Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without

Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

lol, so 2 days after a Republican president pardons a man convicted of racism, this thread appears.

lovely timing....

One cannot be convicted of racism. Further, the consensus, or lack thereof, of the definition racism continues to become increasingly dispare. Anybody can be considered a racist today based on its ubiquitous usage, even Liberals. For example, Liberals don't believe Blacks are capable nor motivated enough to go and get free, state-issued ID's.

He was convicted of violating a court order not to racially profile. Racial profiling by definition is racism.
Mexican is not a race.
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

lol, so 2 days after a Republican president pardons a man convicted of racism, this thread appears.

lovely timing....
And the lies continue.
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

lol, so 2 days after a Republican president pardons a man convicted of racism, this thread appears.

lovely timing....
Convicting illegals is racist? Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
The Identity Politics zealots have their teeth in this right now, and it's not going away any time soon.

They sense significant political advantage here, and they may be right.

So their contrived, politically-motivated, righteous indignation is going to remain at a fever pitch for the foreseeable future.

The variable here is how the GOP deals with it.

Ah, the inevitable Milquetoast Moderate steps in to defend GOP racism.
Defending laws is racist now? Lol, tell me have you decided which bathroom to use today?
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

So, there aren't any racist Republicans then?
Are there in the Democrat party?
Ah, the inevitable Milquetoast Moderate steps in to defend GOP racism.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
As I said in another thread, the political strategy of the GOP is to concede the vote of non-white minorities to the Democrats,
and make up the difference and then some by appealing to as many white voters as they can, including those most racist.

That's a political strategy based on racism.
/----/ Was it racist for the DemocRATS to abandon the White working class?
The Democrats Abandon the White Working Class to Trump At Their Own Peril
The idea that the working class is a lost cause becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for the Democratic Party.
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

lol, so 2 days after a Republican president pardons a man convicted of racism, this thread appears.

lovely timing....

One cannot be convicted of racism. Further, the consensus, or lack thereof, of the definition racism continues to become increasingly dispare. Anybody can be considered a racist today based on its ubiquitous usage, even Liberals. For example, Liberals don't believe Blacks are capable nor motivated enough to go and get free, state-issued ID's.

He was convicted of violating a court order not to racially profile. Racial profiling by definition is racism.
Sooooo Democrats are against checking to see if criminal suspects are also illegal aliens in border states.... that is amazingly racist
Ah, the inevitable Milquetoast Moderate steps in to defend GOP racism.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.
People who put their race ahead of their country are racist.

People who are in race based political organizations are racist.

People who are in race based student organizations are racist.

People who are in race based employee organizations are racist.

People who demand racial preference in hiring are racist

People who demand racial preference in college admissions are racist

People who demand open borders are racist.

People who oppose Voter ID are racist.

Democrats are racist.
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

lol, so 2 days after a Republican president pardons a man convicted of racism, this thread appears.

lovely timing....

One cannot be convicted of racism. Further, the consensus, or lack thereof, of the definition racism continues to become increasingly dispare. Anybody can be considered a racist today based on its ubiquitous usage, even Liberals. For example, Liberals don't believe Blacks are capable nor motivated enough to go and get free, state-issued ID's.

He was convicted of violating a court order not to racially profile. Racial profiling by definition is racism.
Sooooo Democrats are against checking to see if criminal suspects are also illegal aliens in border states.... that is amazingly racist

Arpaio was doing far more than that.
Ah, the inevitable Milquetoast Moderate steps in to defend GOP racism.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “where white folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

he called his own grandmother “a typical white person”
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?
They can. Racist is somewhat new honestly. The last 8 years we were bigots & homophobes. Seems like they're going in alphabetical order. Wonder what's next?
Ah, the inevitable Milquetoast Moderate steps in to defend GOP racism.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.
Then why did he leave his own race worse off than when he started. He also set race relations back 50 years. He was openly racist, but being a true liberal. You were totally blind about it.
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

lol, so 2 days after a Republican president pardons a man convicted of racism, this thread appears.

lovely timing....
He was not convicted of racism, you witless baboon.
Ah, the inevitable Milquetoast Moderate steps in to defend GOP racism.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “where white folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

he called his own grandmother “a typical white person”

Cut it out now! You are acting "stupidly." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Ah, the inevitable Milquetoast Moderate steps in to defend GOP racism.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “where white folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

he called his own grandmother “a typical white person”
This is a nonsense list the propagandist liars use to believe the nonsense lies they have been duped into believing.
As I said in another thread, the political strategy of the GOP is to concede the vote of non-white minorities to the Democrats,
and make up the difference and then some by appealing to as many white voters as they can, including those most racist.

That's a political strategy based on racism.

It has nothing to do with what Republicans are doing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party in recent years. As per the OP, we are sick of hearing about race all the time. What the Democrats have done is to try and turn everything into a race issue. If you say "It's starting to get dark outside" some left-wing kook will claim the comment is racist.

White people who are not puppets are also aware of the Democrat strategy to make whites a minority as quickly as possible in this country. We see them fighting Trump on the wall issue, we see them guarding their sanctuary cities no matter what the cost. We've seen them stop Kate's Law in the Senate.

The Democrat party has made themselves more than obvious what they are for.

The Right holds the biggest white supremacist rally in recent memory and you're bitching that the left concerns itself too much with racism?

Jesus. Where do you people come from?

Name one prominent person in the Republican party who agreed with or acknowledged white supremacy. Those people are not on the right. And they were not there to rally white supremacy, they were there to protest the removal of a statue.

lol. Now the white supremacists are not on the right. Goddammit you're stupid.

So again, who on the political right embraced white supremacists?

Even people on your side of the fence realized they are not on the right. That's why they came out with this nonsense of alt-right.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “where white folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

he called his own grandmother “a typical white person”
This is a nonsense list the propagandist liars use to believe the nonsense lies they have been duped into believing.
None of those are lies, not our fought you are blindly following your party.

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