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Can the next president and congress repair the damage done by Obama in one term?

How long will it take?

  • One term

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Two terms

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • If the gop has complete control one congressional session

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Your an idiot, Obama is going to win

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
It will take 40 years to repair the damage that Obama and the morons in Congress have done.

Clearly we wont return to pre crash numbers for many years but we can certainly remove the chains holding us down much sooner than that. My retirement has been wiped out for the most part. That will never come back, it has to be rebuilt from scratch
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?

You ARE just joking, right? Just who out of the crop of GOP candidates do you think will actually tackle the masssive drug program pushed through by Bush? NONE.

It's a massive health care entitlement with unfunded future costs over $7 trillion. Many conservatives are still upset at the way it was rammed through Congress.

But when the Republican presidential candidates were asked last week asked if they would repeal the Medicare drug benefit, they said no way. After all, Republicans created it.

Republicans want to pull the plug on the health care overhaul they call "Obamacare," but that law is arguably less a deficit driver than the Medicare drug plan they are defending.

Repeal Our Unfunded Health Law? No Way, Says GOP

If any of them were SERIOUS about getting spending under control one would think this would be at the top of their list. But since REPUBLICANS created it I guess that makes it all ok?????

Checked out the site and there's nice work there! I can see how you've made it 22 years. Good job.

Of course, I can't think of any regulations Obama has passed that would prevent you from getting more work. In fact, I would think home repair and improvements would be something Obama would want to encourage. Can you tell us the regulations that were passed that harm your business?

Specifically Dodd/Frank. ITS KILLING ME

I used to be able to goto my bank and get loans for large commercial projects or in traditionally slow times I could get loans for overhead, advertising and payroll.

Not anymore. Not even a fucking dime. They tell me my credit is fine and nothing of my credit worthyness has changed but that they have new policies that they must follow that have tightened the standards for such loans. Ive even opened multiple accounts in different banks in hopes of building a repor with them but its all been a waste of time.
I do have a line of credit tied to several accounts but the increase of fees and interest has made it impossible to turn a profit worth risking the use of the loans.

Then we had that speech by Obama saying SS checks may not go out a while back that scared a customer of mine to the point they canceled the job. It was worth over 6 grand in profit.

The remodeling business has dried up unless your targeting only the wealthy. And the competition for those few jobs is cut throat.
Indeed. and the poster you address told me that I was lying when I stated that Government was getting in the way of the private sector.

No, I said you were lying when you said Government getting in the way of the private sector caused the Financial Crisis.

That is my successful business. 22 years of nothing but success until now. Now on the verge of going under. Not for bad practices as we are well regarded and award winning. Going under thanks in part to Obama sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. IF we make it through this winter it will be despite Obama, not because of Obama.
Obama did not trigger the collapse but he deepened and prolonged it.

Checked out the site and there's nice work there! I can see how you've made it 22 years. Good job.

Of course, I can't think of any regulations Obama has passed that would prevent you from getting more work. In fact, I would think home repair and improvements would be something Obama would want to encourage. Can you tell us the regulations that were passed that harm your business?

Specifically Dodd/Frank. ITS KILLING ME

I used to be able to goto my bank and get loans for large commercial projects or in traditionally slow times I could get loans for overhead, advertising and payroll.

Not anymore. Not even a fucking dime. They tell me my credit is fine and nothing of my credit worthyness has changed but that they have new policies that they must follow that have tightened the standards for such loans. Ive even opened multiple accounts in different banks in hopes of building a repor with them but its all been a waste of time.
I do have a line of credit tied to several accounts but the increase of fees and interest has made it impossible to turn a profit worth risking the use of the loans.

Then we had that speech by Obama saying SS checks may not go out a while back that scared a customer of mine to the point they canceled the job. It was worth over 6 grand in profit.

The remodeling business has dried up unless your targeting only the wealthy. And the competition for those few jobs is cut throat.

Again though, you didn't say HOW Dodd/Frank caused your situation. Banks stopped lending back during the Crisis, right around the time Bush gave them hundreds of billions with no strings attached, and long before Dodd/Frank. Many people and businesses are having trouble getting credit and loans because the banks just don't want to give it out. Obama has been talking about this for two years now!

Yes, it sucks you can't get the credit you need like you could in the past. But it's not Obama's fault for signing Dodd/Frank. If you honestly think it is, then you could point to specifics in the law, but you didn't do that.

Don't hate Obama because your bank is being a little bitch.
I doubt it. The GOP, who will control White House and Congress, have a terrible track record.

Reagan more than doubled Carter's debt and deficits. Bush more than doubled Clinton's debt and deficits.

When Republicans controlled all 3 levers of power, they turned a surplus into one of the largest financial black holes in US History. They gave us a reckless domestic economy (built around a fraudulent Wall Street bubble), and a reckless foreign policy (built around the utopian pipe-dream of democratizing the middle east and changing the way 1.3 billion Muslims live).

Indeed, the only party that consistently spends more than the dems is the GOP.

The dems use social programs and environmental regulatory-jiggery-pokery to raise debt. The GOP uses National Security (usually over tiny nations like Grenada or Iraq) to generate contracts for their donors and drive their domestic agenda.

Smart money says that 2012 GOP will do what Reagan and Bush did: increase military spending while changing the headlines from economic woes to fear & terrorism. (Remember: fear is the oldest political tool in the book. It is the preferred tool of big government and it pries open the taxpayer's wallet better than even social programs).

You might counter: but the Bush Wars were necessary. I counter: stop trusting Washington to Save the World. Washington can't even rebuild this nation, let alone whole Arab cultures. Every time you guys trust dear leader to save the world, you end up bankrupting us. (What happened to the old isolationist Conservatives who opposed FDR and Truman's military expansionism?)

Let me see if I understand this correctly. You want to know if Big Government Conservatism - lead by Willard RomneyCare - can save something as large and complicated as the US economy? My answer: be careful trusting dear leader with economic miracles. Washington is not that competent. If history is any guide, ol' Mitt will do what his predecessors did: distract middle American patriots with fear & wedge issues as he quietly spends twice as much as his Democratic predecessors.

Meaning: while the dems spend like drunken sailors (fighting poverty and the temperature boogieman), the GOP always - as a rule - spends more.

(FYI: look for a National Security issue to come-up early in Mitt's term. This is the engine which allows them to move the budget in the direction of the special interests which put them in office. In other words: politics as usual . . . only a lot more expensive)

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so wait a minute. You have a few people on here ( T and soggy ) saying that this goes back 100 years and Policies people put in place that caused this, and yet Bush who was a few years ago can't?


This is the GOP logic

Like most people who are not insulated by a stable 9 to 5 job I dont give a shit about who could have done what and when they could have done it. I care about surviving now. Who is in charge right now while so many are suffering? Can Bush fix it? How bout Clinton or Reagan?

Exactly, lets focus on who can do things to turn this mess around and stop playing semantics with the past. Learn from it, dont dwell in it.

to ignore the past would be foolish, it will happen again due to ignorance.
You want to head hunt one man, when its more complex than that.

I clearly said learn from it not ignore it. Tell me how does running around blaming anyone and everyone else solve anything?
Like most people who are not insulated by a stable 9 to 5 job I dont give a shit about who could have done what and when they could have done it. I care about surviving now. Who is in charge right now while so many are suffering? Can Bush fix it? How bout Clinton or Reagan?

Exactly, lets focus on who can do things to turn this mess around and stop playing semantics with the past. Learn from it, dont dwell in it.

to ignore the past would be foolish, it will happen again due to ignorance.
You want to head hunt one man, when its more complex than that.

I clearly said learn from it not ignore it. Tell me how does running around blaming anyone and everyone else solve anything?
Because it's easy for the unthinking?
I doubt it. The GOP, who will control White House and Congress, have a terrible track record.

Reagan more than doubled Carter's debt and deficits. Bush more than doubled Clinton's debt and deficits.

When Republicans controlled all 3 levers of power, they turned a surplus into one of the largest financial black holes in US History. They gave us a reckless domestic economy (built around a fraudulent Wall Street bubble), and a reckless foreign policy (built around the utopian pipe-dream of democratizing the middle east and changing the way 1.3 billion Muslims live).

Indeed, the only party that consistently spends more than the dems is the GOP.

The dems use social programs and environmental regulatory-jiggery-pokery to raise debt. The GOP uses National Security (usually over tiny nations like Grenada or Iraq) to generate contracts for their donors and drive their domestic agenda.

Smart money says that 2012 GOP will do what Reagan and Bush did: increase military spending while changing the headlines from economic woes to fear & terrorism. Fear pries open the taxpayer's wallet better than even social programs.

You might counter: but the Bush Wars were necessary. I counter: stop trusting Washington to Save the World. Washington can't rebuild this nation; Washington can't run a laundromat. What makes you think they can rebuild the Arab world in our democratic image? Every time you guys trust dear leader to save the world, you end up bankrupting us. (What happened to the old isolationist Conservatives who opposed FDR and Truman's military expansionism?)

Let me see if I understand this correctly. You want to know if Big Government Conservatism - lead by Willard RomneyCare - can save something as large and complicated as the US economy? My answer: be careful trusting dear leader with economic miracles. Washington is not that competent. If history is any guide, ol' Mitt will do what his predecessors did: distract middle American patriots with fear & wedge issues as he quietly spends twice as much as his Democratic predecessors.

Meaning: while the dems spend like drunken sailors (fighting poverty and the temperature boogieman), the GOP always - as a rule - spends more.

(FYI: look for a National Security issue to come-up early in Mitt's term. This is the engine which allows them to move the budget in the direction of the special interests which put them in office. In other words: politics as usual . . . only a lot more expensive)


I am hoping that is the party of the past. We have all witnessed what the results of governing like that offeres. The GOP know they are being watched now more than ever before. The internet and 24/7 news cycles have forever changed the way people see our politicians. We now have more power, the power of facts, and the ability to rally around a common cause like never before. Ignore us now at your own peril.
I am hoping that is the party of the past. We have all witnessed what the results of governing like that offeres. The GOP know they are being watched now more than ever before. The internet and 24/7 news cycles have forever changed the way people see our politicians. We now have more power, the power of facts, and the ability to rally around a common cause like never before. Ignore us now at your own peril.

Indeed. It took the Tea Party movement to rescue the broken dead husk of the Republican Party in 2010. I they fail again like they did under Bush, my guess is nothing will save them. (and good riddance)

We will still have a (mostly) two party system... the Republicans just wont be one of them.
I doubt it. The GOP, who will control White House and Congress, have a terrible track record.

Reagan more than doubled Carter's debt and deficits. Bush more than doubled Clinton's debt and deficits.

When Republicans controlled all 3 levers of power, they turned a surplus into one of the largest financial black holes in US History. They gave us a reckless domestic economy (built around a fraudulent Wall Street bubble), and a reckless foreign policy (built around the utopian pipe-dream of democratizing the middle east and changing the way 1.3 billion Muslims live).

Indeed, the only party that consistently spends more than the dems is the GOP.

The dems use social programs and environmental regulatory-jiggery-pokery to raise debt. The GOP uses National Security (usually over tiny nations like Grenada or Iraq) to generate contracts for their donors and drive their domestic agenda.

Smart money says that 2012 GOP will do what Reagan and Bush did: increase military spending while changing the headlines from economic woes to fear & terrorism. Fear pries open the taxpayer's wallet better than even social programs.

You might counter: but the Bush Wars were necessary. I counter: stop trusting Washington to Save the World. Washington can't rebuild this nation; Washington can't run a laundromat. What makes you think they can rebuild the Arab world in our democratic image? Every time you guys trust dear leader to save the world, you end up bankrupting us. (What happened to the old isolationist Conservatives who opposed FDR and Truman's military expansionism?)

Let me see if I understand this correctly. You want to know if Big Government Conservatism - lead by Willard RomneyCare - can save something as large and complicated as the US economy? My answer: be careful trusting dear leader with economic miracles. Washington is not that competent. If history is any guide, ol' Mitt will do what his predecessors did: distract middle American patriots with fear & wedge issues as he quietly spends twice as much as his Democratic predecessors.

Meaning: while the dems spend like drunken sailors (fighting poverty and the temperature boogieman), the GOP always - as a rule - spends more.

(FYI: look for a National Security issue to come-up early in Mitt's term. This is the engine which allows them to move the budget in the direction of the special interests which put them in office. In other words: politics as usual . . . only a lot more expensive)


I am hoping that is the party of the past. We have all witnessed what the results of governing like that offeres. The GOP know they are being watched now more than ever before. The internet and 24/7 news cycles have forever changed the way people see our politicians. We now have more power, the power of facts, and the ability to rally around a common cause like never before. Ignore us now at your own peril.

Sadly the link shows that the GOP has NOT learned its lessons.......

Repeal Our Unfunded Health Law? No Way, Says GOP

Logically speaking, Obama has proved he isn't up to the task. Also, GOP and the Dems showed their true colors by putting politics over country.
The only thing that could repair the damage done by these political incompetents, is to reject all of them.

Constitutionally speaking, he has no ‘task,’ nor does any president, from an ‘original intent’ stand point. The Framers foresaw the Chief Executive as an administrator only, who appoints department heads and judges, and gives a speech ‘from time to time.’

The Imperial Presidency is a 20th Century aberration.

As for ‘replacing political incompetents,’ replace them with whom and by the same process that resulted in the current crop of nitwits? The only way to achieve that is for the voters to reject both political parties, and that’s not going to happen.
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?

Just blame Bush -

Obama is totally not responsible for anything over the last three years.

Sarcasm off.

Well he is, short cakes.

He extended the Bush tax cuts.

I doubt you are against that..

But I was..and still am.
How long do you think it is going to take to unwind this mess the liberals in DC have created since they took over in 2006?
From Ocare to the EPA the damage is broad. Can it be done in one term?

Just blame Bush -

Obama is totally not responsible for anything over the last three years.

Sarcasm off.

Well he is, short cakes.

He extended the Bush tax cuts.

I doubt you are against that..

But I was..and still am.

In his position, I would have done the same exact thing. Only Republicans, the party of "let him die", would let millions of Americans suffer "Just Before Christmas" to make tax breaks for millionaires their priority. Obama couldn't let millions of Americans suffer. Something that comes so easily to Republicans. Normal people can't really blame him. But Republicans call him "weak" for caring. This is one of the main differences between Republicans and Democrats.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com
I am hoping that is the party of the past. We have all witnessed what the results of governing like that offeres. The GOP know they are being watched now more than ever before. The internet and 24/7 news cycles have forever changed the way people see our politicians. We now have more power, the power of facts, and the ability to rally around a common cause like never before. Ignore us now at your own peril.

Indeed. It took the Tea Party movement to rescue the broken dead husk of the Republican Party in 2010. I they fail again like they did under Bush, my guess is nothing will save them. (and good riddance)

We will still have a (mostly) two party system... the Republicans just wont be one of them.
Only the Republicans will be reborn into the intent of the party and the Republic that is thier namesake...rescuing it and the nation from disaster.
Only the Republicans will be reborn into the intent of the party and the Republic that is thier namesake...rescuing it and the nation from disaster.

For fuck's sake, give it a rest once in a while, will ya?
Why truth hurt you for some reason? And Uhmm...I'll continue as long as YOU are a resident of these boards...

Get it slick?
Only the Republicans will be reborn into the intent of the party and the Republic that is thier namesake...rescuing it and the nation from disaster.

For fuck's sake, give it a rest once in a while, will ya?
Why truth hurt you for some reason? And Uhmm...I'll continue as long as YOU are a resident of these boards...

Get it slick?


Fine. Play out your little fantasy.

The adults will be discussing issues in the mean time.

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