Can they do it?

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
BYD says their new hatchback will have 620 miles range and a time of 2.9 seconds to 60 mph. It will charge 93 miles in 5 minutes. Can they live up to that prediction in a production car? Can they make it less costly than a Tesla Y? Remember what Japan did to us in the auto market before you discount Chinese competition.
BYD says their new hatchback will have 620 miles range and a time of 2.9 seconds to 60 mph. It will charge 93 miles in 5 minutes. Can they live up to that prediction in a production car? Can they make it less costly than a Tesla Y? Remember what Japan did to us in the auto market before you discount Chinese competition.

  1. Longer range just equals longer charge times.
  2. Electric cars are still uber expensive.
  3. Hell will freeze over before I buy a chinese car no matter what it does.
BYD says their new hatchback will have 620 miles range and a time of 2.9 seconds to 60 mph. It will charge 93 miles in 5 minutes. Can they live up to that prediction in a production car? Can they make it less costly than a Tesla Y? Remember what Japan did to us in the auto market before you discount Chinese competition.

  1. Longer range just equals longer charge times.
  2. Electric cars are still uber expensive.
  3. Hell will freeze over before I buy a chinese car no matter what it does.
The charging times are rapidly coming down. The prices of the EV's are rapidly decreasing. I remember a lot of people saying that when the first Japanese cars were imported. Ten years later many of them were driving Japanese cars. If they make a good car at a competitive price, it will sell here in the US. The Germans and Japanese proved that.
The charging times are rapidly coming down.
They may come down a bit, but at the expense of a harder-to-achieve high-current supply. Not only is the high current feed more expensive and less likely in a home setting, but the battery never gets as good a charge that way and generally requires more exotic (expensive) batteries to work with. No electric car will ever charge up as quickly as I can fill my gas tank.

The prices of the EV's are rapidly decreasing.
They may come down but as cheaper, smaller cars, meanwhile, they still far out-cost the price of a good used gas car.

I remember a lot of people saying that when the first Japanese cars were imported. Ten years later many of them were driving Japanese cars. If they make a good car at a competitive price, it will sell here in the US. The Germans and Japanese proved that.
You could be right. I can only speak for myself and other conscientious buyers.
The charging times are rapidly coming down.
They may come down a bit, but at the expense of a harder-to-achieve high-current supply. Not only is the high current feed more expensive and less likely in a home setting, but the battery never gets as good a charge that way and generally requires more exotic (expensive) batteries to work with. No electric car will ever charge up as quickly as I can fill my gas tank.

The prices of the EV's are rapidly decreasing.
They may come down but as cheaper, smaller cars, meanwhile, they still far out-cost the price of a good used gas car.

I remember a lot of people saying that when the first Japanese cars were imported. Ten years later many of them were driving Japanese cars. If they make a good car at a competitive price, it will sell here in the US. The Germans and Japanese proved that.
You could be right. I can only speak for myself and other conscientious buyers.
If you are on a trip, the charging time is a problem if you have not allowed time for it. If you are driving back and forth to work, then it is irrelevant as it can be recharged when you are at home. And if you have solar and belong to a VPP, it can even make money for you when it is plugged in.
Heres the thing.......its not about charging times. Battery life. ......all the little things that EV advocates are always talking about for the past 10 years.

Americans dont want EV's. Most are purchased by folks with $$.....they are not for the everyman. Ever take a drive in a Telsa 3? I have. Stunning acceleration. But it looks goofy. The interior is crap......even the dashboard worse quality than a cheap Dodge compact. Notice Toyota is making zero electric cars..........d0y.........they understand the American market.

Look at the sales #'s last year in the US........ 2020 US Electric Vehicle Sales Report .............. laughably low. In 2019, Toyota sold more Camry's than all EV's COMBINED :up: Do the math. You'd think EV's are poised to take over the world........but look at any pie graph of sales of cars, EV's vs. conventional cars. You can barely make out the sliver of EV sales. About 13 million cars sold in the US in 2020......325,000 were EV's :deal::boobies::boobies:

But glad to see you back in here had me worried this past month. Seriously. I posted up an APB on your whereabouts and the USMB took the thread down. Hope all is well.
It really doesn't matter that a car can go from 0 to 60 in under 4 seconds I don't know why so many of you people think it does
It really doesn't matter that a car can go from 0 to 60 in under 4 seconds I don't know why so many of you people think it does

You are correct. By far, for most people, its not a draw for selling a car. Americans prefer luxury, utility, reliability, size and looks when purchasing a car. We know that because one just needs to look at crossover/SUV sales.
The Spanish Flu likely started here in the US. Are we responsible for all the deaths in 1918 and 1919?
Yeah.... because we created the Spanish Flu in a lab for the specific purpose to make it more deadly than a simple corona strain; and then, through our lack of security, it leaked out. And then hid it from everyone, thereby allowing the virus to spread across the globe - and then lied about both it's severity and even tried to say no one here died from it.

Is that what we did?
Then it isn't the same thing is it?
You should be embarrassed for making such an erroneous comparison
  1. Hell will freeze over before I buy a chinese car no matter what it does.

After China is responsible for the death of 3.57 million people with the Wuhan virus... and you buy one of their cars??? That is the ULTIMATE act of selfishness
The Spanish Flu likely started here in the US. Are we responsible for all the deaths in 1918 and 1919?

I didn't know anyone was ENGINEERING viruses as a weapon to kill people in 1918!
  1. Hell will freeze over before I buy a chinese car no matter what it does.

After China is responsible for the death of 3.57 million people with the Wuhan virus... and you buy one of their cars??? That is the ULTIMATE act of selfishness
The Spanish Flu likely started here in the US. Are we responsible for all the deaths in 1918 and 1919?

I didn't know anyone was ENGINEERING viruses as a weapon to kill people in 1918!
You don't know that now. You are just repeating the words of someone that spoke over 35,000 lies in a single term as President, and created the conditions for the loss of over 600,000 American lives by destroying all our defenses against a pandemic in 2018.
The Spanish Flu likely started here in the US. Are we responsible for all the deaths in 1918 and 1919?
Yeah.... because we created the Spanish Flu in a lab for the specific purpose to make it more deadly than a simple corona strain; and then, through our lack of security, it leaked out. And then hid it from everyone, thereby allowing the virus to spread across the globe - and then lied about both it's severity and even tried to say no one here died from it.

Is that what we did?
Then it isn't the same thing is it?
You should be embarrassed for making such an erroneous comparison
Another dumb ass that ignores the fact that President Trump totally destroyed our pandemic defenses in 2018. Trump literally should be charged with over 600,000 counts of negligent homicide.
I wonder if these sparky car nitwits can get as excited about ending the slave labor and environmental catastrophe brought to us by the CCP, from lithium mining for the components of the batteries for these contraptions.
I didn't know anyone was ENGINEERING viruses as a weapon to kill people in 1918!
You don't know that now. You are just repeating the words of someone that spoke over 35,000 lies in a single term as President

FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. How dare you drag Trump into this with your incessant, pathetic TDS. Trump has nothing to do with this, idiot. I am speaking about the best that we know and the assumptions the top experts are making, China's refusal to let teams into the lab and their unwillingness to release data. And I'm speaking to the fact that the first known Covid cases were from several employees whom WORKED IN THE FUCKING LAB.

Now go soak your head in a gallon of olive oil, add in a few springs of basil, thyme and oregano, and market it as a new pizza topping for tomatoless pizzas.
You should be embarrassed for making such an erroneous comparison
Another dumb ass that ignores the fact that President Trump totally destroyed our pandemic defenses in 2018. Trump literally should be charged with over 600,000 counts of negligent homicide.


When Ebola broke out in West Africa in 2014, then President Obama involved multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, none of which were speaking to one another. Basically, the U.S. pandemic infrastructure was an enormous orchestra full of talented, egotistical players, each jockeying for solos and fame, refusing to rehearse, and demanding higher salaries—all without a conductor. To try to bring order and harmony to the chaos, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House.

In the spring of 2018, the White House pushed Congress to cut funding for Obama-era programs, proposing to eliminate $252 million in previously committed resources for rebuilding health systems in Ebola-ravaged Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. Under fire from both sides of the aisle, President Donald Trump dropped the proposal to eliminate Ebola funds a month later.

White House efforts included reducing $15 billion in spending of the CDC, NSC, DHS, and HHS. And the government’s $30 million Complex Crises Fund was eliminated. All of this was done not to make us vulnerable to another pandemic, but to rid the government of the massive fat it had acquired over the years, reorganizing itself into a leaner, more effective structure.

That fact is reflected in the fact that most other countries fared no better than the USA and we are able to effect new vaccines for the virus in 8 months rather than 6-10 years.
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I didn't know anyone was ENGINEERING viruses as a weapon to kill people in 1918!
You don't know that now. You are just repeating the words of someone that spoke over 35,000 lies in a single term as President

FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. How dare you drag Trump into this with your incessant, pathetic TDS. Trump has nothing to do with this, idiot. I am speaking about the best that we know and the assumptions the top experts are making, China's refusal to let teams into the lab and their unwillingness to release data. And I'm speaking to the fact that the first known Covid cases were from several employees whom WORKED IN THE FUCKING LAB.

Now go soak your head in a gallon of olive oil, add in a few springs of basil, thyme and oregano, and market it as a new pizza topping for tomatoless pizzas.
MY, my, get excited when someone correctly points out that the orange ass you love to kiss created the disaster that Covid has wrought in the US. Even if China developed that in a lab, and I have seen no proof of that, had we had in place the safeguards that Presidents Bush and Obama put into place, our death toll would be far lower. Instead the orange asshole lied for months about the pandemic. And the fact that he destroyed our defenses in 2018. But go ahead and continue kissing the orange ass, and by proxy, Puttin's ass. And when the cell door clangs behind your hero and there is dancing in the streets as there was when Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election, get yourself a case of crying towels.

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