Can we all admit the Tea Party was a massive failure?

I also want to say I was pro-Tea Party in it's initial phases before it was seized by the fanatical elements and billionaires of the right wing just like I was pro-Occupy before I spent some time around those people and realized they were useless. I'm pro any form of intelligent and fair political dissent. However it's disgusting what the right wing did to the Tea Party and that's what I'm happy it's just a massive failure.

Despite your short diatribe..............................
you are just another dime-a-dozen 'waffler' who changes their convictions as often as a cheap whore goes thru 'johns'.
Jus' sayin'.......

And you base that on what fuckhead? The fact that I try to educate myself on all facets of politics and take an interest in the movements on both sides because I want to see my country and fellow citizens have the best existence possible?

So sorry that I see through your cloak of virtuous :bsflag:.

Et tu?
Long live the Teabaggers!


Nothing like a fake Indian to lecture us. :clap2:
I also want to say I was pro-Tea Party in it's initial phases before it was seized by the fanatical elements and billionaires of the right wing just like I was pro-Occupy before I spent some time around those people and realized they were useless. I'm pro any form of intelligent and fair political dissent. However it's disgusting what the right wing did to the Tea Party and that's why I'm happy it's just a massive failure.

If you think the tea parties were a monolithic apparatus your wrong. There was some networking but there was no single leader. Everyone I know, including myself, paid their own way, there was no outside financing and there still isn't. The so called tea party express wan't affiliated with any groups I know of.
The Tea Baggers are a great success....for Democrats.

Still hold House. The peoples house. I understand this.


Until 2014 when they are facing a historic slaughter because they are too ideologically bound to read the writing on the wall. I guess you will applaud them as the go down with the ship.

I do bow. I do percussion. Do you understand this at all? At all? Do you have any grip on this?
Writing on the wall?

Let aborted babies die on a side table. Aborted but still alive. Let them die in a closet.

Kill your Ambassador.

That's a new one but one Obama is so proud of.
The Tea Party has served a useful purpose - it has awakened many passive voters who now realized the cost of not paying attention or voting. The House may look much difference in 2014...

BTW, House Democrats received more votes than House Republicans.
The Tea Party has served a useful purpose - it has awakened many passive voters who now realized the cost of not paying attention or voting. The House may look much difference in 2014...

BTW, House Democrats received more votes than House Republicans.

So, currently, what's THAT worth? :lol:
The Tea Party this the Tea Party that in 2008 before the Tea Party came into being John McCain a pretty moderate Republican lost in 2012 Mitt Romney also a pretty moderate Republican who did not have major Tea Party backing lost also in 2008 before the Tea Party the Republicans lost big in the House and Senate in 2010 when the Tea Party was formed they took back the House and made big gains in the Senate they had some set backs in 2012 and they do need to do a better job in who they nominate for office but you don't get it all down in two years which is how long the Tea Party has existed. Finally here is something for the left to consider if the Tea Party is such a determent why did it have such success in 2010 and why weren't the Democrats able to make bigger gains in the House and Senate this year.

Nothing to consider, usually but not always, the opposition party to the president has an advantage in the mid-terms. Nothing magical about the tea party, the lobbyist money was just spectacularly successful that year, last time we fall for that trick for another generation.
The opposition party usually never does that well in the midterms following the ass kicking they got just two years ago in fact the only other time I remember a swing close to 2010 was Clinton's first term midterms. You can talk about lobbyist and money all day they make no difference if the people are pleased with the job the party in power is doing which they weren't in 2010. What 2012 say's is people were not really pleased with any party they were just a little less displeased with the Democrats.
Still hold House. The peoples house. I understand this.


Until 2014 when they are facing a historic slaughter because they are too ideologically bound to read the writing on the wall. I guess you will applaud them as the go down with the ship.

Tell me the writing on the wall. I can't wait. Please tell me.

Easily, we have spent the last thirty years running the country solely for the benefit of the wealthy and the mega-corprations and they have done pretty awesome while everything else has stagnated or declined. We have just went through four years of economic terrorism from them and you know what? I do not think their anger at us rabble is nearly as scary as it once was. Trickle down is an unqualified failure and is just not a selling point most Americans are willing to accept anymore. Add to that the shifting demographics and the entire republican corporate socialism agenda is as dead as Elvis.
The Tea Party has served a useful purpose - it has awakened many passive voters who now realized the cost of not paying attention or voting. The House may look much difference in 2014...

BTW, House Democrats received more votes than House Republicans.

So, currently, what's THAT worth? :lol:

Not in 2014...
Do you know who Billy is? Cunningham?

Let me be the first to say that no... we don't give a fuck who Billy Cunningham is. I had to look his ass up on wikipedia. That's all the fuck I care to give.

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