Can The Govt FORCE You To Promote A Choice That Goes Against Your Religion? The Fight Continues...

If your religion prohibits you from adhering to public accommodation laws then you shouldn't have a business.

It's no different than a Muslim applying for a job in a bacon store and then saying he can't touch bacon because of his stupid religion
I completely disagree. The Constitution protects my religious freedom. If you are a LGBT and want some artwork done, your desire for that artwork does not supersede my religious freedom. I do not impose my religious beliefs on you, and you do not try to force me to do something that violates my religious beliefs.

"I reserve the right to NOT provide a service." This actually was once an acceptable sign / practice for businesses, but Liberals seek to impose their will on others, IMO. It isn't just about getting LGBT 'accepted' as a norm, but they are also trying to FORCE others to 'participate in/support it', even if it is against their religious beliefs that are protected UN-CONDITIONALLY under the Constitution.

There are other artists who would gladly take your business. There are other bakeries that would gladly take your business. But that's not good enough. 'THAT' one refuses to do so, so we MUST FORCE them to do so against their will. While 'I' may not want to support your lifestyle / choices due to 'my' religious beliefs 'I' respect your right to be a LGBT and to have rights, 'you' demonstrate 'you' have no respect for 'my' religious beliefs and Constitutional Rights.

'Evil' (as I define in this saying as someone who wants to impose their will on others) teaches 'tolerance' until they are in a position to oppress, silence, and eliminate any opposition to their beliefs."
- We are seeing that today more and more. This oppression of Constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom, to me, is an example of that.

I also believe you and I may disagree on this issue, and that is ok....

You have freedom of religion, not freedom of business.

That's the crux of the problem, the notion that the freedom to conduct business isn't every bit as important as the freedom to practice religion.

Congress shall make no laws respecting religion therefore ALL businesses must obey public accommodation laws

Dear Skull Pilot
1. but both the LGBT and the Christian beliefs against same sex marriage
are both CREEDS.
2. Therefore govt cannot endorse or enforce one CREED over the other, much less penalize
one side because of this conflict between CREEDS that is equal.
3. The neutral solution would be to require that such conflicts either be resolved by consensus between the two parties, to respect their beliefs equally and their consent, or for both parties to agree NOT to do business together if they cannot resolve their differences. That would be fair to both.

The problem and the solution is that LGBT beliefs are a creed.
If these are truly treated EQUALLY as other creeds, then all conflicts can either be resolved or dropped.

The problem is when GOVT is abused to push LGBT creeds above others that are penalized for not agreeing.
That is not equal protection and that is what is being challenged and contested here.

Being gay whether it's a choice or not is not a religion

It doesn't matter if a man sexually prefers other men if you open a business in this country you are subject to the law.
If you do not want to sin by serving gays then don't open a business until the laws are changed
If your religion prohibits you from adhering to public accommodation laws then you shouldn't have a business.

It's no different than a Muslim applying for a job in a bacon store and then saying he can't touch bacon because of his stupid religion
I completely disagree. The Constitution protects my religious freedom. If you are a LGBT and want some artwork done, your desire for that artwork does not supersede my religious freedom. I do not impose my religious beliefs on you, and you do not try to force me to do something that violates my religious beliefs.

"I reserve the right to NOT provide a service." This actually was once an acceptable sign / practice for businesses, but Liberals seek to impose their will on others, IMO. It isn't just about getting LGBT 'accepted' as a norm, but they are also trying to FORCE others to 'participate in/support it', even if it is against their religious beliefs that are protected UN-CONDITIONALLY under the Constitution.

There are other artists who would gladly take your business. There are other bakeries that would gladly take your business. But that's not good enough. 'THAT' one refuses to do so, so we MUST FORCE them to do so against their will. While 'I' may not want to support your lifestyle / choices due to 'my' religious beliefs 'I' respect your right to be a LGBT and to have rights, 'you' demonstrate 'you' have no respect for 'my' religious beliefs and Constitutional Rights.

'Evil' (as I define in this saying as someone who wants to impose their will on others) teaches 'tolerance' until they are in a position to oppress, silence, and eliminate any opposition to their beliefs."
- We are seeing that today more and more. This oppression of Constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom, to me, is an example of that.

I also believe you and I may disagree on this issue, and that is ok....

You have freedom of religion, not freedom of business.

That's the crux of the problem, the notion that the freedom to conduct business isn't every bit as important as the freedom to practice religion.

Congress shall make no laws respecting religion therefore ALL businesses must obey public accommodation laws

Dear Skull Pilot
1. but both the LGBT and the Christian beliefs against same sex marriage
are both CREEDS..

Nope- simply untrue

  • a statement of the basic beliefs of a religion

  • : an idea or set of beliefs that guides the actions of a person or group
There is no LGBT creed- as there is no LGBT religion, nor is there any unifying idea or set of beliefs within the LGBT community other than they are entitled to be treated exactly the same before the law.

Stupid, right wing Christians are throwing everything in including the kitchen sink ever since DOMA and Prop 8 were defeated in 2013. It's paranoia run amok. And all because they are fucking tools of the evangelicals, thanks to George W. Bush.
If Jesus tells you not to provide a service to a wedding, then you should put your religion above your business and choose another line of work

Caving in to religion on these sorts of matters would turn every individual into his own personal government. Every law he objected to he could circumvent by claiming that to obey the law was against his religion.

Religion requires sacrifice

You are required to sacrifice for your religion, You can't make the law sacrifice for your religious beliefs

WHOA rightwinger!

Why isn't this applied to LGBT beliefs?
If these are to be treated equally as Christian required to put their beliefs aside in PRIVATE
and NOT impose on the public through Govt,
then WHY isn't this applied to LGBT?

Why aren't the homosexual advocates expected to keep their beliefs in private
and quit imposing this creed on the public through govt and laws? EXACTLY!

BINGO! rightwinger!!!

No one is expected or required to keep their beliefs private

A gay business owner can't refuse to sell to a Christian because the business owner doesn't approve of the Christian's Christianity.

They are treated exactly the same.

No Syriusly what is being opposed is the equivalent
requiring Atheist or LGBT business owners to go to a Christian church or service,
or a private KLAN rally preaching things they don't believe or agree with or WANT TO BE AROUND
OUTSIDE THEIR PLACE OF BUSINESS against their beliefs and consent or be sued.

or requiring an Atheist or LGBT business
to print or publish anti-gay statements or be sued.

Sure Syriusly if people AGREE to put aside their conflicts
over content, over whether to accommodate Jewish Kosher or Vegan or Muslim beliefs,
they can comply with laws and requests.

Hobby Lobby is a good example, where the owners DID comply and didn't fight
other birth control they disagreed with.
However they DREW THE LINE on Particular abortifacient drugs
they COULDN'T compromise on and had the right to refuse to go that far!

Just because people agree to accommodate conflicts to some degree,
such as baking cakes and serving gay customers "at their site of business,"
does NOT mean forcing them to go to private events and sites elsewhere
to provide services or be sued!
I'll say it again, Obama's America really seems to be working out well when people have the time to worry about such stupid and irrelevant issues concerning another person's sexuality.

Righties, get the fuck out of everybody's bedroom and pay attention: Trump is destroying your party while you dither over lesbians ordering a wedding cake.
Don't stuff your bedroom in anyone's face and you won't have a problem.

Who is stuffing their bedroom in your face?
When you put something out for public discussion that is what you are doing. If you came and asked me to do artwork for you celebrating your personal choices and I tell you no I am not willing to paint that leave it be and go find someone willing to do what you want.

So putting "something out for public discussion" is pushing my bedroom in your face?

Let me clarify YOUR statement: I suspect when the gay couple tried to order their wedding cake they most likely went TO the bakery/caterer rather than making the baker/caterer come to their bedroom. And so straight, Christian idiots want to make that a problem.
No you want to make it a problem if a baker or an artist does not want to do something outside of their own personal religious belief. It would be like someone asking me to draw or paint something pornographic for them. Go to someone willing to do that type of work for you and leave those who don't alone.
there is a difference between a person who agrees to be an EMPLOYEE but refuses to
do what he has been employed to do---and
a person selling his own services. The artists are not the PAID EMPLOYEES of the people who hire their services until they agree to
DO THE SERVICE. Your analogy is silly
No there is not.

If you want to open a business you MUST abide by public accommodation laws. If your religion does not allow you to abide by those laws then you should not run a business because the mere legal operation of that business violates whatever superstition you happen to live by so the very act of opening that business is a sin

Dear Skull Pilot
So if a bacon business cannot hire or serve a Muslim customer, because
they will not change to selling beef or turkey bacon instead of pork only,
then the Muslim customer can sue this business for not accommodating them?
Or the bacon seller should shut down their business
because they can't accommodate Muslims?

What (legal) products you sell are your business. Who you will or will not sell to is the government's business.
In that theory of yours I should be able to sue any attorney out there that refuses to assist me when I need legal representation even though they may not do that type of work.

You can sue any attorney out there- for any reason you want to. Doesn't mean you can win- but you can sue.
Right the judge though would be obligated to toss out any frivolous suit.
I completely disagree. The Constitution protects my religious freedom. If you are a LGBT and want some artwork done, your desire for that artwork does not supersede my religious freedom. I do not impose my religious beliefs on you, and you do not try to force me to do something that violates my religious beliefs.

"I reserve the right to NOT provide a service." This actually was once an acceptable sign / practice for businesses, but Liberals seek to impose their will on others, IMO. It isn't just about getting LGBT 'accepted' as a norm, but they are also trying to FORCE others to 'participate in/support it', even if it is against their religious beliefs that are protected UN-CONDITIONALLY under the Constitution.

There are other artists who would gladly take your business. There are other bakeries that would gladly take your business. But that's not good enough. 'THAT' one refuses to do so, so we MUST FORCE them to do so against their will. While 'I' may not want to support your lifestyle / choices due to 'my' religious beliefs 'I' respect your right to be a LGBT and to have rights, 'you' demonstrate 'you' have no respect for 'my' religious beliefs and Constitutional Rights.

'Evil' (as I define in this saying as someone who wants to impose their will on others) teaches 'tolerance' until they are in a position to oppress, silence, and eliminate any opposition to their beliefs."
- We are seeing that today more and more. This oppression of Constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom, to me, is an example of that.

I also believe you and I may disagree on this issue, and that is ok....

You have freedom of religion, not freedom of business.

That's the crux of the problem, the notion that the freedom to conduct business isn't every bit as important as the freedom to practice religion.

Congress shall make no laws respecting religion therefore ALL businesses must obey public accommodation laws

Dear Skull Pilot
1. but both the LGBT and the Christian beliefs against same sex marriage
are both CREEDS..

Nope- simply untrue

  • a statement of the basic beliefs of a religion

  • : an idea or set of beliefs that guides the actions of a person or group
There is no LGBT creed- as there is no LGBT religion, nor is there any unifying idea or set of beliefs within the LGBT community other than they are entitled to be treated exactly the same before the law.

Dear Syriusly

1. Someone's creed does not have to be based on organized religion or else people are not equal.
The atheist who has a private belief or creed
should be equally protected by law as someone who happens to be a member of a larger group.

Otherwise you are discriminating by creed, by affiliation depending on which ones count or not!

2. LGBT beliefs are indeed "an idea or set of beliefs that guides the action of a person or group"

EX: People who BELIEVE same sex marriage is equal to traditional marriage
ARE acting on that belief to guide them.

This is a CREED. it is not proven scientifically that homosexual orientation
is determined genetically as race and is not a choice of BEHAVIOR.

The Christians cannot prove it is a behavioral choice either,
so BOTH Sides remain neither proven nor disproven.

BOTH remain faith based.
Thus both are CREEDS.
If your religion prohibits you from adhering to public accommodation laws then you shouldn't have a business.

It's no different than a Muslim applying for a job in a bacon store and then saying he can't touch bacon because of his stupid religion

You're right. It is no different. And just as the bacon store is under no obligation to accommodate the religious preferences of the Muslim applicant, bakers should be under no obligation to accommodate the sexual preferences of potential customers.

Actually you are wrong on both counts

The first instance is employment law- and employers are obligated to make reasonable accommodations to an employee for religious purposes- so if a butcher shop could make a reasonable accommodation- and still get the job done- it would have to accommodate a Jewish or Muslim who didn't want to handle pork.

The second instance is public accommodation laws- and bakers have an obligation to sell their cakes to customers regardless of their race, religion, gender and in some places- sexual orientation.

Public Accommodation laws have been in place for 50 years no- nothing is new about them.

1. Yes selling cakes ON SITE AT THAT BUSINESS is one thing Syriusly
2. What people are protesting is being forced to go OFF SITE to private venues
such as serving cakes at a gay wedding off site they don't believe in or want to be around.
3. Can we compare the video/photographer business to whether or not
someone can be forced to go shoot a porn video off site at a private party?
How is that different from suing a photographer for not wanting to attend and film a gay wedding?

What if their standards on sex and marriage are different.
Syriusly Would you agree that the courts could not force or fine a Christian photographer refusing to take a job videotaping porn that violates their beliefs?

B. As for the beef/pork and accommodations, if the business agrees to change that is still based on consent of people whether the law is goes too far, or is something they can accommodate and comply with. See the Hobby Lobby reference in another post, where they agreed on some birth control that is against their beliefs, but sued and WON when this went "too far" with abortifacient drugs they argued they could not cover by conscience but would be forced to pay huge fines that would bankrupt their business.
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If your religion prohibits you from adhering to public accommodation laws then you shouldn't have a business.

It's no different than a Muslim applying for a job in a bacon store and then saying he can't touch bacon because of his stupid religion
I completely disagree. The Constitution protects my religious freedom. If you are a LGBT and want some artwork done, your desire for that artwork does not supersede my religious freedom. I do not impose my religious beliefs on you, and you do not try to force me to do something that violates my religious beliefs.

"I reserve the right to NOT provide a service." This actually was once an acceptable sign / practice for businesses, but Liberals seek to impose their will on others, IMO. It isn't just about getting LGBT 'accepted' as a norm, but they are also trying to FORCE others to 'participate in/support it', even if it is against their religious beliefs that are protected UN-CONDITIONALLY under the Constitution.

There are other artists who would gladly take your business. There are other bakeries that would gladly take your business. But that's not good enough. 'THAT' one refuses to do so, so we MUST FORCE them to do so against their will. While 'I' may not want to support your lifestyle / choices due to 'my' religious beliefs 'I' respect your right to be a LGBT and to have rights, 'you' demonstrate 'you' have no respect for 'my' religious beliefs and Constitutional Rights.

'Evil' (as I define in this saying as someone who wants to impose their will on others) teaches 'tolerance' until they are in a position to oppress, silence, and eliminate any opposition to their beliefs."
- We are seeing that today more and more. This oppression of Constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom, to me, is an example of that.

I also believe you and I may disagree on this issue, and that is ok....
No one is trying to shut you up, unfortunately. Your religious freedom does not extend to discriminating against others if you are in business.

It doesn't have to you fucking idiot. A NON religious business also has a right to discriminate.

The government is NOT empowered to make people be nice to each other. If it is please show me where.

Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. You don't have the right to discriminate in business and haven't been able to for over 50 years. (Title II of CRA)

We know what it means that you're just getting upset about it now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If your religion prohibits you from adhering to public accommodation laws then you shouldn't have a business.

It's no different than a Muslim applying for a job in a bacon store and then saying he can't touch bacon because of his stupid religion
I completely disagree. The Constitution protects my religious freedom. If you are a LGBT and want some artwork done, your desire for that artwork does not supersede my religious freedom. I do not impose my religious beliefs on you, and you do not try to force me to do something that violates my religious beliefs.

"I reserve the right to NOT provide a service." This actually was once an acceptable sign / practice for businesses, but Liberals seek to impose their will on others, IMO. It isn't just about getting LGBT 'accepted' as a norm, but they are also trying to FORCE others to 'participate in/support it', even if it is against their religious beliefs that are protected UN-CONDITIONALLY under the Constitution.

There are other artists who would gladly take your business. There are other bakeries that would gladly take your business. But that's not good enough. 'THAT' one refuses to do so, so we MUST FORCE them to do so against their will. While 'I' may not want to support your lifestyle / choices due to 'my' religious beliefs 'I' respect your right to be a LGBT and to have rights, 'you' demonstrate 'you' have no respect for 'my' religious beliefs and Constitutional Rights.

'Evil' (as I define in this saying as someone who wants to impose their will on others) teaches 'tolerance' until they are in a position to oppress, silence, and eliminate any opposition to their beliefs."
- We are seeing that today more and more. This oppression of Constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom, to me, is an example of that.

I also believe you and I may disagree on this issue, and that is ok....
No one is trying to shut you up, unfortunately. Your religious freedom does not extend to discriminating against others if you are in business.

It doesn't have to you fucking idiot. A NON religious business also has a right to discriminate.

The government is NOT empowered to make people be nice to each other. If it is please show me where.

Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. You don't have the right to discriminate in business and haven't been able to for over 50 years. (Title II of CRA)

We know what it means that you're just getting upset about it now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dear Seawytch the argument is that govt is being abused to go "too far" and discriminate
the other way, against business owners with Christian beliefs against same sex marriage.

The liberals have been preaching "separation of church and state"
but when it comes to their own LGBT creed, this is being pushed through
govt as public policy in such ways that it PENALIZES people of other creeds.

So it is VIOLATING the very equal rights protections it seeks to enforce!
That's the problem! the two sides are not included equally as creeds
but one is being endored by govt and the other is being excluded and penalized!
Being gay whether it's a choice or not is not a religion

It doesn't matter if a man sexually prefers other men if you open a business in this country you are subject to the law.
If you do not want to sin by serving gays then don't open a business until the laws are changed

Dear Skull Pilot

1. The issue is NOT about serving gays ON SITE at the business.

In the cases I read, the businesses will sell cakes to anyone but were declining
to ATTEND gay weddings OFF SITE at PRIVATE locations outside their place of business.

Do you and I agree on this distinction? Yes or no

2. No, someone's beliefs or creed does NOT have to be a religion
to be protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendment.

Skull Pilot if you restrict beliefs/creeds to only "organized religions"
you are not protecting the atheist who also claims not to have a religion.

The LGBT beliefs that homosexuality is equal with heterosexuality
or that same sex marriage is equal with tradition marriage
is a CREED. it does NOT have to be a religion or that
is discriminating against LGBT advocates who have rights to their
personal or spiritual beliefs, on the same level as other people with recognized creeds or religions.
I'll say it again, Obama's America really seems to be working out well when people have the time to worry about such stupid and irrelevant issues concerning another person's sexuality.

Righties, get the fuck out of everybody's bedroom and pay attention: Trump is destroying your party while you dither over lesbians ordering a wedding cake.
Don't stuff your bedroom in anyone's face and you won't have a problem.

Who is stuffing their bedroom in your face?
When you put something out for public discussion that is what you are doing. If you came and asked me to do artwork for you celebrating your personal choices and I tell you no I am not willing to paint that leave it be and go find someone willing to do what you want.

So putting "something out for public discussion" is pushing my bedroom in your face?

Let me clarify YOUR statement: I suspect when the gay couple tried to order their wedding cake they most likely went TO the bakery/caterer rather than making the baker/caterer come to their bedroom. And so straight, Christian idiots want to make that a problem.
No you want to make it a problem if a baker or an artist does not want to do something outside of their own personal religious belief. It would be like someone asking me to draw or paint something pornographic for them. Go to someone willing to do that type of work for you and leave those who don't alone.

^ Dear Syriusly NoTeaPartyPleez Skull Pilot and Seawytch

Now two people have made the comparison with forcing
a business owner to accept a contract involving pornography.

None of you tagged above has answered this question.

What if a Christian photo and video business is asked to
go OFF SITE and shoot a party where people are having
sex outside of marriage, hiring strippers or actors to
perform, model and film pornography.

Would you allow a Court to force or fine the Christian
business owner for declining the business contract?
buying and selling is one thing

These cases coming up involve actual forced participation and speech.
That's going a bit further.

In one case, the baker had no problem baking the cake. But delivering it as part of their service involved attending the gay wedding, and that's what they asked to refrain from. That's private and outside the public storefront.

If you deliver to weddings you deliver to weddings. That's a part of your business. If you refuse to deliver to same sex weddings, that's discrimination.

Goddam that is so simple and easy to understand it's depressing to think that some people can't get it.

So if a videographer films people's parties,
and someone is having a group sex porn party with strippers, swingers and swappers,
then they are required to film that party.

Or it's discriminating over different beliefs about sex?

People at those sex parties and their activities are not protected. In certain states LGBT people are.
Two Christian Artists Who Refuse to Serve Gay Weddings Are Likely Heading to Court to Battle the Government — but There’s a Twist

Phoenix City Code 18.4(B):
"No person shall, directly or indirectly, refuse, withhold from, or deny to any person, or aid in or incite such refusal, denial or withholding of, accommodations, advantages, facilities or privileges thereof because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability nor shall distinction be made with respect to any person based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability in connection with the price or quality of any item, goods or services offered by or at any place of public accommodation."

According to the local government in Phoenix City your personal religious freedom can be overridden by the government, and you can be forced - as a Christian - to engage in activities that violate your religious beliefs. IMO that is a clear violation of the Constitution. (And you know d@mn-well the government would not try to apply this to Muslims for fear of 'offending them...but Christians are 'fair game'.)

Unlike other cases that have been in the news, though, these people / this business has NOT been sued or fined for refusing service for same-sex events....but they are probably still heading to court. Instead, 'Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski, owners of art company Brush & Nib, have filed a lawsuit against the city of Phoenix, Arizona' over the 'non-discrimination law' (above) 'that they claim violates their religious rights'.

"“Although the two young women happily create art for everyone regardless of sexual orientation, Phoenix interprets its law to require them to create art for events, like same-sex wedding ceremonies, that are completely at odds with their religious beliefs,” the lawyer wrote. “Phoenix also interprets its law to prevent them from explaining their religious beliefs and why they must create art consistent with their beliefs.”

"“Joanna and Breanna are exposing the pre-existing tension between Phoenix’s law and their constitutionally protected freedoms, between the right to speak and create freely and the government’s attempt to crush dissent and command conformity,” Scruggs continued. “And that is precisely what’s at stake.”

The company's owners are standing up for Christians / Christianity and is taking the fight to the city of Phoenix before anyone can bring the fight to them.

Go get 'em, girls!
the statute listed is for Public Accommodations... Hotels, Motels, bed and breakfasts...

What exactly are these artists suing for...? This is confusing?
I completely disagree. The Constitution protects my religious freedom. If you are a LGBT and want some artwork done, your desire for that artwork does not supersede my religious freedom. I do not impose my religious beliefs on you, and you do not try to force me to do something that violates my religious beliefs.

"I reserve the right to NOT provide a service." This actually was once an acceptable sign / practice for businesses, but Liberals seek to impose their will on others, IMO. It isn't just about getting LGBT 'accepted' as a norm, but they are also trying to FORCE others to 'participate in/support it', even if it is against their religious beliefs that are protected UN-CONDITIONALLY under the Constitution.

There are other artists who would gladly take your business. There are other bakeries that would gladly take your business. But that's not good enough. 'THAT' one refuses to do so, so we MUST FORCE them to do so against their will. While 'I' may not want to support your lifestyle / choices due to 'my' religious beliefs 'I' respect your right to be a LGBT and to have rights, 'you' demonstrate 'you' have no respect for 'my' religious beliefs and Constitutional Rights.

'Evil' (as I define in this saying as someone who wants to impose their will on others) teaches 'tolerance' until they are in a position to oppress, silence, and eliminate any opposition to their beliefs."
- We are seeing that today more and more. This oppression of Constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom, to me, is an example of that.

I also believe you and I may disagree on this issue, and that is ok....

You have freedom of religion, not freedom of business.

That's the crux of the problem, the notion that the freedom to conduct business isn't every bit as important as the freedom to practice religion.

Congress shall make no laws respecting religion therefore ALL businesses must obey public accommodation laws

Agreed. I'm not arguing for a religious exemption. I think that would be worse. I'm arguing that these laws are fundamentally in opposition to personal freedom.

Except he misquoted the first amendment, probably intentionally because

Congress shall pass no law respecting religion

is ENTIRELY different in meaning than

Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion

I agree though religion is a poor argument to make. Even the non religious have the right to discriminate.

Religious discrimination laws should be considered Unconstitutional because they establish favor for a religious belief.
I'll say it again, Obama's America really seems to be working out well when people have the time to worry about such stupid and irrelevant issues concerning another person's sexuality.

Righties, get the fuck out of everybody's bedroom and pay attention: Trump is destroying your party while you dither over lesbians ordering a wedding cake.
Don't stuff your bedroom in anyone's face and you won't have a problem.

Who is stuffing their bedroom in your face?
When you put something out for public discussion that is what you are doing. If you came and asked me to do artwork for you celebrating your personal choices and I tell you no I am not willing to paint that leave it be and go find someone willing to do what you want.

So putting "something out for public discussion" is pushing my bedroom in your face?

Let me clarify YOUR statement: I suspect when the gay couple tried to order their wedding cake they most likely went TO the bakery/caterer rather than making the baker/caterer come to their bedroom. And so straight, Christian idiots want to make that a problem.
No you want to make it a problem if a baker or an artist does not want to do something outside of their own personal religious belief. It would be like someone asking me to draw or paint something pornographic for them. Go to someone willing to do that type of work for you and leave those who don't alone.

A commercial artist does not have to do art that he doesn't want to do any more than Walmart has to sell cigarettes if they don't want to.
That's not discrimination. Discrimination is when the artist says I will not do work for a gay person, or Walmart says, sorry, we only sell cigarettes to white people.

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