Can We Agree Obama Failed?

Compared to the daily barrage of deaths for no reason whatsoever that Bush and Obama had earlier lorded over….today’s Iraq is fantastic from the point of view that we’re not spilling blood by the gallon.

Obama has gotten us out of these unwinable wars.
oops. we're still there, ANother Obama failure.
A U.S. Marine is killed in Iraq, the second combat casualty of the ISIS war

I suppose he is the first President to lose soldiers in war?
Was there some kind of point in your comment? Obama's Iraq policy was a failure. He was advised by his own people it would be a failure. Can you not acknowledge that?

We’re not spilling blood by the gallon over there in unwinable wars any longer.

That is what most Americans refer to as a victory.

Beiong dragged back into a war that was over is called a victory?
Iraq was a stable democracy when Obama took office. Now its a craphouse with Americans dying.
Did you REALLY make this post?

And I quote: "Actually Iraq is more stable than it was when we had troops over there acting as target practice for Al Queda."

Either you are playing an incredible fool...or you really are one.

I’ll watch the news tonight like I do most evenings before going to work…there is hardly ever a mention about Iraq.

No news is good news.

If there is uncertainty there…its outcome isn’t American blood being lost by the gallon. I guess that offends you somehow that we don’t have people getting slaughtered.

I suggest you get over it.

Marine killed, others injured in ISIS rocket attack in northern Iraq, official says | Fox News

Compared to the daily barrage of deaths for no reason whatsoever that Bush and Obama had earlier lorded over….today’s Iraq is fantastic from the point of view that we’re not spilling blood by the gallon.

Obama has gotten us out of these unwinable wars.
oops. we're still there, ANother Obama failure.
A U.S. Marine is killed in Iraq, the second combat casualty of the ISIS war

I suppose he is the first President to lose soldiers in war?

Trying to speak rationally with a non-thinker never works this girl is still waiting for her government supplied birth-control:uhoh3:

I know, Rabbi hasn’t thought in years.

You’re waiting for birth control? Look in the mirror…that is the most effective form of contraception you’ll find.

Sandra fluke got her free birth control which is why she is smiling in that avi pic..there's easier ways to get birth control other than testifying before congress:eusa_wall:

Oh come on, you don’t really believe that do you?

You're hero is easy fodder

Oh okay…

Your hero is easier fodder?

Not sure what the game is but I do enjoy winning it.
You win the prize for Most Dense.
ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

You're a hoot.

Out of Iraq? LIE We're back in and the situation has blown up the entire middle east due to Lame Duck President Obama's, and Crooked Hillary Clinton's policies. Remember the RED LINE? Of course you don't.
Compared to the mess he inherited (that Clinton authorized), he has cleaned it up very nicely. This is a fact. Continue to argue otherwise but you’ll just make yourself look more foolish.

Stock market up...while average earnings of workers are DOWN $3.000 per year. Also, the gap, Progressives despise so much between workers and the hated 1%.
Not sure who’ve you talked to…My earnings are about the same. My 401k is doing quite nicely thank you.

Osama bin Laden? Other than a moral victory, what has that accomplished? Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama didn't think it was important.
You’ve got to be kidding me.

This is why most people think that you guys criticizing Obama is racially motivated.

Public enemy #1.
The head of the the most dangerous terrorist organization (at the time) on the face of the earth
The #1 recruitment tool they had
The guy who authorized 9/11

And you’re asking “what did killing him accomplish”?

GM alive...with the same old management and Unions SAVED. GM, perhaps in smaller parts, would have continued after a regular bankruptcy. Simple question. Had GM gone through the usual bankruptcy available to all companies, how many fewer cars would have been sold in the US?
According to the head of Ford, the associated businesses that produce parts for the big three would have gone out of business as well. There would have been a domino effect of parts shortages, repair delays, etc…

Here is a link you’ll never read because someone isn’t spoon-feeding you what you want to hear but it verifies everything I said above.

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts
You're really boring.

I’m also really correct.[/QUOTE]
I like how the right plays down the killing of OBL. Especially when everyone knows the reason they do is because Obama got him and not Bush.
Compared to the daily barrage of deaths for no reason whatsoever that Bush and Obama had earlier lorded over….today’s Iraq is fantastic from the point of view that we’re not spilling blood by the gallon.

Obama has gotten us out of these unwinable wars.
oops. we're still there, ANother Obama failure.
A U.S. Marine is killed in Iraq, the second combat casualty of the ISIS war

I suppose he is the first President to lose soldiers in war?
Was there some kind of point in your comment? Obama's Iraq policy was a failure. He was advised by his own people it would be a failure. Can you not acknowledge that?

We’re not spilling blood by the gallon over there in unwinable wars any longer.

That is what most Americans refer to as a victory.

Beiong dragged back into a war that was over is called a victory?
Iraq was a stable democracy when Obama took office. Now its a craphouse with Americans dying.

I prefer we just left them alone too.
Colin Powell’s “Pottery Barn” rule of “you break it, you’ve bought it” applies at some level. We should have never gone in to start with. Now that we did, we have to do some things I prefer we wouldn’t do. One is to try to get Iraq to stand on their own. Instead of sending entire divisions over there to get shot at for no reason, we are sending advisors who, in the case that you’re speaking of, was unfortunately killed. Its a tragedy and a travesty.

Your trying to blame the President is about a cheap and demented as it gets but we get it. You hate Obama and you will keep up this shit until he’s out of office.
I like how the right plays down the killing of OBL. Especially when everyone knows the reason they do is because Obama got him and not Bush.

A few weeks back, the nut jobs were giving Bush the credit for getting him—the same nut jobs that say Obama cannot blame Bush for anything since he is out of office now.
I’ll watch the news tonight like I do most evenings before going to work…there is hardly ever a mention about Iraq.

No news is good news.

If there is uncertainty there…its outcome isn’t American blood being lost by the gallon. I guess that offends you somehow that we don’t have people getting slaughtered.

I suggest you get over it.

Marine killed, others injured in ISIS rocket attack in northern Iraq, official says | Fox News

Compared to the daily barrage of deaths for no reason whatsoever that Bush and Obama had earlier lorded over….today’s Iraq is fantastic from the point of view that we’re not spilling blood by the gallon.

Obama has gotten us out of these unwinable wars.
oops. we're still there, ANother Obama failure.
A U.S. Marine is killed in Iraq, the second combat casualty of the ISIS war

I suppose he is the first President to lose soldiers in war?


he he he….

Poor boy can’t afford toilet paper.
I know, Rabbi hasn’t thought in years.

You’re waiting for birth control? Look in the mirror…that is the most effective form of contraception you’ll find.

Sandra fluke got her free birth control which is why she is smiling in that avi pic..there's easier ways to get birth control other than testifying before congress:eusa_wall:

Oh come on, you don’t really believe that do you?

You're hero is easy fodder

Oh okay…

Your hero is easier fodder?

Not sure what the game is but I do enjoy winning it.
You win the prize for Most Dense.

You win the prize for poor English.
ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

You're a hoot.

Out of Iraq? LIE We're back in and the situation has blown up the entire middle east due to Lame Duck President Obama's, and Crooked Hillary Clinton's policies. Remember the RED LINE? Of course you don't.
Compared to the mess he inherited (that Clinton authorized), he has cleaned it up very nicely. This is a fact. Continue to argue otherwise but you’ll just make yourself look more foolish.

Stock market up...while average earnings of workers are DOWN $3.000 per year. Also, the gap, Progressives despise so much between workers and the hated 1%.
Not sure who’ve you talked to…My earnings are about the same. My 401k is doing quite nicely thank you.

Osama bin Laden? Other than a moral victory, what has that accomplished? Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama didn't think it was important.
You’ve got to be kidding me.

This is why most people think that you guys criticizing Obama is racially motivated.

Public enemy #1.
The head of the the most dangerous terrorist organization (at the time) on the face of the earth
The #1 recruitment tool they had
The guy who authorized 9/11

And you’re asking “what did killing him accomplish”?

GM alive...with the same old management and Unions SAVED. GM, perhaps in smaller parts, would have continued after a regular bankruptcy. Simple question. Had GM gone through the usual bankruptcy available to all companies, how many fewer cars would have been sold in the US?
According to the head of Ford, the associated businesses that produce parts for the big three would have gone out of business as well. There would have been a domino effect of parts shortages, repair delays, etc…

Here is a link you’ll never read because someone isn’t spoon-feeding you what you want to hear but it verifies everything I said above.

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts
You're really boring.

I’m also really correct.
I like how the right plays down the killing of OBL. Especially when everyone knows the reason they do is because Obama got him and not Bush.[/QUOTE]
Add in the fact that Bush knew where he was since 2005.

P.S. every since Obama got popped, we have not heard much from AQ. That's three years of red alerts, terrorists tapes and arguments about Iraq connection to 9/11 that did not have to happen.

Also note that the fatass Egyptian doc is nowhere as good a leader as OBL. According AoW, it is best not to kill him . He does a pretty good job dissolving AQ back to the Arab states. ISIS is the group we need to get a hold of.
ClosedCaption 14284735
I dont like the Iran deal and that means Obama's 8 years meant nothing :mad:

You don't like it but most intelligent people around the world with expertise in that arena do like it. That puts you with the uninformed know nothing crowd so who really cares what you don't like about it.

I suppose he is the first President to lose soldiers in war?
Was there some kind of point in your comment? Obama's Iraq policy was a failure. He was advised by his own people it would be a failure. Can you not acknowledge that?

We’re not spilling blood by the gallon over there in unwinable wars any longer.

That is what most Americans refer to as a victory.

Beiong dragged back into a war that was over is called a victory?
Iraq was a stable democracy when Obama took office. Now its a craphouse with Americans dying.

I prefer we just left them alone too.
Colin Powell’s “Pottery Barn” rule of “you break it, you’ve bought it” applies at some level. We should have never gone in to start with. Now that we did, we have to do some things I prefer we wouldn’t do. One is to try to get Iraq to stand on their own. Instead of sending entire divisions over there to get shot at for no reason, we are sending advisors who, in the case that you’re speaking of, was unfortunately killed. Its a tragedy and a travesty.

Your trying to blame the President is about a cheap and demented as it gets but we get it. You hate Obama and you will keep up this shit until he’s out of office.
Iraq was a stable democracy when we left. We did buy it and we did fix it. But Obama wanted to rush out of Iraq and make his base happy and recklessly withdrew, against the advice of his senior staff. Then things went to shit.
This isnt even open for discussion. You can quibble we should have all you want but the facts are the facts.
Sandra fluke got her free birth control which is why she is smiling in that avi pic..there's easier ways to get birth control other than testifying before congress:eusa_wall:

Oh come on, you don’t really believe that do you?

You're hero is easy fodder

Oh okay…

Your hero is easier fodder?

Not sure what the game is but I do enjoy winning it.
You win the prize for Most Dense.

You win the prize for poor English.
How would you know? Mandarin is your native language.
ClosedCaption 14284735
I dont like the Iran deal and that means Obama's 8 years meant nothing :mad:

You don't like it but most intelligent people around the world with expertise in that arena do like it. That puts you with the uninformed know nothing crowd so who really cares what you don't like about it.
It was sarcasm
ClosedCaption 14284735
I dont like the Iran deal and that means Obama's 8 years meant nothing :mad:

You don't like it but most intelligent people around the world with expertise in that arena do like it. That puts you with the uninformed know nothing crowd so who really cares what you don't like about it.
You mean the iran deal that the White House admitted they lied about in order to get it passed?
Marker 14283762
The Middle East is on fire due to decisions made by Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama.

ISIS being able to get its feet on the ground and grow exponentially due to President Obama abandoning Iraq.

Iran totally dominating the US in the "agreement" and then with the capture of our sailors.

Posing with Cuban leaders before a giant image of mass Che Guevara. Same Day as the Terrorist Attack on Brussels killing several Americans.

First President in HISTORY to NOT have a single year of GDP growth above 3%

LOWEST Labor Participation Rate since the 1970's. The only thing that caused the drop in unemployment

Nearly DOUBLING our DEBT from when he took office to when he finally leaves. $10.6 TRILLION to $20+ TRILLION when he finally leaves

MASSIVELY FAILED Obamacare. Rates SKYROCKETING. Deductibles SKYROCKETING to the point it is useless


You declare the Middle East to be on fire due to decisions made by President Barack Obama.

What decisions? Name them.

Was not the ME a disaster In terms of US soldiers being killed and wounded in combat operations from 2003 through 2008? How did you conclude that the ME started to burn after Obama became President. Actual US COMBAT DEATHS in that region tell a different story.

You define the ME 'on fire' now but U.S. Combat fatalities are 0.0006 what they were during unnecessary Operation Iraqi Freedom.

As an American you should be impressed by that statistic. But you appear to be very impressed with 4484 U.S. Combat Deaths over a six year span that occurred due to an actual decision that GW Bush made. Most of us know that decision was a mistake.

So what decisions by Obama are you referring to that set the ME on fire as you call it?

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama

Pulled all of our troops out of Iraq instead of negotiating another status of forces agreement and keeping 15,000 troops in the country.

Pulling out of Iraq gave ISIS a fertile country to grow, train and launch their attacks from.

The "RED LINE" President Obama drew in the sand with Syria...and then turned tail and RAN! Another prime example of his leading from behind philosophy.

Sorry, I had to bring my bike in, we're about to get a thunderstorm.

Due to President Obama tucking tail and running like a little girl, he opened up the Middle East or enemies. Iran is now fighting in Iraq and Syria has millions of refugees.

Did you know that President Obama is desperate to bring 10-20,000 of these unidentified refugees. You know, the ones ISIS has said they are using to infiltrate countries.

But then, you know all this, you just like to stir the pot.

Last edited:
I suppose he is the first President to lose soldiers in war?
Was there some kind of point in your comment? Obama's Iraq policy was a failure. He was advised by his own people it would be a failure. Can you not acknowledge that?

We’re not spilling blood by the gallon over there in unwinable wars any longer.

That is what most Americans refer to as a victory.

Beiong dragged back into a war that was over is called a victory?
Iraq was a stable democracy when Obama took office. Now its a craphouse with Americans dying.

I prefer we just left them alone too.
Colin Powell’s “Pottery Barn” rule of “you break it, you’ve bought it” applies at some level. We should have never gone in to start with. Now that we did, we have to do some things I prefer we wouldn’t do. One is to try to get Iraq to stand on their own. Instead of sending entire divisions over there to get shot at for no reason, we are sending advisors who, in the case that you’re speaking of, was unfortunately killed. Its a tragedy and a travesty.

Your trying to blame the President is about a cheap and demented as it gets but we get it. You hate Obama and you will keep up this shit until he’s out of office.
Iraq was a stable democracy when we left. We did buy it and we did fix it. But Obama wanted to rush out of Iraq and make his base happy and recklessly withdrew, against the advice of his senior staff. Then things went to shit.
This isnt even open for discussion. You can quibble we should have all you want but the facts are the facts.

The country was considered a failed state even with elections.

If it was not, then our leaving would left a stable.
Iraq. However, Iraq was never truly stable!! It depended on military might to give the appearance of stability.

Yet, there was still infighting, bombings and ethnic cleansing even when our military was there.

The only difference between the Iraq of 2007 and now is that our troops are no longer trying to prop up a failed corrupt state. Only a fool would talk about going back to Iraq without a clear plan!

Give up! Bush main goal was to overthrow Hussein and introduce democracy to the Iraqis. Only the Kurds took advantage of this opportunity. The others wanted something else--like a caliphate or some other type of messed up government.

Iraq was a stable nation? More like it was propped up for right wing propaganda! That is not what makes a nation stable! Since the invasion, Iraq could never stand on its on. Never.
Was there some kind of point in your comment? Obama's Iraq policy was a failure. He was advised by his own people it would be a failure. Can you not acknowledge that?

We’re not spilling blood by the gallon over there in unwinable wars any longer.

That is what most Americans refer to as a victory.

Beiong dragged back into a war that was over is called a victory?
Iraq was a stable democracy when Obama took office. Now its a craphouse with Americans dying.

I prefer we just left them alone too.
Colin Powell’s “Pottery Barn” rule of “you break it, you’ve bought it” applies at some level. We should have never gone in to start with. Now that we did, we have to do some things I prefer we wouldn’t do. One is to try to get Iraq to stand on their own. Instead of sending entire divisions over there to get shot at for no reason, we are sending advisors who, in the case that you’re speaking of, was unfortunately killed. Its a tragedy and a travesty.

Your trying to blame the President is about a cheap and demented as it gets but we get it. You hate Obama and you will keep up this shit until he’s out of office.
Iraq was a stable democracy when we left. We did buy it and we did fix it. But Obama wanted to rush out of Iraq and make his base happy and recklessly withdrew, against the advice of his senior staff. Then things went to shit.
This isnt even open for discussion. You can quibble we should have all you want but the facts are the facts.

The country was considered a failed state even with elections.

If it was not, then our leaving would left a stable.
Iraq. However, Iraq was never truly stable!! It depended on military might to give the appearance of stability.

Yet, there was still infighting, bombings and ethnic cleansing even when our military was there.

The only difference between the Iraq of 2007 and now is that our troops are no longer trying to prop up a failed corrupt state. Only a fool would talk about going back to Iraq without a clear plan!

Give up! Bush main goal was to overthrow Hussein and introduce democracy to the Iraqis. Only the Kurds took advantage of this opportunity. The others wanted something else--like a caliphate or some other type of messed up government.

Iraq was a stable nation? More like it was propped up for right wing propaganda! That is not what makes a nation stable! Since the invasion, Iraq could never stand on its on. Never.
You should tell Obama this since he said IRaq was stable and not a failed state.
ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

You're a hoot.

Out of Iraq? LIE We're back in and the situation has blown up the entire middle east due to Lame Duck President Obama's, and Crooked Hillary Clinton's policies. Remember the RED LINE? Of course you don't.
Compared to the mess he inherited (that Clinton authorized), he has cleaned it up very nicely. This is a fact. Continue to argue otherwise but you’ll just make yourself look more foolish.

Stock market up...while average earnings of workers are DOWN $3.000 per year. Also, the gap, Progressives despise so much between workers and the hated 1%.
Not sure who’ve you talked to…My earnings are about the same. My 401k is doing quite nicely thank you.

Osama bin Laden? Other than a moral victory, what has that accomplished? Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama didn't think it was important.
You’ve got to be kidding me.

This is why most people think that you guys criticizing Obama is racially motivated.

Public enemy #1.
The head of the the most dangerous terrorist organization (at the time) on the face of the earth
The #1 recruitment tool they had
The guy who authorized 9/11

And you’re asking “what did killing him accomplish”?

GM alive...with the same old management and Unions SAVED. GM, perhaps in smaller parts, would have continued after a regular bankruptcy. Simple question. Had GM gone through the usual bankruptcy available to all companies, how many fewer cars would have been sold in the US?
According to the head of Ford, the associated businesses that produce parts for the big three would have gone out of business as well. There would have been a domino effect of parts shortages, repair delays, etc…

Here is a link you’ll never read because someone isn’t spoon-feeding you what you want to hear but it verifies everything I said above.

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts
You're really boring.

I’m also really correct.
I like how the right plays down the killing of OBL. Especially when everyone knows the reason they do is because Obama got him and not Bush.[/QUOTE]

You're just way too easy.

ACA—huge success; could be better
Out of Iraq…total victory
Stock market up.
Deficit down
OBL dead.
GM alive

All facts.

You're a hoot.

Out of Iraq? LIE We're back in and the situation has blown up the entire middle east due to Lame Duck President Obama's, and Crooked Hillary Clinton's policies. Remember the RED LINE? Of course you don't.
Compared to the mess he inherited (that Clinton authorized), he has cleaned it up very nicely. This is a fact. Continue to argue otherwise but you’ll just make yourself look more foolish.

Stock market up...while average earnings of workers are DOWN $3.000 per year. Also, the gap, Progressives despise so much between workers and the hated 1%.
Not sure who’ve you talked to…My earnings are about the same. My 401k is doing quite nicely thank you.

Osama bin Laden? Other than a moral victory, what has that accomplished? Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama didn't think it was important.
You’ve got to be kidding me.

This is why most people think that you guys criticizing Obama is racially motivated.

Public enemy #1.
The head of the the most dangerous terrorist organization (at the time) on the face of the earth
The #1 recruitment tool they had
The guy who authorized 9/11

And you’re asking “what did killing him accomplish”?

GM alive...with the same old management and Unions SAVED. GM, perhaps in smaller parts, would have continued after a regular bankruptcy. Simple question. Had GM gone through the usual bankruptcy available to all companies, how many fewer cars would have been sold in the US?
According to the head of Ford, the associated businesses that produce parts for the big three would have gone out of business as well. There would have been a domino effect of parts shortages, repair delays, etc…

Here is a link you’ll never read because someone isn’t spoon-feeding you what you want to hear but it verifies everything I said above.

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts

Ford Motor Co. Does U-turn on Bailouts
You're really boring.

I’m also really correct.
I like how the right plays down the killing of OBL. Especially when everyone knows the reason they do is because Obama got him and not Bush.
Add in the fact that Bush knew where he was since 2005.

P.S. every since Obama got popped, we have not heard much from AQ. That's three years of red alerts, terrorists tapes and arguments about Iraq connection to 9/11 that did not have to happen.

Also note that the fatass Egyptian doc is nowhere as good a leader as OBL. According AoW, it is best not to kill him . He does a pretty good job dissolving AQ back to the Arab states. ISIS is the group we need to get a hold of.[/QUOTE]

Freuden slip? From your post.

P.S. every since Obama got popped, we have not heard much from AQ. That's three years of red alerts, terrorists tapes and arguments about Iraq connection to 9/11 that did not have to happen.

You are cute.

Have not heard from Al Qaeda.

I am so impressed since most of them have merged into Lame Duck President Obama's ISIS.

Al-Qaeda calls for execution of Bill Gates and other high-profile businessmen to 'damage US economy'
The terror group made the threat in its 'Inspire' magazine along with chilling mocked-up images of the Microsoft founder covered in blood

Al-Qaeda calls for execution of Bill Gates and other high-profile businessmen

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