Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without

Racial Profiling = Racism???? According to what unanimous consensus or standard? You people appointed yourselves the racist and hate police yet your fallacy is that you believe your side is not capable of racism or hate.

That idea is BULLSHIT, why stop an old white grandma when a young male latino thug just robbed a bank? That idea is completely ludicrous. Profiling is GOOD INVESTGATIVE REASONING to find and arrest criminals. If a white man beats the hell out of a black kid should the cops be stopping black women with children. Oh just to add they consider themselves the THOUGHT POLICE, not just race and hate. They are convinced in their shallow single celled minds that they have a superior right to judge and label everyone without knowing a thing about the person they judge.

Exactly. That's why at the airport, the TSA are searching old white nuns while middle-east passengers walk right past them and board the plane. That's leftist thinking for ya.
^^^ See? They literally can't help themselves at this point, even when it's pointed out.

I'm against racism. If you want the other side of that argument, let's debate.
You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.
Top 10 reasons why Obama is a racist:

he volunteered to work for Louis Farakahn

he went to Rev Wright's racist church for 20 years

he gave a speech to the New Black Panthers

he said if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin

he hosted the racist hate group BLM in the white house

he hosted the genocidal hate group Muslim Brotherhood in the White House

he said that the Democratic Party doesn’t want white voters from the South and rural areas

he said “Islam has always been part of America”

he quoted Rev Wright’s bigotry “where white folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

he called his own grandmother “a typical white person”
This is a nonsense list the propagandist liars use to believe the nonsense lies they have been duped into believing.
How do you get through life with your head so firmly planted in the sand?
Racial Profiling = Racism???? According to what unanimous consensus or standard? You people appointed yourselves the racist and hate police yet your fallacy is that you believe your side is not capable of racism or hate.

That idea is BULLSHIT, why stop an old white grandma when a young male latino thug just robbed a bank? That idea is completely ludicrous. Profiling is GOOD INVESTGATIVE REASONING to find and arrest criminals. If a white man beats the hell out of a black kid should the cops be stopping black women with children. Oh just to add they consider themselves the THOUGHT POLICE, not just race and hate. They are convinced in their shallow single celled minds that they have a superior right to judge and label everyone without knowing a thing about the person they judge.
What they call "racial profiling" is what cops call "identifying the perp."

When NYC had stop and frisk, they did so mostly with black suspects. It reduced the murder rate in that city particularly black victims. It worked so well that Democrats had to stop it.
It has nothing to do with what Republicans are doing. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party in recent years. As per the OP, we are sick of hearing about race all the time. What the Democrats have done is to try and turn everything into a race issue. If you say "It's starting to get dark outside" some left-wing kook will claim the comment is racist.

White people who are not puppets are also aware of the Democrat strategy to make whites a minority as quickly as possible in this country. We see them fighting Trump on the wall issue, we see them guarding their sanctuary cities no matter what the cost. We've seen them stop Kate's Law in the Senate.

The Democrat party has made themselves more than obvious what they are for.

The Right holds the biggest white supremacist rally in recent memory and you're bitching that the left concerns itself too much with racism?

Jesus. Where do you people come from?

Name one prominent person in the Republican party who agreed with or acknowledged white supremacy. Those people are not on the right. And they were not there to rally white supremacy, they were there to protest the removal of a statue.

lol. Now the white supremacists are not on the right. Goddammit you're stupid.

So again, who on the political right embraced white supremacists?

Even people on your side of the fence realized they are not on the right. That's why they came out with this nonsense of alt-right.

So they vote overwhelmingly for Trump because of his liberal appeal? lol
This is a free country ya dumbass. Just like YOU they are free to vote for or support whomever they choose.

It is entirely possible that in all my years in business I have worked for someone who has been accused or convicted of domestic or child abuse. Doesn't mean I endorse that shit.

Only moron hacks can't seperate people from the institutions they support.

Barney Frank was a fag & child molester. Do you endorse that shit? You must since you're a leftist right?

You say that after you call Carson a house ni#ger? But support Obama the biggest racist of all? The one that left his race worse off than when he started?
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.

Obama engaged in racial stereotypes and profiling just like everyone on this board and throughout the world engages in. He referred to his grandmother as a "typical white person". What is a typical white person? For that matter, what is a "typical Black person?" If a white person says they had a relative who was Black and that they were a "typical Black person", what is your reaction going to be:

1) "Oh, he is saying it in the same context as Obama did referring to his grandmother. It's OK.
2) "What does he mean, 'typical Black person'? Sounds pretty racist to me.
He meant she had the typical values and cultural identity attributes of a black woman of that era.
Lol, quit polishing Obama's knob.
Quit trying to use dopey insult posts to defend the obvious. The Republican Party allowed right wing racist and bigots to join them for the purpose of boosting and inflating their voter base and now they are stuck with them. The Republicans have allowed the racist to hijack the party to the point that even the many non-racist Republicans are being thrown into an association with the deplorable racist. Your excuse and defense are "what about the other guy".
I dont blame them. We are the party of freedom and prosperity. The democrats are the party of socialism and hate. Anyway your party openly supports the openly racist blm.
President Obama was not and is not a racist. That talking point lie has never been true and it is still not true. It is one of those lies told over and over with the hopes that when told enough it will be believed.

Obama engaged in racial stereotypes and profiling just like everyone on this board and throughout the world engages in. He referred to his grandmother as a "typical white person". What is a typical white person? For that matter, what is a "typical Black person?" If a white person says they had a relative who was Black and that they were a "typical Black person", what is your reaction going to be:

1) "Oh, he is saying it in the same context as Obama did referring to his grandmother. It's OK.
2) "What does he mean, 'typical Black person'? Sounds pretty racist to me.
He meant she had the typical values and cultural identity attributes of a black woman of that era.
Lol, quit polishing Obama's knob.
Quit trying to use dopey insult posts to defend the obvious. The Republican Party allowed right wing racist and bigots to join them for the purpose of boosting and inflating their voter base and now they are stuck with them. The Republicans have allowed the racist to hijack the party to the point that even the many non-racist Republicans are being thrown into an association with the deplorable racist. Your excuse and defense are "what about the other guy".
We "allowed them to join" us? How did we do that? I didn't know we could prevent anyone from registering as a Republican.

You only show, right from the starting gate, how utterly moronic, vile and dishonest you theory is.
Well the democrats are fixing to exile anyone who doesn't support abortion. You know the party of tolerance. Lol
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

So, there aren't any racist Republicans then?

and democrats, n blacks, n jews, n muslims, in libertarians, and in every facet of our lives you will find racists. this fucktarded desire to say only white men conservatives are is juet stupid.
Racial Profiling = Racism???? According to what unanimous consensus or standard? You people appointed yourselves the racist and hate police yet your fallacy is that you believe your side is not capable of racism or hate.

That idea is BULLSHIT, why stop an old white grandma when a young male latino thug just robbed a bank? That idea is completely ludicrous. Profiling is GOOD INVESTGATIVE REASONING to find and arrest criminals. If a white man beats the hell out of a black kid should the cops be stopping black women with children. Oh just to add they consider themselves the THOUGHT POLICE, not just race and hate. They are convinced in their shallow single celled minds that they have a superior right to judge and label everyone without knowing a thing about the person they judge.

There are other criteria that go into profiling beyond race. Age and gender factor in moreso than race. Consider car insurance rates. The highest car insurance rates are males between the ages of 16-25. Isn't that profiling, literally? Geography and population also play a factor as well. If young males between 16-25 have higher rates in a large populated area vs. a less populated area, it is because the probability of a 16-25 year old causing an accident is higher.
Racial Profiling = Racism???? According to what unanimous consensus or standard? You people appointed yourselves the racist and hate police yet your fallacy is that you believe your side is not capable of racism or hate.

That idea is BULLSHIT, why stop an old white grandma when a young male latino thug just robbed a bank? That idea is completely ludicrous. Profiling is GOOD INVESTGATIVE REASONING to find and arrest criminals. If a white man beats the hell out of a black kid should the cops be stopping black women with children. Oh just to add they consider themselves the THOUGHT POLICE, not just race and hate. They are convinced in their shallow single celled minds that they have a superior right to judge and label everyone without knowing a thing about the person they judge.

There are other criteria that go into profiling beyond race. Age and gender factor in moreso than race. Consider car insurance rates. The highest car insurance rates are males between the ages of 16-25. Isn't that profiling, literally? Geography and population also play a factor as well. If young males between 16-25 have higher rates in a large populated area vs. a less populated area, it is because the probability of a 16-25 year old causing an accident is higher.

Which is why they pay higher insurance rates, but I guess to some that would be profiling too.

When I was younger I used to deliver medical equipment. At times, I found myself in the projects. On several occasions, I was stopped by Cleveland police just because I was white. The police have their own division for the projects called CMHA.

Once we started talking, they explained that when they see a white guy in the projects, something is up. In most all cases, it's drug related, so they do stop white people and check them out.

I had no problem with that, cooperated fully, and they were very nice in return. A couple times the CMHA cop escorted me to the apartment I was looking for to give me protection during my delivery or pickup. We ended up laughing and joking about it, or they would tell me of their experiences in the past which was very interesting.

Each time the officer was black, but I knew it was nothing personal. They stopped me because of their experience with people of my race. They stopped me to help them keep their residents safe. They stopped me to keep me safe.
Can the Left Wingers go 24 hours without accusing Republicans of being racist?
Has it ever happened?
It seems like that is all that they ever do.
It seems like their lives revolve around calling people racist.
Do they have some sort of psychological problem?

They can't its the only card they have to play. They know nothing else.
Racial Profiling = Racism???? According to what unanimous consensus or standard? You people appointed yourselves the racist and hate police yet your fallacy is that you believe your side is not capable of racism or hate.

That idea is BULLSHIT, why stop an old white grandma when a young male latino thug just robbed a bank? That idea is completely ludicrous. Profiling is GOOD INVESTGATIVE REASONING to find and arrest criminals. If a white man beats the hell out of a black kid should the cops be stopping black women with children. Oh just to add they consider themselves the THOUGHT POLICE, not just race and hate. They are convinced in their shallow single celled minds that they have a superior right to judge and label everyone without knowing a thing about the person they judge.

There are other criteria that go into profiling beyond race. Age and gender factor in moreso than race. Consider car insurance rates. The highest car insurance rates are males between the ages of 16-25. Isn't that profiling, literally? Geography and population also play a factor as well. If young males between 16-25 have higher rates in a large populated area vs. a less populated area, it is because the probability of a 16-25 year old causing an accident is higher.

But the fact that Sherriff Joe was in a state where 99.99 percent of the illegals are latino means he should check old white grandmas to see if they are legal citizens instead of a latino if he stops them for an unrelated reason? HAHAHAA. Oh well I cant fire back when leftist call me racist and other shit that is just lies and shit but hell I don't give a damn I like the start of PFD's Maggot Brain better than almost any song on earth G Clinton is a genius I, unlike Leftist children and their ants, Am never offended by stupidity and comedy. I am on the alert list every day for my rebuttals so just have at it !!!! I find that even funnier than all the leftist on the board.

I have tasted the Maggots in the mind of the Universe, I was not offended.
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