The Constitution enumerates the powers of the Federal government. Then to make it clear that those are the only powers the Federal government has, they wrote the 10th amendment, which says anything the Federal government is not authorized to do, it is prohibited from doing. And to go even further, they said any right of the people not protected in the Bill of Rights or other amendments is as important as any right that is protected in the Bill of Rights or other amendments.

Which means, protecting people from having their wealth confiscated and redistributed, which is clearly not in the constitution, is as important as have our speech restricted or our property searched without a warrant.

So, for those of you who consider it to be a legitimate use of Federal force to redistribute wealth, what Constitutional authority is that based on? Be specific.

EDIT: Redistribution of wealth refers specifically to taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. That means, at the Federal level, all forms of welfare including food stamps, AFDC, social security, medicare/medicaid, earmarks. All things which specifically take money from one citizen and place them directly in the hands of another.

It does not include the military, courts, national parks, anything that is for the general welfare, not specific welfare.

I voted "yes" because I unlike you understand the principle we are discussing here.

The PEOPLE have the right to vote yes on taxation no matter what the issue and all taxation is a redistribution of wealth. Sometimes we benefit from it, sometimes we don't. But in balance, we should benefit from it most of the time.

I know the Libertarian and Tea Party bias political noobs want to think we aren't allowed to vote for " 3 meals a day for a blind person" but sorry to burst your bubble, We The People can.

Not it's time for these parties to discuss if they want to vote for the spending on the actual issues, or want to police the people that take advantage of a flawed system driven by bias idiots that are unwilling to close loopholes and want to Nix it instead of Fix it......

MANY Americans along with me voted to provide meals for blind people and deaf people. It's time for you to stop attacking with a blanket approach and understand the American Constitution.

THE PEOPLE RUN AMERICA, NOT YOU, NOT THE CONSTITUTION. If the people want change, they can Change the Constitution, let's not let it come to that. Let's use some common sense first. ..

(Also, curious why people still don't know the Constitution can change and why people think Government Controls people and not the People controlling government....)

You want the Constitution changed see Article 5, you don't just ignore what it says. You also seem to confuse federal functions, which is to maintain a union of independent States, with State functions, which are to take care of their people.
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Name them.

Are you intellectually engaged, or do you just want to play cat and mouse? BTW, Google would answer that question for you simply if you just want to know, which is why I doubt the seriousness of your question. That and you're generally not interested in doing anything but defending Democrats.

I'll tell you what, if this is a genuine request, why don't you do a quick search and show me you're actually engaged in this. I'm tired of doing research for liberals who then never process the information anyway.
Nice dodge of a legitimate question

YOU claim there are downsides that were way worse
When reply, Look it up!

LOL, you never answer my questions. What a hypocrite.

Actually, I didn't dodge her at all, I asked if she was serious about discussing it. I didn't just say look it up, I said start by searching, then if she is serious, I'm in. I ALWAYS do that without being asked, I never ask a question like that without searching on my own first. Ever. Then again, I'm an achiever and you're a parasite, so that's no surprise.
General Welfare does not apply to each individual the same. No law can help each person equally.
But laws that helps some while deliberately hurting others, are clearly forbidden by the so-called "Welfare Clause".

The old "If it isn't 100% perfect then it's unacceptable" dodge is one of the sillier diversions used by the big-govt advocates. Can you imagine the result if it were applied to Obamacare? :D

Wealth redistribution is clearly unconstitutional.
Yes, that is correct, and no, they don't grasp that. And no other western power does that to their own corporations. Which is why ours are leaving. And rightly so. Let's fix the system and stop pushing them out the door.

Yet all we have from the Axis of Evil, Obama, Harry and Nancy is blaming the victim. Nothing will change, they are intent on achieving our doom.

Yes, LET THEM FUKKING LEAVE, IF they don't want tto pay their FAIR SHARE, FUCK THEM. Just like the bullshit off shoring of 'profits' Google, Apple, Microsoft', etc use to hide US profits and call it foreign

IF THE FUKKING CONS/GOPERS BELIEVED IN GOOD GOVERNANCE, THEY WOULD'VE BEEN WORKING WITH OBAMA, THEY DON'T. Obama proposed lowering the Corp tax rate to 28% and get rid of loopholes and use the extra revenues for infrastructure and guess what the party opf no said?

Obama's tax proposal of 28% was a fools trap, it came with downsides that were way worse than the cut.

Name them.

Are you intellectually engaged, or do you just want to play cat and mouse? BTW, Google would answer that question for you simply if you just want to know, which is why I doubt the seriousness of your question. That and you're generally not interested in doing anything but defending Democrats.

I'll tell you what, if this is a genuine request, why don't you do a quick search and show me you're actually engaged in this. I'm tired of doing research for liberals who then never process the information anyway.

The fact that you would have to do research to be able to name any of the downsides you claim that not only exist, but were "way worse than the cut" tells me that you have no idea what you're talking about. Your request that I research your arguments for you tells me both that you have no idea what you're talking about and don't believe that such information can be easily found if it exists at all. I doubt the existence of the downsides you assert President Obama's proposal had, and I refuse to go on a snipe hunt to make a bullshit argument that I know to be false due to the complete lack of evidence in its favor.

YOU need to make claims more specific than "hurr durr downsides," and YOU need to do your own research so YOU can present evidence that supports them.

And if you're really concerned with intellectual engagement, why not respond to my post earlier post in the thread, on page 9, which answers the question you posed in the OP?
The Constitutionally formed government did

And yes YOU, as a private citizen, have a right to challenge those interpretations of our Constitution

What are you waiting for?

I was waiting for a HarryReidshna to explain it to me. Got it, thanks.

I'm sure he can...

Our Constitution allows you, as a citizen, to challenge all laws through the courts or the elective process. You obviously don't agree with the way our Constitution has been interpreted for the last 200 years. But rather than take action against laws you disagree with, you choose to bitch on an anonymous message board

Except the supremes have ruled that an individual tax payer doesn't have standing, care to try again?
You also seem to confuse federal functions, which is to maintain a union of independent States, with State functions, which are to take care of their people.

So you support the existence of a welfare state, so long as the federal government isn't the one administering it? You believe that a legitimate function of the federal government is to maintain a union of independent welfare states?
The question isn't about "taxes" it's about "redistribution of wealth." That is referring to taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. It is not saying government cannot tax for the general good, like the military and courts that all have equal access too. I thought people realized that, maybe not. I'll edit my post to make that clear.

your attempt to split the general good from welfare payments has no basis in any law I know of. The legislative system determines what the country thinks the general welfare is and at some point Congress thought welfare payments met the general interests of society. On the tax side the 16th amendment authorizes progressive taxes.
The Constitution is a centrist document, not a leftist document. The delegates at the Philadelphia Convention were not exempt from the larger American principles and conventions. That is, terminology was established and understood before the Constitution was even drafted.

That it would be a living document was an idea not seriously considered by the left until the Progressive Era.

The general welfare did not refer to the enrichment of some at the expense of others.

My post says nothing about the Constitution being a leftist document. The term general welfare was not a specific term. It was to be determined by the Congress. "Enrichment" of some at the expense of others was likely widely frowned upon. But, Id hardly call welfare "enrichment".

You need to do some research how those terms were defined at the time they were used, that is the only way to get true intent.
The question isn't about "taxes" it's about "redistribution of wealth." That is referring to taking money from one citizen and giving it to another. It is not saying government cannot tax for the general good, like the military and courts that all have equal access too. I thought people realized that, maybe not. I'll edit my post to make that clear.

your attempt to split the general good from welfare payments has no basis in any law I know of. The legislative system determines what the country thinks the general welfare is and at some point Congress thought welfare payments met the general interests of society. On the tax side the 16th amendment authorizes progressive taxes.
The Constitution is a centrist document, not a leftist document. The delegates at the Philadelphia Convention were not exempt from the larger American principles and conventions. That is, terminology was established and understood before the Constitution was even drafted.

That it would be a living document was an idea not seriously considered by the left until the Progressive Era.

The general welfare did not refer to the enrichment of some at the expense of others.

The term general welfare was not a specific term. It was to be determined by the Congress.

Great post, fellow lybyryl! Now drive the point home by quoting the exact line from the Constitution that says Congress may, at any time, set or change the definitions of words and phrases in the text of the Constitution. These small-government extremists won't have a leg to stand on then.
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You also seem to confuse federal functions, which is to maintain a union of independent States, with State functions, which are to take care of their people.

So you support the existence of a welfare state, so long as the federal government isn't the one administering it? You believe that a legitimate function of the federal government is to maintain a union of independent welfare states?

Support it, in a limited manner maybe, but if there is to be one, it would be the function of the individual States to make that determination, not the feds.
Name them.

Are you intellectually engaged, or do you just want to play cat and mouse? BTW, Google would answer that question for you simply if you just want to know, which is why I doubt the seriousness of your question. That and you're generally not interested in doing anything but defending Democrats.

I'll tell you what, if this is a genuine request, why don't you do a quick search and show me you're actually engaged in this. I'm tired of doing research for liberals who then never process the information anyway.
Nice dodge of a legitimate question

YOU claim there are downsides that were way worse
When reply, Look it up!

LOL, you never answer my questions. What a hypocrite.

Actually, I didn't dodge her at all, I asked if she was serious about discussing it. I didn't just say look it up, I said start by searching, then if she is serious, I'm in. I ALWAYS do that without being asked, I never ask a question like that without searching on my own first. Ever. Then again, I'm an achiever and you're a parasite, so that's no surprise.
YOU made the claim and are unwilling to back it up

Do you now admit you were wrong?
The Constitution enumerates the powers of the Federal government. Then to make it clear that those are the only powers the Federal government has, they wrote the 10th amendment, which says anything the Federal government is not authorized to do, it is prohibited from doing. And to go even further, they said any right of the people not protected in the Bill of Rights or other amendments is as important as any right that is protected in the Bill of Rights or other amendments.

Another one of these pathetic "look at me, I failed high school Civics" threads.

Shit people, stop embarrassing yourselves.

Wealth is not redistributed. If you had any, you'd understand.
You also seem to confuse federal functions, which is to maintain a union of independent States, with State functions, which are to take care of their people.

So you support the existence of a welfare state, so long as the federal government isn't the one administering it? You believe that a legitimate function of the federal government is to maintain a union of independent welfare states?

Support it, in a limited manner maybe, but if there is to be one, it would be the function of the individual States to make that determination, not the feds.

Are you now amending your previous statement that it is a function of state government "to take care of their people"? Are states--even the 49 you don't live in--only allowed to engage in this role in a limited fashion? Or are you merely advocating for these guidelines being in place within your state in particular?
The Constitutionally formed government did

And yes YOU, as a private citizen, have a right to challenge those interpretations of our Constitution

What are you waiting for?

I was waiting for a HarryReidshna to explain it to me. Got it, thanks.

I'm sure he can...

Our Constitution allows you, as a citizen, to challenge all laws through the courts or the elective process. You obviously don't agree with the way our Constitution has been interpreted for the last 200 years. But rather than take action against laws you disagree with, you choose to bitch on an anonymous message board

Except the supremes have ruled that an individual tax payer doesn't have standing, care to try again?

In some cases, you may not have standing
But if the law is impacting you personally, you sure as hell have standing

Ever see Loving vs Virginia?

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