Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

It has already been determined. There is no collusion at all.

NO! That hasn't been determined and won't until the investigations are concluded.

BTW....the basis for 'obstructing' Obama was evident in his ideology. Just look at the miserable failure of a healthcare bill.

What failure? Obamacare extended coverage to 24,000,000 people and resulted in premium increases less than those prior to the ACA. On top of that, there has not been one legitimate "victim" of Obamacare. Every single "victim" trotted out by the right-wing has been lying their fat asses off about the ACA and its effect on their health care. Every. Single. One. Conservatives are reduced to spreading 3rd hand, anecdotal bullshit about the ACA since it was passed. You all have had 7 years to come up with a replacement and the best you can do is to kick 23,000,000 people off their insurance, spike costs for seniors, and completely undermine the purpose and point of insurance.

7 years and that shit is the best Conservatives can come up with???? You all voted to repeal Obamacare 60+ times, it didn't strike you as important to have a replacement plan ready? That undermines your claim that Obamacare made the system worse...if you couldn't be bothered to come up with a replacement despite voting to repeal 60+ times. Does that mean all those repeal votes were just bullshit political votes? Seems to be the case.
They're all lying! Damned liars are going to lie I tell you!

Love how you try to couch the reply though. There has not been one LEGITIMATE 'victim' of Obamacare. You guys get to be the sole arbitrators of what is and is not legitimate, right?

The law is failing in every state, some states are down to a single provider for the law and in those cases, the population may lose that single provider leaving them with nothing. The deductibles are so high that the 24 million who were forced onto the program are STILL paying for healthcare out of their pockets while the rest cannot afford the massive rate increases.

Yeah, a real success story there sparky. Peddle your nonsense to the more gullible.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

They should help with health care by adding amendments to it. Its a senate bill so who knows what's in it
The dems are not allowed to help They have no idea what's in the repub HC bill and on another note Are you still in the room lol
Why are they not allowed to? Will Schumer and Pelosi kick them out of the party if they do?We know what's in the house bill but far as I know no one knows what's in the senate bill where I think it will be completely different.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

They should help with health care by adding amendments to it. Its a senate bill so who knows what's in it
The dems are not allowed to help They have no idea what's in the repub HC bill and on another note Are you still in the room lol
Why are they not allowed to? Will Schumer and Pelosi kick them out of the party if they do?We know what's in the house bill but far as I know no one knows what's in the senate bill where I think it will be completely different.
Heard a senator yesterday saying they haven't seen the bill nor have they've been asked to help with it
Well, not those who want their kids to be thugs....

I doubt Zimmerman’s parents wanted him to turn out like he did. Correct.

Zimmerman? What the fuck.

Now Martin's parents were grooming a thug, no doubt about it. His mother bragged about how proud she was.

We’ll we will never know how Martin may have turned out; he ran into George Zimmerman

We do know how Zimmerman turned out. How many times has he been arrested?

View attachment 132503

So Zimmerman has robbed and assaulted people then?

Do you just hate Hispanics?
Zimmerman is a murderer that escaped justice thanks to republicans

How did Republicans convince a jury of anything?
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

They should help with health care by adding amendments to it. Its a senate bill so who knows what's in it
The dems are not allowed to help They have no idea what's in the repub HC bill and on another note Are you still in the room lol
Why are they not allowed to? Will Schumer and Pelosi kick them out of the party if they do?We know what's in the house bill but far as I know no one knows what's in the senate bill where I think it will be completely different.
Heard a senator yesterday saying they haven't seen the bill nor have they've been asked to help with it
Understandable. Why not since you know Obamacare is collapsing come up with your own new bill OR just ask republicans if they can care affects everyone and everyone should be involved in fixing this shit. Its time for the GOP to move past what the democrats did in 2009/2010 and passed the obamacare with no GOP input and its time to put a bipartisan bill together.
Zimmerman? What the fuck.

Now Martin's parents were grooming a thug, no doubt about it. His mother bragged about how proud she was.

We’ll we will never know how Martin may have turned out; he ran into George Zimmerman

We do know how Zimmerman turned out. How many times has he been arrested?

View attachment 132503
not enough.

but my point is - when you take sides as a president you divide people up who are looking for someone to be responsible for *whatever*.

and obama took a side quickly and usually without the entire story almost every single time.

That’s true. “That could be my son” is also true. Not sure how that is taking sides.

I will say that he did need to refrain from weighing in on every localized story. His being the first black President probably caused him to swing at some pitches he should have just let pass.
As Republicans made Zimmerman their hero

How is defending someone's right to self defense making them your hero?
It failed because it based its entire premise on a false belief. Had nothing to do with Republicans. They didn't vote for it, they could not interfere with it once passed.

What is the false belief you think Obamacare is based on?
I doubt Zimmerman’s parents wanted him to turn out like he did. Correct.

Zimmerman? What the fuck.

Now Martin's parents were grooming a thug, no doubt about it. His mother bragged about how proud she was.

We’ll we will never know how Martin may have turned out; he ran into George Zimmerman

We do know how Zimmerman turned out. How many times has he been arrested?

View attachment 132503

So Zimmerman has robbed and assaulted people then?

Do you just hate Hispanics?
Zimmerman is a murderer that escaped justice thanks to republicans

How did Republicans convince a jury of anything?
No need to convince republicans on a jury Black guy shot??? He's the guilty one
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

They should help with health care by adding amendments to it. Its a senate bill so who knows what's in it
The dems are not allowed to help They have no idea what's in the repub HC bill and on another note Are you still in the room lol
Why are they not allowed to? Will Schumer and Pelosi kick them out of the party if they do?We know what's in the house bill but far as I know no one knows what's in the senate bill where I think it will be completely different.
Heard a senator yesterday saying they haven't seen the bill nor have they've been asked to help with it
Understandable. Why not since you know Obamacare is collapsing come up with your own new bill OR just ask republicans if they can care affects everyone and everyone should be involved in fixing this shit. Its time for the GOP to move past what the democrats did in 2009/2010 and passed the obamacare with no GOP input and its time to put a bipartisan bill together.
I agree wholeheartedly with that asking republicans for help is like asking the fox to help the chicken Damn shame but that's what our politics has morphed into
The Republicans really didn't stop Obama's agenda.

Sure they did. They obstructed all the Jobs Bills Obama has proposed. Conservatives forfeit their duties to govern when they made obstructionism their agenda. In the last 37 years, Conservatives have not passed one single law that did any good for anyone without (un)intended negative consequences. NOT ONE THING.

They gave him his filthy ass tax increase, more debt, increase in the size of the government and did not stop that disastrous Obamacare in the Senate by invoking the filibuster. They didn't do a damn thing of substance to slow down his increased welfare state or the flood of filthy ass illegals flooding across the border.

What tax increase? You mean letting the Bush Tax Cuts on the wealthy expire at the end of 2012? Conservatives at the time said it would lead to job loss, an economic collapse, and another recession. Wrong on all three. So since they were wrong about that, why would they be right about anything else? More debt? Where was all this debt concern back in 2001 when Conservatives erased a surplus with tax cuts that created 4 -FOUR- record deficits in 8 years including the largest deficit of all time? Your screeching about the debt today rings hollow given your support for tax cuts which created the debt in the first place while not delivering on a single promise made of them. Not one. It took a mortgage bubble to get the Bush economy going...a mortgage bubble that would pop and lead to the worst recession in 80 years.

If the Democrats oppose Trump the same way as the Republicans opposed Obama then Trump will get pretty much everything he wants.

Obama didn't get everything he wanted. Not even close. He wanted single payer - we got Obamacare. He wanted a larger stimulus - we got a stimulus heavily weighted towards useless tax cuts. He wanted the Employee Free Choice Act - instead we got "right to work". He wanted to increase the minimum wage - it didn't. The thing is Trump doesn't even know what he it makes getting what he wants that much more murky. He says he wanted a health care plan that was universal and it lowered costs - instead, Conservatives come up with the opposite of that. He says he wanted tax reform - instead, we got just a bunch of tax cuts for the rich proposed. Trump knows about the presidency about as much as Conservatives know about economics; nothing.
We’ll we will never know how Martin may have turned out; he ran into George Zimmerman

We do know how Zimmerman turned out. How many times has he been arrested?

View attachment 132503
not enough.

but my point is - when you take sides as a president you divide people up who are looking for someone to be responsible for *whatever*.

and obama took a side quickly and usually without the entire story almost every single time.

That’s true. “That could be my son” is also true. Not sure how that is taking sides.

I will say that he did need to refrain from weighing in on every localized story. His being the first black President probably caused him to swing at some pitches he should have just let pass.
As Republicans made Zimmerman their hero

How is defending someone's right to self defense making them your hero?
A fight all well and good BUT the bullshit his life was in danger was just that There was no need to kill the guy and now the pos is gloating
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

They should help with health care by adding amendments to it. Its a senate bill so who knows what's in it
The dems are not allowed to help They have no idea what's in the repub HC bill and on another note Are you still in the room lol
Why are they not allowed to? Will Schumer and Pelosi kick them out of the party if they do?We know what's in the house bill but far as I know no one knows what's in the senate bill where I think it will be completely different.
Heard a senator yesterday saying they haven't seen the bill nor have they've been asked to help with it

Well Boo Fuckin' Hoo!

How many Republicans were asked to hekp with Obamacare?

Dude, you can't be old enough to shave (legs and pits or face.). Is your training bra too big, or perhaps your nuts haven't dropped? It's got to be something because your comments display te ignorance of youth.

Oh, and BTW, in Webster's Dictionary under the word asshole it says "See eddiew".
You remember the poor excuse of a man repub leader McConnell say they'll do all in their power to make obama a 1 term president?? and then they tried to live up to that?

The basis for obstruction to Obama was wholly political and without merit. The basis for obstruction of Trump and the GOP is not without merit; there is no doubt that Russia hacked our election. The question is whether or not Trump and the GOP colluded with them to do so. Until that can be determined, the entire agenda should be shut down until we can figure out what the hell is going on!

Russia did not hack our election
hey're all lying! Damned liars are going to lie I tell you!Love how you try to couch the reply though. There has not been one LEGITIMATE 'victim' of Obamacare. You guys get to be the sole arbitrators of what is and is not legitimate, right?

No, a legitimate victim would be someone who is legitimately harmed by the law. In the case of the so-called Obamacare "victims", not one of their stories holds any water when subject to the slightest scrutiny. I like to use Julie Boonstra as the example. You remember her, right? If not, let me refresh your memory; Julie Boonstra was the fat, ugly, punchable-faced GOP sow who claimed Obamacare caused her insurance and health care costs to rise. So convinced was she, that she starred in a Koch-produced ad in time for the 2012 election where she claimed Obamacare caused her health care costs to rise. Turns out, big ol' fat Boonstra was lying her fat ass off. Not only did Obamacare not cause her costs to rise, or her insurance to be cancelled (as she and others claimed), but her health care costs declined by $2,400 - the amount Obama said it would. It took a newspaper reporter to call to Boonstra's insurer to get confirmation. The insurer said Boonstra's costs declined by $2,400. Boonstra's response when confronted with this reality: "I choose to not believe that."

So there ya go...the big, fatal flaw in Obamacare opposition...Conservatives refusing to accept reality and thinking reality is something you can believe in. It isn't. You either accept reality or you don't. You are choosing not to accept reality. The reasons are obvious as to why. Grow up and get over yourself.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

They should help with health care by adding amendments to it. Its a senate bill so who knows what's in it
The dems are not allowed to help They have no idea what's in the repub HC bill and on another note Are you still in the room lol
Why are they not allowed to? Will Schumer and Pelosi kick them out of the party if they do?We know what's in the house bill but far as I know no one knows what's in the senate bill where I think it will be completely different.
Heard a senator yesterday saying they haven't seen the bill nor have they've been asked to help with it

Well Boo Fuckin' Hoo!

How many Republicans were asked to hekp with Obamacare?

Dude, you can't be old enough to shave (legs and pits or face.). Is your training bra too big, or perhaps your nuts haven't dropped? It's got to be something because your comments display te ignorance of youth.

Oh, and BTW, in Webster's Dictionary under the word asshole it says "See eddiew".
Well then please remove your dirty mouth from my ass
Obama did campaign as a uniter and then turned out to be the most divisive President in history. Trump ran on fixing all the things that are broken and that is what he is doing.

We can just add Trump to that quote:

Trump did campaign as a uniter and then turned out to be the most divisive President in history. :slap:
To be fair, the MSM. (AKA- the Establishment) has been hounding him from Day 1.
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Someone said it best on the Sunday morning talk shows when they said he should spend less time tweeting about Comey, and more time about advancing his programs/agenda. Instead, he's getting down in the mud and his agenda sits dormant

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