Can We Agree Obama Failed?

Another far left drone that proves they will believe in their religious narratives over reality..


As always the far left ignore the facts and reality!

Good grief you're dumb. Yes, race relations are worse than they were before Obama was nominated and then elected to the highest office in the land. Yet why is not answered by a graph. If anyone has ignored the facts, and there are many, it is you.

See how the far left will rewrite history to fit their religious narrative!

Race relations have become worse under Obama..

See how the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

But what do you expect from those that voted worse than Bush twice..

Well another echo in place of a rebuttal.

Stating an opinion ("Good grief you're dumb) is supported by one more piece of evidence.

That said, the use of pejoratives and the efforts to rewrite history are not only foolish but only have appeal to partisan hacks and the mentally challenged biddable set.
That new thesaurus mom got you has really come in handy today.

My mom passed away in 2008. One more bit of evidence for the rule not to evoke family members, it would keep assholes like you from proving what an asshole you truly are.

If vocabulary is one sign of intelligence, there's more evidence in your post that your education is piss poor, and your're a bit shy of being a half wit.
Sorry for your loss. If you expected that would make me feel bad you're wrong.
You cannot go two posts without deflecting or name calling. This is because you spent your formative years sucking cock instead of learning something.
There is no "unbridled capitalism." Capitalism is a self regulating system.
Oh, that's right. It gets lopsided enough and then a violent revolution sets it right again. Self regulating.
There have been no violent revolutions in capitalist societies. Only in socialist societies do people become so poor and desperate they riot.
At its extreme, capitalism becomes neo-feudal. Why don't you check out what happened in France in the late 1700's.
France i the late 1700s was not a capitalist society, dildo.
It's where we're heading dumb fuck.
We're going to become a monarchy, dumbshit?
Newcomer to this website, and to answer the titled question: I think that overall President Obama has done a pretty good job. I didn't vote for him either time, and I'm not 100% satisfied, but I don't think he has been in any way a disaster.
Can you please name one initiative or program that you would consider a success.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
Obama faild by being hatched. If she wins, "Globalization Hillary" will fail just as bad.
Barry Sorento is an incredibly skilled liar. He lied to all the slow witted dems regarding his healthcare plan, and like good little children they repeated all his lies for him over and over. Foreign policy was no better. While claiming to fight terrorism his was funding the largest terrorist group in the middle east. Again his sheeple repeated his lies and ignored reality. I would say he is the most successful brain washer of allegedly intelligent adults since WWII. Bill Clinton is close second.

If lying and doing the opposite of what he says he will do is considered successful by liberals, yes he was successful. seem really smart. How'd you get so smart?

It's not my fault Barry had to lie to get his handouts passed. He was desperate to grow the plantation. I didn't ask him to create and fund ISIS. That is all on the wackadoos that voted for a known POS.

There you go again. You have such a refined way of expressing yourself. Maybe you went to one of those liberal elite colleges or something. Glad you escaped with your wits about you. I really know your stuff. You know that Obungles created ISIS. He was workin on that back when he was still in Kenya.

I get it, you and reality don't get along well. No problem. Best of luck to you.

PS. Yes, Obama and Hillary built ISIS. The pentagon warned them against it. They didn't care. Maybe she had a hard on for Kaddafi because he wouldn't donate to her slush fund.

The Pentagon warned them? A building warned them and told them to be aware they were creating ISIS. Gee, thanks for such a useless opinion.
Stupid cocksucker, the term "Pentagon" is used as metonomy for the military that occupies that building, And yes Obama had warning about them but recall dismissed them as the "JV team." Then he claimed they were "isolated" just before they staged a major terrorist attack in Europe. Everything that lying cocksucking faggot has said about terrorism has been proven wrong.
Yes, I think Obama has failed. We are more divided now than we were when he took office. And he is partly responsible for Trump's rise.

Oh...yes. He's responsible for dividing us. Absolutely. He could have been a president that brought us closer together....because those who opposed him were so willing to compromise and work with him. But he just couldn't help acting like the arrogant, uppity guy that he is. Too bad. Sad. Believe me.

Remember "We are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America," etc., etc.?

My neither.

He did very little to try to bridge the gap with those who disagreed with him. But he did divide in a very passive, aggressive manner.

The guy barely worked with his own party in Congress, let alone the Republicans.
Oh, that's right. It gets lopsided enough and then a violent revolution sets it right again. Self regulating.
There have been no violent revolutions in capitalist societies. Only in socialist societies do people become so poor and desperate they riot.
At its extreme, capitalism becomes neo-feudal. Why don't you check out what happened in France in the late 1700's.
France i the late 1700s was not a capitalist society, dildo.
It's where we're heading dumb fuck.
We're going to become a monarchy, dumbshit?
Oligarchy but from the standpoint of likelihood of revolution it doesn't make much difference.
Yes, I think Obama has failed. We are more divided now than we were when he took office. And he is partly responsible for Trump's rise.
I do agree with that, in some ways Trump is the anti-obama. Race relations are worse because he's encouraged the blacks victim status.
Yup, blacks have it great. Check how every motorist stopped and found resisting arrest in Ferguson the last 7 years was black. Keep your eyes shut, 90% chance racist.
You drank the KoolAid.
Do you understand what a fact is? Hater dupes! seem really smart. How'd you get so smart?

It's not my fault Barry had to lie to get his handouts passed. He was desperate to grow the plantation. I didn't ask him to create and fund ISIS. That is all on the wackadoos that voted for a known POS.

There you go again. You have such a refined way of expressing yourself. Maybe you went to one of those liberal elite colleges or something. Glad you escaped with your wits about you. I really know your stuff. You know that Obungles created ISIS. He was workin on that back when he was still in Kenya.

I get it, you and reality don't get along well. No problem. Best of luck to you.

PS. Yes, Obama and Hillary built ISIS. The pentagon warned them against it. They didn't care. Maybe she had a hard on for Kaddafi because he wouldn't donate to her slush fund.

The Pentagon warned them? A building warned them and told them to be aware they were creating ISIS. Gee, thanks for such a useless opinion.
Stupid cocksucker, the term "Pentagon" is used as metonomy for the military that occupies that building, And yes Obama had warning about them but recall dismissed them as the "JV team." Then he claimed they were "isolated" just before they staged a major terrorist attack in Europe. Everything that lying cocksucking faggot has said about terrorism has been proven wrong.

Nice vulgarity, did you learn that form of writing in homeschooling?

Of course buildings don't talk, well maybe some believe so, some even claim to converse with God. Generals and Admirals need war to justify their careers and jobs, as well as future jobs with the Military Industrial Complex upon retirement.

The danger of standing armies was recognized by the founders, you know those guys you claim to have been prescient and infallible, who signed off on Art I, sec. 8, clause 11 & 14; Art. II, sec. 2 clause 1 in COTUS, making Generals and Admirals subordinate to elected officials.
Yes, I think Obama has failed. We are more divided now than we were when he took office. And he is partly responsible for Trump's rise.

Oh...yes. He's responsible for dividing us. Absolutely. He could have been a president that brought us closer together....because those who opposed him were so willing to compromise and work with him. But he just couldn't help acting like the arrogant, uppity guy that he is. Too bad. Sad. Believe me.

Remember "We are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America," etc., etc.?

My neither.

He did very little to try to bridge the gap with those who disagreed with him. But he did divide in a very passive, aggressive manner.

The guy barely worked with his own party in Congress, let alone the Republicans.
WTF are you talking about, dupe? lol
Yes, I think Obama has failed. We are more divided now than we were when he took office. And he is partly responsible for Trump's rise.

Oh...yes. He's responsible for dividing us. Absolutely. He could have been a president that brought us closer together....because those who opposed him were so willing to compromise and work with him. But he just couldn't help acting like the arrogant, uppity guy that he is. Too bad. Sad. Believe me.

Remember "We are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America," etc., etc.?

My neither.

He did very little to try to bridge the gap with those who disagreed with him. But he did divide in a very passive, aggressive manner.

The guy barely worked with his own party in Congress, let alone the Republicans.
He bent over backward to compromise, including the supposed GOP health plan they now hate. 80 months straight of job growth despite mindless obstruction is hardly failure. Sorry you dupes miss your new hero terrorist Qaddafi- Libyans sure don't.
There have been no violent revolutions in capitalist societies. Only in socialist societies do people become so poor and desperate they riot.
At its extreme, capitalism becomes neo-feudal. Why don't you check out what happened in France in the late 1700's.
France i the late 1700s was not a capitalist society, dildo.
It's where we're heading dumb fuck.
We're going to become a monarchy, dumbshit?
Oligarchy but from the standpoint of likelihood of revolution it doesn't make much difference.
Tin foil hat on a little too tight?
Who are these oligarchs?
It's not my fault Barry had to lie to get his handouts passed. He was desperate to grow the plantation. I didn't ask him to create and fund ISIS. That is all on the wackadoos that voted for a known POS.

There you go again. You have such a refined way of expressing yourself. Maybe you went to one of those liberal elite colleges or something. Glad you escaped with your wits about you. I really know your stuff. You know that Obungles created ISIS. He was workin on that back when he was still in Kenya.

I get it, you and reality don't get along well. No problem. Best of luck to you.

PS. Yes, Obama and Hillary built ISIS. The pentagon warned them against it. They didn't care. Maybe she had a hard on for Kaddafi because he wouldn't donate to her slush fund.

The Pentagon warned them? A building warned them and told them to be aware they were creating ISIS. Gee, thanks for such a useless opinion.
Stupid cocksucker, the term "Pentagon" is used as metonomy for the military that occupies that building, And yes Obama had warning about them but recall dismissed them as the "JV team." Then he claimed they were "isolated" just before they staged a major terrorist attack in Europe. Everything that lying cocksucking faggot has said about terrorism has been proven wrong.

Nice vulgarity, did you learn that form of writing in homeschooling?

Of course buildings don't talk, well maybe some believe so, some even claim to converse with God. Generals and Admirals need war to justify their careers and jobs, as well as future jobs with the Military Industrial Complex upon retirement.

The danger of standing armies was recognized by the founders, you know those guys you claim to have been prescient and infallible, who signed off on Art I, sec. 8, clause 11 & 14; Art. II, sec. 2 clause 1 in COTUS, making Generals and Admirals subordinate to elected officials.
So you do not support our military and think they are all corrupt. No surprise from a liberal cocksucker like you.
Yes, I think Obama has failed. We are more divided now than we were when he took office. And he is partly responsible for Trump's rise.

Oh...yes. He's responsible for dividing us. Absolutely. He could have been a president that brought us closer together....because those who opposed him were so willing to compromise and work with him. But he just couldn't help acting like the arrogant, uppity guy that he is. Too bad. Sad. Believe me.

Remember "We are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America," etc., etc.?

My neither.

He did very little to try to bridge the gap with those who disagreed with him. But he did divide in a very passive, aggressive manner.

The guy barely worked with his own party in Congress, let alone the Republicans.

Of course. He's never even made an effort. It's all on him. He never gave an inch. He hates the thought of compromise. You nailed it.
Yes, I think Obama has failed. We are more divided now than we were when he took office. And he is partly responsible for Trump's rise.

Oh...yes. He's responsible for dividing us. Absolutely. He could have been a president that brought us closer together....because those who opposed him were so willing to compromise and work with him. But he just couldn't help acting like the arrogant, uppity guy that he is. Too bad. Sad. Believe me.

Remember "We are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America," etc., etc.?

My neither.

He did very little to try to bridge the gap with those who disagreed with him. But he did divide in a very passive, aggressive manner.

The guy barely worked with his own party in Congress, let alone the Republicans.

Of course. He's never even made an effort. It's all on him. He never gave an inch. He hates the thought of compromise. You nailed it.
That is Obama. Compromise means I get 99% of what I want and denounce you for the rest.
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...

And pay three times (what you used to pay) for what amounts to catastrophic coverage.

They used the term "junk plans" when they got blindsided by the problem they created.

That they don't use the term "junk plan" to describe current Bronze Plans is pretty funny.
At its extreme, capitalism becomes neo-feudal. Why don't you check out what happened in France in the late 1700's.
France i the late 1700s was not a capitalist society, dildo.
It's where we're heading dumb fuck.
We're going to become a monarchy, dumbshit?
Oligarchy but from the standpoint of likelihood of revolution it doesn't make much difference.
Tin foil hat on a little too tight?
Who are these oligarchs?
Here's a scholarly article on the oligarchy (not that it will encourage you to remove your blinders anyway):

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.

You mean your opinion.

Try getting professionally delivered healthcare without insurance.

Do it all the time.
Yes, I think Obama has failed. We are more divided now than we were when he took office. And he is partly responsible for Trump's rise.

Oh...yes. He's responsible for dividing us. Absolutely. He could have been a president that brought us closer together....because those who opposed him were so willing to compromise and work with him. But he just couldn't help acting like the arrogant, uppity guy that he is. Too bad. Sad. Believe me.

Remember "We are not the blue states of America, or the red states of America," etc., etc.?

My neither.

He did very little to try to bridge the gap with those who disagreed with him. But he did divide in a very passive, aggressive manner.

The guy barely worked with his own party in Congress, let alone the Republicans.

Of course. He's never even made an effort. It's all on him. He never gave an inch. He hates the thought of compromise. You nailed it.
That is Obama. Compromise means I get 99% of what I want and denounce you for the rest.

Right. The liberal commie dictator just decided on his own to extend the Bush tax cuts and to use Mitt Romney's health care plan....because he wasn't flexible at all. It makes perfect sense.
The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...
ACA is the worst program in history. It has destroyed the health care system.
In any case he had very little to do with it, having been pushed by Congressional Dems.

Sorry to hear you no longer have health care. Somehow the world will keep turning once you’re gone. You’re really contributing nothing so can we agree it’s no great loss?
Health care is not health insurance. Thanks for bringing that up.
You deflected because you cannot refute my point.

You mean your opinion.

Try getting professionally delivered healthcare without insurance.

Do it all the time.


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