Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

IF that is true, why is California working on a single-payer system for the state which is impossible for the state to afford?

It's not impossible for the state to afford, it just would require some hard work into figuring out tax rates, fees, etc. There are many countries with populations smaller than CA that have single-payer health care systems that produce better outcomes than we get here. Despite Obamacare, CA still doesn't have universal coverage. That's why they're pushing for single payer. If it does work in CA, then there's no reason it won't work nationally.

Right now, it costs about $17,000 for a worker to get employer-provided care. The worker pays about $5K of that and the business pays about $12K. That is unreasonable and unsustainable.

As for New York: "Come 2017, thousands of New York's Obamacare users will wake up to double-digit premium hikes, the latest group of consumers affected by Affordable Care Act cost increases as insurers hemorrhage money from healthcare exchanges."

So two things:

1. Why are insurers "hemorraging money"? Because it costs money to provide universal coverage. If insurers didn't have a profit motive, this wouldn't be an issue, would it?

2. Double-digit premium increases that amount to what, exactly? Because going from $90/month to $99/month is a double-digit premium increase (10%). So what are we talking about here as far as pricing? This seems to be one of those Conservative lies-by-omission. You try to shock everyone with double-digit premium increases, yet don't say what those increases are above what the rates currently are. And are those premium increases that take the law's subsidies into account? Or are you looking at just the premium increases absent of the subsidies? Of course those are going to be high, but the subsidies defray that cost.

3. Premiums routinely rose by double-digits prior to the ACA. In fact, premium growth pre-ACA was higher than premium growth post-ACA. So what would you do if an insurer jacked up your rates before Obamacare? Would you sit there on your fat ass and bitch about it like you're doing here? Or would you be an adult and get a different plan?
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Their reasons are certainly on the "up and up". They are losing hundreds of millions of dollars and the reimbursement for those losses are running out.

They're saying that, but it's not true. Did you bother to open the link I gave you about Aetna lying about their reasons for leaving the exchanges? Clearly doing so would undermine your adorably naive argument, so I guess (as always) I have to do the work Conservatives are too lazy, afraid, and/or ignorant to do:

U.S. judge finds that Aetna deceived the public about its reasons for quitting Obamacare
From LA Times, January 13th, 2017

Aetna claimed this summer that it was pulling out of all but four of the 15 states where it was providing Obamacare individual insurance because of a business decision — it was simply losing too much money on the Obamacare exchanges.

Now a federal judge has ruled that that was a rank falsehood. In fact, says Judge John D. Bates, Aetna made its decision at least partially in response to a federal antitrust lawsuit blocking its proposed $34-billion merger with Humana. Aetna threatened federal officials with the pullout before the lawsuit was filed, and followed through on its threat once it was filed. Bates made the observations in the course of a ruling he issued Monday blocking the merger.
So since Aetna lied, why would any other insurer be telling the truth?
3. So you are conflating providers with insurers. Providers won't go away if the number of insurers are reduced. In fact, we want fewer insurers because that's how you keep premium costs low, that's how you keep drug costs low, and that's how you keep provider costs low.

Where in the heck did you study economics? You're saying that the less competition there is, the lower premiums will be for the insured. Speaking of drugs, are you on them? You believe the same about drugs.


No wonder the Democrats/Progressives are so incredibly desperate.
No they didn't.

Yes, they did. They all concluded that Russia hacked our election. What's still being debated is whether or not Trump and the GOP colluded with them to do so. That's what the current investigations are about.
Where in the heck did you study economics? You're saying that the less competition there is, the lower premiums will be for the insured. Speaking of drugs, are you on them? You believe the same about drugs.

Are you fucking stupid or is this just an act? Why do you think Medicare is prohibited by Part-D from using its leverage to negotiate for cheaper drugs? Did you even know that was the case? I doubt it. The reason Medicare is prohibited from using its leverage as the largest payer to bargain for cheaper drug prices is becuase doing so will undermine the profits of drug companies. That's the only reason why.

When there are more payers than providers, who has the leverage?
When there are more providers than payers, who has the leverage?

Ever negotiate for anything in your life????? This is why Conservative economics never work; they don't know anything, and they're stupid people by birth. I really think the ignorance and stupidity is genetic. No way you are this uninformed by choice.
No they didn't.

Yes, they did. They all concluded that Russia hacked our election. What's still being debated is whether or not Trump and the GOP colluded with them to do so. That's what the current investigations are about.

You can make the claim all you want. It's been debunked. The election was not hacked. No votes were changed. It's pure falsehood.
4. Regarding high deductibles

Cute effort to avoid the issue by blaming the individual who brought up the subject.

Democrats and Progressives boast of how many more million are insured but ignore the FACT that the insurance is worthless due to the massive deductibles. For a single person, the lowest cost plan Bronze plan is up to $6,000 per year and for a married couple over $12,000 per year. If someone could afford that, could they not afford their own top notch insurance?
That’s true. “That could be my son” is also true. Not sure how that is taking sides.

I will say that he did need to refrain from weighing in on every localized story. His being the first black President probably caused him to swing at some pitches he should have just let pass.
As Republicans made Zimmerman their hero

How is defending someone's right to self defense making them your hero?
A fight all well and good BUT the bullshit his life was in danger was just that There was no need to kill the guy and now the pos is gloating
if you were not there you do not know.
True But I have a real strong opinion about some 220-240 lb guy who thought his life was in danger and had to kill a guy smaller than him
We’ll we will never know how Martin may have turned out; he ran into George Zimmerman

We do know how Zimmerman turned out. How many times has he been arrested?

View attachment 132503

So Zimmerman has robbed and assaulted people then?

Do you just hate Hispanics?
Zimmerman is a murderer that escaped justice thanks to republicans

How did Republicans convince a jury of anything?
No need to convince republicans on a jury Black guy shot??? He's the guilty one

How did they get all Republicans on the jury?

And hoe was the jury supposed to ignore the fact that the only eye witness said martin was bashing zimmermans head against the pavement and the forensics backed that up/
Bashing his head??? Did you see the pictures of that bs bashing?? and he seemed pretty damn strong walking to the station,,,,,,,,And in those neck of the woods a dem or Black guy has very little chance
You're saying that the less competition there is, the lower premiums will be for the insured.

I am beginning to think you are being obtuse on purpose because no one could be this clueless. Insurance companies administer reimbursement to providers. That is all a health insurance company does in relation to your health. They do nothing else. So if there are 12 insurers and one provider, who has the leverage in negotiations for reimbursement? The provider. The provider can say "I am going to charge $XXXX for a procedure, and you insurers have to accept that rate or we don't contract with you". Now if the situation was reversed and there were multiple providers but only one insurer, the insurer would then say "I am going to reimburse you $XXXX for a procedure", and the providers would then have to compete with one another in order to get that rate. Which means providers would have to improve outcomes because that's how they retain patients. Right now, the system is not outcome-focused.
When you are a stupid Moon Bat and only get your news from Comedy Central, Rachael Maddow and democratunderground you don't keep up with things like this, do you?

Stop being such a hypersensitive crybaby and use your words. So looking at your link there, apart from the Obamacare taxes, what else is there? Nothing. The taxes in Obamacare are how Obamacare is funded.

Conservatives have had seven fucking years to come up with a replacement and they have a whole lotta nothing. Which says to me that Conservatives weren't serious (or simply not smart enough) about repealing the ACA, and only postured for political reasons. How do you excuse seven years of posturing bullshit? If Obamacare is as bad as you say it is, surely they would have had a replacement ready to go because of the urgency in fixing this thing they claim Obama broke. Only, Obama didn't break anything and after 7 years Conservatives have absolutely no replacement plan. So where's the urgency that forced Conservatives to repeal something 60+ times?

You are not very good at reading comprehension, are you?

My point was that the Republicans allowed that shithead Obama to raise taxes on the American people and that is despicable. The scumbag Democrats can't use the excuse that they should be obstrunists to Trump's agenda because the Republicans did that to the Kenyan Catastrophe. The facts just don't support that and the taxes that Obama got while President, in addition to growing the size of the filthy ass government, letting millions of illegals flood in, not having Obamacare defunded and getting all the debt he wanted means the Republicans weren't much of obstructionists. They were poor at doing it.

The main reason as a real fiscally responsible Conservative I gave up on the Republican Party many years ago is because at the end of the day they are just as big government weenies as the filthy ass Democrats so quit your bitching Moon Bat.

I always love to see stupid Moon Bats try to claim that the country would be more prosperous with higher taxes.That is one of the most things imaginable, isn't it? You Moon Bats never get anything right, do you?

I also love to see you try to explain why that stupid affirmative action worthless Negro asshole you Moon Bats voted for looked the American people in the eye and told them that he was not going to raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year but that list I posted mostly affects people making less than that per year. Another Obama lie.
5. The rate increases post-ACA are lower than the rate increases pre-ACA.

You have demonstrated nothing but your own personal opinion. Please provide your proof. I will, you can't.

Two weeks ago we took a brief look at Virginia and Oregon, two of the first states to make their insurers' rate request hikes public. According to, insurers in Virginia and Oregon are requesting a weighted average rate hike of nearly 18% and 27%! For those hoping these early figures were anomalies, recent rate request publications from New York, Maine, Maryland, Florida, and Washington state prove otherwise.

  • New York: According to the New York State Department of Financial Services, insurers in New York are requesting hikes ranging from as low as 6.1% to as high as 89.1%, with a weighted average on the individual market of 17.3%. UnitedHealth, which only covers 2% of New York's Obamacare enrollees, requested an increase of (and I hope you're sitting down for this) 45.6%!
  • Maine: Individual market insurance companies in Maine are requesting premium price increases predominantly ranging from 14% to 24%, with the Maine Community Health Options co-op, which insures more than 80% of the state's ACA policyholders, requesting a whopping 22.8% premium hike. National insurers Aetna and Anthem are requesting hikes of around 14%.
  • Maryland: Much of the same can be seen in Maryland, where the largest individual market insurer, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, is requesting a 12.4% hike on its HMO plan, and 16% increases on two other plans. Mind you, this is after CareFirst received a 26% increase in premiums for 2016. National insurer CIGNA is asking for nearly a 30% premium price hike, while Evergreen Health Cooperative is on the other end of the spectrum asking for just an 8.1% increase.
  • Florida: Based on data from Florida officials earlier this month, 15 health insurers are looking for an average premium increase of 17.7% in the Sunshine State, which is basically double what was approved by regulators last year.
  • Washington: Within my home state of Washington, 13 health insurers spanning 154 plans submitted average rate hike requests of 13.5%. These ranged from a low of 7.4% (Coordinated Care by Centene) to a high of 20% from Premera.
This Is Bad! Obamacare's 2017 Insurer Rate Requests Are Mostly for Double-Digit Hikes -- The Motley Fool
“That could be my son” alienated people?

Well, not those who want their kids to be thugs....

I doubt Zimmerman’s parents wanted him to turn out like he did. Correct.

Zimmerman? What the fuck.

Now Martin's parents were grooming a thug, no doubt about it. His mother bragged about how proud she was.

We’ll we will never know how Martin may have turned out; he ran into George Zimmerman

We do know how Zimmerman turned out. How many times has he been arrested?

View attachment 132503

So Zimmerman has robbed and assaulted people then?
He beats his girlfriend with regularity. She seems to have the battered spouse syndrome (mostly those married to right wing “tough guys” have it. He seems to have a very short temper, use racial slurs and is a menace to society wherever he goes. Again, mostly what right wing nut jobs do.

You guys are obsessed with race.
ute effort to avoid the issue by blaming the individual who brought up the subject.

So you need to figure out what your position actually is before engaging in a debate. Because this sloppy work on your part doesn't help your case. You screech about high deductibles, but high deductibles are exactly what you want when you say people need to have "more skin in the game". Now are you reversing that long-held Conservative tenant? Because your argument is self-contradicting. You rail against high deductibles, yet in the same argument will argue that people don't know the true cost of health care and need to put more skin in the game. Deductibles do exactly that. So what is your position now? Let's get some clarity amid the sloppiness because it doesn't seem like you have any idea about this subject. Which would mean you're just posturing. I don't have time for poseurs. So get your shit together and figure out what your position is before trying to engage me.

Democrats and Progressives boast of how many more million are insured but ignore the FACT that the insurance is worthless due to the massive deductibles. For a single person, the lowest cost plan Bronze plan is up to $6,000 per year and for a married couple over $12,000 per year. If someone could afford that, could they not afford their own top notch insurance?

First of all, your costs are not true. Those aren't the costs of the plans, those are the out of pocket caps, which means patients will not spend more than those amounts out of pocket. This is what I mean when I say you have no idea what you're talking about. You make unforced errors, say things that are simply not true, and don't hold yourself to account for being wrong in the first place.

Here is an insurance calculator from Kaiser Permanente. Using the median income of $53K, 2 adults both age 50, non-smokers, no kids - the cost of a Silver Plan is $428/month. A Bronze Plan (the one you claimed cost $6K/yr) is $235 a month, $2,820 a year. So you fucking lied about the lowest cost Bronze Plans. Thing is, your lie is completely debunked by using the simplest of research tools.

So now, the question is why are you lying about something so easily researched?
I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...

8 years of open hatred was fine with you under Obama, now you suddenly care about unity?

Oh, and America hates your vile and dishonest press.

  • 32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
  • 14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
  • Confidence drops among younger and older Americans
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

Uh, the Internet took off full speed around 1990.

Obama only spoke through party ministers in CNN, NBC, the Nazi Yokel Times, etc. Trump tries to bypass the corrupt little Goebbels of the DNC press so that America knows what he is actually saying.

I started debating politics right after 9/11, and it was still quit new , especially political forums..
They really took off with the Iraq bombings..
But not to many people had a computer yet..

Obama used the internet to win the election, which was new so he blew the RNC away..Now they all do that.


Funny, I started on the Internet in 1978, and the forums were booming.

I met BriPat on Compuserve Internet Services in about 1985.

That YOU didn't know what was going on around you didn't mean that nothing was going on.

Thanks to Obama, now you all can get married.

When was the first cross burning you guys went to on a date?
You have demonstrated nothing but your own personal opinion. Please provide your proof. I will, you can't.

Premium rate increases prior to Obamacare were higher, on average, than premium rate increases post-ACA. Now that I've provided proof, will you admit you're full of shit?

Report: Insurance premiums grew by double digits before ObamaCare
Health insurance premiums grew on average 10 percent annually in the three years before ObamaCare went into effect according to a new study.

Two weeks ago we took a brief look at Virginia and Oregon, two of the first states to make their insurers' rate request hikes public. According to, insurers in Virginia and Oregon are requesting a weighted average rate hike of nearly 18% and 27%!

So that's the cost increase of the premiums. But with the subsidies, what is the cost increase to the patient? What you're doing is holding up premium increases absent of the subsidies, and pretending that people pay the full premium cost as part of the ACA. That's 100% misleading because premium costs are partially offset by the ACA's subsidies. So while the premium may have increased by that much, how much did it increase to the patient directly? You don't bother to factor in the subsidies so you present a very misleading argument. Whether or not that is sophistry remains to be seen. I happen to think it is sophistry because an honest person would include the fact that these numbers do not factor in the subsidies the law provides.
You can make the claim all you want. It's been debunked. The election was not hacked. No votes were changed. It's pure falsehood.

It was we are trying to find out if Trump and the GOP were involved. That's what the current investigations are about.
You can make the claim all you want. It's been debunked. The election was not hacked. No votes were changed. It's pure falsehood.

So I see what you're doing here. You're pretending that by "hacked" we mean hacked into the voting machine to change votes. But Russia did try to do that. Not sure yet if they succeeded. Russia also undeniably spread false information on US social media...the Pizzagate thing is the best example of how Russian Active Measures influenced brain-dead Conservatives.
My point was that the Republicans allowed that shithead Obama to raise taxes.

The only thing you've been able to point to is Obamacare. So OK, you oppose Obamacare's tax increases to fund it. So what's the alternative? You had seven fucking years to come up with something. What were you assholes doing those seven years that was more important than crafting a replacement for the ACA you screeched was this horrible thing destroying everything...except not so much because there's no urgency to repeal it today?

So that would mean the last 7 years of your Obamacare opposition was just a bunch of reactionary bullshit, wasn't it?

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